219737ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ! PRiANTEO BY CITY OF ST. PAUL FICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU C RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM COUNCIL NO 219737 ]?UBLISMED ' � f-6 WHEREAS, In the matter of Comptroller's Contract L- 6176 -28, for the construction of the Lexington Parkway Bridge over the tracks of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad and the Short Line Road, Comptroller's Contract L- 6176 -28, Johnson Bros. Highway and Heavy Constructors, Inc., Contractor, the specified date of completion was August 1, 1964. WHEREAS, The Contractor has prosecuted the work diligently, but due to the sub - contractor's work schedule, it was not possible to complete the field painting by said date of completion; now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the proper City officials be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute an amendment to said Contract extending the time of completion to August 25,x1964, provided, however, that this resolution shall have no force or effect unless the sureties on the Contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul hereby waives all claim for liquidated damages and that no Engineering and Iinspection costs on this project will be charged to the Contractor for such extended period. Imcil File No. 219737 — By Milton tosen- 7hereas, In the matter of Compt- ,f iler's Contract - L- 6176 -28, for the - f'nstruction of the Lexington Parkway 'ridge over the tracks of the Chicago, 11 ,aukee, St. Paul and Pacific Rail- )gad and the Short Line Road, Comp - 311er.'s Contract L- 6176 -28, Johnson os. Highway and Heavy Constructors, Xc., Contractor, the specified date of lettrm was August 1 1964. e' '1,` -rrSie The Ci: ' fii' :. r.,F pro'`' IE i p�G 2 19 i000-1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays 1)alglish, Holland pprove , i r 2 19— Loss In Favor Meredith Peterson d Mayor Pcoseir Against yfi:.:El .....a am ...T. .... U lesl� Zi Mee President (Ro9 @q) IOM "2 DUPLICATE To MINTER ; CITY OF ST. PAUL COU14CIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FIM COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM kmcbm ey COMMISSIONER DATE Yeas 2-19737 WiMms, in the matt" of Comptroller's Contract L-6176-28, for the construction of the Lexington Parkway Bridge over the tracks of the Chicago, Wivvikoe$ St. Paul, and Pocifle Failroad and the Short Line Road.* Comptroller's contract L-6176-28,$ jobnoon Bros. Highway and Heavy coustractors., fine. ii contreator.4 the opecified date of congetion was August is, 1964. wmmw., rae contractor has prosecuted the vork uxigently, but fte to the sub - contractor's work schedule., It was not possible to complete the tied painting by said date of ccaplstAon; nowt therefore be It AWLVIDs That the proper City officials be and they we hereby oxtborized and direoted, to execute an amen*mmt to said Contract extending the time of completion to August 25, 1964, providods however, that this resolution sham he" no force or effect unless the sureties on the Contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent In vrlting with the City Ccartroller; and be It ?URTEM HMLVCD., That the City of St. Paa hereby VSIVVs liquidated, 4mwg" end that no I and Inspection costs will be charged to the contractor for such witended. period. COUNCILMEN DaYglaah- Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rvserr- Nays Z "Vi c1le, I 10M 6-ft Presid=t (R,4.jVA) all 019AM for on this project , U 2,5 1SM Adopted by the Council 19— AUG 2 5 196A Approved —19— z Tr, Favor Mayor A gainst