219169 , e< . . .. ,. . . - t� �'1: 4 . � j.er ;� � d� - ' ^ ������ F I N A L O R D E�. ;` CaUNCII� FILE N0. ' ti � - P'(JBLISHEb 7�'� By . � . r , File No. g738�' f ' \. � , In the Matter of rccori�tructtng Chs �ida�t�lk an th� �a�t aide o€ Clev�lund Ave. ' • fzo�oa $ti�i� �ive� to Portl�nd.'Ave. ai�d bq rioing a11 ather wo�c tahich is �a�cear�ry � and' i�fcidenta�.� �o cocipleta_�a�iid �provemea�. l. ' ,R. ��. - .��, ., �i�},.',;: ' , ;F .. .yo. � under Prelimina,ry Order - 2173e�7 approved April 1, 146�� . � ;_ Intermediary Order approved ' A public heaxing having�been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having� heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it ;, � RESOLVED, By the Council of the.City of St.�Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- � provement ta be made by the said �ity i's�,, . �� . to recc�nrtruct the �idawalk on`th� east �sida o� �Clev�la�nd Ave. fzeim Sw�eit Ave. - �a I�ortlaac� Ave. �nc� by doing a�.l other work ahich ,is nece�+Qarp and incid�ntal ��. - ;��F2������.��_ to camplet� eaid impicovauept exc�p�`,r�i.ei�; good and snific�ent �ide�aa�k� apw es�at. _ ;� �� p ;il File No.219189— . – �'the matter of reconstructing the . ����� o:L the eust side of Cleveland� � �' � i•;;ti��,�nr.•It ,°.�,e.,to Partland' • ,E i��' ��`vil ..ther cqor', �� • �;y�:itit[1r'i" L P.:�-;. ,., .. .,r�. .:,, - . • _ _ _ • , ._ .r {.- ' • ([ � ti.bUA �.:.:ii5'��i'S =,"�S �" , s� '�aoi3 �r.+ ��'.r g 3n v'JT�i ' ,� x .�,�„ .t- i ~ • �; , • � �r and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. , RE,SOLVED FUR,TIi�R,�That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and, specifica,tions for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for - approval; that upon said approval, the pro�per city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- � ceed with the ma�ing of said improvement in accordance therewith. • . .. "� � � COUNG`II,MEN � Adopted by th`,Council JUL 14196� ; ,; Yeas D�Iglist� Nays " k":� Holland :` • ` { � Loss . „ APPro e �-� .��� 4 1QF,d �� � IVlereditF� . ' - � Petersorq � - . .... �� � �n Favor � e9:9iE;e.'�,'.�,'$Sdt4i��::,c99.'eEce::::::rcee �i Mayor �'. Vice Presiden����.�.���_�� � (� t' (I2osen) AgairiSt � G-68 2M 8� R-1 -:��" � . �=' , , � _ _� �A � �' , � �� �, , ra�1;;w' � Dist. No. � „ - `��� , , , . . �/R p ` • �" � �_• ,y�r-: .. .� �;}1 � 0 '�.1�' y + ♦.. ' 1_ E.S. Cleveland Ave. - Summit to Portland Ave. S ���� r '" ������ � � ��� -` OFFICE OF T�HE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC W ORKS � � � �����- � � � REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE � . �^ � - '�� April 3rd. iq64 To t he Commi s si oner of Fi nance of t he Ci ty of St. Pa ul; The Commissioner of Public Works � having had under consideration the pre- liminary order of the Council known as Council File No, 217327 approved_ April lst. 1964 relative to reconstructing the sidewalk on the east side of Cleveland Ave. from Summit Ave. to Portland Ave. and by doing all __other�aork which is necessarv and incidental to complete said improvement. ,: . , . and having investi,gated the matters and things referred to therein� hereby r�eports: 1. The estimated cost thereof is $• 3.25 per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk _5 ft. wide and $3.80 per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 6 ft. wide. 2. A plan� profile or sket �� �s � i 2 vement is hereto attached � and made a part� hereof. ��� '�°�� w - . � ���, � 3, Initiated by the Commi �� on����l Works X 4, Improvement is asked for n �eti ' � � . Commissioner of Public Works