219749! a Council File No. 219749 —B Frank L. !- CRIOINAL To CITY CLERK Loss— y CITY OF ST. PAU whereas, Ti Council of the City �A of Saint Paulon its own initi ative OFFICE OF THE CITY has taken coance of the Zog District classiion or classifications under the Zon Code, of 60 to v�l CO CI ESOLUTION —GE SI Inclusive, ofoththea following Paul Leg- 1.i .iveral tracts of Y rd hereinav PRESENTED BY rA 14, COMMISSIONE C pwL , tatelT Tract L ?T and /I WHEREAS,,, The Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon its own initiative; has taken cognizance of the Zoning District classification or %lassifications, under the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code of the following described several tracts of land hereinafter designated Tract I, Tract II and Tract III, respectively, situate in the City of Saint Paul,: TRACT I All those lands and parcels of land bounded by the following described lines: Beginning at the point of intersection of the centerline of Oxford Street as platted with the centerline of the median of Interstate Highway 94; thence easterly along the centerline of the median of Interstate Highway 94 to the point of intersection of said centerline with the centerline of St,-,.Albans Street as platted;' thence southerly along said centerline of St. Albans Street to the point of intersection with the north line of Grotto Court extended easterly; thence westerly along said extended line and the north line of Grotto Court to the point of intersection with the east line of Lot 6, Block 7, Edwin Deans Second Addition to St. Paul; and thence southerly along said easterly line of said Lot 6 to the southeasterly - corner of said Lot 6; thence westerly along the south line of, Lots 6 through 9, ® Block 7; Lots 1 through 9, Block 61 and Lots 1 through 9, Block 5, all in Edwin Deans Second.Addition to St. Paul, and said line extended westerly to the point 0 of intersection with the centerline of Victoria Street; thence northerly along the centerline of Victoria Street p to the point of intersection with the north line of the alley in Block 2, Stone & Roger's Addition to St Paul Minn. extended easterly; thence westerly along said extended line and the north line of the alley in said block and the north line of the alley in J. W. Fallihees Rearrangement of Block 2 Roger's 2nd Addition to St. Paul and said line extended westerly to the point of intersection with the centerline of Milton Street; COUNCILMEN Y aE Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays .E Dalglish, Holland f Approved 19—_- Loss jE Tn Favor Meredith �F Mayor Peterson di Against Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis i0 3� lOM 644 J{�F - if 2 . thence southerly along the centerline of Milton Street to the point of intersection with the south line of the alley in Block 2, Donnelly's Addition to St Paul extended,,easterly; thence westerly along said easterly extended alley line to the point of intersection with the east +line of Block 2, Donnelly's Addition to St Paul-',thence northerly along the said east line of said block to the point of intersection with the north line of the alley ih said Block 2; thence westerly along said north line of the alley in said Block 2 and said line extended w -w terly to the point of intersection with the centerline /`Chatsworth Street; thence southerly -to the point of intersection with the south line of Block 2,i,Varner's Subdivision extended easterly; thence wez±.erly,along said extended line and the south line of said Block to the east line of Block 2, Cummin's Addition�'to the City of St. Paul Ramsey Co. Minn.; thence northerly along said east line of Block 2, �ummin's!,Addition to the City of St. Paul Ramsey Co. Minn. to�.the point of intersection with the south line of Lot 1 Block 2, Cummin's Addition to the City of St. Paul,,Ramsey Co. Minn.; thence westerly along the south line of Lots 1 through 5 and the south line of 9-of 1: said Block 2 and said line extended. westerly the point of intersection with the centerline of Oxford Street; thence northerly along the centerline of Oxford Street as platted to the point of beginning, `teeing all of Block 3, Wm Bickel's subdiv., Block 8, Edwin Deans Second Addition to St. Paul, Block 2, Varner Subdivision, and Block 2, Cummin's Addition to the Cityijof St. Paul Ramsey Co. Minn., also parts of Block 2,;;Wm Bickel's subdiv. Blocksl through 7, Edwin Deans Second Addition to St. Paul, Bloch land 2, Stone & Roger's' Addition to St Paul Minn., Block 1, Rogers Second Addition to St. Paul, Minnesota, .J. W. Fallihees Rearrangement of Block 2 Roger's 2nd Addition to St. Paul, Walker and Goodine.-! - -t­ Addition, Bloc1%1 and 2, Donnellyls Addition to St. Paul Block 1, Varner's Subdivision, Block 1, Cummin's Iddition to the City of St. Paulj'Ramsey Co. Minn., and a miscellaneous tract in the BE -j of the SW -' of Section 35, T. 299 R. 23; -RACT II' All those lands and parcels of land bounded >_____-by the following described lines: Beginning at the point of intersection of the centerline of St. Albans Street as platted with the centerline of the median of Inter- state Highway 94; thence easterly along the centerline of the median of Interstate Highway 94 to the point of intersection with the east line of Lot 20, Block 2, Larpenteur's Subdivision "'A" extended northerly; thence southerly along said extended east line and the east line of said Lot 20 to the southeasterly corner of said Lotl'20; thence westerly along the south line of Block 2,'Larpenteur's Subdivision "A" to the point of is 3• intersection with'.,the east line of Merriam's Re -Ar; thence south along the east line of said Merriam's Re -Ar to the point of intersection with the north line of Block 1, Swift's Subdivision; thence easterly along the north line of Block 1, Swift's Subdivision to the northeast corner of Lot 9, Block 1, Swift's Subdivision;,thence southerly along the east line of said Lot 9, and said east line extended southerly to the point of intersection with the centerline of Carroll Avenue; thence westerly along the' centerline of Carroll Avenue to the point of intersection wth the centerline of St. Albans Street; thence northerly along the centerline of St. Albans Street as platted to the point of beginning, being parts of Block-1, Wm Bickel's subdiv,., Blocks 1 and 2, Larpenteur's Subdivision "A ", Block 1, Swif;t's Subdivision, Merriam's Re -Ar., and all of Block 4, Wm Bickel';,'s subdiv.; All those lands and parcels of land bounded by the following described lines: Bl,eginning at the point of intersection of the east line of Lot 4,, Block 2, of Larpenteur's Subdivision "A" extended northerly with the centerline of the median of Interstate Highway 94; thence;,easterly along the centerline of the median of Interstate Highway 94 to the point of intersection with the centerline of Mackubin Street as platted; thence southerly along the centerline of Mackubin Street as platted to the point of inter- section with the centerline .,of:.Carroll'Avenue,' thence iVes"terly �- along the centerline of Carroll Avenue to a point of intersection with the east line';of Lot 4, Block 1, Swift's Subdivision, extended southerly; thence northerly along said southerly extended line its the southeast corner of Lot-4, Block 1, Swift's Subdivision; thence northerly along the east line of -said Lot 4 and the northerly extension thereof to the point of intersection with the south line of Block 2, Larpenteur's Subdivision "A "; thence easterly along they south line-of said Block 2, Larpenteur's Subdivision "A" to the south east corner of Lot 4, Block 2, Larpenteur's Subdivision "A "; thence northerly along the east line of said Lot 4 and-the northerly-extension thereof to the pointcf Beginning, being all of Block 24, Mackubin and Marshall's Addi- tion to Saint Paul, Block 2 Wilson's Rearrangement of a part of Marshall's Subdivision of -Bock 27, Mackubin & Marshall's Add. to St. Paul; and Auditor's Sub. No. 31 St: Paul Minn. Block 2, also parts of Blockj;23, Mackubin and Marshall's Addition to Saint Paul, Block 11 Wilson's Re., Block 1, Auditors Sub. No. 31 St. Paul Minn., Block 9j,,, Swift's Subdivision, Blocks 1 and 2, Larpenteur's Subdivision "A "en ire Section of vacated public alley adjoining and lying north of Lot 1, Block 1, Swift's Subdivision; —V 4 1191v 4. TRACT III. All those lands and parcels of land bounded by the following described lines: Beginning at the point of intersection of the centerline of Mackubin'Street with the centerline of Carroll Avenue; thence northerly along said centerline of Mackubin Street to the point of intersection of said centerline with the centerline of the median of Interstate Highway 94; thence easterly along said centerline of the median of Interstate Highway 94 to the point of intersection of said centerline with the centerline of Farrington Street as'- platted; thence southerly along said center- line of Farrington Street to the point of intersection of said centerline with the centerline of Carroll Avenue as platted; thence westerly along said center- line of Carroll Avenue to the point of beginning, being all of Blocks 17 and 18 and parts of Blocks 15 and lb, all in Mackubin and Marshall's Addition to Saint Paul, also part of Block 21 Grace's Addition to St. Paul and Block 21'- Niningers Addition to St. Paul;" and of the size, shape and character of the same and of the pertinent facts and dreumstances which appertain to each said tract of land and those which appertain to the adjacent premises and which are reasonably related to the over-all.-,.needs of the community, the future land uses; all in connection with said Council's consideration of the propriety of the Zoning District Classification or classifications of each said hereinabove described tracts of land and of.the propriety or necessity for the proposed reclassification of ,the same; and WHEREAS,;said Council deems-, it proper and necessary to rezone and reclassify said Tract I and the several parcels of land therein contained, as and to the extant necessary to the and that said Tract I and every parcel of land therein contained shall be zoned andi!classified, under said Zoning Code, in" "B" Residence District,j thereby established; and WHEREAS, iIsaid Council deems it proper and necessary to rezone and reclassify said Tract II and the several parcels of land therein contained, as .and to the extent necessary to the end that said Traci'II and every parcel of land therein contained shall be zoned andilblassified, under said Zoning Code, in "Cup" Residence District,; thereby established; and WHEREAS, said Council deems it proper and necessary to rezone and reclassify said Tract III and the several parcels of land therein contained, as and to"rthe exlgtent necessary to the -ate ;a 4 1191v 4. TRACT III. All those lands and parcels of land bounded by the following described lines: Beginning at the point of intersection of the centerline of Mackubin'Street with the centerline of Carroll Avenue; thence northerly along said centerline of Mackubin Street to the point of intersection of said centerline with the centerline of the median of Interstate Highway 94; thence easterly along said centerline of the median of Interstate Highway 94 to the point of intersection of said centerline with the centerline of Farrington Street as'- platted; thence southerly along said center- line of Farrington Street to the point of intersection of said centerline with the centerline of Carroll Avenue as platted; thence westerly along said center- line of Carroll Avenue to the point of beginning, being all of Blocks 17 and 18 and parts of Blocks 15 and lb, all in Mackubin and Marshall's Addition to Saint Paul, also part of Block 21 Grace's Addition to St. Paul and Block 21'- Niningers Addition to St. Paul;" and of the size, shape and character of the same and of the pertinent facts and dreumstances which appertain to each said tract of land and those which appertain to the adjacent premises and which are reasonably related to the over-all.-,.needs of the community, the future land uses; all in connection with said Council's consideration of the propriety of the Zoning District Classification or classifications of each said hereinabove described tracts of land and of.the propriety or necessity for the proposed reclassification of ,the same; and WHEREAS,;said Council deems-, it proper and necessary to rezone and reclassify said Tract I and the several parcels of land therein contained, as and to the extant necessary to the and that said Tract I and every parcel of land therein contained shall be zoned andi!classified, under said Zoning Code, in" "B" Residence District,j thereby established; and WHEREAS, iIsaid Council deems it proper and necessary to rezone and reclassify said Tract II and the several parcels of land therein contained, as .and to the extent necessary to the end that said Traci'II and every parcel of land therein contained shall be zoned andilblassified, under said Zoning Code, in "Cup" Residence District,; thereby established; and WHEREAS, said Council deems it proper and necessary to rezone and reclassify said Tract III and the several parcels of land therein contained, as and to"rthe exlgtent necessary to the A -, - • - ,r August 25, 1964",, Planning Board 13th Floor Building - Gentlemen: a Attached is a of resolutions C File , 21.97+9; initiating rezoning proceedings under the- eo . ,' _re • ision of the Zoning .Codep concerning real estatei,d ribed_as` cts II and III -in the City of -' - Saint Paul. a You,will note that the "r lution r rs the matter.to the Planning _ Board for survey ring, re } in writingp to the City Council._. . Very truly yours, - City Clerk ' AO /ng end that said Tract III and every parcel of land therein contained shall be zoned ands' classified, under said Zoning Code, in "C -1" Residence District; thereby established; and WHEREAS, "Said Council is empowered to initiate rezoning and reclassification of real estate classified under said Zoning Code, and to institute, conduct and complete the necessary proceed- ings therefor, by virtue of Section 462.18, Minnesota Statutes Annotated, as amended, and by virtue of said Zoning Code, as amended; therefore,'; be it ;t RESOLVED,J;That the matter of the amendments and altera- tions of the provisions of said Zoning Code, necessary to the rezoning and reclas.'Isification thereunder of said Tract I and the said several parcels of land therein contained, so that safi Tract I and every parcel of land therein contained shall be zoned and classified, under and by said Zoning Code, in "B" Residence District,,�thereby established, is hereby initiated and instituted by this Resolution; and RESOLVED FURTHER, that the matter of the amendments and alterations of the provisions of said Zoning Code, necessary to the rezoning ands'ireclassification thereunder of said Tract II and the said several parcels of land threin contained, so that said Tract II and every parcel. of_ land,- _thereen- contained —shall be zoned and classified, under and by said Zoning Code, in "C_11._.` Residence District, "thereby established, is hereby initiated and instituted by this Resolution; and RESOLVED FURTHER, That the matter of the amendments and alterations of the provisions of said Zoning Code, necessary to the rezoning and',,reclassification thereunder of said Tract III and the said several parcels of land therein contained, so that said Tract III and every parcel of land therein contained shall be zoned and classified, under and by said Zoning Code, in "C -11" Residence District,�thereby established, is hereby initiated and instituted by this Resolution; and RESOLVED FURTHER, That the said matters are hereby referred to the City', Planning Board of Saint Paul for the pur- pose of making a survey of the whole area.of the City of Saint Paul or of an area of not less than 40 acres or in�the alternative to determine whether, such a survey has been made within which the aforesaid tractsiof land are located; for the purpose of considering whether the number of descriptions of real estate affected by such alterations or amendments renders the obtaining -of the written consent of the owners of two - thirds of the several ,descriptions of real estate within 100�ffeet of the several tracts of land hereinabove''!described impractical; and for the purpose of conducting a public hearing on such alterations or amendments of which hearing pub ,lic notice shall be given in a daily news - polpmr of general circulation in accordance with the provisions of l� 9 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PRESENTED EY COMMISSIONI r iE 3� ' 6 .I Q COUNCIL FILE NCIL NO. said Section 462.1$., Minnesota Statutes Annotated, as amended, and the provisionsiof Section 64.06 of the Zoning Code of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended; 1� RESOLVED;,FMTHER, That upon conclusion of the said Planning Board shall report in writing to Council as to whether in its opinion the proposals are reasonably related to the over -all needs of the to existing land uses, or to a plan for future land -- with its recommendations upon such findings. COUNCILMEN J. Yeas Nays Dalgkshl iE Holland �t Loss � Tn Favor Meredith sa !, Peterson 1F j3 Against BEnn 9� bar. Vice President (Rosen) ions "2 i� i' I �i such hearing the City as aforesaid community, use together p,UG 2i VM Adopted by the Council 19— Approve A G 2 ` 19— Mayor iE 3� dt 3 �1 i. li �E J. 1 1� �1 �E a: i �1 s � Ir 11 1 �t I� l . COUNCILMEN J. Yeas Nays Dalgkshl iE Holland �t Loss � Tn Favor Meredith sa !, Peterson 1F j3 Against BEnn 9� bar. Vice President (Rosen) ions "2 i� i' I �i such hearing the City as aforesaid community, use together p,UG 2i VM Adopted by the Council 19— Approve A G 2 ` 19— Mayor _ JCLICATE TO MINTLR \ C A q� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO j ti OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK `t COUNCIL RESOLUTION -- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED Rr COMMISSIONER DATE WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon its own initiative has taken cognizance of the Zoning District classification or classifications, under the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, of the following described several tracts of land hereinafter designated Tract I, Tract II and Tract III, respectively, situate in the City of Saint Paul: TRACT I. All those lands and parcels of land bounded by the following described lines: Beginning at the point of intersection of the centerline of Oxford Street as platted with the centerline of the median of Interstate Highway 94; thence easterly along the centerline of the median of Interstate Highway 94 to the point of intersection of said centerline with the centerline of St. Albans Street as platted; thence southerly along said centerline of St. Albans Street to the point of intersection with the north line of Grotto Court extended easterly; thence westerly along said extended line and the north line of Grotto Court to the point of intersection with the east line of Lot 6, Block 7, Edwin Deans Second Addition to St. Paul; and thence southerly along said easterly line of said Lot 6 to the southeasterly corner of said Lot 6; thence westerly along the south line of Lots 6 through 9, Block 7; Lots 1 through 9, Block 6, and Lots 1 through 9, Block 5, all in Edwin Deans Second Addition to St. Paul, and said line extended westerly to the point of intersection with the centerline of Victoria Street; thence northerly along the centerline of Victoria Street to the point of intersection with the north line of the alley in Block 2, Stone & Roger's Addition to St Paul Minn. extended easterly; thence westerly along said extended line and the north line of the alley in said block and the north line of the alley in J. W. Fallihees Rearrangement of Block 2 Roger's 2nd Addition to St. Paul and said line extended westerly to the point of intersection with the centerline of Milton Street; COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approved 19— Loss In Favor Meredith Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M 642 2 . ` thence southerly along the centerline of Milton Street to the point of intersection with the south line of the alley in Block 2, Donnelly's Addition to St Paul extended easterly; thence westerly-along said easterly extende& alley line to the point of intersection with the easf,fline of Block 2, Donnelly's Addition to St Paul;!�thence northerly along the said east line " of said block to the.point of intersection with the north line of the alley ih said Block 2; thence westerly along said north line of the alley in said Block 2 and said line extended westerly to the point of intersection with thel�centerline!Chatsworth Street; thence southerly to the point of intersection with the south line of Block 2,11�Varner's Subdivision extended easterly; thence westerly along said extended line and the south line of said Block to the east line of Block 2, Cummin's Addition'to the City of St. Paul Ramsey Co. Minn.; thence northerly along said east line of Block 2, Cummin'sltAddition to the City of St. Paul Ramsey Co. Minn. tolithe•point of intersection with the south line of Lot 1l, Block 2, Cummin's Addition to the City of St. Paul,tRamsey Co. Minn.; thence westerly along the south line of Lots 1 through 5 and the south line of Lot 9 of�� said Block 2 and said line extended westerly to the point of intersection with the centerline of Oxford Street; thence northerly along the centerline of Oxford Street as platted to the point of beginning, being all of Block 3, Wm Bickel's subdiv., Block 8, Edwin Deans Second Addition to St. Paul, Block 2, Varner Subdivision, and Block 2, Cummin's Addition to r the Cityiiof St. Paul Ramsey Co. Minn:, also parts of Block 2,1!Wm Bickel's �ubdiv. Blocksl through 7, Edwin Deans Second Addition to St. Paul, Bloclz 1 and 2, Stone, & Roger's Addition to St Paul Minn., Block 1, Rogers , Second Addition to St. Paul, Minnesota, J. W. Fallihees Rearrangement of Block 2 Roger's 2nd Addition to St. Paul, Walker and Good'ine't Addition, Block 1 and 2, Donnellyl's Addition to St. Paul Block 1, Varner's Subdivision, Block 1, Cummin's Iddition to the City of St. Pauf'Ramsey Co. Minn., and a miscellaneous tract in the St -f of the SW f of Section 35, T. 29, R,23; TRACT II�F All those lands and parcels of land bounded by the following described lines: Beginning at the point of intersection of the centerline of St. Albans Street as platted with the centerline of the median of Inter- state Highway 94; thence easterly along the centerline of the median of Interstate Highway 94 to the point of intersection with the east line of Lot 20, Block 2, Larpenteur's Subdivision "A" extended northerly; thence southerly along said extended east line and the,east line of said Lot 20 to the southeasterly corner of said Lotij20; thence westerly along the south line of Block 2,,.Larpenteur's Subdivision "A" to the point of k � 3 intersection with the east line of Merriam's Re -Ar; thence south along the east line of said Merriam's Re -Ar to the point of intersection with the north line of Block 1, Swift's Subdivision; thence easterly along the north line of Block 1, Swift's Subdivision to the northeast corner of Lot 9, Block 1, Swift's Subdivision;,thence southerly along the east line of said Lot 9, and said east line extended southerly to the point of intersection with the centerline of Carroll Avenue; thence westerly along thej�centerline of Carroll Avenue to the point of intersection �vth the centerline.of St. Albans Street; thence northerly along the centerline of St. Albans Street as platted to the point of beginning, being parts of Block 1, Wm Bickel's subdivl, Blocks 1 and 2, Larpenteur's Subdivision "A ", Block 1, Swift's Subdivision, Merriam's Re -Ar., and all of Block 4, Wm Bickers subdiv.; All those lands and parcels of land bounded by the following described lines: Beginning at the point of intersection of the east line'of Lot 41; Block 2, of Larpenteur's Subdivision "A" extended northerly�lwith the centerline of the median of Interstate Highway 94; thencel easterly along the centerline of the median of Interstate Highway 94 to the point of intersection with the centerline of Mackubin Street as platted; thence southerly along the centerline of Mackubin Street as platted to the point of inter- section with the centerline of Carroll Avenue; thence westerly along the centerline of Carroll Avenue to a point of intersection with the east linellof Lot 4, Block 1, Swift's Subdivision, extended southe ly; thence northerly along said southerly extended line t{he southeast corner of Lot 4, Block 1, Swift's Subdivision; thence northerly along the east line of said Lot 4 and the northerly extension thereof to the point of intersection with the south line of Block 2, Larpenteur's Subdivision "A "; thence easterly along thelsouth line of said Block 2, Larpenteur's Subdivision "A" tojlFthe south east corner of Lot 4, Block 2, Larpenteur's Subdivision "A"; thence northerly along the east line of said Lot 4 and the northerly extension thereof to the pointcr Beginning, being all of Block 24, Mackubin and Marshall's Addi- tion to Saint Paul; Block 2, Wilson's Rearrangement of a part of Marshall's Subdivision of Block 27, Mackubin & Marshall's Add. to St. Paul; and Auditor'-s Sub. No. 31 St. Paul Minn. Block 2, also parts of Blocka'23, Mackubin and Marshall's Addition to Saint Paul, Block 1, Wilson's Re., Block 1, Auditors Sub.. No. 31 St. Paul Minn., Block 1 Swift's Subdivision, Block 1 and 2, Larpenteur's Subdivision "All;a tire Section of vacated public alley adjoining and lying north of,;Lot 1, Block 1, Swift's Subdivision; aE 7 �F 1E 3 7F 1A 1t 11 ' i{ �f I1 TRACT III. All those lands and parcels of land bounded by the following described lines: Beginning at the point of intersection of the centerline of Mackubinq;Street with the centerline of Carroll Avenue; thence northerly along 'said centerline of Mackubin Street to the point of intersection of said centerline with the lrcenterline of the median of Interstate Highway 94; thence easterly along said centerline of the median of Interilktate Highway 94 to the point of intersection of said centerline with the centerline of Farrington Street asj�:-platted; thence southerly along said center- line of Farrington Street to the point of intersection of said centerline with the centerline of Carroll Avenue asj� platted; thence westerly along said center- line of Carroll Avenue to the point of beginning, being all of B1{6cks 17 and 18 and parts of Blocks 15 and 16, all in Mackubin and Marshall's Addition to Saint Paul, also parti�of Block 21 Grace's Addition to St. Paul and Block 21 Niningers Addition to St. Paul;" and of the size, shape and character of the same and of the pertinent facts andj;dreumstances which appertain to each said tract of land and those which appertain to the adjacent premises and which are reasonably related to the over- all:.needs of the community, the future land uses; all in connection with said Council's consideration of the propriety of the Zoning District Classification or classifications of each said•hereinabove described tracts ofl;land and of.the propriety or necessity for the proposed reclassification "of the same; and WHEREAS, said Council deems; it proper and necessary to rezone and reclassify said Tract I and the several parcels of land therein contained, as and to the extant necessary to the and that said Tract U and every parcel of land therein contained shall be zoned and-classified, under said Zoning Code, in "B" Residence District,l!thereby established; and WHEREAS, Maid Council deems it proper and necessary to rezone and reclassify said Tract II and the several parcels of land therein contained, as and to the extent necessary to the end that said Tract'1I and every parcel of land therein contained shall be zoned and classified, under said Zoning Code, in "Cu'• Residence District 6thereby established; and WHEREAS, said Council deems it proper and necessary to rezone and reclassify said Tract III and the several parcels of land therein contained, as and tofthe exntent necessary to the • Ik ()I +r 5 `f.A end that said Tract III and every parcel of land therein contained' shall be zoned and classified, under said Zoning Code, in "C -1" Residence District, thereby established; and WHEREAS,jiSaid Council -is empowered to initiate rezoning and reclassification of real estate classified under said Zoning Code, and to institute, conduct and complete the necessary proceed- ings therefor, by virtue of Section 462.18 Minnesota Statutes Annotated, as amended, and by virtue of said Zoning Code, as amended; thereforel; be it RESOLVED That the matter of the amendments and altera- tions of the provisions of said Zoning Code, necessary to the rezoning and reclassification thereunder of said Tract I and the said several parcels of land therein contained, so that safi Tract I and every parcel of land therein contained shall be zoned and classified, under and by said Zoning Code, in "B" Residence District;,, thereby established, is hereby initiated and instituted by this Resolution; and RESOLVEDiFURTHER, that the matter of the amendments and alterations of the provisions of said Zoning Code, necessary to the rezoning andl� reclassification thereunder of said Tract II and the said severa{i parcels of land threin contained, so that said Tract II and every parcel of land therein contained shall be zoned and classified, under and by said Zoning Code, in "C-!'.'." Residence District,lithereby established, is hereby initiated and instituted by this Resolution; and RESOLVED FURTHER, That the matter of the amendments and alterations of the provisions of said Zoning Code, necessary to the rezoning andj!reclassification thereunder of said Tract III and the said several parcels of land therein contained, so that said Tract III and every parcel of land therein contained shall be zoned and classified, under and by said Zoning Code, in "C-11A Residence District,athereby established, is hereby initiated and instituted by this Resolution; and RESOLVED FURTHER, That the said matters are hereby referred to the City;; Planning Board of Saint Paul for the-pur- pose of making a survey of the whole area of the City of Saint Paul or of an area of not less than 40 acres or in'the alternative Irsuch a survey has been made within which to determine whetheri the aforesaid tractsof land are located; for the purpose of considering whether the number of descriptions of real estate affected by such alterations or amendments renders the obtaining of the written consent of the owners of two - thirds of the several descriptions of real ,'estate within 100 feet of the several tracts of land hereinabove described impractical; and for the purpose of conducting a public hearing on such alterations or amendments of which hearing public notice shall be given in a daily news - p( er of general circulation in accordance with the provisions of ,o Ik DUPLICATE TO r111NT[R C ` R / L,- . CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL J ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM (RESENTED By COMMISSIONER DATE 6. said Section 462.1x7 Minnesota Statutes Annotated, as amended, and the provisions of Section 64.06 of the Zoning Code of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended; RESOLVED FURTHER, That upon conclusion of such hearing the said Planning Board shall report in writing to the City Council as to whether in its opinion the proposals as aforesaid are reasonably related to the over -all needs of the community, to existing land uses, or to a plan for future land use :together with its recommendations upon such findings. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 1k Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Resen_ I�iL� .fs,��,id3��ts'e�'avau.�is ;• :• e9iBo9ii3i�i�l Mr.•Yjce President (Rosen] loan 6.02 _iII Favor d Against AUG 2 5 1964 Adopted by the Council 19_ AUG 2 5 1 s Approved 19— Mayor