217562 _ _� � .. • ~ ORIGINAL TO CITY GL�'�tK,-� � � ,j � ����D / T/� � � ._� CITY OF ST. PAUL �� � �4��� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�{�E _ _ _ _ _ CIL RES L aON GENERAL FORM E?��S�B S verdinTA MoT; Fri k PRESENTED BY ��� � / � .°ibert F. Peterson—Milton Rosea— COMMISSIONE �r�7 rge J. Vavoulis, Mayor— rt,• ns._�'�±e Cit�y of Sa1ht Paul � �S'll�y t::1�--i'SPAltctel�'�,iz:yi?�,r /����� � � •�!b�.tVli�.�l:JF '�w� IL ��..r�� :1 ajM�i. WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul (herein called the "AppliQant" ) after thoro�gh consideration of the various aspe�ts of the problem and study of available data has hereby determined that the cons�ruction of a certain publi� work, generally desaribed as the Saint Paul Auditorium Parking � Ramp, is desirable and in the public interest and to that end it is necessarp that aetion preliminary to the �onstruetion � of said work be taken immediately; and ' ; WFiE1�EAS, under the terms of Publia Law 560, 83�d Congress, as a.mer�ded, the IInited States of America has authorized the making of ad�ances to public bodies to. aid in financin.g the cost of engineering and architeQtural s�.rveys, designs, plans, working -drawings, specifications or ot�er action pre- � limiriary to a.nd i� preparation for the construction of public � works; and ; WHEREAS, the appl3.cant has examined and duly eonsidered suah aat and the applicant considers it to be in the public interest and to �;ts benefit to file an. application under said � aet and to authorize other action in. connection therewith; NOW, THEREFORE� BE IT RESOLVED by the Couneil of the _ , City of Saint Paul, the governing body of said applicant, as , 4 f ollows: i 1. That the construction of said public work is , es5ential to and is to the best interests of , the applican.t, and to the end that such publ�a ( work may be provided as promptly as practiQable it is desirable t�iat action preliminary to the construvtion �hereof be undertaken immediately; �'OR APi'R � 2. That the proper City officers, ineluding the Mayor and Commissioner of Libraries, 9uditorium ' Corporation Counsel and Civic Buildings� be hereby autho�'i�ed to I COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � Dalglish l Holland Approved 19_ �g� ' Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor R,osen A gainst , Mr. President, Vavoulis ionz s-sz i }_ , I � , F }�'�� • J �, ORIGINAL TO CITY C�K� � �� �' ! �(J �-s CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �=�� `'!���� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F'LE N�� � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONER DATF Page 2. /• file in behalf of the applican� an application (in �orm required by the IInited States and in . �onformity wi�Gh said act) for an adsa nce to be made by the United States to the applicant ' to aid in defraying the cost of plan prepara- tion for the above degeribed public work, which shall aonsist generally of schematic, preliminary , and f inal pla.ns; • ' 3. �hat if such advance be made, the applicant shall � provide -d� make neQessary arrang�ments to provide ; sueh funds, in addition to t�e advanae, as may be requir�d to defray the Qost of the plan,� preparation of such publia works; 4. The said Commissioner of Libraries, Auditorium and Civie Bu.ildings is hereby authorized to furnish such informa�ion and take such act3on _ as may be necessary to enable -the applicant to � . qualify for tY�e advanee; � -- — ' S. �hat the officer designated in the preceding � paragraph is hereby designa�ed as tY�e authorized representative of the applieant for the purpose � of furnishing to the IInited States sueh informatior�, data, and documents pertaining to t�e application ' for an. advanee as may be required; and otherwise to act as the authorized represen�ative of the applieant in conneation with this appliQation. 6. That certified copies of this resolution be inclnded as part 'of the appliaation for an � advan.ae to be submitted to the IInited Sta�es. � APR 16 196�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � Dalglish �pR 16 `�;4 Fiolland � oved 19_ Loss I Mortinson � n Favor . Peterson V Mayor Rosen A gainst � � Mr. President, Vavoulis lOB1 8-82 �