219851ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL CO NO 219851 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE COMMIT= September C UNCIL RESOLU ON— GENERAL FORM TBD BY COMM 1964 COMMISSIONE DATE RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the' same are hereby granted. William H. Taylor 812 Berry Private Gas Pump App.10499NewO1dL Walter Deretich & Gertrude Hengel 2467 W. 7th Restaurant " 10530" n n n " Cigarette " II n n n Guillermo Frias 11 Concord Cigarette " 10665" New" Gold Medal Bev. %Bartusch Packing Co. 567 N. Cleveland Vend.Mach.Loc. " 10842" Old" Elmer W. Kalmmer 684 S. Lexington MAD 1 " 1110911 11 n Irene Everson, Evelyn & Vander T.ewis 985 Selby Cigarette " 11127" " n John T. Stevens 110 W. Winifred Mtr.Veh. r. n 3 " 11 2 n n COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson iBncPn iii.�::. .. ... ,o j. 5 je.President�(ha��a) Tn Favor 0 Against Council File 'No. 219851 — By Dean Meredith — Resolved, That licenses applied for by the persons named on the list attached to this resolution be and the same are hereby granted, and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the City treasury of the required fees. i Adopted by the Council September 3, 1964. Approved September 3, 1964. (September 5, 1964) SEA 1964 Adopted by the Council 19- S EP 3 IWA r