219624ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK PRESENTED BY COMMISSION 1 = CITY OF ST. PAUL "+i 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL .REALUTION- GENERAL FORM 19624 FOE NCIL , NO. 9&1Sffffi L t 13. 1964 v RESOLVED, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Purchasing Committee therefor in awarding contracts for furnishing and delivering the following approximate quantities (more or less according to requirements) of Motor Gasoline to various depart- ments of the City of St. Paul (and County of Ramsey) for period September 1, 19.64 through August 31,,, 1964 AMERICAN OIL COMPANY (STANDARD OIL DIVISION) 811,1600 Gallons American Regular Gasoline and 6000 gallons American Super premium Gasoline - for the contract price of approximately , . . , w. , g 4 4 10 „ $87,1564,48 SINCLAIR REFINING COMPANY - 12,000 Gallons Sinclair Dino Regular and 47000 gallons Sinclair Dino Supreme Gasoline - for the contract price of approximately . , , „ , , 4, R $7,621,170 at unit prices bid, in accordance with City specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid #9891 of said bidders, such bids being the lowest and said bidders being reasonable and reliable ones and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contracts therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contracts on behalf of the City of St.,Paul and County of Ramsey, Councll File No. 219824 — P•: Milton Rosen — Formal Bid #9891 Resolved, That the C -00-- hereby doncurs in the recommO ',9T3Zi ^f the yPurchasing Committees in au•v•din- ^ontracts fn ' " ­r�- -and the follo,•Y� (njv to m:eor' ? , "UU. rvl: - -tT laF ,1 -10 M1 ,r COUNCILMEN Yeas I??ALGLISH Nays I2;2eCo�>ir� Holland Loss =TR ^ << Peterson I ONE, ,1..'•y. TO ,fir. Vice President (Rosen) SM "i l AUG 13 1W Adopted by the Council 19— AUG 13 1964 proved 19— ' l In Favor � ' V Mayor Against DUPLICATE TO PRINTER 219624 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL !lIAAA/// '+ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ a .. COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE Augtwt 131, 1964 R880LVjD, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Purchasing Committee therefor in awarding contracts for furnishing and delivering the following approximate quantities (more or leas according to requirements) of Motor Gasoline to various depart meats of the City of 8t, Paul (and County of Ramsey) for period September 1, 1964 through August'31e 1964 AMERICAN -OIL C04PANY (STANDARD OIL DIVISION) 8110,e00 Gallons American Regular Gasoline and 6040 gallons American Super premium Gasoline + for the contract price of approximately • w • a • • • s • . • . • . $87 #150948 SINCLAIR REFINING CAMANY 122,000 gallons Sinclair Dino Regular and 47000 gallons Sinclair Dino i4reme Gasoline for the contract price of approximately $7 *621, 70 at unit prices bidg, in accordance, with City specifications,therefar hereto attached and the Formal Bid #9891 of said bidderss, such bids being the lowest and said bidders being reasotmble and reliably ones and the Corporation Counsel be abd hereby is directed to draw up the Proper ford of contracts therefor* and the proper City officisis hereby are authorized to execute sold contracts on.behalf of the City of St,faul and County'of Ramsey Formal Bid #9891 COUNCILMEN Yeas DALGI,ISH Nays peCourc Holland Loss In Favor meginso 411fw� Peterson Rase" � Against "ZVI - �Presicl n ;ti is MIS Mr: Vice President (Roseul 5M "I 3 1964 Adopted by the Council 19— AUG 13 ? Approved 19— Mayor