219190 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �����o �
� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �'��' �
WHEREAS,� the City Arehiteat has reque��ed the Gity
Co�ncil to hold a pnblia hearing to aonsideF any aomplaints
abo�.� the e�pen�e incurred by the City of �aint Pan,-1 .in removing
a dangerous str�a�ure at 4�5 West CentPal Avenue, more pasticularl.y
des�ribed as: �outh 12� �eet �o�: �4��19 and Soutl� 120 feet of
East 1/2 of Lot l8� all in Blo�k 7, Maaka.bin & Marshallts Addition
to �aira,� Paul; and .
T�HEREAu, it appears that the las� ]giowr�. Peaord owner
of �he proper�y is Ivy Edmondson� �-25 West �entral Avenue,
Saint Paul .3� Minne so,ta; therefore be it
�� RE�OLVED, that the City Covneil of �h� C3ity of Saint
Paul hold a public hearing in the Council Ehamber at 10 o�cloak
A.M. on the w4t�i dap of �igiast,196�, to cons�deP ar�.y complaints
about the expense in.aurred by the City of �aint Panl and to
eoxlfirm the amotant thereo�; be it
FIIRTH�R 'RESOLVED, that the City Arehitect notify by �
mail the r�aord owr�er of the proper�y in question at the� la�t
known address� as well as- other imte�ested persons of record.
ri cil File No. 219190—By FY�ank L.
� t�reas, The City Architect has re-
�� ' !t,",+��ed the City Councll to l�old a
' e•ltslic hearing to consid�r any com-
��i •^tc ahsut the expense incurred byl
iic'`�iy.;;f S2�ut Paul in removing aJ
. `f•tC;p.lt �t-u[.:��" at 425 V1*est r��r
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COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays ��� �4 ,�o�� _
Dalglish ��,,�
Holland Approved 19—
Loss �
Tn Favor .
Peterson ' (� �8yor
o.�� A g81IISt
Mr.Yiee President.(�2'�"'�i�
ions e-as ose� .
� . ' CITY OF ST. PAUL F�K��� NO. ° �'
WHEREAS, the City Arahitect has requested the City
Cour3,cil to hold a public hearing to consider any complaints
�bout the expense incurred by the City of Saint Paul in removin.g
a d�ngerous structure at 425 Weat Central Avenue, more partiaularly
described as s South 120 �eet b� LQt':.lg a.nd South 120 fe�t of
E�at 1/2 of Lot 18� all in Bloek 7� M�eku.bin & Marshall' s Addition
to Saint Paul; and
WHEREAS� it �ppeara that the last known record owner
� of the property is Ivy Edmond�on, �+25 West Centr�l Avenue�
Saint Paui 3, Minnesota; therefore b� i�
RESOLVED� that the City Council of the City of Saint
Paul hold ap�.blic he�ring in the Council Chamber at 10 o' elock �
A.M. vn the '4tH�� day of A��xs,t,1Q(�, to consider �ny complaints
sbout the expense incurred by the City o� Saint Paul and to
confirm the amount thereof; be 3t
Ft1RTHER RFSOLVED that the City Archit�at notify by
mail the record o�ner of �he property in question at the la��
known addre�s� as well as other in.terested persons of record.
�����.� 1�6�
COUNCILA�N Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays � a��
,,�� ; < :1J
, Dalglish
Holland t� A prov 19—
Loss Tn F'apOT `
Peterson � MAyOr
A g'BiIISt
�:e:�.''�fsid'e"a� ���;E'�iiil�:is'c�:i�,�;� �
Mr,Vice President (lto9eaj �
�o� � b �
` , � � � _ �. ``-'�r,i.�.� ' 'r "r- �, r•r
_z � .�, CI Y- OF SAINT PAU .�.�����_�- _
� -_;, Capital of Minnesota r-=� ---,��:r- - '� 1 '-�
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. r *� I .����'a ..r �it. - _ COMMISSIONER �-- � f` � � 1
"`-s �_p.,�,.> ' s P Fi"IuL�I•PTL.-.,_.1.E I E R �-� -�►- ��
.,,•%cyF'6K",`�i �j��'�' ��-., .¢ D.puty�Commission�� 'u`''", : �� y:_�_ �
, � >, ,:�:;,`�"h'r i:.rb .. �Y ^' > ��� • t. w��Kdi
BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ALFRED H. SCHROEDER, City Architect 445 City Hall, Zone 2 CApital 4-4612, 6ct. 361
June 29, 1964 �,��
Hon. Council
� City of S�nnt Paul
- A statement of `expense has been filed with the City Clerk on
this date for the purpose of creating a lien on the property
known as 425 West Central Avenue., described as� South 120 feet of
Lot 19 and South 120 feet of East 1/2 of Lot 18, all in Block 7,
Mackubin �� IVlarshall ' s '�,ddition to Saint Paul. This property is
under the ownership of .Svy Edmondson„ 425 West Central Avenue,
Saint Paul 3. Copies of the proceedings of condemnation were
mailed to William Fallon, Attorney, 620 Commerce Building,
Saint Paul 1, Minnesota.
In this matter, the following resolutions were adopted, by the
City Council:
�C.F. 214746, adopted by the Council September 18, 1963 (publish-
ed September 21, 1963) set a public hearing at 10 A. M. October
11, 19.63. �
� C.F. 215097, ado ted by the Council October 15., 1963 (published
October 19., 1963� ordered the wrecking by and at the separate
cost and expe'nse : of the owner, occupant, or other person in con-
trol thereof.
-�C.F. 215492, adopted by the Council November 15, 1963 (published
November 23, 1963) directed the Commissioner of Parks And Recrea-
tion And Public Buildings to enter the premises and wreck and
remove the dwelling thereon, and do� any and all things therein
necessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining property.
C.F. 216264, ado ted by the Council January 17, 1964 (published
January 18, 1964� approved the award of the contract for wreck-
ing to A. Kamish Co. for the sum. of $400.00 in accordance with
specifications and ��formal Bid No. 6312.
C.F. 218530, adopted by the Council June 5, 1964 (published
June 13, 1964� provided that the wrecking expense of $400.00
and expense of the pepartment of Parks And Recreation And Public
. �
• ' ,
Pg. 2 - Council ,
Buildings in con.nection with the condemnation in the amount
of $64.30, making a total of $464.30, be paid out of Wreck-
ing Buildings-De'molition Account No. 0976-256 and.;. in the
event said sum proves collectible from the owner, same is to
' be credited to this account.
The building has been satisfactorily wrecked and a registered
bill mailed to the owner. �
We are requesting that you hold a public hearing with ten
days' notice, to, consider any complaints about the expenses
incurred and to ',confirm the amount. The Council resolution
confirming the e'xpense should end with a directiye to the
City Cler� to file a statement of expense for the purpose of
securing a lien on the property.
"° Yo s r y,, �
ichar . c n"�r
Asst. City Architect
RAS. .A �
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