219837CITY OF ST. PAUL Resdl'ation Ratifying Assessment 2 J COUNCIL FILE NO. Lo In the matter of the assessment of bsnefitaj Costs and exporiises for �IJBLISHED l ' - C ► — Cbnstruction or restoration of sidewalks and vork incidents`!. theretot Oantraet 62 -X-253) 1AWy No;, 9, DiStriat i1o. 2 - .+..++a,ar- ayes -_ _- - ► -, u. rr r ! ASS1;S.'3AlIL1 t F.O. #204730 v We11e01e2r Ave.>~ bath sides from HFanline Ave. to SyndicatetYSta_ --_ � t i-F-0• # ?08133 Niles Ave, , bath sides from Hamline Ave. to 5 � - -- yn��C' &i,8 '= , o. 215.,7 F•0• #208131 - Osceola Ave; i both sides from Snell Ave. - � , .{,�• tit a:se=�,cnt of #207,988 - aakland to 'Sarato a �S m 79 AY @. �. . Li'o rxPenzes for con -, ,� .d l both sid @s from Grand Avenue to Smmr t_b B� C�ota_n n; v "Wwalks4 .y . #208128 m Dayton, Ave e D ,b6th sides from Lexington Ave. C 701 ttt�,�. , ��rcr;,ct, to Dunlap 5te� p, z �• :¢. a ' :� F.O. #209727 - .Palace Avep, south side from Lavern Ste ' th crest to. MaQalester 4t.' ,�� side of IPaealbster,St ;r- -F.O. #206I� ,. 0`Y' ace�Aveoe both�:tid$ . f �� -- -�F.O;'ZO�1�� e� �sxa�Eo � St a T'aotfi�`�si e�'- f'i�om ' �- v 4 • Randolph Ave. to Trartfard Ave. 0-J �_..- i1.uf�V ,y b'rti�Ay IY 7W� w��'�.x�.L O C• `2uR,CY.W' X10 %�i'JI.'1•irelw'L /aK'T: AN a. 'r 1iYl�`Y '.M,c fl`! �µ f✓'..`T! r4v.uo7lj j ° Niles l4vee both idee,Aa f P. , .r4�zQ.:tt9; tfin�i�aie't.�sci slid ti ti3't u` S- �r'I''s0 3 ��c�v3 ` Alvv. s bot sides from Sn8ll -Ave. ng F•O• i 20%, 88��� g0akland, c Y.e:,'s:�b_4_ • eides�f i�h. EF azidzjA'�3eer `� to Sa�rntggti�laSllt' •Q•,. //2'!6'9.1 - F`a�:aGe+Ave. tou7►>n;i Oe, 2 , both sides from Bdgcumbe Rd. to Le�3ngton Ave. le l Q, - aSaratog's 15t., both ,_ �46s frm Randolph Ave. to liarttord RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and,,the same is hereby in all respects ratifie , an -Vie same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be -- payable in equal installments. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 2 7n Favor U = Fsrm 1-2 2M 10-63 s Against Adopted by the Council SEP 2 1964 SEP 9 MA ti W.- A CITY Off' ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment 219 In the matter of the assessment of Wn6fitoo d#atay ar4 gg8n009 f v .J 21 983 7 conotmtion or, roster4tion of alftV411W 04 Vork Inddenta . thorotot Co tract 041*20o LOVY NOV 9,0 pistri i+ NOR a � t338 ° WOLU91V Ave ** both sides from Royaine Ave, to Syndicate onto F:O. #208133 Nil eS Avoo # both sides from Ran, line Ave,, to gy d:Lcate F *0- #208131 OseWIA Ave,* both aidea fron >nvUjM Ave. to Saratoga St. F1100 x#207988 Oakland Aveoo both Woo from Orand Avenue to Sumrait Axeo F-0, 02 8128 » Dayton. Avedp both ej4gs frm Loxix� ton Avao to Aunlag Stn F.0. #209797 Pal-we Pvav q oputh .side from Oavern Situ to Mgoaleriter a " on : ► N the Wert side df 1facalog ter St. f V ce Aveo to J � , Ave, «� P.O. #9664�palt�ce Ava.. both sides fMn F4 -elm Road. tq DO 2i5~.97��3Q��►� az�a °�. � tat'x3tilph - vo ' ����. �:` rl���l �`r �- �: ���f.' Mi` Cqll. �.- ��•�f- b•�ilWsT�iM'+u�Ml7�`t fVL�YtbMl akdK. �.. ... '. OS:"��feraai.'�+Z`.�G,;.,T+.w_' +, �1 � *„�.SA, Fee 133 d idles '1 - S � � � � � .. t Ave.; 4 't�otl�:�ides Sara N�t�.�.no Aveo to Syndicate tittd V`40#20813T eo�a�Av`eti, W.h 81d00 Prom Shelling Ave. to Saratoga Ste F.p. #207988 - F.�J. m 20861l131j�at�at �r �.� ft 'tY :v ud I4Q � 4g*tcni:t of the ex- i�E r i at ,t , y toT,m.�� n, A k�O61ii2.Q ASS! .S f�r '-7 rrfi+ ��lpi @e %piar.,j`.A i71lCi��,; 1r fd; Total construction costs ........................... Engineering...... ............................... Inspection .... ............................... .. Postal cards ...................................... Publications ...... ............................... Collection costs ... ............................... Court costs for confirmation ...................... TOTAL EXPENDITURES ...... ................ . Charge to ................. 092.Q -701............. .. ...........Non- �sses� able...... Net Assessment ... ............................... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ 27•O59.26 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Dated AngttGt. 11; 19A).4 Form R^2 2M 10 -68 8 _r