06-944Council File # 0�'9y`�1 Green Sheet # 3033377 Presented By RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA '� C� 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 WHEREAS, Anne Hunt, Deputy Policy Director - Environment for the Mayor's Office, was asked by Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (MEEA) to present the 2006Inspiring Efficiency Innovation Award to District Energy St. Paul at the Midwest Energy Solutions Awazd Ceremony on September 28, 2006, at the Crowne Plaza O'Hare in Chicago, Illinois; and WHEREAS, MEEA is a collaborative network whose purpose is to advance energy efficiency in the Midwest in order to support sustainable economic development and environxnental preseroation, and the Inspiring Efficiency Awards recognize organizations and individuals for their efforts to increase energy efficiency awareness and practices in the Midwest region; and WHEREAS, Dishict Energy Saint Paul received the "Green Program" award for its innovative combined heat and power facility, which annually turns 300,000 tons of urban wood waste into green energy far Saint Paul's downtown customers; and WHEREAS, MEEA has offered to reimburse the lodging costs of $ 202.27 for Ms. HunY s stay in Chicago for the purpose of presenting the award; now, therefare be it RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul thanks MEEA for its generous gift; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, the City accepts the gift of $ 202.27, and appropriates it to the purpose of reimbursing Ms. HunYs lodging costs. Requested by DepartrnentoE �I, l�� ��� �' / I � Adoption Certified by Counal Secretary sy: .' .CSt�iZ Approved by Ma . Da �� � ���" �� By: Fonn Approved by City Attomey� By: �/✓t.c /iwt.� VJ . C2�1'-�'.e� Fortn Approved b ayor for Submiss�on to Council B �C�-� Adopted by Council: Date �e//%Z��lo � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � d� - 9��1 CA - CiTyAttomey Con}act Person & Phone: vrginia Palmer 266-8719 Must Be on Council Agenda by 1'I-0CT-06 Doc.Type: RESOLUTION E-0ocumentRequired: Y DocumentContact VirginiaPalmer Contact Phone: 26687'19 �-� ( Green Sheet NO: 3033377 � Assign Number For Routing Order Total # of SigmaWre Pages _(Cfip AII Locations ior Signature) 0 1 2 3 4 5 Deparhnent SentToPerson InifiaVDate " Attom v Atlomev Deoarhnent Director 6�1awCS Office � ouocil itv CI rk Action Requested: � Accepting a gift iu the amount of $20227 from Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance and appropriating the funds for lodging costs for Anne Hunt, Deputy Policy Director, for her attendance at the Midwest Energy Solutions Awazd Ceremony on September 28, 2006 in Chicago, Illinois. � Recommendations: Appro�e (A) or Rejeci (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee CiHI Sennce Commission Foilowing Questions: t. Has this persodfirm e�er wodced under a contrect Por this department? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirtn eeer been a ciry employee? Yes No 3 Does this persoNfirtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by arry cunerrt city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and atfach to green sheet Initiating Problem, lssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Advantages IfApproved: DisadvanWges If Approved: DisadvantageslfNOtApproved: Transaction: Funding Source: Financial Information: (Explain) Cosi/Reveoue Budgeted: Activity Number. October5, 2006 �2:09-PM Page 1