219127 ��� H �y� 1 .�s� � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � _ � . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � C SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM co�ssaorie Jtme 15, 1961+ DATE RESOL , That the Council hereby approves the award of �e Contract Co�ni.ttee there�or and hex�eby awards contract �or furniahing a11 la,bor, materials and services necessary for and reasona.bly incidental to the insta,llation o� ne�r lighting in the Department of Finance, Room 1Jo. 113 City Hall and Court House, Sa,int Paul, Mi.nnesota, to BARTL ELECTRIC, INC. in accordance with City plans and =-�-_ specifications therefor hereto atta,ched and the Formal Bid �9�820 of said Bartl Electric, Inc. for the contract price of $1,539•�, such-bid being the larrest and said Bartl Electric, Inc.F being � reasona,ble and reliable bidder and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is d3rected to draw up the proper fbrm: o� contr�ct therefor, a,nd the proper City of�icials hereby are authorized to execute sa3d contract on behalf o� the City of Sa3.nt Pau1. �D 1g11sh�e No. 219127—By James J. � Resolved, That the Councll hereby approves.,the awazd oE the Contract Formal Bid �9820. Coznm�tee.therefor and hereby awards _ contract Yor Eurnishing all labor, ma- ' _ • - terials and services necessary fqr and ' ' ' reasonably incidental to the,ins{alla-I � . Uon of new lighting in the D'epartment� j of Finaace,•Room No. 113 City Hall and � Court Hause, Saint Paul, Minnesota to� � • B�N.�'L ELECTRIC,INC. in accordance I with City plans and speciHcations = therefor hereto •attached and the � Formal Bid No. 9820 of said Bartl � Electric, Inc., for the contract price j of $1,539.U0 .such bid being the lowest � and said �artl Electi�ic, Inc. being a reasonablG and reliable bidder and the CorporaUon Counsel be and hereby is directed to d�aw up the proper iorm of � contract therefor, and the proper City ofHcials hereby are authorized to exe- cute said contract on behalf of the City . of Saint Paul. Formal Bid No.9820. Adopted by the Councll July 9, 1964., APProved JJuly9�i19619B4) ' . � J�L g 1964 COIJNCILI►�N � Adopted by the Councit 19— Yeas Nays " ���Q 10� Dalglish °� � Holland � � pproved 19— Loss rn Favor , Meredith ;. � Pete rs on N�SyOr .. A gaiIlSt � �esen— ee�::��,�'�;��L�eric=:eKF�:'4:�?P.�iid - - 1�Zr. Vice President.(Rosen) loM 6-64 � ��a-'��rY-- � DUrLiCAT6 TO MINTLR '' -�� _ - • CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM oESENTEDONE� DATF ,� ��� 1� �, ',�$ 'th� �a�G31 �x�t�y � "" '� +�x�i �cE' t�� �orit�t 4C�t.'G�t� i�er��r � �x+e1�r �s csca�at ��r �`nrx�.e2i�g � �r, �at�;is� sn.� ��rices n�cee�a�y �'c��c � ��' i�ci.�Z#� 'tc� �a 3,x�ai�,]:3.�'�iC�a ad' ts�t l�tir� S�; t�e T�pe�rt�tn,� t� �� Poorr:xv. 1� t��ty II�,1�: �tl. Qc�c�,�t �y �.ut �ea�, l�ot� '� �'� �� �� � #�c�r�� '�.t� d�.t�Y p�t� � �cpa�i�c�e,t9.c� thhe���'���a. s��t�,a�2! a+� t� �'ca�sa�. �Sd �J► t�' �.t� �1 �c-�l.C, �'tc� f�� tf�s �4x?.��t �r2�e� a�' �1��g.�, �t�?h b�;� b�9xyg; � �s� �d ��. �1 ��eat,r�c, 7�a. bi��ig � re�►�b�t �. �+e�3�,b].� �.ci�� �n�d, t'�e Qorp�ar�,t�ot� Co.��1 � �ud ��bY 3� dxr�c'ted '�o .di�cv rip #� p�per �'o� � oartr�t ��ora � '� �z�o�= �ity od'�.�� Iaer�by' � �.u.ti�.�! �o �r�cu�t �i�! eoni�►re�� on be�lf' bf 't� C�'ty at �.nt �til,.. ��a, ��. �ot COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ���� �a� 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish ��� � '��� Holland Approvec� 19— Loss Tn Favor Meredith Peterson MAyOr ,_Bosen— �g$�t ,_"TNi: Presid"erit;'�atitiiili's� D:�. 1'ice �'resi�lent�(1Zosen). lOM {�