219893.p ORIGIN :'L TO CITY CLERK • ' CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE COUNCIL FILE NO RESOLVED, That the Church of St. Leo be permitted to install and operate an 80 -car off-street private parking facility on property described as the West 420 feet of Block 7, Ottots Addition to St. Paul, located on the block bounded by Cleveland, Hillcrest, Kenneth and Bohland Avenues, in accordance with plans dated °,August 12, 1964, subject to compliance with the provisions of all ordinances governing the operation of parking lots a.nd,to the condition that the sidewalk abutting said premises be ,kept clean and free of ice and snow at all times; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, upon the pertinent appeal, under the Zoning Code, by said Church of St. Leo as the owner of the subject real estate situate in the City of Saint Paul, zoned in "A" Residence District, under said Zoning Code, and described as follows: West 420 feet of Block 7, Ottots Addition to St. Paul,'according to the plat thereof on file and-of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota; and located on the block bounded by Cleveland, Hillcrest, Kenneth and Bohland Avenues, that the provisions of said Zoning Code hereby are determined and varied as and to the extent necessary therefor, and the :building setback line for said real estate, in respect of the+ south side of Hillcrest Avenue and from the east line of Cleveland Avenue hereby is established at zero (0) feet, and the building setback line for said real estate, in respect of the north line of Bohland Avenue, hereby is established as a line drawn across said real estate parallel thereto and twelve (12) feet distant from said north line of Bohland Avenue. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland moss Tin Favor Meredith Peterson Against Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ions e-62 SE? 4 1964 Adopted by the Council 19— SEP 419 proved 19 —_ Mayor OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota ZONING APPEAL i4otice is C hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the ity Council at 10 A.M. on August' 13; 1964, in the City Council Chamber in the City Hall and Court House, in the matter of the appeal of Church of St. Leo, under Chapters 60 to 64, in- clusive, St, Paul Legislative Code, Zoning Code, to establish a zero (0) fnnt _ building line setback from east war- ov,uieveland Avenue on the west 420 feet of Block 7, Otto's Addition to st. Paul, located on the block bounded by Cleveland, Hillcrest, Kenneth and Bohland Avenues., '• Dated July 29, 1984. ROBERT B. GERBER, Jr., City BER, Jr (August 1, 1964) 1 } Mr. Stephen L. Maxwell Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir; ROBERT B. GERBER, JR. 1rco tj JPp�A `J 1*4 o C 04 August 13, 1964 �iee�ee u n�•n1.�s� City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 2- -9893 The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application of the Church of St. Leo for permit for an 80-car off - street parking lot AND their appeal to establish a zero (0) foot setback from the south side of Hillcrest Ave. and from the east side of Cleveland Ave., AND to establish a 12 foot building, ine setback from the north side of Bohland Ave. on property which is described as the west 400 feet of Block 7, Otto's Addition, in the block bounded by Hillcrest, Cleveland, {Kenneth and Bohland Aves. Very truly yours, 6 City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL - MINNESOTA 8 ... <`: R D O F .•••. .: #k�-�'0V4jjf: ]31- ]33.433 ZONING, CITY 1313 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE �I �1• OF SAINT PAUL SAINT PAUL 3, MINNESOTA A� August 10, 1964 lE Mr. Robert B. Gerber Jr. City Clerk, '` Y Building - Dear Sir: a- This is in reply to the referral of the Church of St. Leo's 1) appli- cation for an 80 car off - street parking lot, and 2) appeal to establish a zero (0) foot setback from the south side of Hillcrest Avenue and from the,east side of Cleveland Avenue,- and to establish a 12 foot build - ing-line setback -from the north side of Bohland Avenue on property which is described as the west 400 feet of Block 7, Otto's Addition. The property is zoned "�Pi" residence. The property is presently developed for playground purposes, and it is proposed to erect,a church and rectory, and develop the remaining part -of the site with an 80 car off - street parking facility. The Church of St. Leo'is the owner of the, entire -block in which the church and rectory will be constructed. - 'E _ The Board of Zoning considered this. matter at its regular meeting on July 1, 1964. The staff reported that"the,setbacks as requested would not have a detriment -al effect on any,of the uses in the immediate area, and that'the.Higbland Shopping Center situated across Hillcrest Avenue - -to the north has'zero (o) foot setbacks-from both Hillcrest and Cleve- land Avenues: The parking lot 'plain meets.afl of the standards for this type of facility;, °and has been approved by the Traffic Engineer. In consideration of these factors, the Board of Zoning recommends the grant- ing of the building line setbacks as requested, and the application for a permit fora 80r car parking facility on the above described property in accordance with finaj plans dated August 12, 1964. Sincerely, ' B . R: Tn I .P. Recordietary BRT :FGI Encl. ' Z. F. 5540 -41 -Approved CC: Mr.Janes �" Member, Bo of Zoning BETTENBURG TOWNSEND STOLTE AND COMB E . F . K I S H E L R . L . P O P E W . J . E S T E S O M . H . B R U C E 1 4 3 7 M A R S H A L L A V E N U E ST. PAUL, M I N N E S O T A S 5 1 O 4 T E L 6 4 6 - 2 5 5 8 A R C H I T E C T S A N D E N 13 1 N E E R S June 17, 1964 The Honorable Mayor and City Council c/o The City Clerk Room 386 City Hall and Courthouse Saint Paul 2, Minnesota Subject: Church of St. Leo Saint Paul, Minnesota Project No. 5534 Honorable Mayor: za d1, This appeal for a change in zoning regulation is made by the Church of St. Leo, St. Paul, Minnesota, on the block bounded by Cleveland, Hi Ilcrest, Kenneth and Bohland. This property now contains the school and open play area and we are proposing to build a church and rectory_ on the west end along Cleveland. We are asking that the set -bac lines be waived in this area._namely on the north side of Bohland for 60 feet east, from .Cleveland, onHllicreston the south side 120 feet east from Cleveland, .and on Cleve- land from Bohland to Hillcrest. There is no established set- ack line on this property now, other t an t e normal set -back for residential property, which would be covered under Building Zone Ordinance No. 5840 Section 16 Paragraph A. Enclosed is a plot plan of this site with the proposed building shown shaded dark. R E 'D E � V E hD JUN 241964 CITY PLANWNG BOARD Swink PAW, Minnesota Yo s very tru , Bernard H. Murray �o 5% e5T -t-stl F � CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court Hone 55102 224 -4612 22 July 31, 1964 City Clerk File 16517 -A, Page 16517 16516 16515 You are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will consider the matter of the application of Church of St. Leo for the following: 1) permit to install an 80 -car off - street parking lot 2) appeal to establish zero foot building line setback from the east side of Cleveland Avenue 3) appeal to establish 12 -foot building line setback from the north side of Bohland Avenue 4) appeal to establish zero foot building setback from the south side of Hillcrest Avenue The property involved is described as: T.-lest 420 feet of Block 7, Ottots Addition to St. "aul, and is located on the block bounded by Cleveland, Hillcrest, Kenneth and Bohland Avenues. A public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall in the City of St. Paul, at 10:00 a.m. on August 13, 1964. JAi'lES J. DALGLTSH Commissioner of Finance / ' City of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT (Please print or type) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL % the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota q)bl � L� '3 P4 Application is hereby ade remodel or reconstruct an existing y to install and operate a new (cross one out) Q FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: PARKING LOT for 00)( A( X)(X )(MX (private use) IE")%cXWW)WXhe*1 (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot s0 To be used in connection with: Church of St. Leo ED MISCELLANEOUS: (indicate type such as Drive -in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry-Cleaning Pick -up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: *Location : Block Bounded by Cleveland , Hi Ilcrest, Kenneth and Bohland Legal Description : Lot All Block 7 Otto's Addition Applicant's Name Church of St. Leo Home or Office Address: 850 South Wilder, St. Paul, Minnesota 55116 \ Phone Number 698 -2226 THE AP (Si ature )'t (date) Address : 850 South Wilder, St. Paul, Minnesota 55116 Phone No.: 698 -2226 When completed: file three copies of this application form and three prints of the preliminary lay -out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z -3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. 0