219148 0111GINAL TO CITY CLERK - %�MS.4���� . CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU L RESOLUTION—GENERAL .FORM (/ PUBLISHLD � � a' G � �RESENTED EY COMMISSIONE � DATE .� FiESOLVED That the ArchiteQt�st Counseling Committee is hereby retained��, at a eost not to exaeed ��,000:00, payable on or after the�� first day of Jan.�ary� 1�6�, to� eond�at a s�idy� which said stud�y sha11 be supplementa�. to tha� prior study known as "A Study of the Saint Paul A�.ditori�a.m and its Eaviroms'�� said latte� named stndy haaing concerned it$elf with mul�iple level parking arran.gements and faQilities ad�acent to the existing M�icipal Auditorium �nd the pPOpos�d Auditorium complex; said . supplemental :study further being inaagurated to deal vith and �o supplement prior st�adies relating to tY�e locations of the proposed sky-�awer� contemplated for f��w.re constriaatio� in this Cit�; and � RESOLV£D FfTFiTHER� That the appropriate� City offidals are hereby authoriaed tm prepare an.d �ext�.�ca.te such documents� agreements and ��aontraats a� shall effectuate the intents; expressEd i�. this Resolution; and R��LYED FtTBTHER, 2'hat written repoP� �r reports of this snpplemer�tal s�udy will be furnished to �Me� �City Co�nail not later _ than April 15� �196�, it be�ing the �anderstanding o�' this Council that said stud�y shall be eoordinated -and integra�ed wi�h thE prior rep�rts and studies named here3n� and with tY�e prior reviews, studies and plans of the City Plann.in.g Board, thc Housing arid t aeclevelopment g�thority� ar�.d the Port Authority of this City� and such other°„�pnblia officials and pt�bllc- agenaies as shall be .� deemed approp�iate. �.� � • `v�. � File No. 219148—By Robert F. �rson— - �:r-titved, 17n�f tltri Archt�ecks' Coun- . ; , .,.�r.. ;5�,. , ;;.1-',."pt'q'ySetained, • - ,�t(�`J��iJ:� J�lti'�G.�.ts� :�a'QF4����P;�• . ,jn.iEj'.^-`:}`'*_9!'r'�"TO": :ZlY''^tIQO FO P ROV,D Z /� ' " � A�st. Corporation Counsel - JU�,101� COiJNCILI►�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ' Dalglish � `'� J u�' 1 � '�"" "r, Holland �� Approve 19— / '��— � Tn Favor — Meredith • ' � . ACt�ei$' Mayor Peterson ' ' . �� A gaiII9t ' _RBSeu— - °�i9.�zesa�enh�:;��;t`P?FES��E 1� ' Mr. Vice President (Rosen) loM e-as , i- r'�