219700Original to•Cit7 Clerk ORDINANCE 219700 COUNCIL FILE NO. l� PRESENTED BY - ORDINANCE NO. I! Yeas � Attest: 1M 642 An approv "An Commun torpor Block west 4 I rdinance amending Ordinance No. 12358,- --.._ d December 18, 1962, entitled: Ordinance granting permission to Jewish ty Cehter of St. Paul, a Minnesota tion, to grade and surface the alley in Granport.Addition, from Davern Street 4 feet." Secti "proved Decemb Ordinance No. 1 particulars, to amended, IL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 1. That 18, 19621 4, hereb y t: City of Saint Paul Ordinance No. 12358, and amended October 31; 1963,•under is further amended iw the following That subdivision 4 of Section 2 of Ordinance 12358, as hereby isfurther amended to read as follows: ll4a Said permittee, after the inception of said work, shall prosecute same continuously with diligence and fully complete said work to the satisfaction and approval of said ;Commissioner on or before June 16, 1965." iF �r qt 7: !k t t' if is a: dt ;c c 7� t i .E sg Councilmen Nays f - Passed by the Council Dalglish Holland - ' fol Tn Favor ' Meredith Q Peterson Rosen Mr.President (Vavoulis) City Form approved tion Counsel By dA nninat c1= p 419 GEO�2GE M �SFTEPARD �� > > = 91 .--� -� • C I T Y 0 S A_I NT _PA STREET AND HIGHWAY �I' d , ` d y ENGINEERING COORDINATOR �•;IiIICI�. �;, �,�1 7 r �f p gl ,1 F d E r' 'NE V. AVER S V. -I1► I6 ENGINEER 219'700 (a7� Aid Ordinance amending Ordinance ' sio, 123.58, €,ppr6yed Decomber 13, 1962, entltledi t,i� Ordinanoe arantiat peralssion to Jevlah Co *a ty GeAttr of 3"t. Paul, a Minneao to fiorpo.l ation, to grader Afsd surface the alley In Aloekjj '1 Oranpart Addition, f dz Davern atreot west V4 feet." THE, Cd CIL U" THE CITY OV SAINT PAUL MES 0.m�)AIM Zectlo 1. That.-City cif Zmidt Paul Ordinanoo No. '12353s apporvadi ",ecembo i8� 1962 and uended October 311 1963 imider ordinance fo. 12L4, hereby° is further amanded in the following particulars, to-v� t; - ' i The t' su divisi= 1 of Section 2 of Ordinance 12358, as ' amended t hereby i4 fur Cher amended to read as follows t :`4. Sai permittep, a•ft6 r tine Inception of said vork, shall pr #sacute sane continuously vi.th diligence ana SVilly ao4plate sale work to the oatisfaction and approval of said Fommissioner on or bo"fore June 16, 19654" i4 1 1 p 4 "t 4 ISO • ,t 'y4 .E e 4 i� �E KRAWETZ AGENCY, INC. • Insurance • 627 UNIVERSI'T'Y AVENUE, CA 4.1361 � ST. PAUL 4, MINNESOTA i� Mr. Milton Rosen Commissioner of Pmblic Works City of St. Paul t St. Paul , Minnesota Ile le, ti August 4 , 1964 �\ Dear Commissioner Rosen: Some time ago the City Council adopted ordinance No.12358 for the Jewish Community Center of St.Paul authorizing bituminous surfacing for an•alley way in the rear of the new Center building on St..Paul Avenue. This ordinance was subsequently amended by ordinance No.12584 in October of 1963. Unfortunately work progress did not permit going ahead with the alley surfacing at those times. We are now ready to proceed immediately frith this work as specified in the previous ordinances. We find however , that the time limits under the ammended ordinance 12581 has expired. We would greatly a PP rec'iate the assistance of y our office in getting us the necessary ordinance extension which would permit our immediate surfacing of the alley way according to City specifications. Our - contractor is ready to proceed immediately and I can assure you th# there will be no additional delay. This entire problem is, as a result of our own neglig{ence, very pressing. • t As I indicated. the cooperation of your office and that of the entire Council will certainly be' appreciated. ,E r Very truly yours , THE JEWIS COMMUN EN ER OF ST.PAUL E. David ra , F Chairman, d'. C 'ttee. EDK: ddg �E REP•RES8N2'ING the ravelers HAR2'FORD, CONNEC2'ICuT 0 i t f i r :c �t �F '4 �i �t. Council File No. 215108— Ordinance No. 12584 —By Frank L. Los9— An ordinance amending Ordinance �E No. 12358, approved December 18, 1963, entitled: 71 i • "Ad ordinance granting permission to Jewish Community Center of St. � Paul, a Minnesota corporation, to grade �F and surface the alley in Block 5, Granport Addition, from Davern Street t : west 484 feet. I, This is an emergency ordinance' rendered necessary for the public E peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of Saint Paul yj Does Ordain: t SECTION 1 That Citylof Saint Paul Ordinance ,No. 12358, approved December 18, 1962, E hereby is amended in the ,following a. particulars, to -wit: + That subdivision 4 of Section 2 of said Ordinance No. 12358, hereby is amended to read as fo)lows: "4. Said permittee, after the in- ' it ception of said work, shall prosecute same continuously with diligence j and fully complete said work to the , 1 satisfaction and approval of said Commissioner on or before June 15, �! + 1964 ?' 1 SECTION 2 That the insurer on the policies of . public liability indemnity insurance 4 �R irequired by subdivision 6 of said Sec- tion 2 and the surety on the surety 1G ,r bond required by subdivision 7 of said t ji 'Section perm ttee i 'thereunder, file their written accept - lance ip of this amendatory ordinance 3. Fwith the City Clerk within 30 days, �1 next after the approval of the same. P SECTION 3 . This ordinance is hereby declared {, ;to be an emergency ordinance rendered (necessary for the preservation of ,the ' public peace, health and safety. j f' is SECTION 4 This ordinance shall take effect and i be in force upon its passage, approval, and publication. Passed by the Council. October 31, ; ?r 1963. i - ; 1! Yeas — Councilmen Dalglish, Holland, Loss, Mortinson, Peterson, Rosen, Mr. . i President (Vavoulis) -7. 9' Nays -0. ;j Approved October 31, 1963. ' GEORGE J. VAVOULSS, a Mayor. Attest: i, AGNES H. O- CONNELL, ll +• _: City Clerk. . (November 2, .1963)• •:., ";,�. j1 ii 4� i� ,F it is • �r + �i 34 ii • j! E4 1P i• aF O F F I C E O F C O R P O R A T I O N C O U N S E L "E August 13, 1964 Grege Beckett Local Improvementl�Engineer 1i Your letter of August 7 1964 concerning extension of com l.etion date for grading and surfacing alley in Block 5-, Grandport Addition from Davern Street west 484 feet, said work bein! Jewish Community Center has been received, Mir, Duckstad of this office has been assigned to this matter. �k i� i' �f Er DONALD L. LAIS Corporation Counsel by j� ,Ist 0 _+ 2nd gz y, Laid over to 3rd and app — Adopted Yeas I*ays Yeas Nays `Dalgli*h . alglish Holland !; Holland Loss k • f r M eredith Peterson Peterson • 1 't + Rosen ; Rosen M \President V. v u i r. President Vavoulis ?1�® 7.