219699J j0r yixaal to City Clerk 4 � ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO MOTOR VEHICLE RENTALS; AMENDING THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE, CHAPTER 347. THIS IS AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE RENDERED NECESSARY FOR THE PRE- SERVATION OF THE PUBLIC PEACE, HEALTH AND SAFETY. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 219699 105 Section 1. That Chapter 347 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, entitled "Auto Rentals" be and the same hereby is amended by deleting the'present sections thereof, Sections 3+7.01 through 347.04, and substituting in lieu and in place thereof the following, under the Chapter Heading "Motor Vehicle Rentals ": 347.01 Definition of Motor Vehicle. For the purpose of this ordinance., motor vehi c e shall mean any self- propelled vehicle not operated exclusively upon railroad tracks. Motorized bicycles, motor scooters, motorcycles and the like are included within the definition of motor vehicle. This definition shall not apply to,vehicles designed to be operated exclusively over snow, motorized wheel chairs, farm tractors or-other farm imp�;ements. _ 347.02. License Required. No person; firm or corporation shall engage in th e business of renting motor vehicles to any person or persons for hire unless said person, firm or corporation is duly licensed as hereinafter provided. I 3+7.03. Application. All persons, firms or cor- porations engaging in a business of renting motor vehicles shall file a written application with the City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul. The application shall contain the following: �lj The name and business address of licensee; 2 The year, make, model, serial number and license number if the motor vehicle is an automobile; (3) The serial number, license number, trade name and description of the type of self- propelled vehicle if other than an automobile. r Said application shall be duly sworn to by the person or by the proper officer of the company or corporation applying for the license. • Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Pe to rs on Rosen Mr.President (Vavoulis) ----City Clerk Corporation Counsel By Passed by the Council I In Favor •DUPIJGATE TO PRINTER PRESENTED BY nr ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE N - . ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO MOTOR VEHICLE RENTALS; AMENDING THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE, CHAPTER 347, THIS IS AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE RENDERED NECESSARY FOR THE PRE- SERVATION OF THE PUBLIC PEACE, HEALTH AND SAFETY. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 219699 Section 1. That Chapter 347 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, entitled "Auto Rentals" be and the same hereby is amended by deleting the present sections thereof, Sections 347.01 through 3+7.04, and substituting in lieu and in place thereof the following, under the Chapter Heading "Motor Vehicle Rentals ": 347.01 Definition of Motor Vehicle, For the purpose of this ordinance, motor vehi c e shall mean any self - propelled vehicle not operated exclusively upon railroad tracks. Motorized bicycles, motor scooters, motorcycles and the like are included within the definition of motor vehicle. This definition shall not apply to vehicles designed to be operated exclusively over snow, motorized wheel chairs, farm tractors or other farm implements. 347.02. License Required. No person, firm or corporation shall engage in the business of renting motor vehicles to any person or persons for hire unless said person, firm or corporation is duly licensed as hereinafter provided. 347.03. Application. All persons, firms or cor- porations engagingTn' �e business of renting motor vehicles shall file a written application with the City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul. The application shall contain the followings (li The name and business address of licensee; 2 The year, make, model, serial number and license number if the motor vehicle is an automobile; (3) The serial number, license number, trade name and description of the type of self - propelled vehicle if other than an automobile. Said application shall be duly sworn to by the person or by the proper officer of the company or corporation applying for the license, Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish and Edith �s on lent (Vavoulis) (City Clerk Form approved Corporation Counsel By Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor In Favor A Qainat 0 c.. Page 2 2.9699 CA /,; )q / 347.04. Lessee shall be licensed. No licensee shall let or furnish any such motor vehicle to any person not having his or her motor vehicle driver's license issued in accordance with the provisions of the laws of the State of Minnesota. It is unlawful for any person, whether he be the owner or lessee of a motor vehicle, to permit any person who is not licensed by the State of Minnesota to drive or operate such vehicle. Before letting, leasing or furnishing any motor vehicle to any person, the licensee shall make a permanent and legible record containing the name, address and age of the person to whom the motor vehicle is leased, rented or let and shall record thereon the number and date of issue and expiration of the driverts license, together with the description of the person as shown by the driver's license, and identify the vehicle leased or rented to the person by the motor vehicle license number issued by the State of Minnesota, together with the date or dates of'such licensing. It is unlawful to let, rent or furnish any motor vehicle to any person under the age of 18 years unless such person shall furnish and leave with the licensee a statement in writing showing the consent of the parent or guardian to the leasing or letting-of the motor vehicle to such person. All records required by this section shall be kept for a period of not less than one year and shall at all times be open to inspection by the Police Department of the City of Saint Paul. ' 347.05, insurance Required. No such license shall be issued to any person, firm or corporation to engage in said business in the City of Saint Paul until the applicant shall obtain and file with the City of Saint Paul a policy of liability-insurance, in an insurance company authorized to do business under the laws of the State of Minnesota. The liability or indemnity insurance for each motor vehicle as in this chapter defined shall be in the amount of $10,000.00 for injury to person or persons; and shall provide for and be made to cover all injuries to property that may be caused by said motor vehicle, not to exceed $5,000.00. Such policy shall be in such form that it shall provide for the payment of any judgment against the insured therein to the extern of the liability therein, obtained by any person injured in person or property by reason of any act of the owner, driver or any other person in the operation of said vehicle, and for the payment of any judgment obtained against the insured therein by any person injured or by the representative of any - person killed or injured by,such act. Such policy shall have ,a condition that it cannot be cancelled after loss or _� Origiriil,_�b City Cleric ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO f PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Page 3 without written notice to the City of Saint Paul; and in case,'of any cancellation the license herein Irovided for, issued to the person, firm or corporation whose policy is so cancelled, shall become by virtue of such cancellation, inoperative and void, unless another policy is forthwith issued, approved and filed in lieu of said cancelled policy. The Council of the City may require the said licensee to replace said policy of insurance if it deems said policy unsatisfactory or insufficient for any reason, and the default or refusal of said licensee to comply with any such order of the Council shall be grounds for revocation of the license of the person, firm or corporation so offending. Said policy shall be approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. The City Clerk, upon compliance of the above said provisions, shall issue a license to the applicant in con- formity with the provisions of this ordinance, together with a tag bearing the same number as the license, which the applicant shall display in a conspicuous place on the motor vehicle. 347.06. Fee. The annual license fee for such license is hereby fixed at $25.00 for each motor vehicle, which license fee shall be paid by the applicant to the Commissioner of Finance of the said City of Saint Paul, and a receipt for such payment shall be presented to the City Clerk before the issuance of any license. The applicant shall also present to the City Clerk before said license shall be issueia receipt from the City Comptroller showing that the insurance policy required under the provisions of this chapter has'been duly approved and filed with the Comptroller. All licenses granted' under this chapter shall, unless revoked, continue in force for one year from and after the date of issuance.' Sec. 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety: Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr.President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk IN s-ex Form approved Corporation Passed by the Council SEP 4.1964 In Favor Against Approved: Mayor Counsel By �° / dri'sinal to City Cleric y �. ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. see 4. Ordinance No. 12748, approved July 1, 19649 is hereby repe 16d in its entirety:-`-" r Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland D V Meredith _ Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr.President (Vavoulis) Attest: i Clerk Form approved Corporation Counsel SEP 41W4 Passed by the Council Tin Favor A- inat SEP ISM Approved: Fl 11 Mayor yt , - `. r, -,• '.f _ _ _ % _ <_• •.r `. i•..a • - rte- ` - Y -c •i •Y '., _•' ~ .. ,r ' ' �• ,' . _ - ,. r ,+.C° :; r+" , ••.• _i. ti„ ! . `_ ��, _'•C,••';n4 _'. s •! •rr , . , a � . `' Y �a '� rx ,l , '�,.� ' '+ �- _ a� :.ti _ r � ' +� -�,. )- -r• ': t y a : - `a! �. ''3 • t s.� i'•' }1= _ •'Yr' ..? • , •_,r _x . ` - ' - +.c "� .,i•: }, , _ ,.rr.• _ .. �r •.r, b?a: -. ✓_fir-' ,�. �'• ^'1 _ "ao ti !fa. - :',�•.- p'�!,_'• k' _ `e`i.'; •••S •k. - -.. }: T�• <y3, rN•' , , "- +' 'r•' -, _';. 4•�.�- �.�► , ` ..F, -+ „_ - 1 ?� •` , r �.r c + �.s; •S "' f _ •• _: Y= ,�; 1 , ago: Lti' -< - .'•,- , _ .. ,..i� -' f -'_ .2 __ � - .•- l� '74 _, _- - •,E= - ,4iwt• �; t Z� {' .:. u _. �l Fr,., -• tie .;.`' .f • •e. .. , .n•} • - 'Ir. ``!E, - - ' -.'. s,Y .5 ' -- .'•. -'• - .sS 1`'wo i - .. _ - , _ 347•.04;' - zesi hall r :be 11cehabd , 'No sh ~ lioirise_. e o or_ve ysuaa11= tfuin a ,any i _ _ = person not having . 3:s :or her :motor vehicle- .01VOr � e 4 J ` - = x - li,oen�ae.rissued ln.:,iq;ordanoe 'with, the provisian�a�`of= the law o :,the ° to e a iz rieeota,, It is- unlawfu and. Deppo kQh h ` of i 8•:m6t6r_ vehicle= t.o;'porini.t,7'�.pergori;Ya. is not.: t ` oer[ee�i, by 'the: state ..p ' Minx $sot.a, -,to "drive or,- , . t operate sugh'" vehicle` '.,­Be gaei g,or. -, r i. h3ng� �.ny, mat6a& veh a 'le. to '.aY per$on; the ,,'. ' Ziaeris a ;shalt mak er :a permanent-- .sria�.logib .e "reaord :�,_ . ; :• r 'sorita�.ning °Ihe' name;:; s drQgd `and age'�� f the eradir 1• ' r. _ to whom the motor `veY�iae i.s .:leased,; rented or let,..'z• r arid. sha ,1= reo�rd ' the e n the riuiriter: anti We, anti 'expiratlo -of $k�a dr�ter,� s 1 ane, together frith, t - the '- descrig.ti:on, off'= the person . as' ,sho�in; by the 'dr.ver'� s, and -'.3 entity., •vehicle - 3easad poi* :rented. 'IQ r peraoh" by: the _znoto vehicle ]..t ense riuinber _ �:aeua , S at'e of Minnesota,' together" with` the `, date or.• Oki Yicei'i�ting: It is'Yur'ia�tft�l. to..2et;' rent' or- furn3eh• :ang` into vehicle =to y `person under. - the r e.ge . 6f.'1$ 'yearia• .ui':ess'` Stich ' person : shall furnish an4 •leavei;th ],icensee, a,' statement in•�tx►i.t�.ang `Bhowing;, tote Qoneant -' of, the, par. nt or �:gixa �'dian -to the. lebsing letti;ngti'4f IYie = o#�or " vehl ale 6,-" eucih• parson, rearde;trequirod ~by Ihis 'sec.txoia $hell b.e 'Dept for a. perod'�of dot ]:eis 'Ihan;.,ne year` and` shsl3- at: all' t3mea bo open,.-t6 inspect qri py .the.-Paliee '.bePartme:4t of the -_ : ' '{ " ' • • City: of�; Saint• `Paul. ° •' . - . ,. -, } 'x;,•05, ins 34 oe Aetfuired:_ _ No iu(ih, licen$e._,shs.li be' issued , o ;ate p4r an, rm or - iir�ir�.t3.on ti enrage �n ,_` ` sa ,d�b�ta.iness iri 'IYie.; Cit of $a . it "Pgul until.; the, applioA t } sha l ; Obtain. and ,f .'le .W .Ih' , the ,City of •SS ifi P 1i.ab lity .nauranoe., _ in. an- insuf4hee 'oQxapany' �� thorised -' to •:gip' ;°bug :iiess _ 'under the aWe. o 'the • Stat.e ° of. T tnnesota. ,: _: •The't liability • pr - demn .ty irieur'anc$ for eaoh motor. as An .;this' ehdp�irr defined, shall :be, in the .amount ,of WOO 4p 00 for , ri ury` to- Person_ or persona3. and shall pi o'vide''fQr' and - ` a - _ made, to cover'= 'a�,], 1n.juri6s' .to.,. propexty that .may be Qauset 'by , sat °i46tor veer .ole, not to.,.exceed 45,0006106:: $uch•'polia b ®. in suoh-, or t.. that ,it . ihail -p�'ov de - -tbri the ; paym nf� •. _ •• 7 . of:" udg ent .aga,:nst' I ins h ured; .thrL.n' to Iris exten any. � t • : `' i the_ Z;'isbi� ity'=the ^ei.n, obta3ne.d by any person inJUve l to °` : •, ierebn or px'op rty: by reason' of Any-act t: p , , 'the, owner; . drawer` o_ ther - persoh in "'the operat'ort' of•- `eatd' vehicle, And- the • fob; tie payment`,of air= ;jud�rient obtsinesi against ^ in�►ured �t.hei^eir by eny :person injured .bx'' by` .the representative of , r :•_ :'. ,° erson killfid or �,njured - by :su ;h .apt; Su eh.` poliay taav .s '.cOnditlon -that it cannot •be..cane'e�lod'sfter - � r ,� -4• yJ. �r t•. ,- -A.._' r s' •..4 • i T` ! "ti G• 1 - .. '-' ^j. !, '''rl -. `.� � - . _ mot` #+- _ •''� ' • +• ..y, #r -` ti •a v�,NX J8 .7, '<(+''..,51 -'` � r-' ,DUPLLCATE TO PRINTER ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO, 219 -699 PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. °2 Page 3 without written notice to the City of Saint Paul; and in case of any cancellation the license herein provided for, issued to the person, firm or corporation whose policy is so cancelled, shall become by virtue of such cancellation, inoperative and void, unless another policy is forthwith issued, approved and filed in lieu of said cancelled policy. The Council of the City may require the said licensee to replace said policy of insurance if it deems said policy unsatisfactory or insufficient for any reason, and the default or refusal of said licensee to comply with any such order of the Council shall be grounds for revocation of the license of the person, firm or corporation so offending. Said policy shall be approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. The City Clerk, upon compliance of the above said provisions, shall issue a license to the applicant in con- formity with the provisions of this ordinance, together with a tag bearing the same number as the license, which the applicant shall display in a conspicuous place on the motor vehicle. 3+7.06. Fee. The annual license fee for such license is hereby fixed at $25.00 for each motor vehicle, which license fee shall be paid by the applicant to the Commissioner of Finance of the said City of Saint Paul, and a receipt for such payment shall be presented to the City Clerk before the issuance of any license. The applicant shall also present to the City Clerk before said license shall be issued a receipt from the City Comptroller showing that the insurance policy required under the provisions of this chapter has been duly approved and filed with the Comptroller. All licenses granted under this chapter shall, unless revoked, continue in force for one year from and after the date of issuance. See. 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr.President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk IM a°2 Form approved Corporation Counsel By Passed by the Council Approved: S kP 4 I Mayor Tn Favor Against Ist_v //2nd Laid over to 3rd and app ted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays MEW :-II alglish - lolland \ Holland Loss Leer Meredith 219 M Meredith Peterson Peterson Rosen Rosen Mr. President Vavoulis r. President Vavoulis ® 'FUBLISI-IED