06-903Return copy to: (jao) Public Works Tech. Services 1000 City Hall Annex ES�LUTION NT AJdL. MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the Council of the City of St. Paul (City), upon the request of the 2 Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Paul (HRA), as contained in 3 resolution Council File #06-715, dated August 2, 2006, approved the release and 4 discontinuance of various public utility easements in the area known as the West 5 Side Flats (from Wabasha to west of the Union Pacific Railroad Tracks), a copy of 6 Council File #06-715 is attached hereto as Ezhibit "A"; and WEiEREAS, after fiuther research and consideration, the City and HRA agree that one of the easements released, be retained and continued as a public easement, so 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Benanav Yeas Requested by Department of: Council File #�,_ Green Sheet # 3032650 Public Works Harris �_-� � � : 11 p ✓ Form Adopted by Council: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: . ` r� Approved by a• Date D- z-GY� By: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Council File #06-715 is hereby amended as follows: n Strike through and Remove item number 2 from the Certificate of Intended Non-Use, item 2 is referenced as a: "Sewer easement in a portion ofFillmore Avenue, Doc. #532402, dated 04/06/1968" BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all other terms and conditions set forth in Council File #06-715 shall remain in full force and effect. Nays �� Absent by City Attorney �� Director 9-�a�0� : for Submission to Counci] _ � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � f� -�d3 - Departrnentloffiee%ouncil: ' Date Initiated: ' Pw -�b���W� „SEP� Green Sheet NO: 3032650 , Contact Person & Phon � � JUAN ORi1Z � : 266-8864 � : Must Be on Councif Agenda by (Date): �, Doc.Type: RESOLUiION E-0ocument Required: N DocumentContact JUANORTIZ Contact PAone: 2668564 � Assign Number For Routing Order 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 DeoarGnent SentTo Person Public�� � 6 Real Esiate 3000 CHA i � C dl C'tv Co '1 { �(Stv CIe k C"tv Qerk i Pubtie Works $eal Fstat 100D CHA f Totai # of Signature Pages _(Clip N Loca for Signature) Action Requested: Amend Council File #06-715 (08/02l2006) Recommendations: Appro�e (q) w Reject (R): I Personal Service Contracts Must Mswer the Following Questions: Plannirg Commission �, Has this persoNfirm e�er waked undera contract for this deparlment? CIB Committee Yes No CiNI Senice Commission �,, 2. Has this person/fittn e�er been a city employee? I Yes No 3. Does this personRirm possess a skill not n6rmally possessed by arry curreM city employee? Yes No E�cplain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach tA green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunky (Who, What, When, Where, Why): � CF#06-715 released various pablic utiliry easements. It was later found that one of the easements should not� been released. Advantapes If Approved: The proper easements will be released. DisadvanWges MApproved: None. ;:,� � � � 2UU6 �����"� DisadvanWges H NotApproved: An public easement currendy needed wiil gone. iotal Amount of Transaction: FundinA Source: Finan cial Infortnation: (Explain) CostlRevenue SudgeMd: Activity Number: lafs i'"ac'�.,���fvit t��'�?�:va ��C�B'�ED S�� � � 2006 �;,���v'�3� M9 ��V� September 19, 2006 9:57 AM Page 1 Retura copy to: (jao} Public Works Tech. Services 3000 City $a}L Annex Presented By Referred To Committee: Dafe 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, on behalf of itself, retained easement rights in vacated 2 property as desczibed in Council File #04-Ifl50 and Conncil Fi1e #fl4-1fl61, both approved 3 on November 17�', 2004, and; 4 'WHEREAS, based upon the Certificate of Intended Non-Use filed voIuntarity on behalf of 5 the City of St. Paul, Department of Public Works, the City of Saint Paul, at the request of the 6 Housing and RedeveIopment Authority of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota (HI2A), its 7 successors and assigns, desires the re3ease of sasements as indicated in said Certificate of 8 Intended Non-Use, except as noted, so 9 10 11 12 13 14 i5 16 17 THEREFORE BE IT IZESOLVED, ihe City of Saint Paui does hereby release easements rights, iocated in the property described in Coancil File #04-1060 and Council File#04--I061, as indicated in the attached Certificate of Intended Non-Use, and F'URTHER RESOLVED, that the FIIZA, their successors and(or assi�s shall pay $300 fee Co the City of St. Paut upon receiving a certified copy of this resolution, and �'�J�R1'HER RES4LVED, that atl other terms and conditions in Council File #04-1064 and Council File #04-1061 shall remain in full force and effect_ �� �i�l� �I_ _ ��_�_ ���� S�i� ��� � -�- Adopted bq Counci3: • �.. . -. . . f �/I s,1 / � •�� � 'u � •.i• � ����� i� � � -�' --� ' I ���r� ` �r c (� i ``�, �.� M[NNESOTA Requested by Department of: Public Works Dire�tor .�u �... -.. • s'' i � f� i' ����� � I ' � J � � • � � � / � • � a : � !! , / , �-�b� ca�� ��� # �'�'S Greea Sheet # � a3 /c3 $� . . O(� - qU� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � � ������p�. � ���,_ #� ��5 pw ��w� ;,7�.� ' Green S�ee� NO: 3031384 ' Contac! Pelson & Phone: ; � ,IUAN OETf12� 2&63864 � �� 6iustBeonCouncitAgendaby(Da�� � Number Far RouFmg � [kder i Total� ` Aetion F ; Release i i � 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 a.: �. il � 6 �I.I.�M�-I e M LocationsforSignalure) easement rights in tfie area lmown as the West Side Flats as indicated in the aztached Certificate of Intended Non-Use. iaelions: Apptoie (A) ar R Plarvung Commission q8 Committee Cnil Senice Commission 1. Fias this P�Nfum e�er worked'mder a contract for ttiis departmerd? Yes No 2 Has this P�oNfirm e�er been a tity emploYee? Yes No 3. Oces this personffirm possess a skill rrot normallY possessed by arry �vrerrt �y �,proyee? Yes No E�fain a0 yes answe�5 on separate shaet antl aitaeh to grean sheat � i � Mitiatin8 Probiern, issues, OPPo�R�h' Mmo: What, YVhen, Where, WhYI� -� � In order to develop the West Side Flats area from Wabasha east to the RR trecks, various City easements need to be xeleased andfor i ; revised. Public Works has reviewed the existing easemenu and made its recomumedation. � j ! i Advantagesff{yproved: � Deveiopment of the area can proceeed i i Desadvatrtayes NApproved: : None foreseen. I I � DisadvasrtageslFMOtppprpv¢d: 1 ; bevelopment of tLe area cannot iake pIace with afI the c�urent eneroachmenTS in place. �Transacfion: � � Fundiny Source: Financial fnfortnation: f � P � ) :� �__ �'°' � � c .�s� � � ����� � �� =i4: � ,: Li�Uis uve. �- 4� 9 t• ; gw r'�,} q�� Y'' m �� �Fe�-�?°� ��i 3:,. � L ' —, i � CosttRevenue BudgeYed: ActFvitvNum6er. ZSrr123632g33 Co�a�fl P �ent�r V �1� � 3 SUUQ � A Juty 97, 2D06 1:22 PM Page 7 l CERT7FlCA�'E OF I1�17EI�{DED NO{U-USE �r � • • s � - . ���r. �• s t s � • �E CTI`Y OF SABVT PAUL �� �d� t�,-��`� In the Matter of: Easement File # al-c-oitr� 1� The undersigned hereby certifies, oa behaff of Yhe indicated depariment or toxupany, that it does not intend to exercise its easement rights as desen'bed below and as refened to on the aftached Maps and E�ibit "A": 1) Utility easement in a porCion of vacated Fillmore Avenue, Doc. #532402 dated 04/06/1968. f'��} Sewer easement in a portion of vacated Ft�T�nore 1lv�nue, Dae: #532402, dated 04/06/I968. ` +��_,.._ 3) Sewer easement in pazt of vacated Custer Street, as recozded with Rasnsey County d4(08l1907. 4) Sewex easement in the Narti� part of Gavernment Lot 3, c3ose to the Mississippi Rivez. Final Order in Cone3eatnation Proceedings, dated 08I17 2938, recorded 10/0511938, Doc. #937347. S) Sewer easement in the cenfer of subject property, Recorded OSlIZ/1947 as Aoc. #164003. � 5ewer easement in the center of subject property, Recorded 11i19/1949 as.Doc. #1224221. 7) Sewer easement in Yhe center of subject property, Recarded as Doc. #914340. 8) SewerlFloodwall easement recorded fl1J15ri969 as Doc. #531819. except as here noted: See commenfs on Pa2e 3 atfached to this form. STATE OF MtNNFSOTA COUN7Y OF }SS f,.c:r.;kiny; 3>cpi:Er.ient ` .f/� �!i-. / .! ssri.^ l//l %y,� Its: /l?.f /! �4 4/i" � j �=_ — ��—:� _ The foregoing instrvment was aclmowledged before me dris _B_�=_ day of �� 20� by�ldtCG .,(�i��/ / t6e /1 ' I/" � ot,�� l/��` a �%G/e.b� OYdirit/!'i ---7- �� �der the Laws of the sra� of Mmnem+a.. � � �,,� Q � MMMIMMM�YIMMN�M� NotaryAtbliC r.�Jo/L�� BAR$ARl! .k KOLSTAD� Cf r NOTMYPC18ltC•HIMYESOtR �lycommissionexpires� �1it.U�/Ji /F,?U�O �� ��s CER7IFICATE OP INTEIVDED NOt3-USE U( -G1�� tI'age 2) Reserved for Comments Pertaining, to Easements in Ttems #1— #8 : 3 � .. ; E�HIBIT "A" ��^ 7 t5 I. {a) Name of Irnerested Partv- City of Saint PauL �� I � v � (b) Nature and Amount IIffliry easemenu in a prntion of vacated Fllmore Avenue. (c1 Recordiae Data: Documeat No. 532402 fAl, recocded Febeuacy 10, 1969 and Book 169 Page 100lT1, recorded February 11,19b4, dated April 6, I968. (d) Reason for the Requesteci Retief: The u[ilities descrc'bed ia tAis document either no longer exist in these azeas or wilt be reJocated when the property is developed. New urifity easemeais wi]I be gaated wfien the property is r�p}��� 2. (a) Name of Incerested Parrv: City af Saint Paut. {b) NatureandAmount.SewereasementinaportionofvacatedFillmoreAvenueioprote�tthe exisring Cvsiet Street 7'0" sewer. {c) Recordina Data: Document No. 532402 f.Al, recorded Februazy 1Q 1969 and Book 159 Pa�e i00iTl teccrrded Febzvary 11,1969, dated Apri16 1968. (d) Reacon for the Re4uested Relief: The utilities described in Uus document either no longer existin chese azessor will bereiocatedsvhensihepcoperty isdevelope�S. The City is vacatiog the ea5ement5. New utility easements will be ganted when the propCrty is re-plaited. 3. (a) Name of Interested Paztv: City of St. Paul (b) Natute and Amo�mt Covenants and easements regazding maintenance ofa sewerin vacated Custer Saeet (c) Recoxdiae Data_ City of Si. PauY Resolution vacating Custer Sireet, Book 57 of Misc. Pa¢e 132, recorded ApriF 8, 4907. (d) Reason for the Requested Re3ief: The sewer described ia 2his document either rro longer exists or wali be relocaied when ihe property is dsveloped. The City is vacating the easements. New utility easements will be granted whea the property is re-platted. 4. (a) Nams of Irnerested Part�: City of St Paul (b) Naiiae and Amount: Covenants and easements regarding maintenance of a sewer in the northern end of Govemmeni Loi 3 close to the Mississippi Rivu. (c) Recording Data: Final Order in Condetuttation P[oceedings dated August 17, I938, recorded October 5, 2938 as Docvment No. 931347. (d} Re,�son for the Reynested Relief The sewer described in t}tis document either no Ionger e�sts or wi21 be relocated when the property is developed. The City is vacating the easemeats. New utility easemems will be a anted when ihe properiy is r�platted. � • � . . THE I30NORASLE MAYOR AND 1VIEIVISERS OF T`f� COLTNCII, OF THE C1TY OF SAIN1' PAUL o �-7�s U�P ��� Tn ffie MaEter of: Easement File #� OI-C-Q1tPart 21 T'he undersigned hereby cert'�fies, an behalf of the indicated deparkneaf or company, f1iaY iY does not intend tu exercase its easement rights as described beiow and as referred to on the attached Mags : 9) Easement for Construction and Maintenance of F1ood Wail and Appurtenant Structures for F7ood ControI Purposes and far access io levee, pumping station, cIosure structure, floodwall or sewers_ Doc. # 494003, dated February 3,1965, recorded Decembez� 9, I965. lU) Permanent Fasement for Constrnction and Maintenance and for Access ta lc�e, pumping starion, ciosure stnicture, floodwails or sewers. Doc_ # I612884, dated January 6, 1964, recorded March 5,1964. 11) Easements for constzuction, mainTenance and access to levee, ctosure structures, floodwalI, sewsrs and appurtenant stnxctures. Doc. #1715282, dated IvIay 25,1967 and Doc. # 1715283, dated December 28, 196b, recorded December 20, i967. � 12) Easenients for canshuction, maintenazsce avd access to Ievee, closute structures, floo3wa11, sewers and appurtenant stmctures. Doc. # 505100, dated SepYember 16, 19b6, recorded November 4, 1966. 13} Permanent Easement for Construction and Maintenance and for Access to 3evee, pumping station, closure structure, floodwails or sewers. Doc. # 1743029(A), and 531687(T), recorded danuary 8, 1969. 14) Permanent Easement for Consuucrion and Maintenance and for Access to levee, closure shucture, floodwalls or sewers. Wuranty Deed, Doc. # 15603?0, dated Apri1 10, 14fi2, recorded April 16, 1962. 15) Easement for public utiIity purposes in and adjacent to Block 175, Robertsan's Addition. Finai Order in Condernnation Proceedings, Doc. ## 9257D3, recorded 3une 27,199D. 1� Easexnent for Construction and Maintenance of a sewer along the western edge of B3ock 175, Robertson's Addition, shown in finat order in condemnaTton pzoceedings. I3ocument No. I61726, recorded December 12, 1936. except as here noted: See comments on Page 7 attached to this form CERTIfICATE OF INTEiVDED NON-4lSE �Page 7) Reserved €or Comments Pertaiuing to Easements in Items #9 —#16_ 1�-�i5 ot��qb� f ��^i^ %�1Cpar.T3cPE .s� �A�� f�L✓� r l/� �� � Izs: ��i�n! 4!� /�--� ��--- STATE 6F MA723ESOTA ignatttre COUNTY OP �..�`.� 7heforegoIDginsWmentwttac6vowledgedbeforemethis �a "� dayof . ZO�c vy I'GCl ��i'!.� ,ne lCf . Y of�� �l�t//✓ ���a �/�/�1 �%dI C�r�/�'.s t' unaer rhe �p. d. KOlS7AD // (� ,[�� NO3MYfU&.1C'�1E60TA NotazyPublic�.CXl�IGC(,z �./�� MGOe�eeFiawt�a3t.ffim 7•—r— . w '� M � Mycommissionexpires ��/'� � f zCJla ONCE SEGNED- RETCIRN ALL ORIGINAL COPIES TO Z000 CITY HALL ANNEX ST PAUL. SSZ02 7 Departmeni of Pnblic Works Technical Services/Real Estate IQ00 City Hall Elnrtex Sainz Pau1, MN 55102 C,�-�� 5 U (� - �jU� PFione: {65I)266-8850 Fax: (65I) 256-8855 CtTY OF SAtNT PAU�. Cfcrlstopher Coleman, Mayor Jvne 14, 2006 ,^. �i2�tl �L RE: Easemeni Release File Ol-C-Ql Parts 1& 2(Reiease Easements in the W_ Side Flats Site) The parties having interest in the area known as the'West Side FIats, have requested a waiver of the following easements: See attached information. The purpose of this request is to devetop the property with new businesses and homes. Piease execute tS�e enclosed certi5cate and retum it to the Real Estate Division, as addressed above, by June 26, 2006. Please note that the easement re7ease is sepazated into two poYdons, Part 1 are easements that have been reviewed and preliminarily approved for release, as referenced in Section Cr of titie regstrarion application to be fiIed on behalf of the City, HRA and developer. Part 2 are easements that could be reteased after further consideration, as referenced in Section F af said applicarion. Yoa can zeference the meeting notes dated 06l13/2006 fro�n Regina Walsh of Briggs & Morgan, pertaniing to this development project (Item 9b), a copy of which is attached. If there aze questions, please contact me at 651 266-8864. Si� J an A. z� 1 Pubiic Works Technical Services (ol-C-0l.EaseTnq} AA-ADA-EEO Employer