06-948Council File # [�o � 9 0 Green Sheet # ,��q RESOLUTION CITY OF Presented By PAUL,NIINNESOTA l� 2 WHEREAS, Karin DuPaul made application to the Heritage Preservation Commission 3 (hereinafter, the "FIPC") in HPC File No. 06-396 for a building pernut to construct a two-stall, 4 two-story gazage on property commonly known as 668 Greenbrier Street located within the 5 Dayton's Bluff Historic District; and 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 WHEREAS, on August 24, 2006, the HPC, after having provided notice to affected property owners, conducted a public hearing on the said building permit application where all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard; WHEREAS, at the close of the hearing, the HPC, based upon all the testimony and records before it, approved the building permit application based upon the following finds set forth in HPC Resolution No. 06-347 as follows and which were further provided to the applicant in a letter from the HPC to the applicant dated August 25, 2006: The property is considered pivotal to the character of the Dayton's Bluff Historic District. 2. Although window and door materials and details were not provided, the overall design of the gazage is compatible with the overall design ar�d materials of the existing buildings on the lot and complies with the guideline. 3. There is no alley access for this corner property. The proposed garage is confined to the rear of the main house but is to be accessed off of Margaret Street and would be difficult to be screened from view from the public street, thus not complying with the guideline. 4. The gazage is proposed on a corner lot at a 2' setback from the side setback of the main house. The general principles state, "The impact of alterations or additions on individual buildings as well as on the surrounding streetscape will be considered; major alterations to buildings which occupy a corner lot or are otherwise prominently sited should be avoided. " Although this not an addition or alteration to the main building, it is an addition to the site. The construction of a garage in a prominent location, within close proximity to the main house and neighboring house and with a shallow setback will have a negative impact on the site and neighboring properties and doesn't comply with the guidelines. and further subject to the following conditions: L The location of the garage be moved to have a 4'setback from the north and east property lines to lessen the impact on the main house and neighboring structures. 2. The garage door on the north elevation be removed from the plan. 3. The cement-board have a smooth texture. 4. Frieze-boazd and watertable be added with final design to be reviewed and approved by staff. 5. Window, service door, garage doar and trim materials and detail be submitted to staff for final review and approval. ., .. 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 0� 9�� Plans and details for the deck be submitted to staff for review and approval. Any changes or revisions to the approved plans must be submitted to the HPC and/or staff for review. The HPC stamped approved construction level plans remain on site for the duration of the project. � E� WTIEREAS, On or about September 7, 2006, Rich DuPaul, pursuant to Legislative Code § 73.06(h) duIy filed an appeal from the decision of the HPC and requested a public hearing for the purpose of considering the action taken by the HPC; and WHEREAS, on September 20, 2006 a public hearing was duly conducted before the City Council where all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard and, at the close of the public hearing, the City Council, having heard the statements made and having considered the application, the testimoney, the report of the staff and the record, minutes and resolution of the HPC; DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, that the decision of the HPC to approve the building permit subject to certain conditions is hereby affirmed as the Council find that the appellants have not shown that there are any eirors in the facts, findings, procedures or conditions imposed on the application by the HPC; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the appeal of Rich DuPaul is hereby denied and that the Council adopts as its own by reference, the findings and conditions of the HPC as set forth in HPC Resolution No 06-347 and, BE IT F'INALLY RESOLVED, That the Ciry Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to the permit applicant Karin DuPaul, the appellant, Rich DuPaul, the Heritage Preservation Commission, the Department of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection and the Zoning Administrator. Requested by Departrnen[ of: .: /�6 By. �----�� Fo=m Approv City Attomey By: � G���YY�r� � - �'�tl �. Adopfion Cer[ified by Councii Secre By: �ll/��L.FS!)i7 Approved byMa . D /� /� D � By: � Fonn Approved b y for ubmissiau to Cou¢cil ( By. AdopredbyCouacil� Date //� //-o?dU�o � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � (��o'�`�� Depar6nentlofficelcouncil: Date Initiated: cA -��TyA�� 28SEP-06 Green Sheet NO: 3033169 Contact Person 8 Phone: Peter Wamer 266-8710 by Doc. Type: E-DOCUmentRequired: Y DocumentContact: JulieKraus � Deparhnent SentToPerson 0 GStv Atto e Assign 1 ' Attorue D artmentDirectnr Number Z C}h•Attoroev For 3 avor's Oifice Mavor/Assisiant i Routing pro� 4 a I 5 ' Clerk Gti C1erk ConWCtPhone: 26E8776 � � Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip NI Locations for Signature) Memorializing City Council's September 20, 2006 motion to affirm the decision of the Heritage Preservation Commission and approve the building permit subject to certain conditions to construct a two-stall, two-story garage on properiy commonly lmown as 668 Ctteenbrier Street located witivn the Dayton's Bluff Historic District. iaanons: iappro�e �ry or n Planning Commission CIB Commdtee Cidl Service Commission Must Mswerthe Following Questions: 7. Haz this persoNfirtn e�er wo�lced under a coMract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirtn e�er been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this peison/firtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any curtent city employee? - Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initlating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Advantages HApproved: The Council is required pursuant to the City Cl�arter to have its actions reduced to wd6ng either in the forni of a resolurion or ordinance dependent upon the nature of the matter before it The decision of Council in this matter required a written resolution in order to comply with the CLarter. Approving the attached resoluton fiilfills the Council's duty under the Charter. Disadvantaqes If Approved: None. Disadvanta5les If NotApproved: Failure to approve the resolution violates the City's Charter requirement. Total Amount of Trensaction: Fundinp Source: CostlRevenue Budgeted: Activ'tty Number: �4SiSC§� �2��a�°i,�t ��a�,#C� Financial Infortnation: (Explain) x . { �. � Septem6er 28, 2006 11:38 AM Page 1 OFFICE OF LICENSE, MSPECTIONS AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Bob Kessler, Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL Chrisfopher B. Coleman, .14ayor September 7, 2006 Ms. Mary Erickson City Council Research Office Room 310 CiTy Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Ms. Erickson: CO,LI.�NERCE BUILDI,�'G 8 Fourth Stree� Eas(, Sui�e 200 StPavl, Mrnxesora »101-1024 i ♦ �/ ♦ Telephone: 651-266-9090 Facsim i1e: 651-266-912d iYeb: ivn�v.liep us I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the Ciry Council is scheduled for Wednesday, September 20, 2006 for the following heritage preservation case: Appellant(s): File Number: Rich DuPaul, owner 06-396 Purpose: Appeal of a Heritage Preservation Commission decision conditionally approving a building permit application to construct a two-story garage that is set in the rear corner of the lot with final design details subject to staff approval. Location: Staff Recommendation: Commission: 668 Greenbrier Street (Dayton's Bluff Historic District) Conditional Approval Conditional Approval I have confirmed this date with the office of Council Member Kathy Lantry. My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda of the City Council at your earliest convenience and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Thanks! Please call me at 266-9079 if you have any questions. Sincerely, � Amy Spong Historic Preservation Specialist CC: Council Member Kathy Lantry Appellant/owner, Rich DuPaul File AA-ADA-EEO Employer NOTICE OF PUBLIC HL�AR3NG The Saint Paui City Couneil will con- duct a public heazing on Wednesday, Sep- tember 20, 2006 to ednsider the appeat of Rich DuPaul to a decisioa of the Heritage Pieservation Commisaion condiEionally ap PTa�'�ff a buildin$ Permit aPPlitcation to construct a two-storl'�gai'age tttat�is set ia the rn.ar emaer ofthe lot at 668 Greenbrier Street (DayEon's Bluff Historie District), with Snai design detaila subject to staff approval. (FYle No. 06-396) . Dated: September 7, 2006 MARY=ERICI£SON, . Assistant City Gouncil Secretary (September 11) ' 81:�PAUL LIXilSL E�6SR e� 22122241 a�-��� September 6, 2006 City of Saint Paul Regulatory Services of Saint Paul Bob Kessler 8 East 4�' Street Saint Paul MN 55101 Dear Mr. Kessler; Re: Appeal the Heritage Preservation Commission (I-IPC) decision on new garage conditions at 668 Greenbrier Street. We support the Dayton's Bluff Historic District and believe it has a very important part in the revitalizing of Dayton's Bluff neighborhoods. Heritage Preservation Comuussion (HPC) works hard to keep the integrity of the district intact, but at times the people wanting to improve their property aze stopped from making positive improvement because of HPG conditions on projects. Our wonderfiil home was built in 1892 for William and Marie Hamm — it was a wedding gift from William to Marie. The home had a large wrap-azound front and side porch and a matching back porch. The porches and detail made the home beautiful from both Greenbrier the front street and Mazgazet the side and back of the home. This house was built to be st�mning on both streets. I am appealing the condition that the location of the gazage be moved to have a 4' setback from the north and east property lines to lessen the impact on the main house and neighboring structures. Our proposal location has 2' setback from south side elevation of the house and 4' from the east properiy line. I want my new garage to make a dramatic impact on both the Greenbrier and the Margazet Sireet side of the house. I would like to add a few detail elements from the house to the garage to help ±ie the *.w� r�gerher. We aze very sorry that our neighbors are opposed to our plan. Tlus is a very costly project and we want it to add the most value possible to our beautiful home. Moving the garage as the condirion states, to the northern end of the lot will reduce the back yazd size by almost 50% and the drive way would be about 41' long. Thus making the property less appealing to futute owners. The condition seems to be azbitcary and not in agreement with the guidelines or city code. Accessory Buildings Garages and other accessory buildings should be compatible with the overall design and materials of the existing buildings on the lot. New garages should be located off rear alleys wherever possible. Garages should not be attached to the front of the building. We agree but our property is not on an alley, therefore the gazage entrance is off Mazgaret Street. We believe the over all design will make a positive statement on Mazgaret Street �jc,v cR `� ' �' ' 0 � �� - ��g Feel free to call myself or my wife at 651-776-0550, if you need more informarion. Thank you Sincerely, �.���� Rich DuPaul 668 Crreenbrier Street Saint Paul MN 55106 651-176-0550 cc. Amy Spong ca City Council President Kathy Lantry o� -��g S � — —� I jJ I L\ `.c I r' �, !� �. I !' N p Y � r � �- - - - --� � � I �� �.--------�-�-- - C ""-__ � " _ T .� ^ . i_3 'i •9 ��� � K F C� C� `� � J � . _� _ _—� ... � n � � � . �� _ l• <�` � � S �� I.r�i7���.��1l�� SA[Ni PAUL � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Ch�istopher B. Coleman, Mayor MEMORANDUM C� • TO: cc: FROM: RE: DATE: OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIONS AND ��/��� ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION �L L-� (� Bob Kessler, Direcfor COM�NERCEBUILDING Telephone:657-266-9090 8 E. Fourth Street Facsrmrle: b�l-266-912A Su�te 200 Sa�n� Paa( M�nnesolo �i101 City Councilmembers Peter Warner, CAO Bob Kessler, LIEP Amy Spong, HPC staf 1�, HPC appeal for 668 Greenbrier Street, September 20, 2006 The following attachments highlight the events that have taken place and relate to the HPC review of the permit application to construct a two-story, detached garage at 668 Greenbrier Street in the Dayton's Bluff Historic District: Page 1 Notice to City Council to schedule appeal. Pages 2-4 Grounds for the appeal by appellant Richard DuPaul at 668 Greenbrier Street Pages 5-7 The staff report recommending a conditional approval. Pages 8-24 The application witlz perspective images, pictures and a site plan. Pages 25-31 Aerial photo and existing conditions photos. Pages 32-34 Summary minutes from the August 24 public hearing. Pages 35-37 Testimonial letters presented at the public hearing from neighbors, Carol Ward at 715 Margaret Street and Michel Taylor of 672 Greenbrier Street. Pages 38-39 The final decision letter approving the proposal with conditions by the HPC. OFFICE OF UCENSE, INSPECTIONS AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Bob Kessler, Directar CITY OF SAINT PAUL Christopher B. Coleman, M¢yor September 7, 2006 Ms. Mary Erickson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Ms. Erickson: COMMERCEBU/LDI��'G Te%phone: 651-266-9090 8 Four[h Street East, Sui(e 200 Facsinnle: 6�7-166-911d St Paul. Minnesota 5510l-IO29 4Veb: u�mv.(iep.us I would like to confirm that a public heazing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, September 20, 2006 for the following heritage preservation case: Appellant(s): File Number: Purpose: Location: Staff Recommendation: Commission: Rich DuPaul, owner 06-396 Appeal of a Heritage Preservation Commission decision conditionally approving a building permit application to construct a two-story gazage that is set in the rear corner of the lot with final design details subject to staffapproval. 668 Greenbrier Street (Dayton's Bluff Historic District) Conditional Approval Conditional Approva] I have confirmed this date with the office of Council Member Kathy Lantry. My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda of the City Council at your eazliest convenience and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Thanks! Please call me at 266-9079 if you have any questions. Sincerely, � Amy Spong Historic Preservation Specialist CC: Council Member Kathy Lantry Appellant/owner, Rich DuPaul File AA-ADA-EEO Employer � i C J o�-�� • September 6, 2006 City of Saint Paul Regulatory Services of Saint Paul Bob Kessler 8 East 4�' Street Saint Paul MN 55101 Dear Mr. Kessler; Re: Appeal the Heritage Preservation Commission (HI'C) decision on new garage conditions at 668 Crreenbrier Street. We support the Dayton's Bluff Historic District and believe it has a very unportant part in the revitalizing of Dayton's Bluffneighborhoods. Heritage Preservation Commission (HPC) works hard to keep the integrity of the district intact, but at times the people wanting to improve theu property are stopped from making positive impmvement because of HPG conditions on projects. Our wonderful home was built in 1892 for William and Marie Hamm — it was a wedding gift from William to Marie. The home had a large wrap-around front and side porch and a matching back porch. The porches and detail made the home beautiful from both Crreenbrier the front • street and Mazgaret the side and back of the home. This house was built to be stunning on both streets. I am appealing the condition that the location of the gazage be moved to have a 4' setback from the north and east properry lines to lessen the impact on the main house and neighboring structures. Our proposal location has 2' setback from south side elevation of the house and 4' from the east property line. I want my new garage to make a dramatic impact on both the Greenbrier and the Mazgazet Street side of the house. I would like to add a few detail elements from the house to the gatage to help t_� the r.,,�,� toget,h°i. We are very sorry that our neighbors are opposed to our plan. This is a very costly project and we want it to add the most value possible to our beautiful home. Moving the garage as the condition states, to the northem end of the lot will reduce the back yazd size by almost 50% and the drive way would be about 41' long. Thus making the property less appealing to future owners. The condition seems to be azbitrary and not in agreement with the guidelines or city code. Accessory Buildings Gm�ages and other accessory buildings should be compatible with the overall design cmd materials of the existing buitdings on fhe lot New garages should be located off rear alleys wherever possible. Garages should not be attached to the front of the building. We agree but our property is not on an alley, therefore the garage entrance is off Mazgaret Street. We believe the over all design will make a positive statement on Mazgatet Street i ��� �� }� �� Z Feel free to call myself or my wife at 651-776-0SSQ if you ne,ed more information. � Thank you Sincerety, �����t��� Rich DuPaut 668 Greenbrier Street Saint Paul MN 55106 651-776-0550 cc. Amy Spong cc. City Covncii President Kathy Lantry • • 3 � �- --- - - , � ,; � �..�. I 4 , c '" � ' I r ji � d �. N � �� � � � �-----� l � I �� . � I � I � \A ' !! i � � � � �1 7� 1� --= - ---- ------ T •y� . ,1 •c l�1 � �� � Y J �— �9 tt �� , T ' � �� (��� •'a�l,��i� � D�-��8 � �� —_� 1 U' ..1 v �(1 � • �L �r_ � � I _ �__.____�'�_._______�____ � T _ � � . Agenda Item III.C. File #06-396 CITY OF SAINT PAUL • HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMNIISSION STAFF REPORT FILE NAME: 668 Greenbrier Street DATE OF APPLICATION: August 7, 2006 APPLICANT: Karin DuPaul, owner OWNER: same DATE OF HEARING: August 24, 2006 HPC SITE/DISTRICT: Dayton's Bluff Historic District CATEGORY: Pivotal CLASSIFICATION: Building Permit STAFF INVBSTIGATION AND REPORT: Chrisrine Barr DATE: August 16, 2006 A. SITE DESCRIPTION: This two-story, neo-classical home was built in 1892 as a wedding gift for Marie Scheffer Hamm. The azchitects for the house were Reed and Stem. According to the inventory, this is "the first full- fledged classical revival house in the area, four-square, boldly detailed, cleazly embracing its corner lot " There is currently not a gazage on the property. B. PROPOSED CHANGES: The applicant is proposing to construct a two-stall, two-story gazage with a 10/12 roof pitch and • dormers on the east and west elevations. The footprint measures 26'x30' with a proposed setback of 2' from the side elevation o£ the house. The proposed height is 24' at the ridge. Materials and details listed aze: • Two courses of rock-faced block at grade • 6" cement-boazd siding • 6" aluminum fascia, 18" aluminum soffit • Sets of 2'x4' double-hung windows in the gable ends and dormers (materials and details were not provided) • Two 9'x8' overhead gazage doors on the south elevation and a 8'x7' garage door on the north elevation (materials and details were not provided) • A 36", 6-panel service door on the west elevation proposed to be accessible from the deck (material and details were not provided) • Asphalt shingles to match the house The applicant is also proposing to replace the deck that is currenfly at the reaz of the house with a new deck that will sit between the house and the garage. No plans or details were provide. C. GUIDELINE CITATIONS: Davton's BZuffHistoric District Guidelines General Principles: 1. AZI work should be of a character and quaZity that maintains the distinguishing features of the building • and the environmenz The removal or alteration ofdistinctive architectural features shouZd be avoided as shouZd aZterations that have no historical basis and which seek to create an earZier appearance. The � o�-��f� Agenda Item III.D. HPC File #06-347 • restoration of altered original features, ifdocumentable, is encouraged. 2. Changes which may have taken place in the course of time are evidence of the history and development ofa building, structure, or site and its environment. These changes may have acquired significance in their own right, and this signifcance shall be recognized and respected. 3. Deteriorated architectural features shouZd be repaired rather than replaced whenever possible. In the event ofrepZacement, new materials should match the original in composition, design (including consideration ofproportion, texture and detail), color and overall appearance. 4. New additions or alterations to structures should be constructed in such a manner that ifsuch additions or alterations were to be removed in the future, the form and integrity ofthe original structure would be unimpaired. 3. The impact of alterations or additions on individual buildings as well as on the surrounding streetscape will be considered; major alterations to buildings which occupy a corner lot or are otherrvise prominently sited should be avoided. 6. New construction should be compatible with the historic and architectural character of the district. ADDITIONS AND NEW CONSTRUCTION Accessory Buildings: Garages and other accessory buildings should be compatible with the overall design and materials ofthe existing buildings on the lot. New garages should be located off rear alleys wherever possible. Garages should not be attached to the front of the building and should only be attached ifnot visible from the public way. Site Considerations in New Construction: � Setback and Siting. The setback of new buildings in most residential and commercial areas should be compatible with the setback of existing adjacent areas. Parking. Residential parking areas should be confined to the rear of existing or new buildings. Parking spaces should be screened from view from the public street by landscaping such as hedges, grade changes, or low fences. D. FINDINGS: 1. The properiy is considered pivotal to the character of the Dayton's Bluff Historic District. 2. Although window and door materials and details were not provided, the overall design of the garage is compatible with the overall design and materials of the existing buildings on the lot and complies with the guideline. 3. There is no alley access for this corner property. The proposed garage is confzned to the rear of the main house but is to be accessed off of Margaret Street and would be difficult to be screened from view from the public sireet, thus not complying with the guideline. 4. The garage is proposed on a corner lot at a 2' setback from the side setback of the main house. The general principles state, "The impact of alterations or additions on individual buildings as well as on the surrounding streetscape wi11 be considered,• major alterations to buildings which occupy a corner lot or are otherwise prominenrly sited should be avoided " Although this not an addition or alteration to the main building, it is an addition to the site. The conshuction of a garage in a prominent location, within close • proximity to the main house and neighboring house and with a shallow setback will have a negative impact on the site and neigl�boring properties and doesn't comply with the guidelines. 2 � Agenda Item III.D. HPC File #06-347 E. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: • Based on the findings above, staff recommends approval of the building permit appiication provided the following conditions be met: 1. The gazage be setback another 10'from the street to lessen the impact on the main house and neighboring structures. 2. The cement-board have a smooth texture. 3. Frieze-board and watertable be added with final design to be reviewed and approved by staff. 4. Window, service door, gazage door and trim materials and detail be submitted to staff for final review and approval. 5. Plans and details for the deck be submitted to staff for review and approval. 6. Any changes or revisions to the approved pians must be submitfed to the HPC and/or staff for review. 7. The HPC stamped approved construction level plans remain on site for the duration of the project. � • � O(� -�1 �g Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission • C/o OJj'�ce ofLicense, Inspections and Environmen[al Protection o 8 Fourth Sdeet E., Suiie 200 SaintPaul,M1J 55101-1024 ��� Phone: (65!) 266-9078 HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMNIISSION DESIGN REVIEW APPLICATION This application must be completed in addirion to the appropriate city pemut applicarion if the affected property is an individually designated landmark or located within an historic district. For applications that must be reviewed by the Heritage Preservation Couunission refer to the HPC Meeting schedule for meeting dates and deadlines. 1. PERMIT CATEGORY Please check the category that best describes the proposed work ❑ Repair/Rehabilitation ❑ Sign/Awning �'ew Construction/Addition ❑ Moving ❑ Fence/Retaining Wall ❑ Concept Review Only ❑Aemolition ❑Other 2. PROJECT ADDRESS • Street and number: �!p O ( 5' /z2.�M '�i y_ Zip Code: $s� ��9 3. APPLICANT INFORMATION Name of contact person: T� 0. Y' I i1 � Lt PQ l(� Company: Street and number: �� (�a n � ��� �JJ�-C.�7 City: J I T(� i(.t X State: ��`! Zip Code: .5 -S� � lv Phone number: (� � 7�` S�d e-mail: l�i-/y �u� � � Q C bYVtlL� S�• �'1 e- � ��h� �sl � ao� - �Sa� 4. PROPERTY O�VNER(S) INFORMATION (If different from applicant) Name: Street and number: • City: State: Zip Code: , Phone number: (_) e-mail: � 5. PROJECT ARCHITECT (If applicable) Contact person: Company: Street and number: City: State: Phone number: (_) e-mail; 6. PROJECT DESCRTPTION Zip Code: Completely describe ALL eaterior changes being proposed for the property. Include changes to architectural details such as windows, doors, siding, railings, steps, trim, roof, foundation or porches. Attach specifications for doors, windows, lighting and other features, if applicable, including color and material samples. are having a new one-story garage, with a bonus room up, built by Willow River Construction: � It will have two dormers with iwo windows in each of them. � There will be two windows in the front and back gab�es. � The color wili be the same as the house cream and white with the red-ish accent. � It will have a hardy board type siding. � The garage will be set back 2' from the edge of the house. � Rock faced block on the 2' above ground. � Timberline shingles to match the house. � Elecfrical will be 100 Amp service trenched from the house. � The current deck will be replaced with a similar deck (without the bench) between the house and the garage. � The reason for the height of the garage is the height of our recreational vehicle. Attac{� additiaial skeets ij necessary 7. ATTACHMENTS Refer to the Design Review Process & Checklist for required information or attachments. '*InCOVIPLET� APPLICATIOYS WILL BE RETURNED** ARE TFiE NECESSARY ATTACFI4IENTS AND INFORIIIATION INCLUDED? a YES Will any federal money be used in this project? YES NO �� Are you applying for the Investment Tax Credits? YES NO . n � C � � �l��tc�g I, the undersigned, understand that the Design Review Application is lunited to the aforementioned work to • the affected properry. I further understand that any additional exterior work to be done under my ownership must be submitted by applicarion to the St. Paul Heritage Preservation Commission. Any unauthorized work will be required to be removed. Signature of applicant:�7Y_� n ��'L// � _ Date: C / Signature of owner: Date: Date received: 8 • 9• d� District: D.� ll ndividual Site: Contributing/Non-contributin ivotaU pportive/: Type of work: Minor/Moderate/Major FILE NO. �� ' 3 �'1 �0 Requires staft'review r� L Supporting data: YES NO Complete application: YES NO The following condition(s) must be met in order for application to confomi to preservation program: � Requires Commission review Submittyd: � ets of Plans 1 Set of Plans reduced to 11" � I �,> �f"iotographs �/�ry Pemut Application p� Complete HPC Design Review application Hearing Date set for: 8• z'�}. ��o � It has been determined that the work to be performed pursuant to the application does not adversely affect the program for preservation and architectural control ofthe heritage preservation district or site (Ch.73.0�. HPC staff approval Date � oc� - 115843 /� �� � � _ � � = � I .. 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CALL TO ORDER: 5:05 PM by Paul Larson (acting Chair) 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA. Agenda was approved as presented. 3. CONFLICT OF INTEREST. No conflicts of interest were stated. 4. PERMIT REVIEW/PUBLIC HEARING A. 20-22 North Kent Street, Hill Historic District, by Ellie Bisanz, owner, . for a building permit to restore/rebuild the front porch and window bays. File #06-394. Staff presented the report recommending conditional approval. Taylor-Wilsey noted that'staff stated a different measurement than what was written in the staff report and staff verified the staff report was correct. Larson asked for clarification as to whether staff recommends approval of item 1. Staff replied that the design solution is left somewhat open. The applicant, Tom Blanck, representing the owners, was present to speak on the matter. Mr. Blanck stated that many of Cass Gilbert's buildings have planters similar to the proposed planters, despite staff's objection to his proposal. Mr. Blanck provided photos to the Commissioners to support his claim. Trout-Oertel asked if the drawings were temporarily unavailable and for how long. The applicant stated that he is unsure if/when the drawings will be available. Larson asked whether the applicant was familiar with different types of railings like a solid wall that the original architect did and why the brick on the facade seemed to show shadow lines. The applicant stated that an unknown party painted them different colors at some point. Larson asked why the cornice is handled differently on the porch as opposed to the bay. The applicant stated that Gilbert did things this way. Larson asked whether the porch will be restored. The applicant stated that, to the best of his knowledge, the porch will be restored. Both owners, Eliie Bisanz and Eva Cross, expressed support for the project and want to have the flower boxes as part of the railing. Staff read a letter from neighbor, Donaid Woods, expressing . support for the project. The public hearing was closed. Igo requested an opportunity to discuss the flowerboxes before anyone made a motion. Larson stated that a motion should be made before the discussion starts. Meyer moved 3"�. MINUTES OF THE HERITAGE PRESERVATION I CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA August 24, 2006 to accept staff recommendation deleting the first sentence of condition number one. Haas seconded the motion. Taylor Wilsey and Larson expressed support for the motion. Larson expressed concern about the appearance of elevation and recommended that the Commission require the entire main railing be in solid like the boxes. Haas asked for ciarification as to whether the Commissioners were concerned how the railing met the column. Faricy expressed support for the proposal and not staff recommendation. Larson stated that the motion is to approve the staff recommendation, minus the first condition in the staff report. The motion passed 9-0. . B. 250 East Seventh Street, Lowertown Historic District, by Pyramid Sign LTD., for a sign permit to install a new storefront sign. File #06-395. Staff presented the report recommending conditional approval. Faricy expressed concern as to whether the applicant would request additional signage or if the proposal included all desired signs. Staff showed plans for two other projecting signs and stated they are small enough for staff to approve administratively. Faricy expressed concern about the conflicting nature of the signs. The applicant, Kirk Van Blaircom, was present to speak on the matter. Faricy stated that, after examining photographs of the proposal, he withdraws his previous concerns and objections. The public hearing was closed as no one else was • present to speak. Taylor Wilsey moved to approve the proposal, subject to staff recommendations. Igo seconded. The motion passed 9-0. C. 668 Greenbrier Street, Dayton's Bluff Historic District, by Karin DuPaul, owner, for a building permit to construct a two-stall, two-story garage. File #06-396. Staff presented the report recommending conditional approval. Carey asked how far from the street the proposed garage would appear to be. Staff showed the approximate placement of the garage, however, this was difficult given the two-dimensional nature of the photos supplied. Commissioners asked how tall fhe proposed garage would be, relative to the eves of surrounding houses. Staff could only estimate. The applicant, Karin DuPaul, appeared to speak on the matter, explaining the historical roles that garages have played in the Hamm neighborhood. The applicant expressed her belief that a two-foot setback would be sufficient, but would accept a 10-foot setback if approval of her proposal was conditioned on a 10-foot setback. The applicant expressed support for the staff recommendation. The contractor was present to answer questions. Taylor Wilsey asked if the conteactor approved of the staff recommendation. The contractor expressed support for the staff recommendation. A neighbor, Carol Ward, was present to speak on the matter, stating that any garage with any setback would interfere with a scenic view from her windows and patio. In addition, the Ms. Ward noted that the proposed garage would be plainly visible . from nearby streefs and reduce the amount of light into her property. Ms. Ward recommended the garage be placed where an existing storage shed is located. 2 33 0�-94�� MINUTES OF THE HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA • August 24, 2006 Another neighbor, Ed Szalapski, appeared to speak on the matter. He expressed support for the recommendation of the neighbor that proposed that the garage should be piaced where the shed is currently located in the back corner. Staff presented a letter from Michel Taylor to the Commission, which expressed objections to the proposed garage and its siting. The public hearing was closed. Meyer moved to accept the staff recommendations, but changing the setback of the garage to four feet from both property lines, removing the overhead door on the rear elevation, and limiting the size of the garage to 26x26. Larson objected, recommending that the proposal of 26x30 stand. Igo offered a friendiy amendment to permit the garage to be 26x30 with the four-foot setback. Meyer did not accept the friendly amendment. The motion failed (4-5). Taylor Wilsey moved to permit a 26x30 garage in place of the storage shed, without the garage door at the rear elevation, and with a 4-foot setback. Meyer seconded the motion. The motion passed 8-1. D. 154 Nina Street, Hill Historic District, by Christo Renovation, for a building permit to remove existing two-stall garage and construct a two- stall, two-story garage with attached car-port. File #06-397. Staff presented the report recommending conditional approval. The applicant . appeared to speak on the matter. He stated he wanted to store three vehicles, a canoe, and a sewing shop inside the garage. The applican? stated that the staff recommendations were acceptable to him. Jack Buxell, neighbor, stated that the neighborhood board supports the proposal. The public hearing was closed. Taylor Wilsey, moved for approval of the praposal with staff recommendations. Trout-Oertel seconded the motion. The motion passed 8-0. 5. ANNOUNCEMENTS Staff urged the Commission members attending the state conference to make their reservations. 6. ADJOURN at 6:35pm. Submitted by: Michael Douglas . 3�f �t,e c'�1 8. 24. �io �vw�. Canaf �t?cKd .�taad w� �ta eQrrrJ .. r'�,_: a68 �r�=r.c�?rr S��i, �ayicn'� S�:�f Hi� �c Di N?x �;le �G�-3��a I��; C�rcl V�l� v�� ar� ras;�r, V{ CJY� J � p�ars. �fi �?e �vperi� at 7#5 e"�� ;. ���e�. The �i�e c# my � is aaj�c�r;t t� ;�� i��c �d �f �3 Gr�nc�i�r. fl�:r ho�� is �Isa over 1 CO years �id and is v�ry n�ch a lar�e p� a� the hi�orc Hamm's aaa. }nic�na'�on we receiveci wh�n we ��ct3asad the fiome v�as that it belen�ed to t�e �stua fcr the Hamm's fam�y chii��n �rad �e roam at t�e ra�r af �h;e heuse w�s �e �ass�aam for thesa d;iic'ren. Tt3e �cr �vn� ef �:r Feme had �lso lived in ttie house fcr rr,any years and she state� �hat si�a had �urchased'�e homg fi om �e tutcx. O� hcuse was constructed with �ay +�indan?s not osaly an bc#h #loars in the �rcnt oi itae house, i��t �sa on tiae ��e �Gng ii3e ��era �va ofi °�he badc �ards ai �e Hamm's houszs. Tf;� �ieav �rom thesz t>ay�s �s ofi �e �arX now �� 3cwr3 as tlppEr 5we�e Hdic�v. . We ha�fe, �� m�nny r�intPxs when the ieaves �re a�fi #f:s fr�s,enjoyed e vievv ofi the �Ai�?rs�sota Stat� Ca�itai ar;d a s�;?ail �#icn �f the citq skytir�e. A�iy #a�ity ar�d fr€era�w #�a�.re erjoyed r�any me�ls a� #ha �ining reom iabtz ;n fort of � e wes :ac�rg ��y �re��vs w�ifi �e sun flcw,ing thrcag� �z bay �vnz�ava as weit as ihe ;�a�i �a�s win�w. 1 r�spec# �e rc,�at oi '�he DuPau(s to have a c�2rage. 'riowsv�, ihe two story buil�r,g as F��r�s�, ev� wi�`3 �e a�c�anat ��n #oct s�t b�cic suc,�gent�d Ly to is cammissicrr, wouid L�ack nat or;iy ewr ��r iram aii #t:e si�-� v,�ndcws on i�ih �I�rs, but �ii li�ht aP.t� 8if ilt�+ INl �I?31 �G�c fl'� �(.f' �2QR12 ?S �Y2lI ?� ?4 f�'E? ??3�r.�! �nrr�}�, #hat wo i �ca a,r �r,jey ?c� sever� s� cn�;s Gf �� y��. Ai�.ncugh not r�;t�ired, ry�ic�siy in the Ci�jt a# St. ��1, ��i��re �tere ie na alley, ��s �� �tac� as clas� as �os��le ta t�e �adc ccr:�� {x'r,�a t'� Eine so as to �e less �trusivs to a��ining �Z'�es. i believs i�is is e�3en m�e im�°t2r;t in Lhz hiRsx�c e��icis as �ra,es sstiil lock !ika �ara�s ����ss of �?s des�rr. Tl�e n�w �ges rraay refiect �imi:� to hist�ical archit�ture, bi:t ihey a�x�r �v�usiy a n� a�'rton to a prc�a - not tti�#c�ical. Th� #uii siz� rar��e dec� at :4;e r�ar �� ihe � �c,e suggesis #ha# ir���s, campers cr aitter iarge o�jecis �vii1 � s#a�Ad in �h� �r�a �ind this �trls�ng. Ti �:s weu!� �e e�"� efi�erssiva ta rr:e, m� #�:�ity �r;� cu �r��n�s �yin� to anjey a • sumn�r su�er �n a:r Dai�o. �Ay ea�fl is a���nt t9 iiEe r� c�sr �i � Gre�r�i�ier. � ��' ��� • i'r:o�-�� +ik ii�°..�. 1.C :� C:;t'SIG� e5° iy;'�.^� `°.r,d �rw '2+�� :�� ii'� v��� 5 i�C'L,"? �?�°'u :� �@ C:w �r"i GT L?? Li �, ;8ti:1 + •Ei � L�:2 n�S}�?,iI:IS Cl�ti °i'•.�l' .�w:�E d i''u"k° S+::3^y�' Si�v'G�. I�iiS'r`iLG'l� :i�LS :i;c Si�fwyB:Gt"^�� OS :i �;,;',V GcS�CB Ni!3c'fE if€L �:.:m: a�' —aY�,?,�r.p v L`j i „�.-1 a!�.� n ._�'i t:ify .�.".�,a�.�. .�ii a. _..:>! C'G�?y� r.�,v .�^.(�... ,.:.� i ��'; � y tiSc: i� ="f2d'�Clfl�;'v4°r�D+f, ^Oi Ci'd^�ttl�'�t� C'�'r'�l1T �:8ta'ayv Ci iitv �d�!L ;'?J'�v. 13":S 'rV01;�t� 1'� i�°8S2 aiiCW �;,^,ti?ItTii:l?t �i �IC�S1I ;;t�,t; �;," �iv'r? i.�'i CCi3'M3t7�GW Cil e'eliti i?CCf Oi fii� hen�. �"ne rau`�er lar�e Sara�e �vcu�d �i�o ��ess +�i��l� rc� cr�ly io i��ose gec�l2 �a;wing cn 1,iar�,a�L S7apt �u: �o �? Ti��la s� of Dei:�teod. 3`� zr�� �ec�� �cr�� ;rym �;y ;�v;r,e w� ���:I ,�u t�;� ��c� �,� ��� � Gr��rier �cm� �s a c4r�.����3y ccen vi�+,v to �elswUad 5�r�t; ar�. cur rxoperties �r2 ccme;�t�iy +,svi�l� t� � e pee�ia �a�ng en �esiwccd as ��val( as to L' �e r�si�en�s. �,z t���k�rs ��d vi=i:��s cr� he Ceren.i?y Car� Hom� en L�zliwced. " 4�� are nai ask;ng t;"� De=��si� tn shar� the c�esi�n cf �e �arags er �e size ef t��e �ar�ae. We are oriy askir�g t! oat ii be pcsi�ened at ��r re�r cfi the �ro�erty t� ce Iess ootrusive, to ailow ai !easi a�inimu;n cfi ligt;t and air �c�v �o s�y hone, a�� #a �sv�r� zn imper?an� part o# :he H3r,ms' histcry to �e hi�uen fiom #he �nsr�l �wbiic. ;t is r�y �;n�ersi�n�ng �s�at Kar�n Dur�aui �s�� Ti�e H:ri��e ;=rss�rv�iier �ave be�n �vcrk:ng hard fer s�verai ye�rs t� pres��e the Ha�m's araa �isi�ry. 1 fee3 �:at hi��e�g • mf home, �� i�;';portant p^�,rt oz th�# hisYC�'y, jeo��reizes ts�e ;r:�g ci ��e very tqrm "Nisteric �r�s� :�;��;k yc�. � 3� rec'd 81 Z4 ( oc� � .R2Gd w�%�o Jl.e-e� Mte6elTaYler � 67Y 6reee6rier St SC Peel. MMA..55106 651-2246666 Dear Sirs, I send my regrets for not being abie to attend this meeting in regard to the proposed buiiding of a garage by Karin DuPaul at 668 6reenbrier. I live at 672 Greenbrier and am directly next door to Karin. My home is also a historic residence, which was previously owned by members of the Hamm's family. I have some concerns about the negative impact it will have on the surrounding properties and the visual effect it will have on the neighborhood in general. If the garage is set back another 10 feet than originally proposed, a 26' wide garege would directly abut on my 35' foot yard. The back of the garage would face directly into my yard. It would loom 24' higfi, obliterating any view to the south from the backyard except for a 2' span between their house and the garage where they propose to buitd a deck. It would rob me of sunlight and block air flow from reaching my property. If the garage is built as originalfy presented with an 8'x7' back door, the garage would be more aesthetically appealing for me to view but I am concerned they would use this access to store large equipment etc. that would oniy be visible to me. This • door would be necessary for them to reach the remainder of their yard though because the size of the garage doesn't allow them to easi�y get around it. These large homes dwarf the lots they sit on and outbuildings often make the property appear crowded. Garages are nice to have but sometimes we can't have it alt. The DuPaul house is one of the most significantly historic homes in this area and iYs in a very prominent location. For this reason and others listed above I ask that you give this great consideration. Yours truly, `� �'l� �@ C�� �()"� � 3�- 9IRT AUL � AAAA • • OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIONS AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECT[ON Bob Kessleq Direcmr CITY OF SAINT PAUL Christopher B. Coleman, .1layor August 25, 2006 Karin DuPaul 668 Greenbrier Street Saint Paul, MN 55106 CO3f.NERCEBUlG"DL\'G Telephone: 8 Fovrth Stree1 Ea.r1, Suite 200 Facsimde: StPa:d, Minnesota 5510J-l02J Web: Re: 668 Greenbrier Street, Dayton's Bluff Historic District August 24, 2006 - HPC Permit Review, HPC File #06-396 Dear Ms. DuPaul: �� 6�1-266-9090 6il-266-912�1 innv.liep.us As you know, the Heritage Preservation Commission (HPC) considered at its August 24, 2006 meeting your application to construct a two-stall, two-story garage at the property listed above, The HPC voted 8 to 1 to conditionally approve your application. This decision was based on the discussion at the public heazing, public testimony and findings by the HPC staff. The application will be approved provided the foliowing condition(s) be met: 1. The location of the gazage be moved to have a 4'setback from the north and east property lines to lessen the impact on the main house and neighboring structures. 2. The garage door on the north elevation be removed from the plan. 3. The cement-boazd have a smooth texture. 4. Frieze-boazd and watertable be added with final design to be reviewed and approved by staff: 5. Window, service door, garage door and trim materials and detail be submitted to staff for final review and approval. 6. Plans and details for the deck be submitted to staff for review and approval. 7. Any changes or revisions to the approved plans must be submitted to the HPC and/or staff for review. 8. The HPC stamped approved construction level plans remain on site for the duration of the project. You or any aggrieved party has the right to appeai the Heritage Preservation Commission's decision to the Saint Paul City Council under Chapter 73 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Such an appeal must be filed within 14 days of date of the HPC's order and decision. Chapter 73 staYes: (h) Appeal to city council. The permit applicant or any parry aggrieved 6y the decision of the heritage preservation commission shall, wirhin fourteen (14) days of the date of the heritage preservation commission's order and decision, have a right to appeal such order and decision to the city counci[. The appea! shall be deemed perfected upon receipt by the division of planning [LIEP� of two (2) copres of a notice of appeal and statement setting forth the grounds for the appeal. The division of planning [LIEP] shall transmit one copy of the notice of appeal and statement to the ciry council and one copy to the heritage preservation commission. The commission, in arry written order denying a permit application, shall advise the applicant of [he right to appeal to the city coxncil and include this paragraph in all such orders. AA-ADA-EEO Employer � Please note, an HPC approval or conditionally approval does not obviate the need for meeting • applicable building and zoning code requirements, no is it a permit to allo�v for work to commence. If revisions to the approved plans are made, be aware that additional HPC and/or staff review will be required. Please feel free to call me at 651-266-9067 if you have any questions. The building permit application will be on hold until the above conditions have been met. Sincerely, �M&�`u,c (� Christine Barr Planner, Historic Preservation Cc: Steve Ubl, building inspector Eaul, �Ilow River Construcfion File ✓ • • 39