217561 ORIGINAL TO GITY GLERK �. � '� ��� tl�� jy ._.�ITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� "'° � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ . 1♦ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE 7� DATF — _ t �R.EA;S, i.n�e� examinations: for Deput.y Chief of PoIice, D�,t.e�tiye Li�u�enarit, and Folice Capta.in, ori.e. of t�.e. subjects. in ea.ch of the,se exa:mination�s wa� an oral interyie.w; and WFi�REAS, in order to-assux�e a �air .and impartial ap�raisa.7: of t�.e candidates.t qualifications by Board, mem�er�s who. were not , pe.rsonally a,cq.uainted �vi.th any of the exa.niinees., it wa.s.neces.s_ary to ' � � ' go� outside of Saint Pau�. to obtain auc�,Board members,; therefore: b.e it � R.�SOI.,_VED, .that these Board memhers. b.e: reimburse,d for their ' traveT ex��nse.s; this expenditure: to .b.e paid. b.y the Civil Seryice Bureau.- Council File No. 217561—By Robert F. � r Peterson— `" •• � �_ DeWh�yeasC,�e ofe olice�aDetective i Lieutenant, add Polica Captain, one ; _ of the subjects in each of these ex- , aminations was an oral interview; and � Whereas, In order to assure a fair and impartiai appraisal 04 the candi- dates' qualifications by Board members • who were not personally acquainted with aziy af the examinees, it was nec- essary to go outside of Saint Paul to obtain such Board members; .there- fore be_it � � ! — -- 1 rbe re,imb dattoreStheir r�memb�s � Ienses: this expenditure to be paid t�Adop d by the iCo n cil April 16,1984. i Approved April 18, 1964. - (April 18, 1984) ��R 1619�4 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish � AP�. 16 19� Holland prove ' 19— Loss n Favor ' � Mortinson , / Peterson �� Mayor Against Rosen ' Mr. President, Vavoulis iont s-sz � DUrLICATE TO rRINTER ,. ' ���C�iJ"]� j ,. CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL ND �6�-�- . - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF _- W�ER�A,S, ia tIze e�min�et�tar�s for l�eput�* C�iaf of Po13ce. . Detective� Z.i,eutert�.nt, au�d Policr, �spta�.n. on� o� �he atib�e�ctr in eac� of the�e �z�iinatians r�� an oral 3,ate�rie�; �ad WHER,EA�, �n order #o� aa�uxe � fair a.t'�d �mp�A.r�ia.l appra�.�al o:F tli� �andid�.te�' qualifications bp ,�a�rd me�ber� who wax'�+ not parsonally aCqua3at�d w►it� any of the e�camf�r�eea� it rov�.�s �c�csseary��o go aut�ide of 5sint Paut to o`b#�� riich Baard mem,be�s; the�refo�e be it RES(?L'�TED, t�at .t�►a�e �oa,rd m�aabers b� rain�bur�ed for fi�s�ir �rar�cl �peaaes; tti�tr exg.enditure ta �a paid by thc� �it�il SerYice� Rurea.u. '�� " � "��'/ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19� Yeas Nays Dalglish � l=�l�"�t .;:. - •..... Holland Approved 19— LOS� In Favor Mortinson Peterson c� Mayor A gainst R,osen Mr. President, Vavoulis � iort s-s2