219780ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK y' CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM + PRESENTED BY Public Works -- Milton Rgren COMMISSIONER DATE 0- Yeas �A COUNCIL NO 219780 780 FILE 1 AUG 28 1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Nays + Dalglish �+ ` AUG 28 Holland Approved 19 -- Loss '` ___In Favor Meredith Mayor Peterson Against. Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ions e-4511 WHEREAS. The final costs for the construction of the Broadway Relief Sewer System "Contract BI', Comptroller's Contract 1-6331 -1, have been determined and a, WHEREAS, upon final allocation of funds to finance the above project, there is an insufficient amount of $4,216.12 to meet the final costs, now therefore be,it, RESOLVED, That an amount of $4,216.12 be applied from the City's share of Local Improvement Fund Code 0920 -701 to finance the cost of the above stated improvement. Council File No. 219780 — By Milton Rosen — Whereas, The final costs for the construction of the Broadway Relief j. Sewer System "Contract B ", Comp - tr Beer's C ntract L- 6331 -1, have been an a� Whereas, Upon final allocation of funds to finance the above project, ' there is an insufficient amount of 4,216.12 to meet the final costs, now herefore be it, a. + ;t Resolved, That an amount of $4 216.12 be applied from the Ci 's share of Improvement Fund�ode (Local 0920 -701 to finance the cost of the above stated ir Improvement. Adopted by the Council August 28, 11964. + Approved August 28, 1964. September 5, 1964) l� 1 AUG 28 1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Nays + Dalglish �+ ` AUG 28 Holland Approved 19 -- Loss '` ___In Favor Meredith Mayor Peterson Against. Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ions e-4511 DUPLICAT[ TO MINT[R - 2 9� o ' - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM TED COMM AbliQ Vdr'�es -- .ton Rosen COMMISSIONN ED DATE higast,, I +" wHV=#, The f3iml costs for the caonstraeUon of the Broom Relief Sawr SptoM *Contract BK.,. Comptrollerls Contrast 1,*6331 -10 ha" been determined od WMWMO upon final 03.00SUM of Ends to fUmW* tim abm paroleat* there is an 1nOuffialent am=t off' $42161,12 to meat the find obstoo now tborefore be its, =q1=a %bat in amount of $4216.12 bo aplaued frm the C1tyta share of Local Improvement Fund Code 0920-701 to flumnas the oust of the above stated Improvemonty COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis iomt sas AUG 2 8 19CA Adopted by the Council 19_ fil)t, 28 IDA. Approved 19- Tn Favor _ Mayor 0—Against