217549 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK V._• r y� (.�' 4'� ���,Igg-�D v�� rG ��/�� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL � �1� }�� " FFICE.OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ .� COU IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �R en E'�e No. 217549—By M t� �, Resolved By the Council of the Lyty PRESENTED BY � of Saint Paul, in the matter of con- �7?Inning, taking and appropriating fo�' COMMISSIONE � DAT '�:1t:� y purpo�es the foll�wi�i ' ;•roAerty:, g',i',rs '_ ' �':�Y�ag7��/4.�f2CiCiP•;����+�Nl��_ , "n•�T. Y-' • , � RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, in the matter of' condemning, takin$ and appropriating for • roadway purposes� the following described prope�'ty: A strip of land 7 feet in width lying between • � a line 33 feet and a line �I-0 feet parallel to and northerly of the center line of Upper Afton Road as platted, of the following described land: that part of the East 1/2 of the West 1/2 of the Northwest 1/�+ of Section 2, Township 28, Range 22, � lying north of the Upper Afton Road, described as follows: beginning at the intersection of the west line of the said East 1/2 of the West 1/2 of the Northwest 1/�+ of Section 2 and the center line of the Upper Afton Road, thence runnin� north on said west line 250 feet, thence east at right an�les to � the said west line 179 feet, thence south parallel � - to said west line 135 feet, thence southwesterly - , to a point on sa�.d center line distant 96 feet, � sd.utheasterly from point of beginning, thence � � northwesterly on said center line to the point � . of beginning; � . . . _ , duly ratified by :'the Council on September 13, 1961, by Resolution � � known as Council File 203879, and amended by Resolution known as Council File 20�-4,31, a proved October 20, 1g61, that the award of N damages in the sum of �1.OP for the taking of the aforesaid property � shall be and hereby is increased so that the same shall be and re- � present an award of damages �in the amount of �700.00; � s � LL' ° RESOLVED FIIRTHER, That the award of damages as so increased � `� shall be payable 'from Fund 0978-�+22 or other funds of the City ayailable 0 for the payment of the saxne. - U ` � 3 196� o ` .� �. Ap R �-5 COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Council 19— eas Nays '� Dalglish �pR �5196� Holland � App oved , 19_ Loss - „ In Favor ` Mortinson , �Q�� '; U • , Mayor Rosen - Against ( Mr. President, Vavoulis ! lOM 8-82 DUrLIGATE TO rRINTER � � • �.' " ` ^,���/7� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �% t '�y OFFICE OF. THE CITY CLERK F'LE N�� F�, _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ' DATF __ RE30LVED, by the Counail of the City of Saint Paul, ' in �he ma.tter of condemning, taking and appropriating for ro�.dway purposes the following described prope�tys - A atrip of l�nd 7 feet in width lying between a line 33 feet and a l�.ne �0 f'eet parallel to and northerly of the eenter line of Upper Afton Road as platted, of the following desaribed 1and: that part of the East 1/2 of the West 1/2 of the Northwest 1�� of Section 2, Township 28, Range 22, ' lying north of the Upp�r Afton Road, described as follows: beginning at the interseQ�ion of the west line of �he said East 1/2 of �he W�et 1/2 of the Northwe�t 1/4 of Seation 2 a.nd the aenter line of the Upper Afton Road, thence runn3ng north on said west line �50 feet, thence east at right angles to the sa�id west line 179 _feet, thenae south pa�allel to said west line 135 feet, thence eouthweaterly to a point on said aenter ].ine dis�ant 96 feet, southea�terly from point of beginning, thence northwesterly on said center line to the point of beginning; � du].y ratified by the Counail on Septembe� 13, 1961, by Resolution known as Council File 203879, ancl a.mended by Resolution known as Counoil File 204�31, a proved October 20, 1961, that the award of dama.ges in the $um of �1.00 for the taking of the aforesaid property shall be and hereby is inareased so that the sa.me sha1�. be and re- pre�ent an award of damage$ in the amount of �700.00; RE$OLVED FURTHER, That the award of dama.ges as so increased sha11 be payable from Fund 0978-�22 or other f'unde of the City available for the paymen� of the aame. APR 1 � 19� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approved APR 1 ' ���19— Loss In Favor Mortinson � Mayor Rosen A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis ionz a-sa