219724CL Council File No. 219724 —'By Miltor Rosen — Whereas, The Ramsey County Christmas Seal organization is makinf available to employees of the City of Saint Paul and County of Ramsey free chest X -rays by means of its mobile X -ray unit which will be present in the City Hall and Court House on September 9, 10 and 11, 1984, and in the Public Sefety Building on Sep- tember 24 and 25, 1984; and Wher. as, It is ' in the interests of said City and County employees that they all take part in this program and, by means of said free X -ray, contribute to the discovery and cure of tubercu- losis; WHEREAS, the Ramsey Now, Therefore, be it Resolved, That all City Department is making available to employ�Heads are requested to authorize their nee- County of Ramsey free chest XII employees to use such time as is nec- y y essary, with pay, to have such X -ray unit which will be resent in' taken, upon a schedule to be mentioned present provided only that such Se tember 9 10 and 11 1961+1 I X -rays do not interfere with the con- September 1. ! duct of the public business; and be it September 24 and 2 1964 • Further Resolved, That the School on Se p 5 ! ! Board of the City of Saint Paul is hereby requested to authorize its em- ployees to make use of said free X- WHEREAS it is in t rays; and be it ! Further Resolved, That in order to employees that they all take I create a schedule whereby said X -rays can be made with a minimum amount of said free X -ray, contribut of inconvenience to all concerned, that all City Department Heads are hereby tuberculosis; authorized and requested to delegate a , member of their department to attend a meeting in the City Council Cham- j bers, at 3:00 P.M. on August 28, 1984, at Now, Therefore, be ,which meeting a schedule for the taking of X -rays will be set up, said meeting to be presided over, and the IX -ray program to be conducted by, RESOLVED, That all the City Comptroller, through whose offices said X -rays have been arranged, to authorize their employees - or the City Comptroller's deputy. with pay, to have, such X -ray �19G64dopted by the Council August 25, tioned hereafter, provided on Approve (August 29, 1964) fere with the conduct of the - lupa:i�u —wu-.� ±__ _ NO 219 724 organization nt Paul and mobile X�xay rt House bn ety Building ty and County d, by means cure of are requested s necessary, e to be men - o not inter - be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the School Board of the City of Saint Paul is hereby requested to authorize its employees to make use of said free X-rays; and be_ it- _ FURTHER RESOLVED, That in order to create a schedule whereby s6id X -rays can be made with a minimum amount of in- convenience to all concerned, that all City Department Heads o are hereby authorized and requOstede -to delegate a member of U their department to attend a meeting in the City Council o Chambers, at 3:00 P.M. on August 28, 1964, at which meeting a schedule for the taking of X -rays will be set up, said a meeting to be presided over, and the X -ray program to be L_ conducted by, the City Comptroller, through whose offices said X -rays have been arranged, or the City Comptroller=s N deputy. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halghs�r�, Holland Loss . �,6e:'_ Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis Tn Favor v 1 0 against AUG 25 Adopted by the Council 19- AUG 2 5 1964 10M "2 V DU►LICAT[ TO ►RINTCR 1; � Y �V CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL MM21 VVV hd OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Fit& NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM tEESENT9D BY COMMISSIONED DATE WHEREAS, the Ramsey County Christmas Seal organization is making available to employees of the City of Saint Paul and County of Ramsey free chest X -rays by means of its mobile X =ray unit which will be present in the City Hall and Court House on September 9, 10 and 11, 19649 and in the Public Safety Building on September 24 and 25, 1964; and WHEREAS, it is in the interests of said City,and County employees that they all take part in this program and, by means of said free X -ray, contribute to -the discovery and cure of tuberculosis; Now, Therefore, be it RESOLVED, That all City Department Heads are requested to authorize their employees to use such time as is necessary, with pay, to have such X -ray taken, upon a schedule to be men- tioned hereafter, provided only that such X -rays do not inter- fere with the conduct of the public business; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the School Board of the City of Saint Paul is hereby requested to authorize its employees to make use of said free X -rays; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in order to create a schedule whereby said X -rays can be made with a minimum amount of in- cOnvenience -to all concerned, that all City Department Heads are hereby authorized and requteted::to delegate a member of their department to attend a meeting in the City Council. Chambers, at 3 :00 P.M. on August 28, 1964, at which meeting a schedule for the taking of X -rays will be set up, said meeting to be presided over, and the X -ray program to be conducted by, the City Comptroller, through whose offices said X -rays have been arranged, or the City ^:-,- ptroller' s deputy. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays _D&4Hs1r- — Holland Loss re i Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis IOU s-0 Tn Favor 6 Against AUG 25 1 Adopted by the Council 19— AUG 25 179. Approved 19— Mayor