219227 — ' - s^- ,��,� ' � . ...tp% , � . . . . -. -," � , . -�`1 � � �,r- '-�.;''r_, „ -, . �F. � � ' ' � '1� , ` COUNCIL FILE N0. � � ' _ t- � CITY OF ST. PAUL _ t Resolution Ratifying and Confirming BY i � Condemnation and Awards of Damages File No. Z�7'� ,�_ , _ __ # 1 and Assessment Therefor --i�mvG N oN EM�rr T ND CAND �'UBLISFiED / —/ ��� �` ,j 1 SE3SMENT THEAEFOR 3 A N D � In i;he matter of ' •�-�.; � t �� '� `t$;e i:'1-F::^No.219227— :.i�.� �' ''k � ''�`:t�ti4ziu-�.+-9u� �s���"�rti-o4a� Utc�, .�,..a3.,r+r.F.-..� .� . .., t Open, iden and eXtend t�e p�oposed Arch-penn�ylvaniA'Highway by condemning and F taking a permanent easement for- highway purpoae� ar and across the folloWing tract of land: .� • { . • „ � 4 That triangular piece of land Part oP Lot 10, �Block 6, Ashton and Sherburne's Addition and Lebanon St. (Vacated� all in the City of St. Paul. Iying within � the following described line: ' i Beginning at a point of intersection �of the Northwesterly line of Capitol F Heights and the North line of E. Arch St., thence to a point on and measured on the North line of E. Arch St. 50' W. of the North�rester�y line of Capitol Heights, thence in a:�IVortheaster�jr directiar•to a point on and measured on the Northwester�jr line of Capitol Heights 50' DTortheaster�y of the North line of " E. Arch St., thence to the point of beginning. • . + Also condemning an3 taking a temporary easement �for conatruction of an Access Road ' to Arch St. on the fallowing described l.and: � That part of Lots 7 and 8, Block 5 Lota 9 and 10, Block 6, Ashton and Sherburne's ' � Addition, and Lebanon St. (Vacated� all in the City of Qt. Paul, Iiying Within - the following described line: ,� Be inni , ' g ng at a point on and measured on the North line of E. Arch 8t. s i 50' W, of the Northwester�}r line of Capitol Heigh"ts, thence weat along the North i line of E. Arch St. to a point 160' from the NorthWester�jr line of Capitol , Heights, thence at right angles to a point 90' North of the North line of E. Arch St., thence Easterly to a point on and measured on the NorthWester]y line , of Capid�ol Heights 110' from the North line of F. Arch St., thence southWesterly i to a point on and measured on the Northvester�yr line of Capitol Heights 50' from - the north line of E. Arch St., thence to the point of beginning. ;� Res�ved�ur��ex;tnaz-zne-saYa--daaCa����C��,-�z-��n,�.., �i ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confii7nation. �' Be it furtiier solved, that the said assess t be and it is hereby determined to b payable in ! equal ins �ents as to each parcel of described therein. � • � � ' � COUNCILMEN , Yeas , Nays . ����� � ; Dalglish , � Adopted by the Council 1 Holland � � Loss - � ", �� �� �� _�� . Approve ,� Peterson _ � - In Favor ` . - Rosen " . . . Vavoulis � � � Mayor Abainst . //�� . Form R-3 ^�°�5 1 T � � � � , � � V�.r �. `I \ �° � . , . 3 ' . �..r - +tl# ' � � � + , • ' • r � •• - - � ; : �142�'� " _ ,.�- 4 � CITY OF ST. PAUL �Z��� � ti �-� . Report of Commissioner of Finance � � on Condemnation of Lands File No.—_-�� - _ r � �` Ii4 the matter of � Open, irid�n aad extend tba propoaed Arah-P�tnnsylvaai�a H16kn+�Y bY cand�muing and ` ' . . - t�king a permaaant �saeaeat !or hiahv�y purppse� cm aad aaross tl�e �ollawing tract of landt ' . " , That triau�ular pi�c� of lsad P�►rt ot Lort 10, Blocl� 6, A�htan and Sherburae'�s . � Ad�ditian aad Labauan 3t. (Vaaated) all in �. City of St. Paul. I�ying v�thia tl� lollavin� c1escrib�d liae t . . �''. � � Be�inaing at a poiat of iaters�ction of th� �orthvest►�r�jr line of Capitol k Baighta aad th� �orth liu� ot s. Areh 6t., thenct to a point ar and maasut�d cn tY� xorth l.ine of D. Arah St. 50' W. of t.be �aacth�sat.�rly lin� ot Capitol B�sights, t.h�eno� ia an�oarth�aater�jr dir�atia� to a point on aad aeasured cn the '2(orthv�est�r�y lir�t ot Capitol �ei�ats 50' lortbesster]�y of the Torth lin� of � $. Arah 3t., thenoe to th� poiat of blginait�. I Also condaaning aad takin� a tu�orar�r �asea�nt !or ccnstructioq o! an Accxss Road �t to Arch St. an th� follavin� diesaribed Ladt 1 That part ot I,ots 7 �ad 8, Blocic 5 Lots 9 aad 10, BLock 6, Ashton aad Sherburnt's Additiaa, aad Lbaaon 8t. (Vacat�d� all ia t�t City. of �t. PQUl, I�yin� vithin the iollaring d�scribed lia�es • � Be�inain� at a poiat ca aad aeasur�d m tbe /orth line of �. Arch 8t. � 50' i�. oi tlx Northwster�y lint of Capitol H�ti�hts, thenc� wat alons the North lin� of �. Arah 8t. to a poiat 160' fx�a tb�. Xoa�thir+tsterly lin�e of Capitol �ei�hts, t�noe at ri�ht aaal,�s to a p�dat 90' �orth of th� Torth 11ne of E. • Arah St., tlkao� l�a�t�r�r to a poiat aa aad raaur�cl an tk►� Torth�nest�r�y 1ir� of f,hpitiol Haights 110' fro� t,he �ortb li� ot �. Arah 3t., th�nce aoutanv�ster],y f •; �: to a point cn aud a�wsured am t�e tort�lnwsttr�ji.liae of Ca,pitol II�iQhta 50' iraQ th� north line of �. ArcL St., t.�o� to the poiat of be�inniaQ. the un�eisig`�, c�`ain`ing� e�u`ndersigned's fin`�c ina on said-matters. _ ' ,.. - � C issioner Finan , �� � . i