219900219900 i yi COUNCIL FILE' NO. FINAL ORDER l C B Y File No. 16549 In the Matter of CCnStructing'n public Wmi.tary sewer. in RUTH STFIM from Ili'dirig Avenue to 129 feet south of i#i.lding Avenue and in =Z= .AVII M .frt m the terminus of the existing sager a h3a keet west a $ht Street to Ruth Street; also construe' a ntorm, sever in ROM ommi Yr0m Upper Afton .Road to 124 feet south of HUding Avenue; a].1 of which is to be kno a ag the RU.PH4Hi0= $LM SYSTEMS. under Preliminary Order 219236 approved July 15,x 1964 Intermediary Order approved — A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections,, and recommendations relative. thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is tta • construct a public a= t u7 sewer in RUM .STRE= frcmi Hilding Avenue: to 129 feet south of Hilding. Avenue and in MIDING.AVEI' Dom the terminus of the existing, sewer about 30 feet great off' Ruth Street to Ruth Street# also construct a storm sever Sri RMH ? from taper Afton Road to 12* feet south of Silding Avenue; AU of which is to ,be kniom ssi the .RU THI flJ SEWM SYS`PEM. t and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and spe,'cifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. :F. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Loss Meredith Peterson -Resets- ..ff leis Yb' ce P q&nt ( gsen) In Favor V _ Against S EP 8.11 Adopted by the Council SEV 8 ` Approve ayor 4 j` / I 11 i i 21 9g ®p 4 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS 1` REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE July 27 19 64 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the pre- liminary order of the Council known as Council File No. 219236 approved_ July 15, 19 64 relative to Construction of a public sanitary sewer in Ruth Street from Hilding Avenue and in Hilding Avenue fi the terminus of the existing sewer about 30 feet west of Ruth Street to _Ruth Street: also construct a storm sewer in Ruth Street from Upper Afton Road to 124 feet south of Hilding Avenue: all of which''is to be known as the RUTH- HILD_JNG SEWER SYSTEM. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. The estimated cost thereof is $ Storm Sewer $2656.56 Sanitary Sewer $1895.04 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part,\ .12� AP Q 3. Initiated by e C3 bTnl @*i.Lo n of Public Works r/ 4 E Improvement aQ d Y1'D a M i' upgj petition cU DEPT. OF .. SCE ca`d�Ll9t B Deputy Commissioner Commissioner of Public Works ark • _ ° -` _ � , 1, _•- '. - .�. - _ ,i'-° _ °• -, - � � -.'_ may` {\fir..- - - r ' ` c ; e _ r V!' _ - • - 1 ✓. _ - , ter' L _ - ' b : r ' '• . .. -, •. -. - .Sri-' - _ • ,.F ,:;, -ti .c' .ti• _ S '' ~. v ' 1i0i1. ,.jB S J. 'D.e1gI tih Cow Issioner of, rin66 City 6f Saint •Pig #l. Uar SI r : • , _ • Y 1 • 1 ttansrit:harewi.tb pailfmlpnry east1".ate of 'cost ��r -thd coristr�C.t:itir� _ } df .�+ p bi lc' 3b!n i,tary :sevior. U'Rath :5trebt •from. Ni Idling Avenud''-a►hd' f A' 141dir►g' .� . javenwQ f roil the tarn !"091. of ; the ox1 s t.i ng sower ai3ou t 3a faof 'was r f' Ruth R 5tirat tg Ruth treat; also, cr�nstrt �` s'torra �s6sr.� i Ruth Strret__rc 4 [lpPa>+ .Afton 'iioa to 12 : feet' south 'cif 111 I d i:ti l.vetaue r a) i of ,v� # th . be- known a ' th$ ,RQTEi-�HILQ1NC:.,SE�'CSYSTM; tln4tt- grel'in�i Y Girder 213�� �1?pfc+�re'. �ctY -15, 19W_: ^ s Since tt�e` bhaf 1 ted. progeny Por the slrnrta �sev�tor - is d i f•ferens' than that for the :s ltary i�v the .estirlatnd Gait' fo'r the` eWr Systoia h,01% beJef) ' broken dowh' IIjW ih :Cos't'foi^.tho-jani'tary •sewa'r• only - and the cost- 'for:-the Ya. _ storm 'serxdr•- only'. i., _ .t. �. The.�stcsr:,�? se wiir 'project ` fg .relaxed" 10 -the gradlri .and surfacing of Rath ` Road a laon9fe Ivy feitmcr)y . li 1 low) , s Street from Upper, Af er n t Storm Sawa, Sdn i t�rY ,fir_ f , i:stlmsle7d sttuc l )n Cost; Enginee.ir og. -. .t_ , f..y.. •y X36,30 .169. 2(i 47.26 , • 33: -Tlfia te- .0ept.Chii0s. . "•._ .- :=- .•..'• 10,00 . .. ..;....:. - ' r ^.. TOTAL PROJECT - OST. Assassmonts: `-, 2656, Asst &sgob la f rGn tag G .. , s : 400 -feet. r 210 feteC cost_ per front jooc..: . . ' $ 6.64 -- - •� _ � - ._ _ - • yam'• - •- _ � ° ".. - '_` ' ,r V'' •. , .. _ Your* very truly,. A i Johh• A, Deo i.aurlsrs- •` . _ Sewer Eng i nesr a cal., OF —� o ' t J 1.. Ccexa i l y ` • ; ; : • M N , 3):: - f i ?c�gsne V: ,Avipry.. Mt l'sa» Rosh �' Chlei i:nglnds� Cc rums car cif: Publ lc Works .�. -- #- •� - --- - - - - - -- i• -- • i•- -- ............. i .c i�,� I c_ _ ' _ —1'___ - '" - -- -- - - -•I - -�' _i,_. - -- � — _ •' ...._t•__..al__.._�. -- + -_ : •- _!_Vi- i •- •....:- I - •' i• _ �= • .. Y •� -r ::; -• j_.__t — .i___s.•......;_.__ �- ,t:_..l._.._:_�__:.'r_.._L .. ...__. _ - -,._ .1 - -- ____. =:.;_ .�1.`.�:,_ � {:` _ _ .,. °• ----. — Lei :c`�E•� ►•_�.� ...,.,.. -- ...._- i j ._fir .. .,i i - �i:_ _.. _ i - {• i.�. L_s_t ,...,.._.._� ._ _� -(- .. i"_.." ►• _ iii:' :� , �'_.. -�•_ '•�' -l'_ --.� I::; :: r..•_.:.I_ i.�i�� }- -i - - -' __: -- •�l_�: =:ice_ LO }7 t_ —�'_ ' -:1:: -- �i: ••i-.r :.1•- � I i•- - s""�1 =.= .. -' --j�:: �.= - -t-- I _ -- . ��� -r �.��=1.r =L= k• _.�..E��>is �:.4_t., -- _ 77. - it 2a _ Fd Liza NONA'S t/) 3 rd ADDITION k Ld Q 4. Q 13 too' J 14 1 t1O' ISO' (rJ tti b- ! C3 o4 F� U T_ 1 -1 t M I - Cal %1 0 HA S 2�—d ADDITION �a of 13 I 106.5' 1 6.5' I I I I I0 • j ; I�r Ia t . - - rj, men' 12-=.O. ao'— 10 vc.R 26• 1 1 •, - �I V �I a The sanitary sewer is to serve primarily the new Battle Creek Elementary school I} and the storm sewer will in addition I to providing an outlet for' the clear water connection for the school provide j, outlets for the drainage structures to be built with the grading and surfacing J�. of Ruth Street'between Upper Afton Road 47 7G�WgI�S I I L+ I 4 LLJ I NI �