219178 � r ������ /� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLEWK � _ , _ _ } Vt� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. ; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ .= - CO CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �( tRESENTED EY ,_ ,PUBLISII:sD ��/ V' � �- COMMISSIONE �"� DA� . � � ��OLV�D, By the Gouncil of the City of �sint Pa�.l that it appears, and this Covncil finds� �hat no sewer, water, gas or ele��ric ma�n, pipe or conduit, or any other public ins�rumentality was loeated within the following described� now vaca�Ged, seetion of p�.blie alley, or within the land embraeing the same, situate in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey� Minnesota, vizs �aThat pa'rt of tY�e east and west alley in Block 1, R. F. Marvin' s Addition to the City of St. Paul lying ea'st of thc west 20 feet of Lots 5 and 26, Block 1,,� R. F. Marvin' s Addi�ion to the City of St. Paul�;n either at the time of the vaeatian of the sa.me under and pnrsuant to that certain Re'solution of said Counail� Cou�cil File No. 139875, approved May 2, 1�4�� o� at any subsequent time� and that no rES�r- vatior� for the construction� reconstruction, repaiP� maintenax�ee, or operation therein of any snch public instrnmentality by said - Ci�y� in i�s own b'ehalf or tha-� of a.ny other party was made� either by said Resolution or by ang Ordinanae, as an incident to said vaeation; that said City, neither by the provisions of said Resol�.tion nor by City of Saint Paul Ordinan�e No. 33�4, as amended, nor by Birtue of �ection. 228.04 of the Saint Paul Zegislative Code� reserved� aequired, or otherw3.se holds any s�ach right or easement in any part of said vacated section of public � alley or in the land embracing the same; and that� in behalf of said �ity, this Coiancil disclaims any such resePVation of any � such right or eas�ement therein. - -,--r-�---- Council' Flle No. 219178—By Milton± Rosen— � :F Resolved, By the Council oY the City{ of Sa,,��-,�aul that it appears, and this � 'Q��1r df�9nds, that no sewer, water,� p� w:�,��.?efttr±�� main'f�nirst�:rc�`����'iy' �I�►�. P E� �/ i.6A"'.r�:..'�..,h.. :.��.,_; . ' `w Lr it�pL�T�T',sz�.ts" �'ASES�; , ..•rltrz�' ^ -'!'H Oc - Asst. o porataon Counse.i JU�. 1419�R COU1vCILI�N ��Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ' ��� �� �� Dalglish � Holland � p x'oved 19— , Loss Tn FavOx' � Meredith Pete rs on � MSyOP A gainst �Rv�o� s�e•o•o�•��r.s:o�^:� NJ�ce Pres�id'en�;� :ao�oul�is.o, NIr.�V i:e Yresident (Rosen) . lOM 6�64 �., .. ' � ; • , , � , .r �' .p'.: ,.. a. ., „t�:„� �1MLfCA1'[TD/111�fSiQ�� . ' • n• •• ° � ��� � ' � � `' CIT'Y O� ST. PA1JL ° - .` _ -�'�'�:;, �;'�'. ` . • �FFICE OF THE CI'F'Y C�ERIC � � ��.AM= • ��:4•?. �. �� . � •.�,;,� . --,: COUNCIL RESOLUiK�N,-�-GENERAl. ft3RM � •°,= < � �;� =} ,_ . . ic' '�T !S' S. �" a � "�.. # , OlifR ^ , � ' - „+ � `�.;f;j Y ",.4 • ' , ;�. , . . . ��� ., - ,. . - _ , � , ...� R . ;;r.�nS- :r. •.e b��a. » ....� aBSOL�ED By �h� aotuscil of �� Cii�► o�` Sai�tt P�q1 '��t . it app�ars, aad th�s �ouaail tindls� �hat na s��� �a�ir� ��ts �►r � •lea�ric me,iny pip� or conduit or �aqy cth�r pal�lia �.np�����it� . vas locat�d vith�n th� lollow�n d�acrib�d n�r,�r vaca��rds E»o1���a � ot puDlio all�y or rithin ths �aad qnbraQ� th� ��� s9�t�,t�e in th� City o�' �aint Panl� Covaty ot a�s�y►, M.is�n�a4��►� ti�t "Thzt part o� the east� snd w�a� s13.�y in H1C�� �.� R. �'. Matwia'e Addi.tion to �b� City ot St. P�til 1TinQ emst of the we�t �0 fis� o! 7�o�s � and �d�� . Block 1 R. F. Marv�nl� Addition to �hs Gitr cY st. Pau�; , r •ith�r at the time ot' th• v�QatS�r� of tba su� t�d�� ��d �t�r�f,t . to that asrtain Resolu�icn o! eald Couaail� Cowo.a��r �x� � ���►�f� appro��d May �� 19�+�� or •t e� aubseqn�at �Ss�� 1�! �ht� �o s�air� ♦ation tor th� oons�Cruotion� s�aonstrnatian r�pa� ��'a1r,��OR� " . or op�ration ther�ia ot a� auah public iA��lWu�mtis�� � �1�i�, � Cti�jr� ia its o�vn b�half or that of a�qr otb�rr piur�r, �a� at8�! 1�i� by said A�solntion or by a�r Ordinaneo� �s �n i�nc�:�iliqCt to #�id , � • : � facation; that asid Ctty, n�ith�r b� tht pravision�t ot s�id • 8�solutiox� nor bq City of 3aint Paul Ordinaa�� Xo. 3�94� �� - " e�ssnd*d nor by 9irtu� o! �satioa ��S.W+ Q�` �hh� B�.nL �a� I.e�isla�iv� �ade r�sorred� aaQnirsd� ar pth�rria�. ?�lda ��to'�t ' -. ri�h� or •aaemen� in aay psrt ot �aid raeat�d �rso�iart �t ��� a11aT or in th� laac# embraain6 �he. �aa�; � tbat� in bahsl� �! said Ci� thia Co�ncil di�clai�s a�y sneh raa��rt��,ioa ot l�4jr auah r�Q � or eas�eme�at thersin. R JUI� 1419� � , COUNCILI►�N Adopted by the Council 19— . Yeas Nays ,1�� �� �c. Dalglish V j��p Holland �'' Appro�ed ' 18, ' Loss in Favor Meredith ' Peterson ' , (� ' �� Rosen A��t E�I4�c�:�d4:��.�r.���,!#l7�,�,�k� . . rir. ��,co T'res;dent (Koseu), , , loD[ M!