219177 `�. ���� � '� � a�vs�s�n ��� g- `� /rt�
°� �' ._, � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N� `R
COU I RES TION—GENERAL FORM .�iland�e No. 219177—By Bernard T.
Zouereas, P:iS�suant to condemnation
�RESENTED RY �ina bv th4 Stata of Minnesofa, for
COMMISSIONE pA� ����!t+t .•°�?,y�c:.t;rttrti e oi the rlty„
, . _ , . , r�, :•c,r
. _.����r'r7=
WHERE.AS, purs�ant to eondemnation actions bp the State
of Minnesota, for highway purposes, portions of the Ci�y Market
having been taken for sueh p�.rposes� it is deemed neQes�arp to
secure new an.d addi�ional real estate to be added �o and made
a part of said Citp Market; and
W�REAS� pnrs�.ant to condemn.ation aetions, the State �
of Minnesota has ' aequired part of the site of Franklira Sahool,
the rema3nd�r of whieh said s�hool site, as is deseribed below,
is ad�aeent to said remainder of the City Market; a.nd
WHEREAS, tY�e Board of Ed�eation in and by its Board
Resolution� No. 0�+346� adopted duly 7, 19�4, has expressed a
' desire to transfer the remainder of said Frariklin Sehool sit� to
� the Department of Pnblic Utilities for use in connection with and
c� o as part of the City Market in return for and ex:�hange of cash in
�� � the amour�.t qf �20,0�0.00; and
� � �
o � _ WH�REAS� said Department o� Public .IItilities, desirous
� �
Q of acquiring the ;aforesaid school site for nse in conncction with
� ar�d as part of the �ity Market is agreeable to transfer to the
� Board of �ducation the snm of �24,400.00; now, therefore� be it
N ' � .
� Q RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul
does hereby approve the tra.nsfer from the Boar3 of Education of th�
Ci�y of Saint Paurl� to the I�epartment of Publi-c IItilities af said
' City� of the folSowing described real estate, to-wit:
Al1 that part of Lots 2y thro�gh 8, inclusive� '
Bloek 14, Hoyt' s Addition to St. Paul according
to the 'plat thereof on file and o�' record in
t�ie office:�of the Register of Deeds in and for
Ramsey County, bounded by the f�llowing described
lines '
COUNCILI�N 1 Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas � Nays �
Holland : �
i .
Loss +
- Tn FavOx'
— Meredith �
' Peterson ' a
� A gainst
,}Mr. President, Vavoulis �
lOM A-b2 � ,r,
` 1.
,Y ((11�� ,q}}�����yyy
w,'� ORIGINAL TO CIT�GLENK • , ����' J�
• ' -• ` °� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N� ° d
�t „
� Page 3.
. �,�,
officials are hereby autho'rized and directed to transfer
from the Departmen� of Public IItilities to the Board of
i�dueation of the aiCity of Sai�t Paul the sum of $20��00.00�
said sum to be deposited to the aeEOian�G or aecounts of
said Board of Education in accordan.ce with the wishes of
its Comptroller. '�
. ' �
� JUL 14 t�6�
COUNCILA�N : Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays � � q -
'Dalglish � � �1 �L 1� j�� "
Holland ' � P�'��p� -----�9
Loss ' Tn F'8V01' �
Peterson .` (� MAyOr
, A gainst �
°e:iNc�e.,�ti„�,�iesie'fe�iEe�.a�tt�ili�,;.��:i� �
b�r.�Vice President (Rosen)
io�s e-as ' I
�I J,� • �"���� V ,
. -o ..
• Page 2.
Beginning at a point on the so�athwesterly
line of said Bloek 14 distant 25� feet
northwe�sterly of the most southerlp cor-
ner thereof; thence run east�erly �o a
point on the r�ortheaste�ly line of said
Bloe� 14 distant 65 feet northwesterly �
of the most easterly corner thereof; ;
ther�ee ru� southResterly to a point on the
southwesterly line of Lot 8, said Block 14,
distant 33 feet northwesterly of the most
sou-Gher�.g corner thereof; tY�enee run south-
westerl�y to a point on the �outhwesterly line
of sa�d Block l�- distant 33 feet northwester�
of the mos� southerly corner thereof; thence
run nortMwesterly on said southwesterly� line
to the point of beginning.
� �ub�e ct� to a right reserved by' the 5tate of
Mi�neso,ta to construct slopes on a.nd remove
materials from those parts of Lots 2 , 3, and
4, in said Block 14, as deseribed above�.,
which right shall cease on D�eember 1, 1�}67.
Also wi'th no right �o access being the right
of �.ngress to and egress from tYie above des-
�ribed ��ract to Trvnk Highway�3�'E; except th�,t
access is retsined along that portion of the
. southeas�erly line of the above-described tra�t
lping sot�thwesterly of the northeaste�ly line
of Zot 7 ir�. said Block 14;
ar�d �
R�SOLV�D F'IJRTH�R� that in consicieration of the
foregoir�g �ransfer of real' estate; the appropriate City
.,. �
�.f �,� ,
;- • � ' � • - '
� Council FIIe No. 219177—i3y Bernard T.
Whereas, Pursuant�to condemnation� °
� I actions by the St'ate of Minnesota, for�
highw�y purposes, portions of the City y
� Market having been taken for such
M purposes, it is deemed necessary to
w secure new and additional real estate
� to be added to and made a part of �
said City Market; and
� wtiereas, Pursuant to condemnation STATE OF MINNESOTA
actions, the State of Minnesota has
� s�n ol,dthe rremaina�iof whiohnsaid� County of Ramsey es.
� school site, as is described below, is'�
ad�acent to said remainder oE the city CITY OF SAINT PAUL
, Market; and
� Whereas,_The Board of Eduoation, in
and by its Board Resolution, No. 04348, , �
r, I adopted July 7, 1984, has expressed a�
`• ' desire to transPer the remainder of' Robert B. Gerber, Jr.� �
;, S�a Franklin soaooi stte to tbe ne- i+...........................•---..._.__...---------- ---.._...----•-----....._.............---.....Ci Clerk
pa;txrient of Public Utilities for use in-
connection with and as part of the City ,
Market in return for ana exchange of of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota do hereby certify that I have
cash in the amount of$20,000.00; and .,
? Whereas, Said Department of Public�� 21g177
Utilities, desirous o4 acquiring the.
� aforesaid school site for use � �on- compared the attached copy of Council File No...................................._.._._
„ , nection with and as part qf the City
� � Z O�OOOAO dn Th th the�Cob Mlt of tne �' as adopted by the City Council--------_-----J�y--1�-'---------------------19..64..---...
� City of Saint Paul does hereby ap- '
� I prove the transfer from the $oard of� tTLLly 1.�-F� 6�
Educatton of ttie C�ty of satnt Paul and approved by the Mayor..............................................................19....______._____
� to the Department of Public Utilities-�
of said City, of the 4ollowing described 1
real estate, to-�c: � with the original thereof on file in my o$ice.
N Ai that part of Lots 2 through 9,
inclusive, Block 14, Iioyt's Addition �
v to St. Paul according to the plat ,
w thereof on ffie and of record in the ! •------------------°----------------------------------------------°-------------------------------°--------°-----------------------
p office of the Register of Deeds in ' �
and for Ramsey County, bounded �
by the following described ]ine:
Beginning.at a point on the south- ----------------°-�-----------------------------------•-------------------------•-------------------...--------------•-----------------
westerly line of said Block 14, dis-
� ant 250 feet northwesterly of the � '
most southerly corner thereof; a
� thence run easterly to a point on � .. °------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------°---------------
� the northeasterly line of said Block „ ;�
W 14, distant 65 feet northwesterly of
� � the most easterly corner thereof; �
Qthence run southwesterly to a point � ------------------------------------------------------------°------•-----°---------------------------°--...--------...._....------...
L on the southwesterly line of Lot 8, � •
� said Block 14, distant 33 feet north-
westerly of the most southeriy cor- � ,
� ner thereof; thence run southwest- � -----°--°°--°.._..--------°------�-°--•--°-°--°--------•°------°---°-----------°°--°-------------°---------•----...._..
erly to a point on the southwest- ' •
� erly line of said BIock 14, distant 33 d '
feetnorthwesterly of the most ! ---°---------------------°°------------...-°-°------°...---------------..._........._..._.._....•----...---°--°---°°-°----•-
� southerly corner thereof; thence ' "
v run northwesterly on said south- ,_
o k w�sterly line to the point of be- :
oginning. � , -------------------------°------------------------°-----------------------------°---°---...-----------°-----------°-------------
'�'� Subject to a right reserved by the
State of Minnesota to constxvct ;
slopes on and remove materiaLs '
fromthose Parts of Lots 2, 3, and - � ---°-------------°---------°------------------------------------°-----°----°•--------.._..----.._....--•---------°------------°
4, in said Block 14, as described �
above, which right shall cease oa ;
December 1, 1967. �
Alsowith+no right to access bein6 � ' --------------°-----._.........._......._---°---•-----•------------°°--------------------_.__.....----------°-..._...-------------
the rlght of ingress to and egress j , �
from the above described tract to
Trunk.Highway 35 E; except that � _
accessis retained along that por- -----------------------------°---..........._...-•-°-°•••--.._...._..._..-----------°------------°----°--°..._......•--------.._.
tion of the southeaster]y line of the ' :E
above-described tract lying south- r �t
westerly of the noitheasterly line � �� ��'��r��l�°��� �urther certify that said copy is a true aad corrs�t COpy Of
of Lot 7 in said Block 14; �;,.. � �'i�r �q`
a Resolved Further That in considera- ��� �� �rr����►�'�
tion of the �orego(ng transfer of real f�y%�;: "_ �'Ald"'Ofi��al and the whole thereof. ,
estate,the appropriate City offlcials are �'�r��'f"'��'�'_ • �,�,,. I •
'�,,.rr.., �� .
hereby authorized and directed to.� °� � �4 e'� �' �
transfer from the De�iartment of,Pub= ��*������'T�� � ��`' � ��
�� ut�ties to tne soara of Educatioa �� ��,�r�b� f TIVESS my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul, Minn.,
of the Clty of 9eint Paul the 'sum of ;.-•�-���' ' � '�" '� � %
$20,000.00, said sum to be deposited to �•;o �t h'��8.��. '�, /
�•,� , , �:
the account or accounts of said Board , ` � •''�' ' (�i 7�� d
�.,•� ,, �« � f':.:::_ ........... a o f................... I?ecember:••--•--------A . 1 9_��_�..
of Education in accordance with the �L:.�r ♦�� ��r y,. ,. 4 �
wishes of its Cpmptroller. � x r� ^� `�+�
Approved ��Y 18u1984�Ju1 14, 1984. , . ' �'.� �f����1 v
, > �a�
Y S `'�� .
- r�'p`�i � •:?t'"' t��"''v � � ---- -- -- -° °--------- ---- -- --- • --....--
, � � --
� '�'�� �� ' ` `� T��� ° C Clerk.
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