219191 ORIGINAI TO CITY CLERK ��(���� � . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N� 4�' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ COU IL - OLUTION—GENERAL FOR� �RESENTED EY ` ^� J L���li.D ~/ �� �� COMMISSIONE �`""�`� DA� WHE$EAS, the City Architeat has reques�ed �he City Conne3l to hold a pnbl3a hearing to aons3der any aomplai�.�s abont the ezpen�e ineurred by the City of Sain� Paul in removing a dangerons struQti�re at 481 Iglehart Avenne mo�e partia�larly . �c�e serib�d as s Lot 20, Bloek 20� Maekubin �C Mar shall� $ gdditi.on ta Sain� Paul; and WHEREAS, it'.,�ppears that the last knawn rec:ord owner of the proper�y is Rose F. Flood, 1590 Wellesley gvenne, �aint Pa�.1, Minnesota; ther�fore be it � 1�E�O�VED, that the City C.oun.c il of the City of Saint Pa�l. hold a publia hearing in the Gouncil Chamber at 10 olcloak A.M. on the �4"��i�: day of 1�i:�gus-t, 1964, to aonsider a.n.y aomplaint� abou� the eapense inaurred by the City of Saint Paul and to eonfi.rm the am.ot�rnt thereof; be it FUR�HER 'BE�OLYED, �at the> City ArcY�itect no�ify by mail the re�ord �o�rner of �he property in qv.estion at the la�t ]�.own addre s s. - ��'_ File No. 219191—By Frank L. an%eas, The City Architect has re- �., the City Councll to hold a , Ze�ring to consider any com- ' .:out the expense incurred by ,Zesy�f Saint Pattl in removing a �rs structure at 481 Iglehart �� � more particulazly described �i��'20, Block 20, Mackubin & ' ,3��,Add!tion to Saint Paul;, P;;^' i+��,r t..£rsfpr.rs that,•� � �'g� U)AUU�J Lf1����� QT�, �'q s�`,i Jcnt � �� FOR ED Y. • • � � ''� R�C70f� OF LA_ yy—' . . � ��� 1� 1���. ' COLJNCILIVIEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas � Nays Dalglish ' JuL 1 L� �� Holland � Approve� 19— Loss ' Tn FSVOI' �u,��` ' Meredith Peterson ' � �yOr A gainst Rb� �i��;;�eEe:iia°9:E;Y;��:::::�E2:3's:e ...... ...... :�:::..� �VIr,�ce�r�sident (Rosen) , ions e-a� DUrLICATC TO rRIHT[R ������ ,;-� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOFNCIL NO - .''`- ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ►RESENTED tY COMMISSIONE� DATF WHEREAS� the City Architect has requested the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider any complaints about the expense incurred by the C3.ty of Saint Paul in removing a dangerous structure at 481 Iglehart AVenue more particularly �escribed as: Lot 20� Block 20� Mackubin �C Marshall' s Addition to Saint paul; and WHEREAS� it..appears that the last known record owner of the property is Rose E. Flood, 1590 Wellesley Avenue, Saint Paul� Minnesota; therefore be it RESOLVED� that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul hold a public hearing in the Council Chamber at 10 o' clock A.M. on th.e �?+th�� day of gugus,t,i�64� to consider any complaints about the expense incurred by the City of Saint Faul and to corfirm the amount ther.:of; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Architect notify by mail the record o�ner of the property in question at the last known address. JUL141� COUNCILA�N Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Approv `��L 1� ���19— Holland Los s Tn Favor ��; Meredith Peterson � �AyOr � ���t O�� lu'�;°1�resi�"ri't°�• a�vof.,�'is�•. � \- �,,y�ce lgresi�ent �IZoaal�) V U ions s-� �V _ ',Y ..�. - y � .. r �-. ���� r' h r,,ri � ='� � . � ;X C I Y- O F S A I N T P A U �,���r:,�:�.x� _;r,- _ . � �. _ ,�, _ ��{.' - apital of Minnesota �--=-"- ���:.� � i " � ` � ' �i . _ -� �a. �1 .,�.rxr'�,, �r,� � �� �2�,RTMENTrOF 'R' y � �+C�-'REAI'101�-- •�B'�-P�$ IC BUILDINGS `� `r" ,� , - , '..,�f� `���4 r •�:st. .J .1 �T — — - .��, ; . ,,�;4 CI\� �°�� — z1-y � � d fli�` T. �� . .,�- � _ � ° � .. _ � ` �(�_ �wlL- � � _�`� _- ..,, `� ' .�,�s�''�.,�..� 7 '� �� ��� �w._ `< � J — ' � •' r` � y I - - � ✓ . j` �d"•'1� -COMMISSIONER � Y�' �- 1. . � t�.�.,,��' � �`� . ��,, �, :4�,- �. , P1Fi'1`L I�P—L-.,..L E I E R - ---fl� � ,;�..- �� - `y���i;�w?�� r.,;� t ' � -�, -o�.�r� ' ,:..- ,�' - ' Dapu4y Commissioner '.. * � �" ��„ - re _, �, _ r.aF:: s-��"k .t ' - � :•,,,,�����. , ':�,' _ $_ ' _- ,.j. �''4,�t� BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ALFRED H. SCHROEDER, Cify Architect 445 City Hall, Zone 2 CApital 4-4612, Ext. 361 June 29, 1964 ' . � Hon. Council ���-+ City of Saint Paul ��:� � Gentlemen= - A statement of expense has been filed with the City Clerk on this date for the purpose of creating a lien on the property known as 481 Iglehart Avenue, d.escribed as Lot 20; Block 20, Mackubin � Marshall ' s Addition to Saint Paul. 4 This property is owned by Rose E. Flood, 1590 Wellesley Avenue, , � .. Saint Paul., Minnesota. and the agent is Robert M. Olson, Fiesel- Miller Co. , Commerce Buildin.g; Saint Paul l, Minnesota In this matter the following resolutions were adopted by the City Council: • - C.F. 214785�, adopted by the Council September 20, 1963 (publish- ed September 28, 1963) set a public hearing at 10 A. M. on Octo- ber 11, 1963. C.�. 215098, adopted by the Council October 15, 1963 (publish- ed October 19,, 1963) ordered the �wrecking by and at the sepa- rate cost and expen:se of the owner, occupant, or other person in control thereof. . � ' ' � , . C.F. 215493, adopted by the Council November 15, 1963 (publish- ' ed December 14, 1963) directed the Commissioner of Parks And • Recreation And Public Buildings to enter the premises. and wreck and remove the two family dwelling thereon and do any and all things therein .necessary for the protection of life, limb, and ad�oining property. ' C.F. 216266, adopted by the 'Council January 17, 1964 (publish- ed January 18, 1964) , approved the award of the contract for wrecking to Truck Crane Service Co. for the sum of $750.00 in accordance with specifications and Informal Bid No. 6310. C. F. 218533, adopted by the Council June 5, 1964 (published June 13, 1964) provided that the wrecking expense of $750.00 and expense of the Department of Parks And Recreation And Pub- lic Buildings in connection with the condemnation in the amou�nt . ' r ' , .%" . Pg. 2 - of $57�50, making a total of $807.50 be paid out of Wrecking Buildings-Demolition Account 0976.256, and, in the event said sum pro.ves collectible from the owner, same is to be credited to 0976,.256. The building has,� now been satisfactorily wrecked and a regis- tered bill mailed to the owners. � We are requesting that you hold a public hearing with ten days ' notice to consider any complaints about the expenses incurre'd and to confirm the amount. T'he Council resolution confirming the expense should� end with a directive to the City Clerk to file a statement of expense for the purpose of securing a lien on the property. You ver t uly, . , c ard . �"r"' Asst. Cit�y Architect RAS. .A