D001549CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR • Approved Copies to: - CiTy Clerk (Original) - Finance Dept.'s Accounting Division - Requesting Dept , �� � �. - • • _ � �: 1 WI-LEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department's Professional Development Institute is sponsoring a 2 course on Street Safe Officer Survival in the 40's and, 4 VJI�REAS, this wurse is scheduled for June 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, and 18, 1998, and will 5 be conducted at the Saint Paul Folice Outdoor Range; 2621 Linwood Avenue; Maplewood, Minnesota. 7 BE IT ORDERED that pursuant to the 1998 City Budget, the proper City Officials are hereby authorized 8 to remit an amount not to exceed $2,500.00 to Events by Design, located at 2236 Cypress Drive; Woodbury, 9 Minnesota 55125. This is to cover expenses for food service for the outside agencies participating in the Street 10 Safe Officer Survival course. This includes morning break,lunch, and snacks for this course. 11 12 13 � 4 5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 A copy of said order is to be kept on file and of record in the Office of Finance Services. Funding source: Account code #436-34117-0299-40017. � Approved by: Ci Attorney Date /1^_ � ' pp oved b: Finance Director Date ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER __. 1 ' pEPARTMENTlOFF Police ,292-3588 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE V � GREEN SHEET �Q15y�q No 60489 on.x,.�rowecme U rn.easca _ CRYATTdUEY ����_ � Ct1YCiR1t iM�MCW.iERY1CFf V � AYMCYL�FRIUACCiO ... WYORI�AS�iNii) ❑ (CLlP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Signatures required on the attached admiuislrative order between the Saint Paul Police Professional Development Institutes and Events by Design. PLANNING COMMISSION CB COMMI77EE CML SERVICE CAMMISSION rms uuc a��m e.�er wat�d unae. a e�aa ra mis depaementa vES tao Has Mie DNaoMrm ev8r bem a ary emqoyeel YES NO Dces this O�swNSm We6ese a sldll nd rwmiaOYP�aessed b�/ anY curreM citY empbYee? YES NO k Mis petsontArm a tarpeted vendor7 YES NO Th8 Saint Pau1 Police Department is sponsoring a two-day Street Safe Officer Survival in the 90's course. The curriculum and infrequence of brealc periods prohibit the students from leaving the facility in order to obtain sustenance. Ali outside agencies will benefit for remaining on site. Persons attending from other departments will pay for their food through their tuition costs. ���������� None apparent. RE�EIVED MAY 21 1998 � ; The participants of this course will lose valuable time if they have to go off site for sustenance. YTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S �2,$00.00 NDINGSOURCE 436-34117-0299-40017 V C1PLINFORMATION(EXPWN) (CIRCLE ONq YEE NO wcrrvmNwwsEa �