219740OrlCinal to City Clerk jf ORDINANCE 219740 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY 6 f ORDINANCE NO. Yeas Attest: a An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3250, entitled: "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Serviice Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor," approved August 20 ,1. 1914, as amended. 1. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. j`That Ordinance No. 3250, approved August 20, 1914, as amended, be andi'ithe same is hereby further amended by inserting in Section 9 B 3 immediately after the title "Life Guard ", the following: .. "and in the case of employees in the Board of Education holding the positions of'lAccounting Clerk I ", "Duplicating Equipment Operator I ", a11 " Clerk- Typist III" and assigned to the evening high school program, 11 Section Z. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. i t Approved: F I i Se o i s o er 1� �t u . y Councilmen Na) I s Dalglish - 4eHa7r& J!� Loss Alor�se�s- � Peterson t Taivaw! �� 1j Mr, �ice President (Rosen) �I Clerk IDI 6-62 2 Form approved • SEP 9 194 Passed by the Council Tri Favor X44 Aro ainst EP 9 10 Approved yor tion Counsel By ✓CITY CLERK dF 219740 Aa otdjouiot "'041# Xf** $ZSC*-. imU0*4t *0 -MV4 Sowito sulmii ofihi -citvl lot $440 ft4tv Approviol; **.a. Isoafams. "00 o4d- 4%vpv*-v*4 40 Tme COUNCIL Or Om TT OF AT PAUL, DOSS MWAIN-t -M06 oppto"Ot Amost 20* 1914, tko 4"Araw -to tor: ylvirth.o. *om.dad Wotwg I# "anti la tho cast of 06;4"as W *h* Board, of FAutatift,140"ing. ao "tAtions of '04MMODA Clsvkl 2.0"t 4'Duld'o0bg V14olomost b1tu se%04 4411 faue, Woof. and bo -in for** *bw fay* 0tem, Its wIpso, 1p�-Vora., *104 p0ilotionf, Sty nn l9-3 q-3 , Sip 9 Ao 9' 1st 2nd Laid over to s 3rd and app. 9 Adopted 7 r "-Yeas Nays '`Yeas Nays \Dalglish �alglish �olland Holland Loss 19'40 \Loss Peterson `Peterson r Rosen °.E Rosen \Mr. President Vavoulis Mr. President Vavoulis