06-950Council File # RESOLUTION OF,$AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, is authorized to enter into the attached 2 Memorandumof Understanding with the East Metro Regional Fugifive Task Force (EMFTF� for 3 parficipafion in EMFTF Task Force. A copy of said agreement is to be kept on file and on record 4 in the Office of Financial Services. 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3� Requested by Department of: Police Adopted by Council: Date: /� �j/�add� Adoption Cerrified by Co ncil Secretary: BY� ��O//��.�,� Approved by � Green Sheet # O - So 3032162 �� By: F(�r�i ove by CiTy Attorney: l/ A ^ B �� � Date: Approv,,e y a or or Submission to Council: f.�: -E'� �� By. � 4:\Fiscal W O&CR�2006\E M FTFTaskForce2006.cr.xis � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � �� g� DepartmenUoffice%ouncil: Date Initiated: . PD — PoliceDepamnent ,�-A�6 Green Sheet NO: 3032162 ConWct Person & Phone: Chief John Harrington 2665588 Must Be on Council Aqen � Deoartment Sent To Person Initial/Date 0 lice e arhn nt PoGce De a ent Assign I olice artm nt Police De a ent NumbE� 2 i q om i Attome � For Routi�g 3 a or'sOffice or Oro 4 ouu il ouncil 5 i C7erk Ciri Clerk 6 olice e artment Polic De a ent Total # of Signature Pages � (Cltp All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Signatures requested on the attached council resolution authorizing the City of Saint Paul, Police Depaztment to enter into the attached Memorandum of Understanding (MO[n with the East Metro Regional Fugitive Task Force (EMFTF). itlations: Approve (A) or R Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission the Following Questions: 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/fircn ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persorJfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opport�nity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The City of Saint Paul, Police Depar[ment, will participate in the EMFTF. The EMFTF's mission is to seek out and arrest persons who have unexecuted state and federal warrants logged against them. For more informaAOn regarding this council resolution please give Sgt Dave Korus a.call at 651-266-5683. Advantaqes If Approved: �� � p g� Opportunity to parinership with outside agencies to remove from the streets state and federal fugrtives. � � ��P 2 5 2006 DisadvantapeslfApproved: None. � _.'"_' ij, Disadvantages If Not Fipproved: Lost opporiunity to partnership with outside agencies to apprehend criminal fugirives (focusing on felons) associated with crimes of violence, particularly sensitive cases generating tugh public interest. btal Amount of Transaction: Fundinq source: See agreemec�t Financial Information: (Explain) CosURevenue Budgeted: a,�c�„�t ��s��r�h ����t SEP 2 7 2006 ���'. '� s a ..��, � i r ' � MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING/JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT EAST METRO REGIONAL FUGITIVE TASK FORCE The East Metro Regional Fugitive Task Force (EMFTF) Memorandum of Understanding/Joint Powers Agreement (AGREEMENT) is entered into by the following agencies listed below. All parties agree jointly and severally to abide by the terms and provisions of the initiative throughout the duration of the EMF'TF: United States Marshals Service, District of Minnesota Minneapolis Police Department Ramsey County, MN Sheriff s Department Minnesota Department of Corrections Hennepin Counry, MN Parole/Probarion Apprehension Unit U.S. Dept. Housing and Urban Development, Office of Inspector General Deparhnent of Alcohol Tobacco Fireanns and Explosives St. Paul Police Department Pursuant to the authority contained in Minnesota Statutes 471.59, commonly known as the Joint Powers Act, and in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained and the benefits that each party sha11 drive hereby, the Parties agree as follow: PURPOSE The purpose of this AGREEMENT is to outline the mission and procedures for a collabarative multi-agency apprehension and investigative effort. The EMFTF will concenirate on arresting violent offenders. The direction of the EMFTF will be the joint responsibility of the member agencies. Representatives from the participating agencies will meet and confer on matters as necessary. MISSION The primary mission of the EMFTF is to seek out and arrest persons who have unexecuted state and federal warrants logged against them. The intent of the joint effort will be to remove from the streets state and federal fugitives, thereby increasing public safety. The EMFTF is sponsored by the United States Mazshals Service, District of Minnesota. The EMFTF will invesrigate, locate and apprehend criminal fugirives in a joint coordinated manner, focusing on felons associated with crimes of violence, particularly those sensitive cases generating high public interest. Examples of crimes of violence include murder, attempted murder, kidnapping, assault, sex crimes, robbery, extortion, drug crimes and weapons violations. Also included will be escapees from penal institutions, pazole and probation violators, and subjects who have failed to appear and who are wanted for or have a history of violent criminal offenses. Other cases not fitting the criteria will be examined on a case-by-case basis. -2- c�l� '�1.� BACKGROUND INVESTIGATIONS AND SPECIAL DEPUTATIONS All non-federal United States Marshals Service EMFTF members wiil be afforded special United States Marshals deputation status. Such deputarions will be based on established standazds set forth in United States Marshals Service policy. Background investigations may be required. The United States Marshals Service will wnduct such background investigations as necessary. SUPERVISION Part time taskforce members will be accountable to their host agency for daily work assignments. When part tune taskforce members have been cleared by their agency supervisor to work EMFTF cases the day-to-day operationai supervision will be the responsibiliry of the Supervisory Deputy United States Mazshal assigned to the EMFTF. Administrative matters which aze intemal to the participating agencies remain the responsibility of the respective agencies. Furthermore, each agency retains responsibility far the conduct of its personnel. RESOLUTION OF DISPUTES Operational problems will be mutually addressed and resolved by the Supervisory Deputy U.S. Mazshal assigned to the EMFTF. If problems arise which cannot be resolved to the mutual satisfaction of law enforcement agency representatives to the EMFTF, they should be presented progressively to the next higher authority in the agencies for resolution. It is agreed that the resolution of operational problems at the lowest possibie level is in the best interest of the EMFTF. EMFTF ADVISORY COMNIITTEE An EMFTF Advisory Committee consisdng of representatives designated by each participant agency head shall meet and confer as necessary to review and address issues concerning the EMFTF. REF'ERRAL AND ASSIGNMENT OF CASES Each participating agency agrees to refer cases for investigation by the EMFTF. Upon written request, the EMFTF inay also assist non-participating law enforcement agencies in locating and arresting their dangerous fugitives. Cases referred to the task force will be worked exclusively by the EMFTF. Arrest statisrics generated by the EMFTF will be made available to each participating agency. -3- C�I� -9s v RECORDS AND REPORTS All EMFTF warrants, investigative and arrest reports will be maintained by the agency responsible for the investigation. Duplicate files will be maintained in the office of the EMFTF. All warrants designated for the EMFT'F will be entered into the United States Marshals Service Warrant Information Network (WIN) for tracking and disposirion status. When any designated warrant is closed, the respective agency for such warrant shall prompfly notify the L3nited States Marshals Service Supervisory Deputy United States Marshal for the EMFTF and advise of the warranYs changed status. This wili enable the WIN entry to be modified. VEI3ICLES AND EOUIPMENT Each participating agency agrees to furnish one vehicle for use by its designated EMF'I`F member(s). Each agency is responsibie for the fuei, maintenance and other expenses associated with the use of its vehicles. Pending the availabiliry of equipment, the United States Marshals Service will issue United States Marshals Service radios to each EMFTF officer. Each participaring agency agrees to provide mobile andlor handheld radio equipment capable of communicating on their own law enforcement radio network. The United States Marshals Service agrees to provide necessary office equipment and related supplies to support administrative operations. OFFICE SPACE The United States Mazshals Service agrees to provide office space for the EMFTF. All evidence and original tape recordings acquired during the course of EMFTF investigafions will be maintained by the agency assigned the case. USE OF FIREARMS AND DEADLY FORCE All members of the EMFTF shall comply with their agenc� s guidelines concerning the use of firearms and deadly force. In the event of a shooring incident, the incident will be investigated by the appropriate involved agency(s). OVERTIME COMPENSATION, PAY AND BENEFITS Each agency retains responsibility for all pay and benefits (including overtime) accrued by its personnel assigned to the EMFTF. � D� -q�v HOSTAGE AND BARRICADE SITUATIONS Upon the first indication of a hostage or barricade situation, the senioz EMFTF member shall request a tactical unit from the neazest appropriate city, county, federal or state agency. Upon arrival of the tacrical unit, the tactical unit commander will assume command of the situarion. The tacrical unit commander will make decisions on the courses of action. NEWS MEDIA Media inquiries will be referred to the Supervisory Deputy United States Marshal assigned to the EMFTF. Press releases will be made in conjunction with member agencies and all press releases will exclusively make reference to the EMFTF and its members. All press conferences will be held jointly with members of all participating agencies. RELEASE OF LIABILITY Each agency shall be responsible for the acts or omissions of its personnel. Participaring agencies or their empioyees shall not be considered as agents of any other participating agency. Nothing herein waives or limits the sovereign immunity under federal or state statutory or constitutional law. The participafing agencies agree to hold harmless the United States from any claim, cause of action or judgment resulting from the negligent acts of their employees. Legal representation by the United States is determined on a case-by-case basis. The United States Marshals Service cannot guazantee that the United States will provide legal representation to any federal, state or local law enforcement officer. PEACE OFFICER STATUS FOR FEDERAL AGENTS/OF'FICERS Minnesota Peace Officer status may be sought under Minnesota Statute 626.8453 for all federal officers, agents, and deputies assigned to the EMFTF. DURATION This task force is intended to be permanent. Agencies may withdraw their participation at any time after a thiriy (30) day notice to all parties signing this document. Each member agency head will sign the last page of this document. Upon ternunation of the EMFTF, or an agenc}�s participation, all equipment and other items issued to the EMFTF personnel by the United States Marshals Service shall be returned to the United States Mazshals Service. Addirional agencies may join the EMFT`F at any rime with the consent of the EMFTF Advisory Committee. A new document signed by all parties is not required each time an agency joins or ceases participation. New participating agencies may sign a copy of the existing initiafive. Copies of newly signed iniriarives shall be provided to each participating agency. -5- r, � � MODIFICATIONS This agreement may be modified at any time by written consent of all involved agencies. Modifications to this AGREEMENT shall have no force and effect unless such modificarions are reduced to writing and signed by the agency head of each participating agency. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands to this AGREEMENT on the date seC opposite their signatures. Dated: Dated: Dated: Dated: UNITED STATES MARSHALS SERVICE Allen Gazber United States 1Vlarshal District of Minnesota Chief of Police City of St. Paul, MN Police Deparhnent Assistant City Attorney Director of OFS Mayor