21967900 ORIGIMAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO CO NCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM 46" File No. 219679 —By Milton 0ov✓ as, The Northern States Power PRESENTED BY 1'� Ye has indicated to the Depart- COMMISSIONER PATE lic �'9r} s of the City o, ti. :JPL' !,cc ".0' i.rr.T -Turin i a WHEREAS the Northern States Power Company has indicated to the Lepartment of Public Works of the City of Saint Paul that said company is desirous of installing or having installed a new sidewalk with an underlying electrical heating unit for sn� rg§W purposes, said walk to abuts the Northern States / it t 5th and Wabasha Streets in Saint Paul, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, the aforesaid electrical heating unit under the sidewalk will be the first installation of its kind in this City, Now, Therefore, be it RESOLVED, That pursuant to the provisions of Sections 207 and 208 of the Legislative Code of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner of Public Works is authorized to issue to said Company or to, a licensed and bonded sidewalk contractor acting as agent.for said Company a permit to reconstruct the sidewalk abutting'the Northern States -Power Company's building on Wabasha at -.5th Street in the City of Saint Paul and to incorporate in said reconstruction of the sidewalk an electrial heating unit for snow removal purposes; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That such permit and the permission. N hereby granted for such installation shall be subject to the o following terms, provisions and conditions: w o 1. That said permittee, Northern States Power Company, o shall forthwith furnish and deliver to the City of Saint Paul � a a surety bond in the penal sum of $1,000 made and executed by o said permittee as principal and a corporate surety company duly authorized to transget business.in the State of Minnesota, as N surety, to and in favor of the City of Saint Paul as obligee, { 90 ¢ conditioned that said permittee shall indemnify and hold harmless o said CJty of Saint Paul against all expense and liability on t COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland 1 Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis coat "2 Tn Favor A gaifist Adopted by the Council 19— Approved 19— f Mayor ` ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE Page 2. account of all claims, suits and judgments arising out of or conn.eete,.d with the construction, erection, maintenance and /or operation by said permittee and /or any successor in interest, of the aforementioned sub - sidewalk electrical heating unit, t which surety bond shall be in such form as shall be approved by the Corporation Counsel and shall have such surety as shall be approved by the Commissioner of Finance. 2. That said permittee shall, at its own cost and expense and in accordance with all applicable ordinances of the City of Saint Paul and statutes of the State of Minnesota, construct, erect, maintain and operate said sidewalk installation. 3. That said sidewalk construction and installation shall be in conformance with plans heretofore submitted by said permittee to the Department of Public Works and shall be subject to approval of the Chief Engineer of the City of Saint Paul. 4. That said permittee and its successors and assigns shall fully indemnify the City of Saint Paul against all liability on account of all claims, causes of action, suits and judgments on account of injury to person and /or property arising from or connected with the construction, erection, maintenance, operation and /or removal of said sidewalk and said electrical heating unit installation. 5. That supplemental to all other obligations on its part, said permittee and its successors and assigns shall furnish and maintain and pay all premiums and other expense for public liability insurance coverage by an insurance company duly licensed by the Commissioner of Insurance of the State of Minnesota in an amount of $250,000 against liability for injury to any one person and $500,000 for personal injuries in any one accident, and against liability for injury to property in an amount of $50,000 for any one accident, and in the said amounts and for the said purposes respectively, indemnifying said permittee, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approved 19— Loss Tn Favor Meredith Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M "2 RIG144L TO CITY CLERK �, 9 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO �(._t -` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE Page 3. its successors and assign ®�,,,� he City of Saint Paul against ,�.. ,�..,,.liab y onc_ount o11 6s of third persons for injury to person and /or property arising from or connected with the construction, erection, operation, maintana.nce and /or removal of said sidewalk and underlying electrical heating unit, and shall furnish competent evidence of said coverage from time to time to the Comptroller of the City of Saint Paul. 6. That said permittee shall, within the period of 15 days next after the effective date of this resolution, file with the City Clerk its written acceptance of the terms, provisions and conditions of this resolution and its agreement to be bound by said terms, provisions and conditions thereof, without limita- tion, which written instrument of acceptance and agreement shall be in form approved by the Corporation Counsel. AUG 18 1964 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays -Dalglish AUG 18 1 Holland proved 19— Loss In Favor Meredith Peterson yor v Against Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis i r ions ass , t M zAugust 18 1964 t Northern States Power Co. 36o *basha Sty St. Pauly Minnesota Gentlemen: Enclosed is n copy of a resol on C File No. 219679, adopted todayr granting permissi. s Rawer Co. to install a new sided with an' g e rica tang unit for snow melting purpoaesj# said' lk to t' tlic Xorthera .States power Cot - Bldg. At Faith a l Wa 'Sts p sub ct to certain terms and cpnditiooe- as set out in the resol t oAr r ' We 08111 your s ttell Conditans and also - to the' require: m nt for f a written acceptance - wIth the City Clerk 15 days after the effective. of this olutiono which will be August 22nd. _ Very truly yoursi ." /n6 city Clerk Ab NSP N O R T H E R N S T A T E S P O W E R COMPANY ST. PAUL 2 MINNESOTA August 28, 1964 To the Honorable, the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, do hereby accept and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of Council File 219679, adopted by the Council on August 18, 1964. NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY BY T General Superintendent ORIGINAL CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO PAYOR OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER RECEIVED OF 500 ••62 a22 RECEIPT N° 1852 CITY COMPTROLLER BY " .1 loo