219841until �r No. 219841 — By Milton dose . ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK - 'r't 6280 -100 (T.H. 35E= CITY OF ST. P)10. �+ ' !'� er Tunnel -from inter- NO�� c-• �t� ^et Hind Bay OFFICE OF THE CITE., '-LERK " - �xer ,: Imes �! 1; J„ -, 3E-4 CO CIL RESOLUTION —C NtRAL PRESENTED BY :fir + g(; 3J'BT. * q_,I -GG COMMISSIONER` DA Re: State Project 6280 -100 (T.H. 35E =390). Storm Sewer Tunnel from intersection of Grace Street and Bay Street to Kittsondale Sewer at James Avenue. Minnesota Project I 35E -4 (55) 112. WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Highways has prepared plans, special provisions and specifications for the improvement of a part of Trunk Highway Number 390 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 35E within the corporate limits of the City of St. Paul from the intersection of Grace Street and Bay Street to Kittsondale Sewer at James Avenue; and WHEREAS, Said plans are on file in the office of the Department of Highways, St. Paul, Minnesota, being marked, labeled, and identified as S.P. 6280 -100 (T.H. 35E =390); and WHEREAS, Said special provisions are on file in the office of the Department of Highways, St. Paul, Minnesota, being marked, labeled, and identified as S.P. 6280 -100 (T•H• 35E =390), Minnesota Project I 35E -4 (55) 112, which, together with the Minnesota Department. of Highways Specifications for Highway Construction, dated May 1, 1959, on file in the office of the Commissioner of Highways, constitute the specifications for said im- provement'of Trunk Highway Number 390 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number- 35E; and WHEREAS, Copies of'said plans and special provisions as so marked, - labeled, and identified axe also on file in the office of the Department of Public Works; and WHEREAS.. The term "said plans and special provisions" as hereinafter used in the body of this resolution shall be deemed and intended to mean, refer to, and incorporate the plans and special provisions in the foregoing recitals particularly identified and described; NOW, THEN, BE IT RESOLVED, That said plans and special provisions for the improvement of Trunk Highway Number 390 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 35E within the limits of the City of St. Paul be and hereby are approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the elevations and grades as shown in said plans and special provisions be and they are hereby approved, and consent is hereby given to any and all changes in grade occasioned by the construction of said Trunk Highway Number 390 re- numbered as Trunk Highway Number 35E in accordance with said plans and special provisions. 4A SEp 210 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas —Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Favor Meredith ''ll Peterson V Against Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M "2 SEP 21 pproved 19— s Mayor DUPLICATE TO MINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Milton Rosen COMMISSIONER nATF Rai State Project 6260.100 (T.H. 353`390). Storm, Sm" Timmol fromm intersection of Grace Street and BLY Street to littsondaael Boxer at Jaunt Aroma. X! sots, Project 1 351-4 (55) 112. i 8, The Coomissioner of Him► has propared plea special provisions and slpecifiaatia for the improvement of a part of Trunk Hi&nIy 3msber 390 ren mbered as Trunk Highway Number 351 within the corporate 1,3aits of the City of iaJt. Paul from the intersection of Oraae Streat and 11my Street to littomu1s ,e $er w at Janes Avenue; mind. WHI=M,# fsid plans are on file in the office of the Dbparlaaegnt_ of Highways, St. Paul, Minnesota, being marked, labeled, sand identified. as S.P. &60w= (T-H- 35=390); and. WHIM MA Said )special provisions are on file in the office of the Papatnent of HighNad►s; Sic. Paul., Minnesota, being �5s .nlw%" labe].sd, and. identified as S.P. 6280 -].00 (T•H• 3534390), Minnesota Project 1 35z-h (55) 112, w.eh, together with the llimsesota Hepari- nt of Highways Specifications for Highway Construction, dated May 1j, 3.959, on file In the office of the Commissioner of Hips, constitute the spealfloations for said 1w prorMmt of gunk Hi&MY 1(mftr 390 rW=Wb*r*d u Trunk EtOM Number 3533 and Wes, Copies of said plans and special provisions as so narked, lsbslodg and Identified are a" on file in the office of the Department of public Works; and WHIMMp The term "staid plans and special provisions" as hereinafter used in the body of this resolution shal.7. be dseewd and intended to assn, refer to, and inclorporate the plans and special provisions in the foregoing recitals pars icral wly identified and dastcribedf HOW, TEN, 339 IT MMM=p Tliat said plans and special provisions for the isprovwaent of Trunk Highway !under 390 renumbered, as Trunk Higwmy Number 353 within the limits of the City of ft. Paul be and hereby are approved. 13 IT 7== MCBM113D, That the elevations and grades as shown in said plans and special provisions be and they are hereby approv*d, and consent is hereby given to any and all apes in grade oaf by the construction of staid Trunk ffl4my Number 390 re* ma"wsd as Trunk Highxay Number 353 in accordance with odd plans and sgeoW provisions* COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays iDalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M 6.0 S E P 2, Adopted by the Council 19_ SEP 2 W Approved 19— T" Favor George J. pavoulis Mayor Against