219742I t; ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK I ��� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL N LICENSE CCMTTEL 4 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK is COU IN II RESOLUTIO — GENERAL FORM Lt. A,, PRESENTED EY .1 August 25, 1964 COMMISSIONE DATE ,i RESOLVED= That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated$ be and the same are hereby grantede Roseaary McLaughlin 217 S. Snelling Beauty Shop Appe 10118 New Oldloc* Leo Je Poels � 2409 University Gen Auto 'Rep. Gar* iE ape 10369 Frank Riabiek 1822 Case Stavanger " 10391 Robert Jo Barnett C/O Del J. Weberp -1200 We 7th V. Me Loa* " 10795 Pioneer Vending Co., Inc* C/O Hi].lcrest Royal Billiards, Inc.. ;, 1552 -White Bear V. M. 1oc e . " 10925 0. K. Vending Co. C/O Snythe Printing Co. 1085 N.Snelling Ve Me Loco a 10990 N N n 00 89 Vending Coo C/O Childrens,Hospital 311 tleasarit Ve He Loan N 10991 " New" Foley Bros Construction Co*123 E. 11th Pro Gas Pe " 10998 j� Phillips Petroleum, Corp. 2599'W* 7th Gas Seta 7P a 1.012 It 01d.1111 a " Gen Alto Rep Gar*" N N N Thomas Parrish 752. 7th Cig. V. M.,Operoa 32046 Cyrus Thome 27 S. Wheeler Cigarette " 11079 Ste JosepheslEospital 69 W. Exchange Cigarette John Fo Runa1F 317 W. 6th Mtr Veh Dre " 11130 u Michael Je Gallagher, ire 102 E. Wyoming Mtr Veh Dr.- " 11131 " Kenneth a.Taie 1900 Jerold Mtr Veh Dr. " 11133 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council— -19— AUG Yeas Nays 1; � 1 BUG 2 5 1954 Holes 1 and pproved Loss Tn Favor Meredith Mayor Peterson r A galnst Council ith a No. 219742 — By Dean F Resolved, That licenses applied for by' the persons named on the list attached I �l� 1 `�i ;;�K:a::4:=:.eiillti • d, Mr. Vice President (ROB} to this resolution be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the into j' 10M 6.69 4 payment the City treasury of the required fees. Adopted by the Council August 25, 19Approved . 'L August 25, 1964. (August 29, 1964) i4