219861SLOPES G -1643 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 219861 Council File No.._____ ..... ____ KMLIS?IED Theundersignedhereby proposesthemakingof thefollowing public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: r WEIDE STREET from MinnoMah Changing the grade" of- a;. Avenue °to Reaney Alienue to » »..._.t.' - - a - •. •_•, .a.� _.r: Y is w.._... conTo"rrn"fothe "' grrade= 'as= shown�ori the p'ro i:le 'on'�frle _i_nw.tFie= Department= of"`'`µ ' ..- .---- _•public ... {forks..•_, •At so_•condgmn� -rig. ,and, t -ak r,2g „•an..,eas_eWent...i:n... the. -.l. and ,.,.nd.c.es.s,ary............ for the slopes, cuts and fills, i nc l udi ng, ri ght of removal' of lateral support --•-••• -•• from•- subj-ec•t °•- -i- and•- or•- •r•emai�nder- •- thereo•f;•, occasi oned-by 'esc•ava'ti•ons- -thereof---or;•f•-"--- construction of slopes in the grading and surfacing.wilh bituminous material Gf ODE-' Sl` iZ EET'f "rom'- Mi'nnefiaha'Avenue Dated this.... —.sr— :::day of= �EP..rernoer .. -.. --- ---------------- •--- •- •-- ...... _ ....... 19 ....... - - - PRELIMINARY ORDER. c 1 File No. 219861—By Milton 3,'ert :,k written proposal for Ae following improvement, grt he ,F,r, Pe , -;, .aR, E I D E �G%'i9�j tA�:X :lw�• 'i_ r'1C x�?30 er �1_ f'167, 1) btut:'Yn: • ±,[l bas ,n: '36 -5Y �` 9ti,.•ytft WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: �- Chnform -��toh theradadef .asEs"hownTon�ther�rof. i,l eehah` �5�• ._ _ .,,. = `han%�' g a`Aiienue to'`Reaney Avp'nue"tb " - - on,- •fi.lei.n _the__DeRaetment, ,of;_ .� ---- - - -'co ' . 9 Public Works. Also condemning and "tal�i`ng =�an- easement i n 'the -1 and necessary -- C. _Y.. -.. a_. ' " -', for the : "s.'1 opes� "curs" °and "f fil l sr' °i nc1 u -i ng-right -••of•Y• removal °•of•- •1'a•tera I support,•----- - hereo „ occasioned; by excavations thereof or - - - - -- construction ofnslopesemn� thergr.` ° .....Y,�t .... . ....... ... .. -_...._.•.. ... __.....i. .. .. i....... 1i adi rig nd surfacing wi th'tb•�i °tumi nous materi"a';'. 4 ti hav,aWE DEI;S,TREEoT ftr'«"rr.cMrhf�ehahai A er �e ts� eane' . A_ v_ enue.. ............................. _, .......... ,._.. ... ., .... ......... therefore, be k__` -_" --- �- RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council _______ _________________ YEAS NAYS Councilman D a 1 g 1 i s h Holland LOSS '� Peterson s 8.:i�.i♦3Ni1' °'p`1�1r?.ctr} i Vice President (Rosen) 3000 7 -5d S EP 3 1964 ----------------------------•----- S EP 3 1964 Approved ............................................. -..................... _ -- - ------ - - - - -- ------ ----- - - - -- - - - - -- ..... ......... _.__...... _ .... Mayor.