D001546CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFF[CE OF THE MAYOR C� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER .��5�� o��, No: !lW � ���— D�: 5-zL ��. WHEREAS, That the proper City officials aze hereby authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with the College of Saint Catherine, Rossi Fiorists, The Anderson Company, Audioquip, Knights Formal Wear, as well as selected entertainers, and pay all costs for services provided to the Division of Parks and Re�reation in conjunction with the Saint Paul Winter Carnival Junior and Senior Royalty Coronaflons, Teen Dance and Senior Day and Judging Patties. These costs are not to exceed $15,000 and would be paid through user fees and sponsor donations. Funding code: 23102 • APPROVED AS TO FORM �/ � ,� Assistant City Attomey Date 1 Department Head n "_ at� Administra[ive Assistant W Mayor DFPARTMENT/OFflCfJCOUNCIL Parks a.nd Rec;eation �T PERSON ANO PHONE DATE INITIATEO � G REEN S H EET � � S f N0.60173 �f5�f� INITIAL/DATE INITIAVDATE �OB TRAMMELL 266-6377 � � DEPARThiBJTOIRECTOR _�CI7V COUNCII ASSGN µ1MBEA Z dT'ATTOFiNEY 4 CITICLERIC MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE7 �� �_gUOGEf OIRECTOR 3 RN. & MGT. SQMCESDIfl. MAVOR (OR ASSI5TANt7 5 P81k5 TOTAL # OF SfGNATURE PAGE � LW ALL LOCATIONS FOR S{GNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Approval ot Administrative Order to authorize payment of costs incurred for Saint Paul Winter Carnival Junior and Senior Royalty Coronations. RECOMMENDATfONS: Approra W «Reject/R) _PIANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL 5ERVICE COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE _. A srnFF _DISTRIM COUNCIL _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL 08JECTIVE7 INITIATING PPOBIEM, ISSUE, OGPOflTUNIS`/ {Who, Whrt, Wl+en, Where, Why1: PHt50NAL SHMCE CANTRACTS MUST ANSW9i TXE fOLLOWIN6 UUES710N5: 1. Haa tMS persoNfirm ever worked und¢r a conbect frn this deDertmenV YES NO 2. Hu thn persoNikm sva been a c1ry <mployee7 YES NO 3. Does thig persoNfirm possea a skill not normalty posaessed by arry cuneerc dry amployee) VES NO Explein tli yea e�wwen on aeperete sheet aM ettech m qrcen ahret. Provide authority to pay atl costs for services provided to Parks a�d Recreation in conjunction with the Saint Paul Winter Carnival Junior and Senior Royatty Coronations, Teen Dance and Senior Day and Judging Parties.. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Parks and Recreation will have proper authority to pay outstanding costs. DISADVANTAGES If APPFlOVED: None. R�CE1�Ei� MAY 21 1998 DtSPDVANTAGES IF NOT APPFW VED: Parks woutd have no authoriYy to pay ve�dors for services provided. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S 7 5,000 FUNdN630URCE Saecial Services INFORMATION: IEXPWN) COST/AEVFNUEBUD6ETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO ncnHnNUnnsae 23102 �VV