219163 - .t� � J ..i�. _.:w'���'^ _ - ' . . r � .` �� ,�) , � = •, � �' - .3� - �� - ' �'� :3"�� . ' - �� ' �- Y- . '� � �'���IAL ORDER' � CD'�� FILENO. . - � t. �� By � . a �� g- � �- �� 7 r p17BLISI�iED File No. 37369 � a� , �. In the Matter of �� . xecAne�ructing Che 6idewsllc on both aid�s o£ Chatsworth St. frc�a .� . , _ Linwaod Av$. �o QQOdrtch �ve.. �nd �►y doifzg a11 other woxk Wh�.ch ie n�ce���rq �tid� inci�dentaT eo ei�iaple�a eaid improv�ssen�. ,, . � ;, , .. �: �: - �• �� �' under Prelimina.ry Order 217Qtf� approve� Ha��h !1 , a 9b1+ iE ,R Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it ,E RESOLVED, By the Council�,of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement ta be made by the said City is , to recon�trnct �h� .$i,dewr�llc on both �id�s af ChsCaworth St. fran Lin�vood Ave. ta � Gocdsich �,va. and by daing s�11 other work t�rhi;ch �a n�sceas��cy and incidental to d` .. sP°.�'�S,r. , cangle�e eifd i�aprovement except, �whera goacl an� auffici,enz sidew�lka now exi�t. ;; -- . •�',�:��i�-��° :vo.zisiss— ' ;, � - ,, ' •t�=: �iC reconstructing the a. � --�h•-'�-.r`des�of. =natsworth "' � noclrich T e ��i—[QIPlS .oYi �L'',TTZy��rk '� . � J4 ._ .. ; - _ _ _ :ndTSi'1 � 1 1 - i .. �...� _�,,,-. � , � . � and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTIi�R, �`hat the Commission er of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifica,tions for said improvement, and submit same ta the Council for approval; that upon said approva:l, the pro�er city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. '� JU�. 1� �9s� COUNCII�MEN y: Adopted by the Council Yeas ���lish Nays , �-Iol►and �� • �� �4 �9r�, �pss � Approve �E ►Vleredith +.� peters.on + Rosen :: � Tn Favor � Vavoulis 'F Mayor 9, � ;. ' A gainst i� 6-63 2M 8� N-1 " 't i' �.!- . , `"1 +^ "` � ��5� ` `�� �� , "' Dist. No. 2 �''�3��j ,, / r "B.S. Chatswoith St. - Linwood to Goodrich - � �� " r ,. � ^ � �� ����� r ° OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONEA OF PUBLIC 1N OAKS ��� 1� 3� 3" REPORT ;;TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 1` ; �. . . �F March 24th. 19 64 ,: To the Commissioner of Fi��nance of the City of St. Paul: �� . 1, The Commissioner of Publi'�c Works , having had under consideration the pre- a� li mi nary order of t he Counci 1 known as Counci 1 Fi le No. 217016 approved March llth. �; 19 64 relative to reconstructing the sidewalk ,�, on both sides of Chatsworth �St. from Liawood Ave. to Goodrich Ave. and by doing all � other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement. ik �' . ' �. �I �f . df and having investigated the matters and things re�erred to therein� hereby � reports: a; . 1. The estimated co'st thereof is $� 3.25 per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk . �: — — — j 1 5 ft. wide and $3.80 per lin. ft. for standar . wide. o` � � ` � 2. A plan� profi le �or sketch of ai ��►$.�ro��me i s hereto t ched a, � , �° and made a part hereof. cf� ��p�,� 3, Initiated by the�� Commissioner o ks X �'�C7 • �. � �� . 4, Improvement is asked for upon petition - ��: �: _ ,. i� ' 1f +� Commi ssi oner of Public Works - � �,