219830ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK j i ^ 219830 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Q, COMMISSIONER R A VfA DATE v RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is hereby directed to cause the estimate of expenses of the City of Saint Paul for the fiscal year of 1965 and of the revenue necessary to meet said expenses, submitted to the Council by the Comptroller, to be published in the official paper of said City, on September 5, 1964. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Council hold, public hearings, from day to day in the regular place of meeting of said Council (the Council Chamber) in the Court House and City Hall, at ten o'clock in the forenoon for not less than ten days, beginning September 11, 1964, at which time and place all residents of the City of Saint Paul desiring to be heard may be heard in reference to any of said estimates or any item thereof. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the City Clerk prepare and cause to be pub- lished in the official paper,of the City at the same time said estimates of expenditures are published a notice of said times and places of public hearings, which published notice shall immediately precede said published estimates of expenditures in said official paper, and shall expressly call attention and refer thereto. 6 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ions ads Favor y Against SEP 11964, Adopted by the Council 19- SFP 1 CPA DUPLICATE TO MINTER 83] � 219 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE NO ttt✓✓✓��, /// LJ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM /RESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RML=s That that City Clerk is hereby directed to cause the estlMate of axpenses of the City of Saint %u1 for the fiscal year of 1965 and of the revenue necessary to met said expenees, submitted to the Counall by the OmqptrollerA to be published in the official paper of said City, an September 5, R=VED FMTM.9 2bat the Council hold public bearings# from day to day in the regular place Of meeting of said Council (the Ccyun 11 Clamber) in the Court U se and City Hall., at ten o'clock in the forenoon for not cress than ten days, begirzing Septomber 11, 1964, at which time and place all residents of the City Of Saint Paul desiring to be heard may be hoard in reference to aW of said estimates or awl item thereof, FMMVW IMMM.. 2hat the City Clerk prepare and cause to be pub. lished in the official paper of the City at the same tiles said estblates of expenditures acre published a notice of said tme ie and places of public hearings, which published notice +shall. Umediately precede said published eatimtes cf expenditures in said offices paper, and shall expressly can attention and refer thereto. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis IOU s-m In Favor Against SEP 11964 Adopted by the Council 19— SEP 1 W Approved 19— il Mayor A1011111V Ai ' NOTICE OF HEARING ON BUDGET FOR_" 1965: Notice ip,hereby given that the City Council will hold public hearings from day to da3r;3n the regular place of meeting of said Council (the Council Chamber) :, in,tl jwourt House and City Hall Building at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon, for notf..ess than ten days beginning--September 11, 196+, in reference to the estimates for the expenses of the-Cityr for the fiscal year of 1965 d of the revenues necessary to meet saidlexpenses, submitted to the Council y -the -City comptroller, - and which immediately follow this notice. - At said times and pl6ce� all residents of the C of`, t Paul -desiri_ng to be heard may be heard in reference to any-of said a ny item°-thereof.' September 1, 1964. ; 4 ROBERT-B.-GERBER- JR:, City Clerk of`Saint Paul,�Minnesota. = .(Sep er 5, 196+) C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L M I N N E S O T A 1 9 6 5 COMPTROLLER'S BUDGET ESTIMATES Joseph J. Mitchell City Comptroller 0 September 1, 1964 To the Honorabte. Mayon and Membeu o S the City CounciZ I submit heAewith the Comptto.ZZeh.'.6 "Budget Estimated." Jon Public Schoo.Z6 and Other City SeAv.ica Son the yeah 1965. Budget nequedts. 6ubni,tted to thi,6 o66ice Son the yeah 1965 amounted to $68,654,380.00, My gno6,6 budget Son 1965 46 $570 550, 304. 00, a dectea6e 6nom the nequedt6 o6 $11, 104, 076, 00, but neventh.e- .Zeds an .i,ncnea4e, o6 $183,287.00 oven the 1964 budget, The .tax .levy bon 1965 i6 $39,445, 160,00 a6 compaAed to a tax .levy 6or 1964 06 $38, 9210 82 §.00; an incAea6e o6 $517, 33 1.00,, Based on the .6ub.6twLti.a.Z reduction in vaeuati.ons, th,i.6 wile %equi,%e an incnea6e in the m.c U hate o6 C36 mcZU to 6i- nance the city budget, on apptox.imateZy a 2% .i.nchea6e in a taxpayer's totaZ tax b.c,ZZ. This 2% does not in.cZude any-.incnea6e bon county on 6tate purpo6e6. Budget - Pubt is Schoot4 The Board o6 Education has estimated .i,ts needs Son opmation and mainten- ance Son 1965 at $22,829,944.00 which iz $2,614,072.00 .mote than can •be,.ZegaZ.Zy made availab.Ze. Recognizing that the expendi to &e6. t6ubmi tied to, the Ci ty `Comp= too ZZer must 6att within. the 6 cope o6 anticipated Aevenues the Bound o6 Education 4 ha6 reduced the detailed budget by this amount. I have again .i,n.cbuded the maxi- mum amount authorized, by .law to be pnov.ided bon 6chooZ punpo6e6 6rom property taxes. The edtimatted o6 6choot ai,d6 and other .6choot nevenue6- a6 deteAmined by Elie Board are .i.n.ctuded .i,n, the 6.i,nancing 6 cheduZe. The cost o6 64nge bene6it6, which. by CharteA on 6tatute ate oven and above this amount, have been added to the 6choot budget, Th,i,6 adds iiona.Z co6t amount6 to $20 4360 072. 00, which " an .i,nctea6e o6 $313, 377, 00 over the =1964 amount, due pri- matity to an upwoAd adju6tment o6 prev.iou6 yeand' contAi.buti.on to the Teachers' Re- tvicement Fund in the amount o6 $298,,401.00,, Debt chatge6 bon 1965 Otte $1,685,897.00. The .i.nctea6e os $295, 25140 oven. the 1964 co6t6 .i.6 due .to..inctea6ed .i.ntene6t cort6 and matuxity obZigation6. Budget - Other City Setvice6 The 1965 budget estimate6 bon city 6etvice6 other than 6choo" again .include the maximum amount authorized by the City Chanter to be pnov.i,ded bon these punpo6e6 nom %eaZ estate and peuona.Z property taxe6. The bounces o6 miAceU -=eou6 revenue 6ee6, 6.i.ne6, ticen6e6, peAmit6, etc,) have been cane6u.ZZy .reviewed. An anaZy6.i s o6 the semi- annual and annua.Z cotZecti,ons 6rom these 60unceA Son the pa6t 6evetat years has been made, and aU .cndi.cation6 point to a,reduction in revenue 6rom these sources. I have, thene6 one, adjusted the es Lima te.6.. accancl i.ngty, and they ate a6 rea6 onabte a6 can be anticipated at thi.6 time. The .edtimatu o6 .i,ncnea6ed receipts 6or the WateA Depat -Onent have been ad ju6ted in accordance .with thei& anticipated in- cnea6 ed revenue due to the recent Chang e6 in the 6 cheduZe..o 6 wateA co n6 umptio n nate6 . Departmentat neceipt6 6or aU departments and buneau6, .have .also been .6tud.ied and ana- tyzed. Thi.6 study was done pn.ion to ouA 6ta66 meetings, and the .cncheased depantnen- ta.Z neceipt6 contained herein have been determined .with .the .a66.i.6tance o6 the accoun- tant in each depattment, A.ZZ major .i tem6 in thi.6 budget .i,n eAea,6 ed because o6 an in- AN To the Honorabte Mayon and Membex6 o6 the City Council SeptembeA 1, 1964 cneaae in the e6timate o6 departnentat %eceipt6 have been .notated Jon youx in.joAma- tion and to cZan i6y, that there, have been no .incuu,ed provided 6,%om taxe6 on m.iA- ceeZane.ou6 revenue.' The atimate6 in thi6 budget 6or the opexation6 of city depaxt►nent6 and bun - eau matte no pnov.i,6.i.on 6or any addi ti.onaZ emp,Zoyeea and contain no additi.onat 6und6 to jinance.' the %ecentZy approved 6aZany adju6tment6. Any .cncAea6ed co6t6 on 6aZany adjuatnent6 w,c U have to be provided 6or by e i theh. a reduction .in peraonneZ or the ube of %eappupti.ated batancea where avai&bte. At the Mayon °b %eque,64 the jund6 bor the Pubticc ty Bureau have been eZim- inated, and in Lieu thereo6, a stenographer has been pxovided to a66iZt in the ac- ti,vi tiu o6 hia o66ice. Atthough the add tionaZ revenue anticipated in the 1964 budget to 6inance the incnea6ed opeuti,on6 ob the Fai& Fmptoyment Pxactice6 Cormu,6- .6.ion ha.6 not matekia?.i.zedo I have .i.nctuded in thi6 budget the Game amount box th.ia activity ($28,457.00), a6 wa6 pxov.ided in the 1964 budget. In accordance with the W ma and coed tion6 ob the t aotu Lion adopted by your honoxabte body, I have provided capita outeay in the City Cte V6 066ice in the amount o6 $6,000.00 and in the Finance Depa&bnent in the amount o6 $.10,,000.00, both to be 6inanced Srom the pxoceed6 6rom the 6aZe o6 the otd Armory 4 te. L At the %equeat o6 the Water Board, your honorabte bod�5.00 approved an adju6tnent in the co6t o6 hydrant maintenance 6xom an annuaZ change o6 peA hydxant to the k actuaZ cort6. The actuat coat o6 hydAant maintenance, to be provided in the 1965 budget %equited an .increase of $13, 578.00. Anticipated revenue in the apeci.ae pro- jecta 6und in the Health Depantnent w.cU maize poaa.i.bte the .employment o6 these ad- ditionaZ hou6ing im pec tou . The6 e inb pectou ate an ab6 otute nece6.6.i ty .i6 the city •i6 to obtain xecviti 6 ica Lion o6 .i t6 Community Improvement Program, and thu6 quatiby So,% additional 6edexaZ bund6 5or urban xenewaZ pxogram6. In the 1964 budget, pxovi6.ion wa6 made to jinanee the maintenance os the Civic bdueationaZ Centex dun.i.ng the tateA paxt ob thiib yeah when the buiZding .i,a compteted. It .i.6 now oux obti.gati.on to provide 6u6jic%ent 6und6 to maintain th.ia building box the SuP.Z year 1965. I have, theresoxe, .cneZuded $182,580.00 in thin budget Jon the opew -lion and maintenance o6 the Civic Bducati,onat Center under the juAi,edicti.on o6 the Comnia.6.ioneh. o6 L.ibraA.iea, Aucii,toai.um, and Civic Bu4Zding6. The budget Jot the WeZSaxe Depat-tment a6 adopted jo.intCy by the City CounciZ and the County Board, and over which the CompttotZen ha,6 no 1u4"d.iction, w,iZZ rem qu.ine an adds tionaZ app,%op&iation o6 $638,189,00 over tki6. yean1,6 budget, making the City'. 27 112% 6hate ob the WeZSaAe Budget bon 1965 $4,0559346.00. Since the Coapoxat%on Counse.Z ha6 AuZed that nei theA the Comptxot.Zer nor the City Counc it ha6 au thoA,c ty to .incnea6e or deenea,66 the budget approved by the De- tention and Coxxection6, Au thox ty, I have .i.n.ceuded the budget ,o6 the Detention and CoAAection6 Authot ty a6 approved by .c t6 Board. Fund6 6oA the HeaZ#h and WeZ6a�ie program eove,%ing both empZoyeea og the Board of Education and other city emp.Zoyeu have been ba,6.ed on ex.i,6ting pexaonneZ and eu4AentZy approved Aata. Any adJu6tment6 in these rate, w.i U requi,%e action by you at the time thi.6 budget i6 adopted. UndeA authon<.ty ob Chapter 851 of the Lawn o6 Minnuota box 1963, pxov.i,6.ion hu been made box the payment o6 Health and WeZ6axe In6uAanee premiuma bon emp.Zo yee6 who %etixed undeA th.i6 .Zaw. To the Honotabte Mayon and Membe&6 of the City Counc i e Septembe& 1, 1964 Debt Chatgea TotaZ debt ob.ei.gati.on6 jot 1965 ate as 6otZowa s Sch00Z Gene&at Debt City Debt TotaZ Intete6t- -1965 .,Le64: Fanni.ng6 on Inve6- tment6 Othe& Rece.ipt6 Highway Maintenance Hou6.ing Authoxi ty Net In#e&e6t Matutitiea- -1965 Leah: Ttunk Highway Bond6 Net Mat titi u Total Debt Obtigat,i.on6-1965 $1, 0010 89740 100, 000.00 50, 000.00 $ 8510 89740 8349 OD0.00 $1, 685, 897.00 $10 4730 776.00 5000 00040 100, 000.00 70, 000.00 55.250.00 $ 748, 526.00 20 2630 038, 00 240, 000.00 $2, 023p 038.60 $2, 7710 56440 $20 4750 673.00 600, 000.00 1500 000.00 70, 000.00 55.250.00 $10 6000 423.00 3, 0970 03 8.0 0 240, 000.00 $20 857p 038.00 $40457p461.00 M _ :: I nc buded in the above matuici - a Jot Gene&a a City Debt .i.a an amount o j ,$994, - 2-88.00 fan the"nedempti.on,o6�- emeAgency no.te6 and the annual payment ob $26, 750,00 to ..the" Statte Anmo&y- Comni.6,6 i.on' Sot the debt payment6 on the new main anmony and the ea-6t aide anmoty._ Recap.itueati.on and Tax Rate6 The g&oa6 budget jot 6ch.00t putpo.6e6 .i.nctudi,ng ini,nge benej t.6 and debt coat6 .c,b $240 3370 842.00 which 46 $52,042.00 oven the companabie ,1.964 budget - sigu&e o6 $24i285,800.00. Chap #et 837 o6 the taw6 ob 1963 authoAi,ze6 a..eevy 6on1bchooZ pun - po.6e6 oven and above the Cha&teA .ZImi Cation. In 1964 .the .add.i ti,onaZ amount authotized .ca $10 110,52 1. 00; whetea6, .hot 1965 thi,6 .bevy i6 $6660 938.00 on a &educti.on o6 $443,583,,00, which is mote than o664et by the ,inc-cea,6e_.in .pen6.ion and debt co.6t6. $17,463,'907.00 o6 the totaZ 6choof- budget i6 6i.nanced 6&om the tax Levy. Bued on an e6timated a66e66ed vaeuati,on, which 46 6ubatant.iaeey taA than the cuAAent amount, an e6timated .tax &ate .ineeud,ing 6hninkage bo& aee 6.choot putpo6e4 in 1965 i,6 71,27 m,i,Q,ea, o& an .incAeue o.j 1.69 miZU over the 1964 &ate. The g&o66 budget Got city aetv.ice6 othe& than achootb inctudi.ng genetae city debt .ia $33,212,462.00, which 46 $131,245.00 over the 1964 budget. A6 ha6 been indi- cated, the .inene"e in the budget jot geneAa.Z city 6e&v.ice6 .ca due pninci.paZey to .i.n- aea.6 ed wee6 ate coat6 . Th.ib inaea6 a 46 pattiae ey o 6 j6 et b y . a &eduction in the .tau levy 6o& debt, due to an incAea6e in the e6timate o4 the eau, 4Ag6 on invebtment6 and a &eduction in the amount of emetgency no-te6, and to the a imination of the $175,000.00 app & ioptiaton to pay p&emiwn6 on .in6u&ance bot Lott .tZab.,Zi ty. The C " eCected to be .6eCj- ..n6u&ed, and a 6ub6tantiae. amount og the 1964 app&aptiation o6 $175, 000.00 So& in6utanee ptemiuma w.iU, be avaieabte jot thi6 pu&po.6e in 1965. 06 thiz .totae budget of $33, 212; 462.00 jot GenetaZ. City Setv.iee6, $21, 7920 521.00 wi U be 5.i,naneed &nom the tax .eevy on %eaZ and pe&6.onae .ptopWy; .thi,6 46 an .cnaeaae of $347, 669.00 oven 1964. AppZyin.g the Game ebt.imated vaeuation6 u6ed in detewu.ning the behoot &ate, the .envy inc&ding 6h sinkage wiZZ be 88.95 miU6 of an 4AcAeaae o6 2.67 mitt.6 over the p &e6ent &ate.. To the Honotabie Mayon and Memben6 ob the City Counc,, t September. 1, 1964 Due to the .cnatea.6 a in the .tax tev y and the aeduc ti.on in taxable a46 e66 ed vatuati,ona, the .i.ncneaae in the tax hate i6 a6 . botto" i In IncAea.6ed Levy Schoot Punpoaea .68 MiU6 Genenat City Punpo.6 e6 1.42 miZa Totat I ncnea6 e 2.10 miW chea6 ed Tax -Rate Due To DecAe"ed VaQuati,on . Totae 1,01 miu-4 1,69 mU" 1.25 mob 2.6 7 m.i U-4 2,,2 6 miUb 4.36 m,i t" The totae tax Aate to jinance the city budget bon 1965 .ib atimated to be 160.22 mitta, compoAed to the pr.e6 ent hate ' o 6 155.86 .mU" , Reb p e ct i uU4 .6 u bmi tte d, Jo eph J C,i.ty .ComptnoZ&A m pe 6% 0 SUMMARY I � .r Charter Code Charter Fund 1.00 City Officers' Sglaries 2.00 Mayor's Office Administration 2.01 City Planning 2.02 Civil-Defense 2.03 Fair Employment Practices 2.04 Publicity Bureau 3.00 Corporation Counsel 4.00 City Clerk - Records 4.01 City Clerk - Registrations 5.00 Commissioner of Finance 6.00 Commissioner of Public Safety 6.01 Police 6.02 Fire 6.03 Police and Fire Alarm 6.04 Health 7.00 Commissioner of Public Works 7.01 Street Maintenance and Repair 7.02 Sewer Maintenance and Repair 7.03 Street and Sewer Cleaning 7.04 Bridge Building and Repair 8.00 Public Schools 9.00 Commissioner of Libraries, Auditorium, and Civic Buildings 9.01- Public Library , 9.02 Auditorium 9.03 Stadia 9.04 Civic Education Center 11.00 Commissioner of Public Utilities 11.01 Public Lighting 12.00 Water Department 13.00 City Comptroller 13.01 Civil Service 14.00 Municipal Court 15.00 Purchasing Agent 16.00 Council Investigation and Research Bureau 18.00 Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings 18.01 Public Parks and Recreation 18.02 Public Buildings 19.00 Elections 20.00 Board of Public Welfare 21.00 City Hall and Court House 22.00 Detention and Corrections Authority 25.00 Employee Benefits 26.00 Judgment and Compromise 27.00 Local Improvement Aid 28.00 Interest 30.00 Redemption of Bonds and Notes 45.00 General Fund TOTAL r Z6 Amount 97,500.00 38,884.00 129,775.00 123,682.00 28,457.00 None 20:6,210.00 136,603.00 34,572.00 276,950.00 164,201.00 3,470,331.00 3,467,114.00 257,488.00 607,186.00 1,000,228.00 701,480.00 373,302.00 1,307,183.00 99,060.00 221651,945.00 37,412.00 1,079,748.00 94,000..00 15,000.00 182,580.00 136,889.00 682,840.00 4,423,075.00 144,929.00 132,936.00 291,190.00 126,778.00 16,000.00 64,005.00 1,650,432..00 467,500.00 8,150.00 4,055$46.00 248,827.00, 409,871.00 2,177,393.00 25,000.00 993,087.00 1,600,423.00 2,857,038.00 457,704.00 57,550,304.00 FINANCING SCHEDULE Estimated Revenue for 1965 Other Schools Services REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY TARES Appropriated in 1965 Budget Charter Limitation State Law Chapter 837 Outside Limitations Total SCHOOL REVENUES Basic Aid (Includes Apportionment) State Income Tax Aid State Aid Handicapped Children Vocational Aid - State and Federal Vocational E.,zening School - State Aid and Tuition Transportation Aid - Handicapped Children Tuition from Patrons Adult Education Evening Federal Aids Non Resident Tuition and Aids Total SPECIAL TAXES Bank Excise Grain Tax Gross-Earnings .Mortgage Registry Occupational Tax Penalties - Tax Collections Public Housing - In Lieu of Taxes Sales - Tax Forfeited Properties State App,0tioned - Cigarette and Liquor Total LICENSES AND PERMITS Business Licenses Cigarette Licenses Departmental Permits Dog Licenses Trade and Occupational Licenses Total FEES,, FINES AND MISCELLANEOUS Conciliation Court Fees Fines and Bail Forfeits Rents and Miscellaneous Recording Fees - City Clerk Total I " DEPARTMENTAL RECEIPTS - See Schedule SELF - SUSTAINING BUREAUS Auditorium Water Department Total TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES * Estimated 5% reduction in ,State Aids ($324,679.00) for 1965 have been deducted. , F Total 12,675,000.00 12,075,000.00 666,938.00 4,121,969.00 9,717,521.00 17,463,907.00 21,792,521.00 39,256,428.00 4,321,486.00* 637,310.00 556,000.00 285,790.00 166, 715.00 90,000.00 ._20210696.00 39,000.00 91,708.00 105,630.00 6,496,335.00 6,496,335.00 200,000.00 2403,000.00 2,500..00 3,500.00 22000,000.00 = 55,000.00 502000.00 4,000.00 5,000.00 20,000.00 302000.00 302000.00 402000.00 20,000.00 15,000.00 960,000.00 331,500..00 3,343,500.00 3,675,000.00 680,060.00 22,000.00 350,000.00 x 3,000.00 35,000.00 t 1,090,000.00 1,0902000.00 .. 5,000.00 535,000.00 70,872.00 50,000.00 660y872.00 660,872.00 46,100.00 1,808,494.00 1,854,594.00 94,000.00 4,423,075.00 4,517,075.00 4,517,075.00 24,337,842.00 33,212,462.00 57,550,304.00 8 SCHEDULE OF DEPARTMENTAL RECEIPTS 1965 Amount Sub Totals PARKING METER REVENUE Finance 16,414.00 Police 30,000.00 Traffic Control 157,586.00 Street Maintenance and Repair 24,000.00 Street Cleaning 25,000.00 Total STATE REVENUES State Aid Highways Street Maintenance and Repair 239,000.00 Street Cleaning 1003,000.00 Local Improvement Aid- Nil 339,000.00 Highway Maintenance Street Maintenance and Repair 90,000.00 Total COUNTY AID - LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS RECOVERABLE COSTS General Government Activities _ City Planning from T.C. Planning 12,733.00 Civil Defense from Federal Government 61,000,00 Official.Publications from PIR Fund 15,000.00 City Clerk from Armory Real Estate 6;000.00 'Finance from-Assessments (PIR) _ 15,000.00 - ` -- Finance from•,Postage (PIR)- -- _ —1-,000.00 Finance from Sewer Maintenance 5,000.00 Finance from Armory Real Estate 10,000.00 Comptroller from Misc. Receipts 5,000.00 Civil Service from Misc. Receipts 15,000.00 Purchasing Agent from.Other Agencies 352000,00 Maplewood - Ramsey County - City - Joint Storm Water Sewer 50,000.00 230,733.00 Department of Public Safety Building Maint. from Health Department 23,919.00 Police from Miscellaneous Receipts 353000.00 Fire from Miscellaneous Receipts .- 2,000.00 Police and Fire'Alarm from-Misc.-,-Receipts 12,000.00 Health from Miscellaneous Receipts 31500.00 Health from Special Projects Fund 25,000.00 1013419.00 Department of Public Works Engineers from Other Agencies 368,000.00 Street Maintenance and Repair from Miscellaneous Receipts 7,000.00 Sewer,Maintenance.and repair from Outside Areas 117,912.00 Interceptor Sewer Maintenance from Sewer Rentals 112,130.00 Street and Sewer Cleaning from i Miscellaneous Receipts 26,000.00 Bridge Bldg. & Repair; from Misc. Receipts 500.00 631,542.00 1 00 Totals 253,000.00 42.93000.00 Nil SCHEDULE OF DEPARTMENTAL RECEIPTS (Continued) ' 1965 RECOVERABLE COSTS continued Amount Sub Totals Department of Libraries, Audi- torium, and Civic Buildings Public Library from Overdue Fines 40,000.00 Public Library from Misc. Receipts 10,000.00 50,000.00 Department of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings Public Parks and Recreation from Traffic Fines 20,000.00 Public Parks and' Recreation from Miscellaneous Receipts 20,000.00 Public Buildings from Other Agencies 35,000.00 75,000.00 Department of Public Utilities Testing Laboratory from Other Agencies 8,800.00 Building Maintenance from Rentals 131000.00 Public Lighting from Recovery of ' Property Damage 16,000.00 37,800.00 _ TOTAL RECOVERABLE COSTS (Other Services) RECOVERABLE RECEIPTS - Board of Education Miscellaneous Receipts TOTAL DEPARTMENTAL RECEIPTS Totals 1,126,494.00 46,100.00 1,854,594.00 E , A 10 Id ANALYSIS OF 1964 TAX LEVY Collectible during 1965 Estimated Budget Net Tax Appropriation Shrinkage Lev SCHOOL PURPOSES Charter Limitation 12,675,000.00 63,375.00 12,738,375.00 State Law - Chapter 837 666,938.00 - -- 666,938,00 Debt - Maturities and Interest 1,685,897.00 8,429.00 1,694,326.00 Public Employees Retirement 238,924.00 - -- 238,924.00 Teachers' Retirement 1,657,241.00 81286.00 1,665,527.00 Health and Welfare 'Ir,sufance Premiums 430,000.00 2,150.00 432,150.00 Severance Pay 99,907.00 500.00 1002407.00 Public Examiner's Fee 10,000.00 50.00 10,050.00 TOTAL - SCHOOL PURPOSES 172463,907.00 82,790.00 17$46,697.00 OTHER SERVICES Charter Limitations 12,075,000.00 60,375.00 12,135$75.00 Tax Levy (In Lieu of Monies and Credits) 182,000.00 910..00 182,910.00 Debt - Other than School Debt _. 2,771,564.00 13,858.00 2,785,422.00 Police Relief Association 449,,582.00 2,248.00 451,830.00 Firemen's Relief Association 499,536.00 21498.00 502,034.00 Health Relief Association 24,977.00 125.00 25,102.00 Public Employees Retirement 585,856.00 - -- 585,856.00 Public Welfare (Includes City & County Hospital) 4,055,346.00 20,277.00 4,075,623.O Metropolitan Airports:;Commission_ .. _ - -- _ - -- - -- Health and Welfare Insurance Premiums 465,000.00 21325.00 467,325.0 Severance Pay 6231442.00 312.00 62,754.00 Unemployment Compensation 75,000.00 375.00 75,375.00 Civil Defense 62,682.00 313.00 62,995.00 Detention Authority - Operations 391,613.50 1,958.00, 393,571.50 - Retirement Fund 18,257.50 - -- 182257.50 Port Authority - Operations 37,465.00 187.00 37,652.00 Public Examiner's Fee 15,000.00 75.00 15,075.00 Tort Liability - M.S.A. 466 - -- - -- - -- Health and Welfare - Retirees (Includes Schools) 21,200.00 106.00 21,306.00 TOTAL OTHER SERVICES 21,792$21.00 .105,942.00 21,898,463.00 TOTAL ALL PURPOSES 39,256,428.00 188,732.00 39,445,160.00 1i EQUIPMENT APPROPRIATIONS Charter Section 201* Charter Code 2.00 Mayor's -',Office 6.01 Police e Staff and Inspection 6.01 Police e Staff and Inspection 6.02 Fire - Fire Fighting 6.02 Fire - Fire Fighting 6.03 Police & Fire Alarm- Operations 6.04 ' Health 6.04 Health 7.00 Commissioner of Public Works 7.00 Commissioner of Public Works 7.00 Commissioner of Public Works 7.00 Commissioner of Public Works 7.02 Sewer and Tunnel Repair 7.03 Cleaning Paved Streets 7.03 Garbage Disposal 7.03 Refuse Disposal and Land Fill 7.03 Cleaning Sewers and Tunnels 7.04 Bridge Building and Repair 7.04 Bridge Building and Repair 9.01 Public Library 11.01 Public Lighting 11.01• :. Public Lighting 13.00 City Comptroller 15.00 Purchasing 18.01 Parks and Recreations 18.01 Parks and Recreation 35.00 General Fund Office Equipment New Equipment Radio Equipment New Equipment New Hose Automotive Equipment Office Equipment Office Equipment Office Equipment Microfilm Automotive Equipment Survey Equipment Automotive Equipment Automotive Equipment Automotive Equipment Automotive Equipment Automotive Equipment Automotive Equipment Shop Equipment Office Equipment Shop Equipment Automotive_ Equipmen_tr, Office Equipment Office Equipment Automotive Equipment Automotive Equipment Cash Accounting Machine 11 1,000.00 52,000.00 6,950.00 50,000.00 5,000.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 2,500.00 1,500.00 2,700.00 19,000,00 40,000.00 15,000.00 3-,000.00 3,000.00 200.00 10,000.00 500.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 15,000.00 4,000.00 6,000.00 ,251,850.100 * 'but of the amounts appropriated each year for the cost of the City government and departments other than schools, at least $250,000shall be reserved each year and may be expended for new, replacement or renewal of departmental equipment. Any part thereof not expended in any year shall be accumulated and reserved for such use in future years. ",� .y ►l _ 12 /Z Code Charter Classification Titles Amounts Appropriations - Sub Totals Totals 1 CITY OFFICERS' SALARIES 0010 Charter or Statutory Salaries 131 Salaries - Elected Officials .97,500..00 MAYOR'S OFFICE ADMINISTRATION 2 0020 Administration 101 Salaries 24,984.00 201 Automobile Allowance 900.00 202 Telephone 1,500.00 203 Postage 500.00 223 : Maint..and Repairs - Office Equipment 100.00 251 Dues and Memberships U. S. Conference of Mayors 500.00 3,500.00 340 Office.Supplies 2,200.00 475 Contingent Account 6,000.00 476 Council and Legislative Exp. 1,290_00 7,700.00 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. 1,000.00 38,884.00 2.01 0021 City Planning 101 Salaries 110,456.00 j 201 Automobile Allowance 936.00 202 -Telephone and Telegraph 1,000.00 203 Postage 200.00 204 Travel 900.00 .. 206 Printing and Binding 500.00 223 Maint. and Repairs - Office Equipment 250.00 250 Blue Printing 600.00 251 Dues and Subscriptions 300.00 4,686.00 340 Office Supplies 700.00 342 Drafting Supplies 700.00 1,400.00 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. 500.00 117,042.00 0022 Twin City Metropolitan Planning 101 Salaries _12,733.00 129 129,775.00 2.02 0025 Civil Defense 101 Salaries *84,824.00 •'143 Fees - Educational _1,3344.00 86,168.00 201 Automobile Allowance 2,400.00 202 Telephone 4,700.00 203 Postage 1,500.00 204 Travel 800.00 205 Shipping and M6viing„ 2100.00 206 Printing and Binding 900.00 223 Maint. and Repairs - Office Equipment 200.00 226 Maint. and Repairs - 41 Machinery and Equipment 900.00 241 Rentals - Building and Office _ Space 6,000.00 245 Rent - Motor °Vehicles 1,100.00 *Increased Departmental Receipts _ COUNSEL 13 Code 101 &proRriations -187,210.00 Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals 201 249 Miscellaneous Rentals 300.00 202 Telephone 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 84,00 19,084.00 Postage 500.00 340 Office Supplies 2,500.00 Travel 1,000.00 55,000.00 341 Clothing 500.00 1,500.00 349 343 Household Supplies 100.00 T (Law Library) 345 Chemical and Laboratory Supplies 50.00 801 _ 348 Instruction Supplies 1,500.00 - 349 Books and Periodicals 500.00 369 Miscellaneous Materials 500.00 5,650.00 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. 2,000.00 805 " " - Furniture and Appliances 1,000.00 806 " " - Instructional 600.00 807 " " - Radio 91180.00 12,780,00 123,682.00 2.03 0027 Fair Employment Practices Commission 101 Salaries 15,907.00 201 Automobile Allowance 350.00 202 Telephone 225.00 203 Postage 200.00 204 Travel 550.00 206 Printing and Binding 500.00 223 Maint. and Repairs - ; Office Equipment 125.00 1,950.00 340 Office Supplies 400.00 801, Capital Outlay - Office Equip. 200.00 _ 18;457.00 0028 F.E.P.C. Education Program 101 Salaries 7,500.00 340 Office Supplies 1,000.00 348 Instruction Supplies 1,500.00 2,500.00 1,0,000.00 28,457.00 2.04 0028 Publicity Bureau None SUMMARY - MAYOR'S OFFICE 2 ' Administration 38,884,00 2.01 City Planning 129,775.00 2.02 Civil Defense 123,682.00 2.03 Fair Employment Practices Comm. 28,457.00 2.04 Publicity Bureau None 320,798.00 3 CORPORATION COUNSEL 0030 Administration 101 Salaries -187,210.00 150 Fees - Courts 7,000.00 194,210.00 201 Automobile Allowance 1,000.00 202 Telephone 22,500.00 203 Postage 500.00 204 Travel 1,000.00 55,000.00 340 Office Supplies 1,500.00 349 Books and Periodicals (Law Library) 1,500,00 3,000.00 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. 500.00 .'202,_710.00 _ 14 Code Appropriations - Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals 0031 Codification of Ordinances 141 Fees - Legal 1,000.00 206 Printing and Binding ^,2,500.00 3,500.00 0035 Tort Liability M.S.A. 466 None 206,210.00 4 CITY CLERK 0040 Records 101 Salaries 72,103.00 202 Telephone 300,00 203 Pcs tage 400.00 204 Travel 400,00 206 Printing and Binding 200.00 223 Office Equipment - Maintenance 850.00 251 Dues and Subscriptions 100.00 2,250.00 340 Office Supplies 1,050.00 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. ^, 200.00 " 75,603.00 0041 Official Publications 208 Official Publications 55,000.00 ,0042 Microfilming --` 255 Microfilming ,4,800.00 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip_., 1,200.00 6,000.00 136,603.00 4,01 0045 Registration 101 Salaries 31,572.00 201 Automobile Allowance 1,100.00 202 Telephone 1,200.00 204 Travel 350.00 2,650.60 340 Office Supplies 350.00 34,572.00 SUMMARY - CITY CLERK r. 4 Records 136,603.00 4.01 Registration; rr, 34,572.00 171,175.00 ' S DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r ' 0050 Commissioner of Finance 101- Salaries" + *237,236.00 201 Automobile Allowance - 4,000.00 202 Telephone and Telegraph 1,900.00 203 Postage 3,400.00 204 Travel 300.00 206 Printing and Binding 900.00 223 Office Equipments,Maintenance 500.00 250 Blueprinting.," ` '.450.00 251 Dues and Subscriptions 50.00 260 Tabulating Service 200.00 261 Insurance and Bonds 100;00 11,800.00 _ 'Increased Departmental Receipts " 'r - 15 Code Avvropriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals 340 Office Supplies 1,000.00 608 Capital Outlay - Office Remodel. 10,000.00 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. 500.00 260,536.00 0051 Parking Meter Service 101 Salaries 15,744.00 201 Automobile Allowance 480.00 223 Office Equipment Maint. 90.00 570.00 340 Office Supplies 25.00 341 Clothing (Uniforms) 75.00 100,00 16,414.000 276,950.00 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY 6 COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC SAFETY 0100 Administration 101 Salaries 37,872.00 201 Automobile Allowance 1,800.00 _ 02 Telephone 1,625.00 203 Postage 1,000.00 204 Travel 75.00 223 Office Equipment Maintenance 25.00 r 251 Dues and Subscriptions 50.00 4,575.00 340 Office Supplies 325.00 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. 200.00 442,972.00 ' 0101 Building Maintenance 101 Salaries *102,529.00 220 Gas and Electricity 11,000,00 221 Water and Sewer Rental 1,500.00 222 Sanitary Services 200.00 226 Machinery and Equip. Maint. 300.00 227 Laundry 2,000.00 232 Elevator Maintenance 100.00 15,100.00 301 Custodial Supplies 750.00 304 Electrical Supplies 350.00 t' 319 Miscellaneous Maint. Supplies 650.00 324 Small Tools 200.00 f 302 Plumbing Supplies 100.00 303 Paint Supplies 200,00 305 Heating Fuels 650.00 ' 313 Carpentry Materials 200.00 3,100.00 802 Capital Outlay - Shop Equip. 500,00. 12 1229.00 164,201.00 ` b 6-01 POLICE 0110 Administration r 101 Salaries 40,596.00 h 202 Telephone i 20,500.00 -" 203 Postage 1,200.00 +r, 204 Travel ' 1,00G.00 ' 205 Shipping and Moving 150,00 i 208 Office Publications 700.00 *Increased Departmental Receipts % t . 16 Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals 226 Maint. and Repair - Machinery and Equip. 500.00 239 Misc. Maint. and Repairs 1,000.00 251 Dues and Subscriptions 750.00 265 Authorized Meeting Expenses 500.00 26,300.00 340 Office Supplies 200.00 343 Household Supplies 600.00 349 Books and Periodicals 200.00 1,000.00 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. 500.00 68,396.00 0111 License Division 101 Salaries 49,692.00 201 Automobile Allowance 5,400.00 340 Office Supplies 50.00 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. 200.00 55,342.00 0112 Uniformed Division 101 Salaries 2,182,544.00 201 Automobile Allowance 1,800.00 .. 340 Office Supplies 200.00 341 Clothing 20,160.00 344 Medical and Dental Supplies 800.00 352 Law Enforcement Supplies „ 6,000.00 271,160.00 2,211,504.00 -' 0113 Detective Division _ 101 Salaries 581,579.00 145 Fees - Personnel 500.00 582,079.00 _ 269 Miscellaneous 800.00 340 Office ,Supplies 200.00 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. 2,500.00 585,579.00 0114 Staff and Inspection 144 Fees - Psychiatrist 1,000.00 206 Printing and Binding 700.00 220 Electricity 250.00 2,23 Maintenance of Equip. - Office 250.00 225 Maintenance of Equip.- Motor Vehicles 72,000.00 227 Laundry 500.00 2,41 Rentgls Bldg. and Office Space 600.00 ' 242 Rental - Data Processing Equip. 5,200.00 _ 245 Rental - Motor Vehicles 15,400.00 t r 247 Rental ­Office Equipment 17,000.00 264 Police Training Schools 15,000.00 126,900.00 322 Motor Fuels 47,000.00 326 Radio Maint. and Supplies 3,25 0.0.0 340 Office Supplies 12,500.00 :.- 345 Chemical and Laboratory ' Supplies 5,000.00 346 Food 3,000.00 348 Instruction Supplies 500.00 370 Photo Supplies 2,500.00 73,750.00 803 Capital Outlay - Automotive Equipment 52,000.00 807 Capital Outlay - Radio 6,950.00 58.950.00 260_,600.00 V . 17 Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts' Sub Totals Totals 0115 Radio Division 101 ..Salaries 59,100.00 0116 Police Station 101 Salaries 41,700,00 0117 Record Division 101 Salaries 188,110.00 3,470,331.00 6.02 FIRE .0140 Administration 101 Salaries 147,930.00 204 Travel 500.00 206 Printing and Binding 100.00 223 Office Equip. Maint. ;1 100.00 251 Dues and Subscriptions 100.00 800.00 340 Office Supplies 1,500.00 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. , 200.00 150,430.00 0141 Fire Prevention 101 Salaries 78,828.00 201 Automobile Allowance 9,000.00 340 Office Supplies 500.00 88,328.00 0142 Fire Fighting 101 Salaries 2,972,681.00 204 Travel 750.00 225 Equip. Maint. -Motor Vehicles 45,000.00 ' 227 Laundry 100.00 45,850.00 322 Motor Fuel 10,550.00 324 'Small Tools 1 600.00 1 340 Office Supplies 500.00 341 Clothing 4,000.00 356 Fire Fighting Supplies 3,000.00 18,650.00 803 Capital Outlay - Automotive Equipment 50,000..00 821 Capital Outlay -'New Hose 5,000.00 55,000.00 3,092,181.00 z 0143 Station Maintenance .. 101- Salaries 31,827.00 ` 202 Telephone 3,000.00 ' '. 220 Gas and Electricity 18,800.00 221 Water and Sewer Rental 2,000.00 , 222 Sanitary Services' 100,00 23,900.00• • 301 'Janitor Supplies, 500.00 302 Plumbing Supplies 500.00 303 Paint Supplies 750.00 304 Electrical Supplies 750.00 ' 305 Heating Fuel 4,500.00 i 313 Carpentry Materials 500.00 319 Misc.'Maintenance Supplies 1,000.00 `j` 340 Office Supplies 100.00 ` 343 Household Supplies 2,500.00 356 Fire Fighting Supplies 400.00 11,500.00 67,227.00 ;a /V f 18 Code ARRropriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals 0144 Radio_ Division 101 Salaries 9,976.00 226 Machinery and Equip. Maint. 2,000.00 11,976.00 0145 Fire Hydrants 244 Fire Hydrant Rental 721 Fire'Hydrant Installations 6.03 POLICE AND FIRE ALARM 0170 Administration and Operations 43,215.00 13,757.00 56,972.00 3,467,114.00 1 104,738.00 10,500.00 t 4,000.00 1.250.00 15,750.00 1,500.00 200.00 1,700.00 2,500.00 124,688.00 83,300.00 30,000.00 1,000.00 31,000.00 1,500.00 17,000.00 18,500, 132,800.00 488.00 48,686.00 900.00 1,500.00 750.00 { 50.00 125.00 3,325.00 2,075.00 1,000.00 154,731.00 12, 843.00 42,457.00 250.00 750.00 1,000.00 167,574.00 55,086.00 44,457.00 101 Salaries 202 Telephone 225 Maint, and Repair - Motor Vehicles 226 Maint. and Repair - Machinery and Equip. 324 Small Tool$ 340 Office Supplies 803 Capital Outlay - Automotive Equipment 0171 Traffic Signal Maintenance 101 Salaries 220 Electricity 226 Maint.and Repair - Machinery and Equipment 304 Electtical•Supplies I 306 Traffic Signal Parts 6.04 HEALTH - 0180 Administration 101 Salaries 201 Automobile Allowance ' 203 Postage 226 Maint, and Repair - Machinery _ and Equipment 227 Laundry " - 251 Dues and Subscriptions 340 Office Supplies 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. 0181 Vital Statistics 101 Salaries 226 Maint. and' Repair - Machinery and Equipment 340 Office Supplies 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. 0182 Promotion of Health - Schools 101 Salaries- Promotion of Health - Dental Health 43,215.00 13,757.00 56,972.00 3,467,114.00 1 104,738.00 10,500.00 t 4,000.00 1.250.00 15,750.00 1,500.00 200.00 1,700.00 2,500.00 124,688.00 83,300.00 30,000.00 1,000.00 31,000.00 1,500.00 17,000.00 18,500, 132,800.00 488.00 48,686.00 900.00 1,500.00 750.00 { 50.00 125.00 3,325.00 2,075.00 1,000.00 154,731.00 12, 843.00 42,457.00 250.00 750.00 1,000.00 167,574.00 55,086.00 44,457.00 - 18 Code , Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals 0144 Radio 101 Salaries 9,976.00 226 Machinery and Equip. Maint. 2,000.00 11,976.00 0145 Fire Hydrants 244 Fire Hydrant Rental 43,215.00 721 Fire Hydrant Installations 13,757.00 56,972,00 3,467,114,00 • 6.03 POLICE AND FIRE ALARM 0170 Administration and Operations 101 Salaries 104,738.00 202 Telephone 10,500.00 225 Maint. and Repair - Motor Vehicles 4,000.00 226 Maint. and Repair - Machinery and Equip. 1,,250.O0 15,750.00 324 Small Tools 1,500.00 340 Office Supplies 200.00 1,700.00 803 Capital Outlay - Automotive Equipment 2,500.00 124,688.00 0171 Traffic Signal Maintenance 101 Salaries 83,300.00 - 220 Electricity 30,000.00 226 Maint.and Repair'- Machinery and Equipment 1,000.00 31,000.00 304 Electrical,Supplies 1,500.00 306 Traffic Signal Parts 17,000.00 _x8,5 00.00 132,800.00 257,488.00 6.04 HEALTH 0180 Administration 101 Salaries 48,686.00 201 Automobile Allowance 900.00 203 Postage 1,500.00 226 Maint. and Repair - Machinery and Equipment 750.00 227 Laundry 50.00 - 251 Dues and +Subscriptions 125.00 3,325.00 340 Office Supplies 2,075.00 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. 1,000.00 55,086.00 0181 Vital Statistics 101 Salaries 42,457.00 226 Maint, and Repair - Machinery and Equipment 250.00 340 Office Supplies 750.00 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. 1,000.00 44,457.00 0182 Promotion of Health - Schools _ 101 Salaries- Promotion of Health 154,731.00 It - Dental Health 12,843.00 167,574.00 I - 19 Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals 201 Automobile Allowance 1,500.00 227 Laundry 1,000.00 251 Dues and Subscriptions 100.00 2,600.00 340 Office Supplies 200.00 344 Medical and Dental Supplies 9,180.00 9,380.00 179,554.00 0183 Food Regulation 101 Salaries 55,428.00 201 Automobile Allowance 5,000.00 251 Dues and Subscriptions 50.00 5,050.00 340 Office Supplies 150.00 60,628.00 0184 Medical and Inspectional 101 Salaries 45,547.00 201 Automobile Allowance 3,600.00 340 Office Supplies 500.00 344 Medical and Dental Supplies 500.00 1,000.00 50,147.00 0185 4 Tuberculosis 101 Salaries 75,410.00 201 , Automobile Allowance 1,500.00 226 Maint. and Repairs —Machinery _ and Equipment 50.00 227 Laundry 450.00•. 2,000.00 340 Office Supplies-," 500.00 ' - 344 Medical and Dental Supplies 2,,000T_00 2,500.00 79,910.00 J 0186 Building MaintEnance 202 Telephone 5,500.00 220 Gas and, Electricity 8,000.00 221 Water and Sewer Rental 1,000.00 227 Laundry 300 -00 236 Custodial Services 23,862.00 38,662.00 301 Janitor „and Sanitation Supplies 1,500..00 324 Small Tools 700.00 2,200.00 40,862.00 0187 Health Laboratory 101 Salaries 19,706.00 227 Laundry 400.00 251 Dues and Subscriptions.. jOQ,OO 500.00 340 Office Supplies 300.00 345 Laboratory Supplies 1,200.00 1,500.00 21,706.00 0188 Dog 101 202 220 221 225 301 305 340 346 License Enforcement Salaries - Telephone Electricity Water and Sewer Rental Maint. and Repair - Motor Vehicles Janitor and Sanitation Heating Fuel Office Supplies Food 16,094.00 250.00 300.00 100.00 1,000.00 1,650.00 200.00 200.00 100.00 350.00 850.00 18,594.00 �D 20 Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals 0189 Housing inspection 101 Salaries *50,544.00 201 Automobile Allowance 4,500.00 260 Tabulating Service 400.00 4,900.00 340 Office Supplies 798.00 56,242,00 607,186.00 SUMMARY - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY 6 Commissioner of Public Safety 164,201.00 6.01 Police 3,470,331.00 6.02 Fire 3,467,114.00 6.03 Police and Fire Alarm 257,488.00 6.04 Health 607^186.00 7,966,320.00 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 7 COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS 0200 Administration 101 Salaries 60,589.00 201 Automobile Allowance 1,700.00 202 Telephone 2,000.00 203 Postage 100.00 204 Travel 500.00 ' 223 Maint', and Repair - Office $1. : L Equipment 300.00 251 Dues and Subscriptions 100.00 4,700.00 340 Office Supplies 300.00 65,589.00 0201 Engineers 101 Salaries *719,912.00 201 Automobile Allowance 6,000.00 202 Telephone 2,000.00 203 Postage 500.00 204 Travel 1,500.00 206 Printing and Binding 2,000.00 223 Maint. and Repair - Office Equipment 1,500.00 250 Blueprinting 5,000.00 251 Dues and Subscriptions 250.00 252 Testing Services 1,900.00 19,750.00 340 OfficeiSupplies 2,250.00 342 Drafting & Surveying Supplies 3,000.00 _5,250.00 t 801 Office Equipment - Regular 1,000.00 801 "_ !! - Microfilm 2,000.00 803 Automative Equipment 2,500.00 808 Mechanical Equipment - Survey Equpment 1500.00 7,000.00 751,912.00 0203 Traffic Control and Parking Meter Service 101 Salaries 125,000.00 201 Automobile Allowance 2,750.00 202 Telephone 3,500.00 4 - *Increasea Departmental Receipts r Code Charter Classification Titles 221 Water and Sewer Rental 204 Travel 220 Gas and Electricity 223 Maintenance and Repair - Office Equipment 224 Maintenance and Repair - Building 225 Maintenance and Repair - Motor Vehicles 240 Rent - Land 226 Maintenance and Repairs - Machinery and Equipment 228 Maintenance and Repairs - Grounds (Parking Lot) 260 Tabulating Service 303 Paint 307 Traffic Signs and Parts 324 Small Tools 340 Office Supplies 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment 802 Capital Outlay - Shop Equipment 803 Capital Outlay - Automotive Equipment 7.01 STREET MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR 0210 Paved Street Repairs 101 Salaries 201 Automobile Allowance 226 Maintenance. and ".Repairs - Machinery and Equipment 239 Miscellaneous Maintenance and Repair Services 245 Rent - ,Motor Vehicles 308 Street,Repair Materials_ 0211 Graded Street Repairs 101 Salaries 201 Automobile Allowance 202 Telephone 226 Maintenance and Repairs - Machinery and Equipment 245 Rent - Motor Vehicles 269 Miscellaneous Contractual Services 308 Street Repair Materials 324 Small Tools *Increased Departmental Receipts 21 Appropriations Amounts Sub Totals Totals 150.00 200.00 2,900.00 250.00 2,000.00 3,000.00 100.00 1,000.00 1,200.00 300.00 17,350.00 19,500.00 16,000.00 1,000.00 700.00 37,200.00 177.00 1,000.00 2,,000.00 3,177.00 182,727.00 1,000,228.00 *281, 913.00 1,400.00 200.00 � wl*000lil, 2,500.00 600.00 5,800.00 17,500.00 53,400.00 100,000.00 *141,727.00 600.00 27,000-00 60,000.00 1,400.00 61,40QAQ 435,313.00 230,127.00 22 Code Charter Classification Titles Amount 0212 Sidewalk Repairs 101 Salaries 245 Rent - Motor Vehicle 309 Sidewalk Repair Materials 7.02 SEWER MAINTENANM AND REPAIR Appropriations Sub Totals Totals 1 11 3,000.00 •,600,00 • 1 1 11 701,480,00 0230 Sewers and Tunnel Repairs 101 Salaries *136,372.00 201 Automobile Allowance 2,600..00 202 Telephone 800.00 225 Maintenance and Repairs - Motor Vehicle 3,500.00 245 Rental- Motor Vehicle 5,000.00 269 Miscellaneous Contractual Serv. 1,300.00 13,200.00 310 Sewer Repair Materials 13,000.00 324 Small Tools 1,500.00 14,500.00 803 Capital Outlay - Automotive Equipment 2,700,00 166,772.00 0231 Inspection of House Drain Connect. 101 Salaries *11;688.00 202 Telephone - Mobile 500.00 225 Maintenance and Repairs - "_ Motor Vehicles 1,200.00 1,70040 13,388.00 0232 Major Sewer,Repairs 101 Salaries 48,012.00 246 Rent - Machinery and Equip. 12,000.00 269 Miscellaneous Contractual Serv. 1.000.00 13,000.00 308 Street Repair Materials - 20,400.00 81,012.00 0236 Interceptor Sewer Maintenance 101 Salaries 68,280.00 201 Automobile Allowance 1,900.00 202 Telephone 200.00 225 Maintenance and Repairs - Motor Vehicles 400.00 226 Maintenance and Repairs - Machinery and Equipment 550.00 245 Rentals!- Motor Vehicles 400.00 269 Miscellaneous Contractual Serv. 1.250.00 4,700.00 310 Sewer Repair Material 3,000.00 319 Misc. Maint. Supplies 250.00 324 Small Tools 600.0.0 3,850.00 603 Capital Outlay - Building 33,000.00 802 Capital Outlay - Shop Equip. 800.00 808 Capital Outlay - Mechanical Equipment 1,500,00 2,300.00 112.130, 00 373,302.00 *Increased Departmental Receipts Code Charter Classification Titles 7.03 STREET AND SEWER CLEANING. 0250 Administration 101 Salaries 201 Automobile Allowance j 202 Telephone j 340 Office Supplies 0251 Cleaning Graded Streets 101 Salaries 201 Automobile Allowance 245 Rent - Motor Vehicles 0252 Cleaning Paved Streets 101 Salaries 201 Automobile Allowance 202 Telephone 220 Gas and Electricity 221 Water and Sewer Rental 225 Maintenance and Repairs - ' Motor Vehicles 245 Rent - Motor Vehicles _ 269 Miscellaneous 369 Miscellaneous Materials 804 Capital Outlay - Construction Equipment 0253 Refuse Removal 101 Salaries - 225 Maintenance and Repairs -- Motor Vehicles 324 Small 'Tools 808 Capital Outlay - Mechanical Equipment 0254 Winter Street Maintenance ,1 Snow Plowing 101 Salaries 225 Maintenance and Repairs - Motor Vehicles 245 Rent Motor Vehicles 269 Miscellaneous 324 Small Tools 0270 Weed Cutting 101 Salaries 226 Maintenance and Repairs - Machinery and Equipment 340 Office Supplies 347 Agricultural Supplies (Weed Killer) 0271 Garbage Disposal 101 Salaries 201 Automobile, Allowance 202 Telephone f �! z3 , ; 4 Amount 600.00 300.00 Avnropriations Sub Totals Totals 30,872.00 900.00 00 46,697.00 1,200.00 2,600.00 3,800.00 2,950.00 1,100.00 400.00 300.00 43,800.00 11,400.00 700.00 222,939.00 60,650.00 1,500.00 • 00Q 00 ' 11,257.00 1,800.00 200.00 750.00 17,000.00 4,000.00 2,800.00 500.00 7,300.00 700.00 13,446.00 3,000.00 50.00 1,721.00 1,771.00 5,100.00 1,500.00 491,826.00 23 32,772.00 50,497.00 304,089.00 14,007.00 25,000.00 18,217.00 i • r 24 Code Charter Classification Titles 220 Gas'and Electricity 225 Maintenance and Repairs - Motor Vehicles 245 Rentals - Motor Vehicles 324 Small Tools 803 Capital Outlay - Automotive Equip. 0272 Removal of Dead Animals 222 Sanitary Services 0273 Refuse Disposal and Land Fill 101 - Salaries 202 Telephone 220 Electricity 221 Water and Sewer Rental 225 Maintenance and Repairs - Motor Vehicles 245 Rent - Motor Vehicles 269 Miscellaneous 369 Miscellaneous Materials 603 Construction - Refuse Burner 803 Capital Outlay - Automotive Equip. 0280 Cleaning Sewers and Tunnels 101 Salaries 225 Maintenance and Repairs - Amount 2,900.00 29,000.00 37,500.00 400.00 60.00 60.00 8,800.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 Motor Vehicles _ 41000.00: 226 Maintenance and Repairs - Machinery and Equipment 3,000.00 246 _Rent - Machinery and Equipment 400.00 369 Miscellaneous Materials 803 Capital Outlay - Automotive Equip. 0281 Sewer Pumping Stations 101 Salaries 220 Electricity 324 Small Tools 0282 Rodent Control 222 Sanitary Services 7.04 BRIDGE BUILDING AND�REPAIR 0290 Administration 101 Salaries 201 Automobile Allowance 269 Miscellaneous 340 Office Supplies 0291 Maintenance - Bridges 101 Salaries 202 Telephone 220 Gas and Electricity _ 226 Maintenance and Repairs - Machinery and Equipment F 900.00 50.00 200.00 600.00 5,400.00 a� Appropriations Sub Totals Totals 76,000.00 2,200.00 40,000.00 71,520.00 610,026.00 7,200.00 11,820.00 1,800.00 19,000.00 15,000.00 119,140.00 97,770.00 . -- 7,400.00 600.00 3,000.00 108,770.00 8,265.00 6,000.00 200.00 141465.00 3;000.00 1,307,183.00 16,488.00 950.00 100.00 17,538.00 42,490.00 Code Charter Classification Titles Amount 269 Miscellaneous 300.00 311 Bridge Repair Materials 11,300.00 324 Small Tools 500.00 802 Capital Outlay- Shop Equipment 200.00 803 Capital Outlay - - Automotive Equipment 3,000.00 0292 Maintenance - Fences and Stairways 101 Salaries 225 Maintenance and Repairs - 500.00 Motor Vehicles 226 Maintenance and Repairs - Machinery and Equipment 500.00 269 Misc.: Contractural Services 300.00 369 Miscellaneous Materials SUMMARY - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 7 Commissioner of Public Works 7.01 Street Maintenance and Repair 7.02 Sewer Maintenance and Repair 7.03 Street and Sewer Cleaning 7.04 Bridge Building and Repair 8 PUBLIC SCHOOLS ' - 0301 Administration - - 101 Salaries - Civil Service 122,108.00 121 Salaries - School Code 12,000.00 142 Fees -- Architect 13,008.00 202 Automobile Allowance 775.00 203 Postage 1,200.00 204 Travel'- 700.00 206 Printing and Binding. 600.00 340 Office Supplies 1,050.00 369 Miscellaneous Materials 450.00 0302 Rental of IBM & Forms -- Data- Processing 206 Printirg and Binding 3,600.00 223 Maintenance -- Office Equipment 1,000.00 226 Maintenance--- Machinery and Equipment 110,560.00 0303 Education Administration 101 Salaries - Civil Service 35,892.00 121 Salaries - School Code 74,288.00 150 Fees - -Court 3,000.00 201 Automobile Allowance 2,200.00 202 Telephone 3,650.00 203 Postage 750.00 _ 204 Travel ' 3,500.00 206 Printing and Binding 3,300.00 25 ftpropriations Sub Totals Totals 6,500.00 11,800.00 X�� 9 • 6 1 11 12,732.00 1,300.00 3,500.00 17,532,nn 99,060.00 147,116.00 3,275.00 1,500.00 113,180.00 1,000,228.00 701,480.00 373,302.00 1, 307;183.00 3, 481, 253.00 151,891.00 15,160.00 26 Code Charter Classification Titles 269 Misc. Contractual Services 340 Office Supplies 369 Miscellaneous Materials 0304 School Board Expense 203 Postage 204 Travel 208 Official Publications 261 Insurance and Bonds 268 Bond ;Sale Expense 369 Miscellaneous Materials' 0305 School Planning Survey 269 Misc. Contractual Services 0306 Special Services Administration 101 Salaries - Civil Services 121 Salaries - School Code 201 Automobile Allowance 202 Telephone. 203 Postage 206 Printing and Binding 239 Misc. Maintenance and Repair 255 Microfilming 340 Office Supplies **0307 Operation and Maintenance Adm. 101 Salaries - Civil Service 201 Automobile Allowance 202 Telephone 203 Postage 204 Travel, 205 Shipping and Moving 206 Printing and Binding 220 Gas, Electricity and Steam 239 Misc. Maintenance and Repair 314 Heating .Fuels 340 Office Supplies **0308 Supply Storehouse 101 Salarie's' - Civil Service 202 Telephone 203 Postage 205 Shipping and Moving 206 Printing, and Binding 220 Gas, Electricity and Steam 221 Water and Sewer Rental 225 Maintenance - Motor Vehicles_ 314 Heating Fuels 340 Office Supplies 369 Miscellaneous Materials 0310 Instruction 101 Salaries - Civil Serv. Employees 121 Salaries - School Code (Teachers) Appropriations Amount Sub Totals Totals 100.00 13,500.00 1,000.00 500.00 1,500.00 128,180.00 400.00 2,500.00 500.00 100.00 1,400.00 4,900.00 100.00 5,000.00 16,000.00 20,908.00 26,568.00 47,476.00 300.00 2,676.00 1,000.00 1,875.00 200.00 11,531.00 17,582.00 1,370.00 66,428.00 99,676.00 4,000.00 2,500.00 270.00 700.00 100.00 450.00 2,200.00 200.00 10,420.00 4,000.00 500,00 4,500.00 114,596.00 50,917.00 550.00 40.00 200.00 25.00 650.00 120.00 1,200.00 2,785.00 1,500.00 75.00 75.00 1,650.00 55,352.00 572,259.00 13,970,555 <75 14,542,814.75 27 Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals 201 Automobile 2025 'Shipping and Moving 219 Misc. Communication and Transportation 271 Lectures and Workshop * *348 Instruction Supplies **349 Books and Periodicals 14,000.00 3,000.00 372,060.00 _90 QQ 0311 Athletic 101 Salaries - Civil Service 6,912:00 121 Salaries - School Code 13,672.00 201 Automobile Allowance 360.00 219 Misc. Communication and ,, Transportation 100.00 350 Athletic Supplies 0312 Special Services 101 •Salaries - Civil Service 26,938.00 121 Salaries - School Code 277,748.00 144 Fees -- Psychiatrist 1,000.00 201 'Automobile Allowance 340 Office Supplies 0313 Vocational Rehabilitation 101 Salaries - Civil Service 8,970.00 121 Salaries - School Code 35,357.00 201 Automobile Allowance 1,014.00 202 Telephone 818.00 203 Postage 950.00 206 Printing and Binding 120.00 269 Misc. Contractual Services 100.00 340 Office Supplies 0320 Operation of Buildings 101 Salaries - Civil Service 202 Telephone 42,702.00 220 Gas, Electricity & Steam 240,475.00 221 Water and Sewer Rental 67,600.00 301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 56,115.00 314 Heating Fuels 257,740.00 0321 Operations of Grounds 101 Salaries - Civil Service 201 Automobile Allowance 500.00 226 Maintenance, Machinery and Equipment 1,000.00 228 Maintenance - Grounds 7,000.00 234 Snow Removal 1,000.00 252 Testing,Services 150.00 253 Sprinkling Assessments 16,000,00 254 Forestry Assessments 1,500.00 320 Motor Vehicle- -Parts and Supplies 1,400 00 i 347 Agriculture & Horticulture 3,500.00 Supplies 31,000.00 492,250.00 - 14,976,064.75 20,584.00 460.00 750.00 21,794.00 305,686.00 3,972.00 655.00 310,313.00 44, 327.00 3,002.00 1,100.00 48,429.00 1,630,088.20 350,777.00 313,855.00 2,294,720.20 29,412.00 27,150.00 4,900.00 61,462.00 i J a 28 Code APBropriations Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals **0330 Maintenance of Plant 101 Salaries - Civil Service 608,827.00 201 Automobile Allowance 18,500.00 224 Maintenance -- Buildings and Structures 63,882.00 225 Maintenance- -Motor Vehicles 7,000.00 235 Work Order -- Repairs 120,000.00 209,382.00 711 City Assessments - Permanent Improvements 20,719.97 838,928.07 0331 Athletic Fields 101 Salaries - Civil Service 13,844.00 228 Maintenance - Grounds 10,000.00 23,844.00 0332 Repair of Special Instruction Equip. 239 Misc. Maint. and'Repair 28,000.00 0340 Promotion of Health 101 Salaries - Civil Service 314,558.00 201 Automobile Allowance 2,000.00 202 Telephone 550.00 203 Postage 300.00 204 Travel 1,000.00 206 Printing and Binding 1,300.00 223 Maintenance - Office Equip. i and Furniture 650.00 227 Laundry, 3,000.00 269 Misc. Contractual Services 100.00 8,900.00 340 Office Supplies 450.00 344 Medical and Dental Supplies 3,004.00 3,450.00 801 Office Equipment 2,850.00 329,758.00 0350 Insurance 261 Insurance and Bond 30,129.00 0351 Workmen's Compensation 425 Workmen's Compensation -- In Lieu of Salary 25,000.00 0352 Rentals 241 Rental - Building and Office Space 25,502.09 0360 Non;.-Handicapped Pupils 209 Bus Service 20,125.00 0361 Handicapped Children 209 Bus Service 103,975.00 **03x0 Capital Outlay 510 Land =- Schools 3,863.89 810 Equipment -- Schools 132,141.00 136,004.89 Code Charter Classification Titles Amount 0380 Evening and Summer School 121 Salaries - School Code 0381 Evening Adult Education 121 Salaries - School Code ;r 0382,'f Summer -- Central High School 121 Salaries - School Code 0383 Summer -- Vocational 121 Salaries, School Code 0384 Summer -- Vocational (Business and Distributive) 121 Salaries - School Code 0385 Special Activitles - Use of_Bldgs..,_ 121 T-Salaries -'School-Code l� 0386 .Vocational =Trade anC Industrial } - '_l2L - xSalarie'§ '-'School Code 0387 Vocational -- Business and- Distributive '121 x Salaries -• School, Code .f 29 Appropriations Sub Totals Totals 25,000.00 72,341.00 28,000.00 3,885.00 2,500:00 5,400.00 188,630.00 50,962.00 0388`' 'Otlfer -C6mmunity�Servic2s 101 Salaries - Civil Service 71724.00 121 Salaries - School Code 3,000.00 10,724.00, 201 Automobile Allowance 675.00 258 Entertainment 1,000.00 1.,675.00 349 Books „and Periodicals 100.00 12,499.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATION - OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AND CAPITAL 0390 Teachers Retirement Fund 435 Pension Contributions 0391 Public Examiners Fee 151 Fees -- Public Examiner 0392 Public Employees Retirement Assn. 435 Pension Contributions 0393 Health and Welfare 431 Health & Welfare Premiums 0394 Severance Pay 434 Severance Pay L Total Other- Appropriations , } '. TOTAL``PUBLIC SCHOOLS d w 20, 215, 873.00 1,657,241.00 Y` 10,000.00 238,924.00 430,000.00 99,907.00 2,436,072.00 22,651,945.00 = 30 26 Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals SUMMARY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Total Appropriation - Operation and Maintenance and Capital 20,215,873.00 Other Appropriations 2,436,072.00 School Debt Bond Interest (Appropriation in Charter Fund 28) 1,001,897.00 Credit Interest Earned on Bond Fund Investments 150,000.00 851,897.00 Bond Maturities (Appropriated in Charter Fund 30) 834,000.00 Total School Debt _1,685,897.00 Total Public Schools Including School Debt 24,337,842.00 **These appropriation items constitute the instructional supplies, equipment, maintenance, upkeep and remodeling of buildings and ;equipment conforming with the $750,000 minimum appropriation provided by charter provision. 9 COMMISSIONER OF LIBRARIES, i AUDITORIUM AND CIVIC BUILDINGS 0400 Administration .. 101 Salaries ;31,092.00 201 Automobile Allowance 1,620.00 202 Telephone --1;350.00 _ 203 Postage ' °" - 150.00 204 Travel 500.00 261 Insurance and Bonds 2,000.00 5,620.00 340 Office Supplies 700.00 37,412.00 9.01 PUBLIC LIBRARY 0410 Library Service r 101 Salaries- 695,092.00 203 Postage 5,000.00 204 Travel 1,000.00 206 Printing and Binding 5,000.00 225 Maintenance and Repairs - Motor Vehicles 3,000.00 14,000.00 340 Office Supplies 17,200.00 349 Books 150,000.00 369 Miscellaneous Materials 3,0,90.00 170,200.00 801 Capital Outlay - Office 1 Equipment 10,000.00 889,292.00 0411 Building Maintenance. ,� { 101 Salaries r� 134,556.00 201 .AutomobilelAllowance 1,200.00 202 Telephone 7,800.00 _ 220 Gas, Electricity and Steam 24,500.00 J4 . ,. 31 Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals 'totals 221 Water and Sewer Rental 3,000.00. ' 224 Maintenance and Repairs - Building 13,500.00 50,000.00 301 Janitor and Sanitation 3,900.00 304 Electrical Materials 500.00 369 Miscellaneous Materials 1,500.00 5,900.00 A90,456. 00 1,079,748.00 9.02 AUDITORIUM 0440 Auditorium 101 Salaries 58,800.00 202 Telephone 3,000.00 220 Gas,,,Electricity & Steam 15,000.00 221 Water and Sewer Rental 7,000.00 226 Maintenance and Repairs - Machinery and Equipment 1,200.00 246 Rentals - Machinery and Equipment 1,000.00 27,200.00 301 Janitor and Sanitation 2,500.00 304 Electrical Materials 500.00 324 Sma11; Tools 1,000.00 340 Office Supplies 1,500.00 5,500.00 801 Capital Outlay"- Office _ Equipment 500.00 808- Capital Outlay - Mechanical Equipment 2,000.00 2,500.00 .94,000.00 9.03 STADIA 0450 Stadia 463 Budget' Contribution _ 15, 000.00 9.04 CIVIC EDUCATIONAL CENTER 0460 Civic Educational Center 461 City Contribution 182$80.00 fr. SUMMARY - DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARIES, AUDITORIUM AND CIVIC BUILDINGS 9 Administration 37,412.00 9.01 Public Library 1,079,748.00 9.02 Auditorium 94,000.00 9.03 Stadia 15,000.00 9.04 Civic Educational Center 182,580.00 1 40 8,740.00 11 COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC UTILITIES 0500 Administration r� 101 Salaries "�' 223,440.00 201 Automobile Allowance ,.•f,, 9100. 00 •- 202 Telephone ` ` '420.00 r 203 Postage r 200.00 _ 204 Travel 400.00 206 Printing,and Binding 250.0 2,170.00 32 Code Charter Classification Titles 340 Office Supplies 0510 Testing Laboratories 101 Salaries 202 Telephone 204 Travel 222 Sanitary Services 225 Maintenance and Repairs - Motor Vehicles 226 Maintenance and Repairs - Machinery and Equipment 227 Laundry 301, Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 329 Misc. Machinery and Equip. Parts 340 Office-Supplies 345 Chemical and Laboratory Supplies 0520 Investigations 101 Salaries 165 Fees - Rate Consultants 201 Automobile Allowance 204 Travel 223 Maintenance and Repairs - Office Equipment 251 Dues, Memberships and + Subscriptions 340 Office Supplies 0530 Utilities Building Maintenance 101 Salaries 220 -Gas and Electricity 221 Water and Sewer Rental 224 Maintenance and Repairs - Building 232 Maintenance and Repair's - Elevator ' 301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 305 Heating;Fuels - Oil 319 Misc. Maint. Supplies 324 Small Tools' 11.01 PUBLIC LIGHTING 0540 Administration 1f 101.'Salaries , ` 201 Automobile Allowance 202 Telephone 206 Printing and Binding 340 Office Supplies lo' *Increased Departmental Receipts ♦ Y 13Z Appropriations Amount Sub Totals Totals 600.00 25,210.00 600.00 600.00 360.00 75.00 300.00 35.00 150.00 100.00 150.00 1,200.00 36,235.00 2,200.00 700,00 _120.00 _ 30.00 5,000.00 275.00 11,000.00 400.00 250.00 1,600.00 400.00 50.00 900.00 :0 00 100.00 *g3,804.00 1,970.00 1,600.00 47,374.00 36,235.00 3,050.00 300.00 39,585.00 5,745.00 16,675.00 2,300.00 24,720.QQ 136,889,0-0 23,784.00 1,280.00 250.00 25,314.00 Code Charter Classification - Titles 0550 Maintenance 101 Salaries 201 Automobile Allowance 202 Telephone 220 Electricity 220 Christmas Lighting 226 Maintenance and Repairs,- Machinery and Equipment 225 Maintenance and Repairs - Motor Vehicles 312 Materials- Street Lighting 324 Small Tools 802 Capital Outlay - Shop Equipment 803 Capital Outlay - Automotive Equipment SUMMARY - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES 11 Commissioner of Public Utilities 11.01 Public Lighting „ 33 Appropriations Amount Sub Totals Totals .r i 900.00 575.00 330,354.00 1,500.00 6,000.00 7,314.00 346,643.00 78,688.00 21000.00 80,688.00 500.00 5,000.00 5,500.00 657, 526.00 682,840.00 rw 136,889.00 682,840.00 819,729.00 WATER DEPARTMENT (Financed from Receipts) 12 0580 Water Dept. Operations 4,423,075.00 COMPTROLLER & CIVIL SERVICE, 13 0600 Comptroller 101 Salaries 115,729.00 201 Automobile Allowance 1,800.00 202 Telephone 1,400.00 203 Postage 300.00 204 Travel 600.00 206 Printing and Binding 200.00 223 Maintenance and Repairs - Office Equipment 1,100.00 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscriptions 100.00 260 Tabulating Service 21,000,00 26,500.00 340 Office Supplies 1,500.00 349 Books and Periodicals 200.00 1,700.00 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment 1,000.00 144,929.00 0610 Civil Service 101 Salaries *121,936.00 145 Consultant Fees - Personnel 1,800.00 123,736.00 202 Telephone 1,000.00 203 Postage 1,800.00 204 Travel 600.00 106 Printing and Binding 500.00 *Increased Departmental Receipts 34 Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals 207 Advertising 500.00 223 Maintenance and Repairs - Office Equipment 300,00 4,700.00 340 Office Supplies 41000.00 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment 500.00 132,936.00 SUMMARY - COMPTROLLER AND CIVIL SERVICE 13 Comptroller 144,929.00 13.01 Civil Service 132,936.00 277,865.00 14' MUNICIPAL COURT' 0630 Municipal'Court = 101 Salaries 144,122.00 132 Salaries - Statutory 85,000.00 144 Fees - Psychiatrist 7,• 00.00 236,622.00 202 Telephone 1,300.00 203 Postage 1,500.00 204 Travel 500.00 206 Printing and Binding 1,000.00 223 Maintenance and Repairs - _ Office Equipment 300.00 231 Furniture Repair 1,700.00 261 Insurance and Bonds 150.00 6,450.00 340 Office Supplies 1,780.00 346 Food„ (Jury Meals) 500.00 - 3`49 B oks_;and Periodicais "' ��""` ` �1; 000.-00 3, 280.00 246, 352.00 0631 Traffic Bureau 101 Salaries-" 41,295.00 202 Telephone 970.00 203 Postage 1,473.00 2.04 Travel 300.00 2,743.00 340 Office Supplies 800__^,__00 44, 838.00 291,190.00 15 PURCHASING AGENT 0650 Purchasing.Agent 101 Salaries 111,878.00 201 Automobile Allowance 1,500.00 202 Telephone 1,800.00 203 Postage' 3,500.00 204 Travel 500.00 ' 206 Printing and Binding 3,700.00 223 Maintenance and Repairs - Office Equipment 500.00 11,500.00 340 Office Supplies 2,400.00 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment 1,000.00 126.778.00 16 COUNCIL INVESTIGATION AND RESEARCH 0670 Council Investigation and Research 101 Salaries" i .d Code Charter Classification Titles 35, Appropriations Amount Sub Totals Totals 201 Auto Allowance 500.00 202 Telephone 300.00 203 Postage 100.00 204 Travel 200.00 206 Printing and Binding 350.00 223 Maintenance and Repairs - Office Equipment 200.00 340 Office Supplies 300.00 349 Books and Periodicals 150.00 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment PARKS AND RECREATION AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 18 COMMISSIONER OF PARKS AND RECREATION AND PUBLIC.BUILDINGS 0700 Administration 101 Salaries j 201 Automobile' Allowance 1,800.00 202 Telephones 800.00 203 Postage 200.00 204 Travel 750.00 206 Printing and Binding 100.00 223 Maintenance and Repairs - Office_E_quipment _ 250.00 340 ^ Office' Supplies 801 Capital Outlay- Office Equipment 18.01 PARKS AND RECREATION 0710 Administration 101 Salaries 201 Automobile Allowance 202 Telephone 203 Postage 204 Travel 206 Printing and Binding 223 Maintenance and Repairs - Office Equipment 251 Subscriptions 340 Office Supplies ' 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment 805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and Appliances 0711 Maintenance Parks and Recreation 101 Salaries', 201 Automobile Allowance 202 Telephone 204 Travel *'Increased Departmental Receipts- �a 1,800.00 800.00 ,700.00 1,000.00 500.00 500.00 1,650.00 450.00 16,000.00 58,955.00 3,900.00 750.00 400,00 64,005.00 45,742.00 5,200.00 2,450.00 150.9-Q 650.00 1 11 *465,410.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 150.00 36 Code Charter Classification Titles �6 Appropriations Amount Sub Totals Totals 220 Gas and Electricity 8,000.00 221 Water and Sewer Rental 41000.00 224 Maintenance and Repairs - Buildings and Structures 12,000.00 225 Maintenance and Repairs - Motor Vehicles 16,000.00 226 Maintenance and Repairs - Machinery and Equip. 1,000.00 43,150.00 301 Janitor and Sanitation 1,450.00 302 Plumbing Supplies 1,500.00 303 Paint Supplies 600.00 304 Electrical Materials 600.00 305 Heating Fuels 1,800.00 308 Street Repair Materials 1,500.00 309 Sidewalk Repair Materials 1,500.00 313 Carpentry Materials 2,200.00 319 Miscellaneous Maint. Supplies 8,000.00 320 Auto Parts and Supplies 4,000.00 324 Small Tools 600.00 329 Misc. Machinery and Equipment Parts and Supplies 1,500.00 340 Office Supplies 100.00 341 Clothing 500.00 344 Medical and Dental Supplies 150.00 347 Agriculture Supplies 1,000.00 369 Miscellaneous Materials 2,138.00 29,138.00 '803 Capital Outlay - Automotive Equipment 15,000.00 552,698.00 0712 Police and Watchmen 101 Salaries *88,012.00 202 Telephone 930.00 225 Maintenance and Repairs - Motor Vehicles 5,000.00 5,930.00 326 Radio-Maintenance Parts 154.00 340 Office Supplies 100.00 341 Clothing (Uniform Allowance) 840.00 1,090.00 803 Capital Outlay - Automotive Equipment 4,000.00 99,032.00 0713 Conservatory 101 Salaries 62,299.00 201 Automobile Allowance 300.00 202 Telephone 200.00 206 Printing and Binding 200.00 ,t 220 Gas and Electricity 7,800.00 221 Water and Sewer Rental 1,000.00 224 Maintenance and Repairs - Buildings 5.600.00 15,100.00 305 Heating Fuels 2,500.00 347 Agricultural Supplies 2,000.00 4,500.00 81,899.00 0714 Zoo 101 Salaries *Increased Departmental Receipts 69,475.00 Code Charter Classification Titles Amount 201 Automobile Allowance 400.00 202 Telephone 450.00 220 Gas and Electricity 3,900.00 221 Water and Sewer Rental 2,000.00 224 Maintenance and Repair - 24,000.00 221 Building 8,800.00 301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 1,200.00 302 Plumbing Supplies 150.00 303 Paint Supplies 300.00 304 Electrical Supplies 250.00 305 Heating Fuels 1,500.00 313 Carpentry Materials 300.00 319 Miscellaneous Maintenance Space Materials 750.00 329 Miscellaneous Machinery and 258 Entertainment (4th of July) Equipment Parts and 303 Paint Supplies Supplies 200.00 341 Clothing 100.00 346 Provisions (Food for 319 ` Animals) 20,000.00 349 Books and Periodicals 100.00 369 Miscellaneous Materials 690.00 • 0715. City's Share Tree Trimming ' 451 City's 1/2 Share Assess. 0716 Park Concerts 258 Entertainment (Band Music) 0717 Upkeep of Lake Como 220 Electricity (Pump House) 0718 Recreation Centers 101 Salaries 504,589.00 142 Fees - Architect 3,800.00 201 Automobile Allowance 3,900.00 204 Travel 1,600.00 220 Gas and Electricity 24,000.00 221 Water and Sewer Rental 51'000.00 224 Maintenance and Repairs - Structures 103000.00 226 Maintenance and Repairs - Machinery and Equipment 150.00 239 Misc. Maintenance and Repair 500.00 240 Rental- Land 150.00 241 Rental- Building and Office Space 73500.00 249 Miscellaneous Rentals 300.00 258 Entertainment (4th of July) 1,750.00 303 Paint Supplies 100.00 305 Heating Fuels 7,500.00 313 Carpentry Materials 6,000.00 319 Miscellaneous Maintenance Supplies 300.00 Appropriations Sib Totals Totals 15,550.00 25, 450.04, 508,389.00 54,850.00 37 110,475.00 98,307.00 6,000.00 2,000.00 a 38 Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals 320 Motor Vehicle Parts and Supplies 120.00 324 Small Tools 100.00 329 Miscellaneous Machinery and Equip. Parts and Supplies 100.00 344 Medical and Dental Supplies 200.00 350 Athletic Supplies 10,141.00 351 Recreation Supplies 12,000.00 369 Miscellaneous Materials 100.00 36,661.00 599,900.Q0 0719 Athletics and Sports 101 Salaries 17,748.00 201 Automobile Allowance 1,800.00 241 Rent - Buildings 3,858.00 5,658,00 350 Athletic Supplies 600.00 24,006.00 0720 Special Activities 101 Salaries 21,673.00 201 Automobile Allowance 300.00 340 Office Supplies 100.00 22,07,3. 00 1,650,432.00 18.02 PUBLIC BUILDINGS 0750 Administration _ 101 Salaries 90,694.00 201 Automobile Allowance 2,000.00 202 Telephone 3,100.00 203 Postage 1,000.00 204 Travel 500.00 206 Printing and Binding 1,000.00 223 Maintenance and Repairs - Office Equipment 750.00 250 Blueprinting 100.00 251 Subscriptions and Dues 250,00 8,700.00 340 Office Supplies 3,500.00 102,894.00 0751 Building Inspection 101 Salaries *233,090.00 • 201 Automobile Allowance 23,400.00 225 Maintenance and Repairs - Motor Vehicles 1,000.00 24,400.00 257,490.00 0752 Drafting and Plan Checking 101 Salaries 104,616.00 L � 201 Automobile Allowance 900.00 225 Maintenance and Repairs - Motor Vehicles 100.00 1,000.00 340. Office Supplies 500.00 342 Drafting•. &'.Survey Supplies 1,000.00 11,500.00 107,116.00 467,500.00 *Increased Departmental Receipts S 39 Code 4p ropriations Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals SUMMARY - DEPARTMENT OF PARRS AND RECREATION AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 18 Commissioner of Parks and Recreation - ,,and Public Buildings 64,005.00 18.01 Parks and Recreation. 1,650,432.00 18.02 Public Buildings 47,500.00 2,181,937.00 19 ELECTIONS 0800 Elections 203 Postage 1,400.00 206 Printing and Binding 1,000.00 223 Maintenance and Repairs - Office Equipment 350.00 261 Insurance and Bonds 4,000.00 6,750.00 340 Office Supplies 1,000.00 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment 400.00 _ $,150.00 20 BOARD OF PUBLIC WELFARE (City's 27k% Share) 0820 Administration 134 Salaries 592,154.00 -487, Other Expense 9,2,498.00 684,652.00 Less - Cash Receipts 103,126,00 581,526.00 0821 Ancker Hospital 134 Salaries 1,607,956.35 488 Other Expense 522,069.63 2,130,025.98 Less - Cash Receipts 76,791.98 1,363,234.00 0822 County Home 134 Salaries 147,168.00 489 Other Expense 62,015.00 209,183.00 Less - Cash Receipts - 149., 75.00 59,308.00 0823 Social Services ' 490 Donated Commodities 5,142.50 491 Old Age Assistance 1,938,286.63 492 Aid to,Dependent Children 1,265,110.00 493 Aid to the Blind 57,755.50 494 Aid to�the Disabled 78,457.50 495 General Relief 833,250.00 496 Child Welfare 347,900.,30 497 Payments to State Instit. 38,500.00 498 Disabled Veterans 2,475.00 4,566,877.43 Less Cash Receipts 2,664,649.43 1,902,228.00 0824 Pension Contributions 435 Contribution to PERA 129,800.00 436 Contrib. to Social Security 16,500.00 146,300.00 40 Code, Charter Classification Titles 0826 Ancker Hospital Study 159 Fees- Other 21 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE (City's 50% Share) Amount 0850 Building Maintenance 135 Salaries - Regular 156,571.00 Extra Help 10,500.00 202 Telephone 3,750:00 203 Postage 20.00 206 Printing and Binding 105.00 220 Gas, Electric and Steam 36,250.00 221 Water and Sewer Rental 2,750.00 222 Sanitary Services 1,150.00 224 Major Building Repairs 2,500.00 227 Laundry 3,000.00 228 Maintenance of Grounds 250.00 229 Maintenance and Repairs - Air Conditioning 2,875.00 232 Maintenance and Repairs - Elevators 10,100.00 239 Miscellaneous Contractual Services 100.00 253 Oiling and Flushing Assess. 150.00 261 Insurance and Bonds 2,500.00 - 301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 4,000.00 302 Plumbing Supplies 750.00 303 Paint Supplies 750.00 304 Electrical Supplies - Light Bulbs and Globes 2,000.00 319 Miscellaneous Maintenance Supplies 4,000.00 324 Small Tools 750.00 340 Office Supplies 1,000.00 341 Clothing- Uniform Allowance 375.00 369 Miscellaneous Materials 750.00 431 Premiums - Health & Welfare 5,000.00 431 It - Retiree Health & Welfare 1,200.00 434 Severance Pay 3,750.00 452 Reimbursement to Purchasing 500.00 0851 Veterans Quarters 135-Salaries 220 Gas and Electricity 29.00 241 Rent - Building Space (Auditorium) 1,$00.00 301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies Less: Carryover from 1964 Appropriations Sub Totals 'Totals 2,750.00 4,055,346.00 167,071.00 65,500.00 14,375.00 10,450.00 257,396.00 5,371.00 1,829.00 300,._.00 7,50040 264,896.00 16,069,90 248,827.00 ,T- Code Capital Outlay - Furniture Charter Classification Titles Amounts 22 DETENTION & CORRECTIONS AUTHORITY (City's 50% Share) 0870 Administration + 136 Salaries Salaries 201 Automobile Allowance 700.00 202 Telephone 275.00 203 Postage 62.50 204 Travel 250.00 206 Printing and Binding 225.00 223 Equipment Maintenance - 205 Office 62.50 225 Maintenance and Repairs - Printing and Binding 50.00 Motor Vehicles 25.00 249 Rentals - Miscellaneous 150.00 251 Subscriptions 50.00 261 Insurance and Bonds 450700 269 Miscellaneous Contractual 223 Maintenance and Repairs - Services 250.00 329 Miscellaneous Machinery 62:50 and Equipment Parts 25.00 340 Office Supplies 200.00 348 Instruction Supplies 50:00 _ 349 Books and Periodicals 50.00 425 Workmen's Compensation 250.00 42`6 " " - Doctors' Fees 200:00 427 " " - Hosp. & Nurses 250.00 428 " " - Miscellaneous 50.00 431 Premiums (Health & Welfare) 770.00 434 Severance Pay 2,500.00 435 Pension Contribution PERA 1,667.50 452 Reimb, to Purchasing 1,250.00 ApRropriations Sub Totals Totals -33,235.00 2,500.00 325.00 6,937.50 41 805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and Appliances 50.00 43,047.50 0871 Woodview Detention Home + 136 Salaries 46,309.00 201 Automobile Allowance 150.00 ' 202 Telephone 700.00 203 Postage 75.00 204 Travel 100.00 205 Shipping Costs '25.00 206 Printing and Binding 50.00 220 Gas, Electric & Steam 2,300„00 221 Water and Sewer Rental 387:50 222 Sanitary Services 110.00 223 Maintenance and Repairs - Office Equipment 62:50 224 Maintenance and Repairs - Structures 250.00 226 Maintenance and Repairs - Machinery and Equipment 275.00 228 Maintenance of Grounds 100.00 230 Street Lighting Repairs 100.00 R 239 Miscellaneous Maintenance and ! Repairs 5.0.00. i 251 Dues and Subscriptions 12.50 261. Insurance and Bonds 100.00 4,857.50 42 xz Code Appropriations. Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals 301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 350.00 302 Plumbing Supplies 50.00 303 Paint Supplies 50.00 304 Electrical Supplies 100:00 313 Carpentry Materials 50.00 319 Miscellaneous Maintenance Supplies 50.00 324 Small Tools 50.00 329 Miscellaneous Machinery and EquipmentParts 75.00 340 Office Supplies 100.00 341 Clothing 250.00 343 Household Supplies 250.00 344 Medical Supplies 100.00 346 Food 3,000.00 349 Books and Periodicals 75.00 350 Athletic Supplies 100.00 351 Recreation Supplies 25.00 352 Law Enforcement Supplies 12.50 369 Miscellaneous Materials 75.00 •4,762.50 431 Premiums (Health & Welfare) 1,590.00 435 Pension Contributions,PERA 2,835.00 453 Reimb. Ito School Districts (Roseville School District) 5,1370.00 9,795.00 802 Capital Outlay - Shop Equipment ._ ;.5.0.00 _ 803 Capital - Outlay - 'Automotive Equipment 100.00 , - -805- Capitati3Outlay- - Furniture and Appliances 200.00 3501 00 66,074.00 0872 Home School for Boys 136 Salaries 69,126.50 201 Automobile Allowance 240.00 202 Telephone 375.00 203 Postage; 212.50 204 Travel ' 7 200.00 205 Shipping Costs 75.00 206 Printing and Binding 25.00 ` 220 Gas and Electricity 1,750.00 221 Water and Sewer Rental 250.00 222 Sanitary Services 75.00 223 Maintenance and Repairs • Office Equipment 150.00 224 Maintenance and Repairs - Structures 500.00 226 Maintenance and Repairs - Machinery and Equipment 500.00 227 Laundry 50.00 228 Maintenance of Grounds 250.00 230 Street Lighting Repairs 250.00 239-,Misc. Maint. and Repairs 50.00 251^ Dues and Subscriptions 25.00 253 Sprinkling Assessments 152.50 43 Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals 261 Insurance and Bonds 450.00 269 Miscellaneous Contrac. Serv. 50.00 301 Janitor and Sanitation Districts 1�2,, 950.00 803 Supplies 900.00 302 Plumbing Supplies 150.00 303 Paint Supplies 250.00 304 Electrical Supplies 100.00 305 Heating Fuel 1,500.00 313 Carpentry Materials 200.00 319 Misc. Maint. Supplies 100.00 324 Small Tools 100.00 329 Misc. Machinery and Equipment 75.00 Parts and Supplies 50.00 340 Office Supplies 150.00 341 Clothing 1,750.00 343 Household Supplies 900.00 344 Medical Supplies 150.00 346 Food 6,650.00 347 Agriculture Supplies 125.00 349 Books and Periodicals 25.00 350 Athletic Supplies 50.00 351 Recreation Supplies 100.00 352 Law - Enforcement Supplies 25.00 357 Bottled Gas 3,75.00 369 Miscellaneous Materials 50.00 431 Premiums (Health &_Welfare) 2,960.00 225.00 Pension Contribution PERA 5,840.00 453 Reimbursement to School Miscellaneous Contractual Districts 1�2,, 950.00 803 Capital Outlay - Automotive Equipment 112.50 805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and Appliances 137.50 0873 Workhouse- Workfarm 136 Salaries 201 Automobile Allowance 250.Q0 202 Telephone 1,375.00 203 Postage 75.00 204 Travel 150.00 206 Printing and Binding 100.00 220 Gas and Electricity 1131250.00 221 Water and Sewer Rental 264.00 222 Sanitary Services 50.00 223 Maintenance and Repairs - Office Equipment 50.00 224 Maintenance and Repairs -. Structures 750.00 226 Maintenance and Repairs - Machinery and Equipment 150.00 228 Maintenance of Grounds 75.00 239 Misc,. Maint. and Repairs 50.00 240 Rent- Land 225.00 261 Insurance and Bonds 1,550.00 269 Miscellaneous Contractual Services 50.00 7 5,630.00 13,700.00 21,750.00 137,306.50 16,414.00 ,kv 110,456.50 F - T , 44 Code Charter Classif: 301 302 303 304 305 313 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 329 340 341 343 344 346 347 355 357 369 431 435 803 805 Lcation Titles Janitor and Sanitation Supplies Plumbing Supplies Paint Supplies Electrical Supplies Heating Supplies Carpentry Materials Misc: Maintenance Supplies Auto Parts and Supplies Tires and Tubes Motor Fuels Lubricants Small Tools Maintenance and Repairs - Detachable Equipment Misc.� Machinery and Equipment- Parts and Supplies Office Supplies Clothing Household Supplies Medical Supplies Food Agriculture Supplies Livestock Bottled Gas Miscellaneous Materials Premiums (Health & Welfare) Pension Contribution -PERA Capital Outlay - Automotive Equipment Furniture and Appliances 25 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 0900 Health and Welfare 147 Fees - Insurance Consultant 202 Telephone 204 Travel 206 Printing and Binding 431 Premiums 0901 Severance Pay 434 Severance Pay - ' 0902 Unemployment ;Compensation 432 City's Share - Compensation Costs 0903 Police Relief,' Association :. 435 Pension Contribution- 0904 Firemen's Relief Association 435 Pension Contribution ' h f Amounts 775.00 137.50 225.00 225.00 750.00 450.00 250.00 625.00 137.50 1,150.00 100.00 100.00 �i 11110U 225.00 425.00 1,125.00 1,500.00 175.00 12,625.00 2,300.00 350.00 162.50 25.00 4,470.00 100.00 00.00 00.00 00 00 Appropr iat ions Sub Totals Totals 23,937.50 12,385.00 9,100.00 lf ll • 1Ii 409,871;00 460,000.00 62,442.00 75,000.00 449,582.00 499,536.00 Code Charter Classification Titles Amounts 26 27 28 30 A 0905 Health Relief Association 435 Pension Contribution 0906 Public Employees Retirement Assn. 435 Pension Contribution 0907 Retiree,-Insurance 431 Premiums (Health and Welfare) JUDGMENT AND COMPROMISE 0910 Judgment and Compromise Appropriations Sub Totals Totals 37,876.00 43, 254.00 2,799:00 9,158.00 Fund Debt 1,087.00 406 Notes :: _ 4,040.00 2,475,673.00 Less.* Earnings on Investments 600,000.00 Other Revenues 150,000.00 Highway Maint. Contrib. 703000.00 Housing & Redevelopment Contribution 55,250,.00 BOND AND NOTE REDEMPTIONS 0940 Maturity Obligations 411. General Debt 1,184,000.00 412 , School Debt 834, 000.00 413 Permanent Improvement Fund,Debt 58,000.00 1416 Notes 994,288.00 418-. Amortization - Armory Debt 26,750,00 - F Less: Trunk Highway Bonds 45 24,977.00 585,856.00 c• II 25,000.00 900,000.00 UMUNKIATIM 875,250.00 1 600,423.00 3,097,038,00 240,000.00 857,038.00 421 Judgments and Claims LOCAL IMPROVEMENT AID 0920 Capital Contributions 701 City's Share 0921 Exempt Properties 253 Sprinkling Assessment 35,939.00 254 Forestry Assessment 1,937.00 711 Permanent Improvements 0922 Forfeited Properties 253 Sprinkling Assessments 2,765.00 254 Forestry Assessments 34,00 711 Permanent Improvements BOND-AND NOTE INTEREST 0930 Interest Obligations 401 General Debt 1,468,649.00 402 School Debt; 1,001,897.00 403 Permanent Improvement Appropriations Sub Totals Totals 37,876.00 43, 254.00 2,799:00 9,158.00 Fund Debt 1,087.00 406 Notes :: _ 4,040.00 2,475,673.00 Less.* Earnings on Investments 600,000.00 Other Revenues 150,000.00 Highway Maint. Contrib. 703000.00 Housing & Redevelopment Contribution 55,250,.00 BOND AND NOTE REDEMPTIONS 0940 Maturity Obligations 411. General Debt 1,184,000.00 412 , School Debt 834, 000.00 413 Permanent Improvement Fund,Debt 58,000.00 1416 Notes 994,288.00 418-. Amortization - Armory Debt 26,750,00 - F Less: Trunk Highway Bonds 45 24,977.00 585,856.00 c• II 25,000.00 900,000.00 UMUNKIATIM 875,250.00 1 600,423.00 3,097,038,00 240,000.00 857,038.00 ,I , 46 7 6 Code ARproptiations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals 35 GENERAL FUND MISCELLANEOUS 0950 Workmen's Compensation 425 Payt. in lieu of Salary 65,000.00 426 Doctors' Fees 25,000.00 427 Hospitals and Nurses 2Q,000.00 428 Other Expenses 29,000.00 0951 Other City Services 141 Fees - Legal (Debt Service) 3,000.00 206 Printing and Binding - (Financial Forms) 28,000.00 259 Bank Service Charge 8,000.00 261 Insurance and Bonds - (Surety Bond Premiums) 300.00 269 Miscellaneous & Unforeseen 7,000100 43,300.00 801 Capital Outlay - Cash 1 Accountag Machine r 6,000.00 Payments to Other City Activities ' 0955 Citizens Advisory Committee 159 Fees - Other 0956 Salary Data'- Personnel Committee - 145 Fees '2PersonneT "" - -'""• _ ______ a_ ._� _ 0957 Wilder Baths 221 Water 0958 Auditorium Rentals 241 Rents 0961 Auditorium Study 159 Fee - Other 0965 Payroll processing _ 260 Tabulating Service 0966 Central Data.Processing Center 461 City Contribution _ "Payments to Outside Parties z ' 0970 American Munici al Association 130,000.00 52,300.00 6,480.00 10,560.00• 2,200.00 66,541.00 2,000.00 25.,000.00 12,500.00 p 1,000.00 t • . 25.1.. Dues - Memberships and Subscrip. 0971, League of Minnesota Municipalities . 251 Dues - Memberships and Subscrip. 2,008.00 0972 Ramsey Co. League of Municipalities 251 Dues - Memberships and Subscrip. 1,250.00 47 Approur iations Sub Totals Totals 15,000.00 5,000.00 37,465.00 10,000.00 1,000.00 2,400.00 7,500.00 5,000.00 4,480.00 4,660.00 2,200.00 160.00 OQD QQ 12,500.00 I ITGG I� Code 3 Charter Classification Titles Amounts J 0975 Public Examiner 151 Fee - Public Examiner 0976 Wrecking Buildings 256 Demolition 0977 Port Authority 257 Operation 0978 Easements- 422 Charter Sec. 257 098 +1 Memorial Day ,Observance 461 City Contribution 0982 Humane Society 461 City Contribution 0983 International Institute 461 City Contribution, 0984 Human Relations 461 City Contribution ;; 0990 Joint Microfilming Committee (City's 50% Share) 137 Salaries 202 Telephone and Telegraph 90.00 203 Postage 50.00 206 Printing and.Binding 50.00 223 Maintenance and Repairs - Office Equipment : ' 750.00 247 Rental - Office Equipment 3,720.00 340 Office Supplies 200.00 359 Microfilm 500.00 360 it - Supplies 1,000.00 369 Miscellaneous Materials 500.00 431 Health and Welfare Premiums 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment 0992 Joint Ramsey Co.- Maplewood - " St. Paul Storm Water Sewer 701 City's Share 47 Approur iations Sub Totals Totals 15,000.00 5,000.00 37,465.00 10,000.00 1,000.00 2,400.00 7,500.00 5,000.00 4,480.00 4,660.00 2,200.00 160.00 OQD QQ 12,500.00 I ITGG I�