D001547,< < � � Approved Copies to: - City Clerk (OriginaQ - Finance Dept's Accouriting Division - Requesting Dept. No: �l�J'1 1 Z Whereas the Saint Paul Police Department Professional Developiaent Institute is 2 sponsoring a one day course entitled "Graffiti Seminar". That this course will be held 3 April 23, 1998 at the Eastern Pistrict Office. 4 5 Whereas the curriculum and infrequency of break periods prohibit the students fxom 6 leaving the facility �n order to obtain scstenance. � Be it ordered that pursuant to the 1998 City Budget, the proper City officia�s are 8 hereby authorized to remit an'_amount not to exceed $400.00 to Events by Design, located in 9 Saint Paul. That this expense is to provide lunches to course participants. Further, that 1� a registration fee will be assessed to students from outside agencies in an attempt to 11 recoup the cost. 12 13 A copy of said order is to be kept on file and of records in the Department of Finance 14 and Management Services. 15 � Funding Source: Account course: 436-341ll-0299-40017 Ig 19 20 21 22 23 �¢ 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 �z C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OF�'ICE OF THE MAYOR ADNIINISTRATIVE ORDER .� ,.. a — DEPAflTGENbOFFICErt'AUNpL Saint Paul Police N° 51761 -- ' GREEN SHEET 4J10/98 � ___ __ ��5�4`? iNmawzre a CttY COUNCit � CITY GLERK � FIN. 8 MGT SERVIGES DIR. 0 9!! 6 PHONE DEPARTMENT D1REC7 I ..L '_ nney 292-3588 essicx �crrvnrTOaNer S tlUNBEH FOq JUNqL AC�ENOA BV (DA7EI qOUTING � BUDGET DIflECTOfl ORDEfl —uM0.YOR(ORA$$ISTANT) TOTAI, # OP SIGNA7URE PAGES (CLIP ALL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) of attached Administrative Order. w _ PUINNINCa COMMISSION _ ( _ CIB COMM7T7EE _ _ _ STAFF _ _ _ DISTRICTCOURT _ _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNdL OBJECTIVE? PERSONAL SERYICE CON7RACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTtONS: 1. Has Mis persoMfirm ever vrorketl untler a corrtreCt For this tlepartment? VES ( NO� 2. Ha5 this person�rm ever been a city employee? YES � NO� 3. Does tAis persoNfi�m possess a skiil rwt normally possessed by any current city employee? YES ( NO� Explain ali yes answers on aeparate aheet and atteeh to green aheet INITIATINCa PROBLEM. ISSUE. OPPORTUNITY (Who, Wbat. WM1en. Where. Why). The Saint Paul Police Department Professional Developnent Institute is sponsoring a one day course entitled "Graffiti Synposiun." The site we are using is provided at no cost. Aowever, the cirriculun and infrequency of breaks prohibit attandants from leaving the facility in order to obtain sustenance. IFAPPROVED: The instructions will be provided as designed and the students wi11 receive their needed sustenance. A regristration fee will be assessed to students from outside agencies to recoup the cost. apparent. ��C�{��� MAY 21 1998 c,� i Y CLERK Jfficers will not receive needed training. YTAL AMOUNT OF TNANSACTION S �+00 . 00 INDIWG SOURCE 436-34117-0299-40017 IANCIAL INFOFhfATION (EXPLAIN) ���������. ��:�,e��e��� ; � :� . ��`t� '� � ��`�� ����� 4 �� �y < ,, . �W;Vs F�� �_(1`���rr��y�p �\�n s Y, � y�y�y:y - ,�i�� 4. COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (qRCLE ONE) ( VES � NO AC71VI7Y NUMBEp � UV