219829COUNCIL ILE NO. .BY FINAL ORDER IN FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS Council File No. 219829 — By Milton -` Ro.en —� #er of opening, widening CONDEMl ' {,�;i� 1. ar et; ;rut es INGS �P`t7BLISHED - � (� In- the -matter nLo ay St., creating two cul-de-sacs for street purposes west of Luella St., by condemning and taking those::.parts of Lots 49, 50 and >51 all in BlIeck 4, Wild Rose Addition and all those parts o'','L''ot 1, Block 2, Hudson Road Gardens, lying between the north line and the souffi -line of Conway :St-. and a line which is the arc of a circle having a 50 foot radius,the center of said circle lying on the center line of Conway St. and 70.0 feet west of the west line of Luella St. produced northerly; also all those parts of Lots 55s 56 and 57 all in Block 4, Wild Rose Addition °and all those parts of Lots 1 and 10 both in Block 2, Hudson Road Gardens, lying between the north line and the south, line of Conway St. and a line which is the arc of a circle having a 50 foot radius, the center line of said circle lying on the center line of Conway St. and 290.0 feet west of the west line of Luella St. produced northerly, heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- Drovement to be made by the said City is opening, wi deni ng and extendi ng ConwV St., creating twe - cul- de -saq for street purposes west of Luella St.�, by condemning and taking and -aa -1 den -�ea� -Gam pg- between -tie- aaor-th- e-whT; 4; -:-s- floe- ar- c-ef-a_ -- c-i-rc l•e- hawi- ng4 -50- foot -r-a -1- }pe f-Eon - he --wes t r,�,h _ wes e�1- ;- �al-ee a;-; those parts of Lots 55, 56 and 57 all in Block 41 Wild Rose Addition and all those parts of Lots 1 and 10 both�in;Block 20 Hudson Road Gerdens,lying between the north line 'and the south line'of'Conway St.'and a line which is the arc of a circle having a 50 foot",radius, the center line of said circle lying on the center line of Conway St. and 290.0 feet west of the west line of Luella St. produced northerly - ". ' and- 5.1:= a,1f1�- n- B1- oGk- 4,- Wial,d- Rose- Addit4on- and -al-l- these- par -ts- cif- L- at =-1;- Block -2- -.Hu.ds.on.rRoa.d- Gar - dens.,- l+i -ng-between -th.e- nor- th -l4ne- and- t- he- sou.th4 -i i-ne-of- Gonway- -&t-.-aa}d- -a- li- Re- wh44.lp -i-s- the- a•nc- of- a- c-i- r- cl- e-- ha�i -ng- -a 50-f-oot-r-adi•us-,- the - center -o-f- saisl- cl.r_cLe-J-ya.ng oa -the cen.t.er -1 i.neoof_C.onway -S-" -and 70...0=fee•t- west -o.f - the= wes-t- la- ne-of-6ue- 14a,- S- t.- p•r- oduGed- nor -ther4 y; al ra^ aa l- those parts of Lots 55,56 and 57 all -i in Block 4, Wild Rose Addition and al 1 •those parts of Lots 1 and-10 both 'i n Block-,,.2, Hudson Road Gardens, lying between the north line and the south line of Conway,-,-St. and a line which-is the arc of a circle having a 50 f oot'radius, the center line of said circle lying on the center line of Conway St. and 290.0 feet west`of the west line of Luella St. produced northerly, 1 Approved— , 19 Councilmen: DALGLISHj _Ou rc V VV Holland Loss r.MGr.t.i -ns eJ Peterson Rosen Mr. President. Vavoulis ('0 ° �/f City Clerk. Mayor. J 1 '� 7 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS H REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ,1.6299 December 11, To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: r 19 63 The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the pre- liminary order of the Council known as Council `File No. 215697 apps vle.d December 4, 19 63 relative to Opening, widening and extend_�og_ Conway St., creating two cul -de —sacs for street purposes west of Luella St., by con - demning and taking those parts of Lots 49, 50 and 51 all in Block 4, Wild Rose Addi- tion and all those parts. of Lot 1, Block 2, Hudson Road Gardens, lying between the north line and the south line of Conway St. and a line- which is the arc of a circle having a 50 foot radius, the center of said circle lying on the center line of Conway St. and 70.0 feet west of the west line of Luella St. produced northerly; also all those parts of Lots 55, 56 and 57 all in Block 4, Wild Rose Addition and all those parts of Lots 1 and 10 both in Block 2, Hudson Road Gardens, lying between the north line and the south line of Conway St. and a line which is the arc of a circle having a'50 foot radius, the center line of said circle lying on the center line of Conway St. and 290.0 feet west of the west line of Luella St. produced northerly. reports: 1. The estimated cost thereof is $- + 2, A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached" and made --p hereof, li 12 �A 3. Init' t�cyn;''((th mmissioner of Public Works X 4, Imp �rve��ii%-Nt ask for upon petition DEC 12 1963 OF co 19 r �l Commissioner of Public Works Nch 3, 1964 Mm, Milton Rosen _ Comsr. qr p074c Works Building Dear Sirs The City Council today laid over to 6e r the natter of the FINAL ORDER IN CONDEt+MTION PROCEEDZNtisS Yo ing., widening and extending Conway Ste# creating less for street - purposes west of Luella St.$ under P.Q.215 c. 19630 " Very trWy yowsD !City Clerk ' February 18i 1964 - ice. Eugene V. Avery City Engineer ` Building Dear Sir= 7he City Council laid over to M=h 3 Final in Condemlation Proceedings in the matter of openings Wing exte IMS Conway St* west of &uella St,, and requested that mee residents' in, the area to work out a suitable agreement in eosin th this improvement. Very truly yoursp City Clerk Mreb 3,. 1964 - Hon. James Jo Dalgl:sh Consr. of Pi -moce Building Jar 61r: _ The City Counc.a today .]Aid over tembe at I 4 the FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMATION PROCEEDIMS In t ter ope w Bening and extending Camay St. creating 2 cu].•rde_ , ca for at t sea west of Luella St: under P.Q. 215697 approved, c r 4 .*, 1 x and requested that you send new notices to property'awne. { Very truly yours$ City Clerk I 11 -,7.! So (o (j) Of al 7.4 3 01 k (1 L(71 y. Ul rq Lit LM . • � 5 ' ,ter,.'_ � - DU , a Ul .63 Gar. Z W 0.0 N. 17.4 . —0.0 rj I 11 -,7.! So (o (j) Of al 7.4 3 01 k (1 L(71 y. Ul rq Lit LM . • � 5 ' ,ter,.'_ � - DU , a Ul .63 Gar. Z W 0.0 N. 17.4 . —0.0 f 0 a e. 11A ZEG N tO v, R O � V 4 1 O tin titi n ize L //S`L L.9 , Y T. o. sr. 90 3 4 0 b y b f 0 a e. 11A ZEG N tO v, R O � V 4 1 O tin titi n ize L //S`L L.9 , Y T. o. sr. 90 3 4 � l\ 0 ro ti r �y 4