06-900Council File # '� � Green Sheet# 032069 RESOLUTION � SAINT PATJL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: IL�J 1 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Foundarion Boazd has approved the giving of $l OQ000 to the Saint Paul Police Department; 2 and 3 4 WHEREAS, the public purpose of this donation is to provide funds to assist the Saint Paul Police Depariment with overtime 5 hours to insure that public safery for our citizens remains the number one priority for our ciry; and 6 7 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, would like to accept this donation and establish a financing and spending 8 plan for this donation; and 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 lb 17 18 19 26 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.071 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriation funds of $100,000 in excess of those estimated in the 2006 budget; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 20Q6 budget. Ci7I2RENT 436-Police Special Projects Fund BUDGET CHANGES FINANCING PLAN: 34174-St Paul Police Foundation Donations 6405-Contributions and Donations 55,000 100,000 Total Changes to Financing 100,000 SPENDING PLAN: 34174-St Paul Police Foundation Donations 0141-Overtime 0439-Fringe Benefits 0449-Workers Compensation Total Changes to Spending 86,1�1 10,382 3,447 100,000 AMENDED BUDGET 155,000 86,171 10,382 3,447 30 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council accepts this generous donaTion, extends its 31 sincere thanks to the Saint Paul Police Foundatlon, and approves these changes to the 2006 budget. 3Z Veas Thune Adopted by Council:Date: Absent !�doption Certified by Council Secretary: 3 Y� _�fIC✓ilL� �.l.�.fdr� \pproved by M :Date: J�� SY� �� : �:\FiscalWO&CR�2006\SI Paul Pohce Fountlation Donatwn$700,000.2006xis ftequested by Department of: � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � �6 -��o OepartmeMfoffice/council: Dafe Initiafed: pp — Po19ceDepartment I,�-A�� Green Sheet NO: 3032069 Contact Person 8 Phone: Ghief John Harrington ' 266-5588 Musf Be on Council Agenda by Total # of Signature Pages � Assign Number For Routing Order Deoartment SeM To Person Initial/Date 0 ice a n P i e artme 1 o6c De arfinent Police De a ent 2 �n i 1 'c ir t r 'na ' Se � 3 � Attorn i Aflorne 4 0 ' cce r 5 oun " � Couocil 6 i lerk Ci lerk 7 olice e t Police De nt (Clip All Locatio�s for Sigrtature) action Requested: Signatures on the attached council resolurion establishing a 2006 &nancmg and spending plan for the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, for a donation of $100,000 received from the Saint Paul Police Foundarion. ida6ons: Approve (A) or R Planning Commission CIB Committee CiWI Service Commission Service Contracks Must Mswer the Foiiowing Questions: 7. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this departmeM? Yes No 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normaliy passessed by any curcent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheei initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, Wfiaf, When, Where, Why): A 2006 financing and spending plan needs to be established for this donation to 6e used for overtime for the Gang Unit. For more information regazding this dona6on please give A/C DiPerna a call at 651-266-5500. Advantafaes If Approved: Ability to support the Gang Unit in fighting gang related activities and crimes. Disadvanta5�es If Approved: None. �os�n�f1 R����rc� C�ntes' DisativantageslFNotApproved: Lost opporiunzty to accept a donation that would help fight gang related activities and crimes. � iotal Amount of Transactian: Fundinq Source; � F inancial 1 nformation: (E�cplain) i 0(�000 Saint Paul Police Foundation CosURevenue Budgetetl: Activity Number: 34174 uEP � 5 '2(!U6 �� E � �� @ ��l���'' Lou Biagi - Nassef Foundation.doc Page 1 DEPARI'MENT OF POLICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL IN1ER-0FF[CE COMMUNICAI70N TO: A/C Dipema FROM: Acting/Commander Flynn SUBJECT: Plan for Gang Unit Expenditure of OT Gift from SPPD Foundation DATE: June 30, 2006 This plan includes a guideline for the expenditure of 100,000 dollars in overtime for the Gang Unit and the information we will collect to demonstrate its success. MISSION: Provide high visibility, effective interdiction of gang activity in St. Paul. This will include enforcement and investigative activities in St. Paul neighborhoods and at major events. PLAN: The basic strategy is two fold. First, Gang Unit members will be at the places that gang members aze known to frequent. This includes bazs, restaurants, recreation centers, anywhere we know gang members frequent, and major events. Second, Gang Unit members will conduct interdictions of criminal gang activiries. These interdictions will include high visibility patrol, arrests for criminal behavior, field interviews of possible gang members, and investigarions of reported gang activity. Maior Events Gang Unit members will work overtime before, during and after major events in St. Paul to provide as safe an event as possible. We will work to prevent pxoblems before they happen at the event by interacting with gang members who may potentially consider disrupting an event. We will be present during the event to intervene in criminal gang activity. After the event we will follow up on any reported criminal activity. This strategy uses a prevention approach, direct intervention activiries, and criminal investigation of reported crimes as follow up. So, the dollaz amounts listed below by major event include activities before, during, and after the event. These activities aze exclusively for gang inCeroentions and in no way will be used for general security nor other public safety expenses. Help Nei hborhoods and Assist Patrol Officers address problems Gang Unit Members will work overtime to help deal with gang problems in St. Paul neighborhoods. We will work weekend nights in areas where we lmow gang activity is happening. We will work with Patrol Districts on their special enforcement projects such as Lou Bia�qi - Nassef Foundation.doc CARE. In these projects we will provide training for officers and communiry on gang resistance. We will also provide gang activity interdicrions in the targeted areas. We will walk foot beats with clergy members and other community members. We will provide staff to assist in the saturation of problem areas. Assist Other Units with Criminal Invesri atg ions Gang Unit members will be available to be called out at any time of the day or night to come to the scene of serious gang relazed crimes. We will assist any other unit of SPPD or our State and Federal pariners in combating gang activiry through criminal invesrigations. Frequently these invesrigations require additional time beyond the regulaz work week. So, Gang Unit members will work overtime, when appropriate, to complete these complicated investigations. MEASZ TRABLE CRTl`ERIA FOR SUCCESS Number of Anests Number of non enforcement contacts with youth Number of field interviews conducted Search Warrants executed Guns and Narcotics recovered Number of investigations we assisted (such as homicide investigations) OVERTIME BUDGET: This budget summary should be considered as an general guideline. Amendments will be made ! to this document as we ad}ust according to the needs of the Department throughout the year. I This budget calculates the overtime rate as follows: $33.74 per hour rimes 1.5 for at overtime ' salary of $50.61 per hour, plus 16% fringe rate for a total cost per hour of $58.10. ! Taste of Minnesota 17,430 Hmong Soccer Hmong New Year Celebration Cinco de Mayo Rondo Days 5,810 11,620 11,620 11,620 ' CARE projects ( one in each district ) 8,715 Specia] Projects ( 2 weekends pex month for 4 months) 22,078 Lou Call Outs TOTAL 11,107 100,000