219768ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ° - . •! CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISS11 0 219"768 FILE NO WHEREAS, in the matter of the construction of the CHEROKEE PARK SEWER REVISIONS, Comptroller'; s Contract L -65055 Afton Contracting Company, contractor, and in accordance with the specifications, a reserve in the amount of`$-250.00 was withheld from the final estimate paid" the contractor, to be retained for a period of one year from the date of the final estimate, for the purpose of en- fcr cing the provisions of all guarantees incumbent upon the con- tractor, and WHEREAS., the entire physical work covered by said contract was prosecuted to completion well over one year ago, but on account of a delay in the final settlement, the reserve period has not expired, and WHEREAS, no amount has been expended by the City for maintenance of or repairs to the sewer work, the Contractor requests that the reserve amount be released to-him in advance of the expiration of the reserve period, there fore, be it RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Public Works be and authorized and directed to pay the Afton Contracting reserve of $ 250.00 at this time, the same to operate release of'the Contractor from this Contract. Council File No. 219768 — By Milton RLtr n - reas, In the matter of the con- stron of the CHEROKEE PARK REVISION S, Comptrollers react L -6505 X, .fton Contracting l' - + +r pany, con" Al, v-10 and, in accord - t,,,Iw with th-i✓lf9 r'- do f• t resrrve iW th- r16_130! 10 4i, 9dt tJE ' V, ;bgLlu r O:Itl� J )LiG1Si 'Ila 9=1% rf' m 65 ioJibl b1f or :;3rrt !Z9' J 9 r COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis loos a-" I Tn Favor V Against he is hereby Company the as a final AUG 27 19V Adopted by the Council 19— wir.27 19 DUrLICAT[ TO IMIHT[R /�Q�F. �! ! .. 6d t•j '9J7U CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM BY NER MILTON ROSEN DATE WHEREAS, in the matter of the construction of the CHEROKEE PARK SEW,R REVISIONS, Comptrollers s Contract L -6505, .Afton Contracting Company, contractor, and in accordance with the speci ;icatione, a reserve in the amount of $ 250.00 was withheld from the final estimate paid the contractor, to be retained for a period of one year from the date of the final estimates for the purpose of an- fcr cing the provisions of all guarantees incumbent upon the con- tractor, and SAS, the entire physical 'work covered by said contract was prosecuted to completion well over one year agog but on account of a delay in the final settlement, the reserve period has not expired, and WHEREAS.* no amount has been expended by the City for maintenance of or repairs to the sewer work$ the Contractor requests that the reserve amount be released to him in advance of the expiration of the reserve period$ therefore,, be it RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to pay the Afton Contracting Company the reserve of $ 250..00 at this time.* the same to operate as a final release of the Contractor from this Contract. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M 0.02 AUG 27 1954 Adopted by the Council i�y 19— hUG 2 7 1964 Approved 19- Th Favor Mayor — AgaiLSt