2191233'i. PiIP, dC-3— Ordinance No. Dalgllsh— Bernard ,.,.Original to City Clerk Rose,}r- . OR D I N A N�t� ;a 3� ��i � i:� ��ii' • :. PRESENTED BY r . COUNCIL FILE NO 219123. ORDINANCE NO. /. e,/00— An Ordinance amending Chapters 245, 246, 247, 248 and 257 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code relating to the regulation of rates therefor and the distribution and use of water in the City of Saint Paul and establishing of rules therefor. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and, safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL-DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. ''That Section 245.02 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code hereby is amended by deleting therefrom the entire existing payment schedule and inserting in lieu thereof the following: Inside of City 3/4 inch or, smaller meter, $ 6.00 per annum, payable quarterly 1 inch meter, 10.80 per annum, payable quarterly li inch meter, 15.00 per annum, payable monthly 1-- inch meter'; .21.00 per annum, payable monthly 2 inch meter, 42.00 per annum, payable monthly 3 inch meter, 90.00 per annum, payable monthly 4 inch meter, 180.00 per annum, payable monthly 6 inch meter, 360.00 per annum, payable monthly 8 inch meter, 600.00 per annum, payable monthly 10 inch meter, 900.00 per annum, payable monthly Outside of City 3/4 inch or smaller meter, $ 9.00 per annum, payable quarterly 1 inch meter, 14.40 per annum, payable quarter.1-fy li inch meter, 16.20 per annum, payable monthly -Ii- inch meter, 22.80 per annum, payable monthly 2 inch meter, 46.20 per annum, payable monthly 3 inch meter, 99.00 per annum, payable monthly 4 # inch meter, 198.00 per annum, payable monthly 6 inch meter, 396.00 per annum, payable monthly 8• inch meter, 660.00 per annum, payable monthly 10 inch meter, 990.00 per annum, payable monthly Sec. 2. ;That Section 245.04 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code hereby is amended by deleting the existing consumption rate schedule therein contained and inserting in lieu thereof the following: ; In the Cry of Saint Paul - For the first 50,000 cubic feet of,water per month at 23 cents per 100 cubic feet Next ,x+50!;000 cubic Peet of water per month at 17 cents per 100 cubic feet Yeas Councilmen ' Nays Passed by the Council - - Dalglish - Holland Loss In Favor Meredith 3 Peterson A Qainat Rosen Mr.President (Vavouls) Attest: { L City Clerk ' 862 Form approved �Corporation Page 2. 219123 All over 500,000 cubic feet of water per month at 12 cents per 100 cubic feet Outside the City of Saint Paul - For the first'50,000 cubic feet of water per month at 32 cents per 100 cubic feet Next 450,000 cubic feet of water per month at 17 cents per 100 cubic feet All over 500,000 cubic feet of water per month at 12 cents per 100 cubic feet Sec. 3. That Section 245.10 of'the Saint Paul Legislative Code hereby is amended by deleting the same in its entirety and substituting in lieu and in place thereof the following Section 245.10: 245.10 Water Bills -When Due, Meter accounts are payable when rendered and shall become delinquent thirty (30) days after the date of billing. Sec. 4. That Section 245.11 of the Saint Pain Legislative Code be and the same hereby is repealed. Sec. 5. That Section 246.01 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and the same hereby is amended by deleting the same in its entirety and substituting in lieu and in place there the following: 246.01 Rates. Flat rates,or water delivered for domestic purposes without being measured by a meter, shall be as follows, based upon the size of the service connection: 3/4 inch and smaller meter, Demand $1.50 Water charge $6.90 = total $8.40 per quarter 1 inch meter, Demand $2.70 Water charge $6.90 = total $9.60 per quarter Sec. 6. That Section 246.02 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and the same hereby is amended by deleting the same in its entirety and substituting in lieu and in place thereof the following: 246.02 Water Bills When Due. Charges for domestic water on a flat rate basis are payable quarterly in advance. Sec. 7. That Section 246.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and the same hereby is amended by deleting the same in its entirety and substituting in lieu and in place thereof the following: 1 246.06 Cancellation of Charge. Where water has been shut off for non- payment of flat rates, the charges may be cancelled if the record shows that the building has been removed or wrecked or connected to a metered service pipe. 219123 i;?l�z� Page 3. Sec. 8. That Chapter 247 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is repealed in its entirety, and the following is•sub- stituted in lieu and in place thereof: 247.01 Rates for Public Street Sprinkling and Sewer Flushing. Water furnished any City department for street sprinkling, watering trees in the boulevards, or sewer flushing shall be exempt from any fixed charge when the same'`Is obtained through fire hydrants or other connections to the mains, in a manner that can be measured by volumetric displacement in tanks or other vessels, and the same shall then be charged for at the rate of twelve (12) cents per 100 cubic feet plus any expense incurred by the Board of Water Commissioners in determining the amount of water so used. Water furnished the Sewer Department for sewer flushing shall be at the rate of $2.50 per hour when used through a two and one -half (2f) inch hose. 247.02 Water for Lakes. Water supplied from the mains used for maintaining lake levels in public parks within the City of Saint Paul shall be charged for at the rate of twelve (12) cents per 100 cubic feet when authorized by the Board. 247.03 'Minimum Charges. The minimum charge for water used for any miscellaneous purpose and sold at a miscellaneous rate shall be $3.00. 247.04 Public Rinks. The use of hydrants by City Departments for the flooding of public rinks shall be paid for at the rate of $5.00 for the first flooding and $3.00 for each additional flooding. Page 219123 l z76a- Sec. 9. That Section 248.13 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be an6 the same hereby is amended by deleting the same in its entirety and substituting in lieu and in place thereof the following: 248.13 Cost of Large Services. Service connections two (2) inch and larger will be installed by the Department on the cost plus basis only after the application has been approved by the Water Department. The charges therefor shall include the total cost of labor and materials plus overhead cost. The estimated cost so determined shall be paid-in advance. Sec-10. That Section 248.16 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and the same hereby is amended by deleting therefrom the "Schedule .Price of Street Service Connections" therein contained and substituting in lieu and in place thereof the following schedule of cost:, SCHEDULE PRICE OF STREET SERVICE CONNECTIONS* Width of Size of Service street 3/411 l„ 1„ 30t 90.00 2nd pipe 36.00 40t 98.00 2nd pipe 39.00 451 105.00 dnd pipe 40.00 5o t 122.00 2nd pipe 44.00 55t 2nd 1 8.00 pipe 6.00 60t 155.00 2nd pipe 47.00 66T 163.00 2nd pipe 49.00 J ` 701-7 170.00 '2ri d pipe 51.00 _ , ­75' 179.00 2nd pipe ,- 52.00 Sot 187.00 2nd pipe 53.00 861-Cc 203.00 2nd pipe 56.00 got 208.00 2nd pipe 57.00 98.00 43.00 105.00 47.00 122.00 51.00 130.00 52.00 146.00 56.00 163.00 57.00 179.00 59.00 187.00 60.00 195.00 64.00 203.00 65.00 212.00 .69.00 220.00 70.00 155.00 111.00 182.00 117.00 195.00 122.00 203.00 131.00 220.00 137.00 228.00 139.00 244.00 143.00 254.00 146.00 268.00 150.00 285.00 161.00 293.00 164.00 303.00 169.00 lk �1 0 219123. 7 Page 5. 1001 1 228,00 241.00 325.00 2nd pipe 61.00 77.00 176.00 1201 268,00 285.00 374.00 2nd pipe, 70.00 85.00 189.00 16o, 350,00 365,00 472.00 2nd pipe 85.00 105.00 224.00 18oi 390.00 407.00 520.00 2nd pipe 91.00 114.00 241.00 - 2001 430.00 455.00- 569.00 2nd pipe 98.00 122.00 260.00 *Note: Services installed in streets which have widths other than listed above will be priced proportionately. If the street has two (2) mains on opposite sides of the street, use schedule for street of one -half (2) the width. Sec. 11. That Section 248.17 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and the same hereby is amended by deleting the same in its entirety and substituting in lieu and in place thereof the following: 248.17 Charges for Tumble Rock. Charges for tumble rock are made,in addition to the regular schedule at the rate of $30.00 per connection. Sec. 12. That Section 248.18 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and the same hereby is amended by deleting the same in its entirety and substituting in lieu and in place thereof the following: 248.18 Charges for Solid Rock. Charges for solid rock are to be made in addition to the regular schedule at the following rate per lineal foot: solid rock excavation - $5:00 per foot; for average five (5) foot ` depth of rock - $4.50 per•foot;'for the average depth of two (2) feet of rock - $2.50 per foot. Excavation for rock at other depths will be proportioned accordingly. Sec. 13. That Section 248.19 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be renumbered to read Section 248.21. Sec. 14. That Chapter 248 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and the same is hereby amended by adding a new Section 248.19, as follows: 248.19 Cost of-Pavement Repair. Where service connections are installed or repaired in streets which require the opening of pavement, the following charges will be added to the schedule or estimated eost!,of all services and shall be paid for at the time of application. 119riginid to City Clark ORDINANCE 219123 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Page 6. Concrete Base with Surfaced Top. For streets 60 feet and less in "width $90.00; for streets 66 to 90 feet in width $140.00; and for streets 100 feet or more in width $190.00. Concrete Surface. For streets 60 feet or less in width $75.00; for streets 66 to 90 feet in width $100.00; and for streets 100,L feet or more in width $125.00. High Type;Asphalt Surface. For streets 60 feet or less in width $45.00; for - streets 66 to 90 feet in Width $75.00; and for streets 100 feet or more in width $105.00. :ail or Tarvia Surface. For streets 60 feet or less in width $15.00; for streets 66 to 90 feet in width $25.00; and for streets 100 feet or more in width $35.00. Note: Whare two (2) mains are in the street, the charges shall be =6- half.(1) the cost, but in no case less than the charge for a 90 -foot street. Sec. 15. That Chapter 248 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and the same is hereby amended by adding the following new Section 248.20: 248.20 Frost Charges. Where it is necessary to cut frost in excavating a trench, the char e will be $35.00 for streets 60 feet or less in width; x+5.00 for streets 66 to 90 feet in width; and $55.00 for streets 100 feet or more in width. Sec. 16. That Section 257.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and the !same hereby is amended by deleting therefrom the first paragraph';thoreof and substituting in lieu and in place thereof the following: The= demand ' icharge shall be in addition to the current - charges for water used and shall be billed annually on or ab,out' May -1 -of each year' and shall be due and payable on the due date"as indicated on the bill, and shall be subject to all of the rules and regulations of the Department in regard to the collection of Water Bills. Sec. 17. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Sec. 18. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson . Attest: Mr. YjcePre .t(Roseq�N City Clerk IM "2 Form approved Corporation Counsel By Passed by the,,Puneil AUG 41964 In Favor _(IN A gainst AUG 41964 Approved: t Ma ,A DUPLICATE TO PRINTER PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. An Ordinance amending Chapters 2459 2461 2479 248 and 257 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code relating to the regulation of rates therefor and the distribution and use of water in the City of Saint Paul and establishing of rules therefor. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 219.23 Section 1. That Section 245.02 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code hereby is amended by deleting therefrom the entire existing payment schedule and inserting in lieu thereof the followings Sec. 2. That Section 245.04 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code hereby is amended by deleting the existing consumption rate schedule therein contained and inserting in lieu thereof the _following: In the My of Saint Paul - For the first 50,000 cubic per 100 cubic feet Next 4509000 cubic feet of 100 cubic feet Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr.President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk 1M &62 Form approved Corporation Counsel By feet of water per month at 23 cents water per month at 17 cents per Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Tn Favor Against Inside of City 3/4 inch or smaller meter, 6.00 per annum, payable quarterly 1 inch meter, 10.80 per annum, payable quarterly 1 inch meter, 15.00 per annum, payable monthly it inch meter; 21.00 per annum, payable monthly 2 inch meter, 42.00 per annum, payable monthly inch meter, 90.00 per annum, payable monthly inch meter, 180.00 per annum, payable monthly 6 inch meter, 360.00 per annum, payable monthly 8 inch meter, 600.00 per annum, payable monthly 10 inch meter, 900.00 per annum, payable monthly Outside of City 3/4 inch or smaller meter, 9.00 per annum, payable quarterly 1 inch meter, 14.40 per annum, payable quarterly 1 inch meter, 16.20 per annum, payable monthly 1 inch meter, 22.80 per annum, payable monthly 2 inch meter, 46.20 per annum, payable monthly 3 inch meter, 99.00 per annum, payable monthly 4 inch meter, 198.00 per annum, payable monthly 6 inch meter, 396.00 per annum, payable monthly 8 inch meter, 660.00 per annum, payable monthly 10 inch meter, 990.00 per annum, payable monthly Sec. 2. That Section 245.04 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code hereby is amended by deleting the existing consumption rate schedule therein contained and inserting in lieu thereof the _following: In the My of Saint Paul - For the first 50,000 cubic per 100 cubic feet Next 4509000 cubic feet of 100 cubic feet Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr.President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk 1M &62 Form approved Corporation Counsel By feet of water per month at 23 cents water per month at 17 cents per Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Tn Favor Against 7 Page 2. .F - All over 500,000 cubic: feet of water per month at 12 cents per 100 cubic feet, Outside the City of Saint Paul For the first 50 000 cubic feet of water per month at. 32 c . aente� pers:l6 ,0: "QUbic' feet hM Z~int ;oau' i �„x e - Oodc Next. 450j0001-cubia feet ,Ofjyater per mon'th.nt7Zl7$cente ztituti,�d I-per1100a-cubic feeta thoroop i All over 500,000 eubie.feet of water per month at 12 Gents per.QP0 `eub1c feet- Tablio auroot "prIlLk -11no And .q-4pror Ku Mty-1 ,3. V ;tor xtMMU11.0 Zny City dt- art=nw Be:a.�"3:�o�TYat:= :Section, 245:10'�.'of •' the': Sa- i�itt�Pau•1:�Ze'g�:= sl�:tive Code h- ereby,:isfhk6nd.ed JVyidel'eting -:,the same f na it _ b tfret: ', d sub stitutinfg�in�Yieuand�:' in: p' laces'thereofrth�eyf.o];lowifig Section 245.10 x� ao1ir;Y :iY s to t %� nalnp, In . z ):: t ,, t r� ' b o in tant;� or ►t3��r24 °5;10 _ ;Ie T B111 = When:ah' .th- Meter acooufits�,&ye pays.blei,when.arend'ered 4ha) sYi`all �become0i elti ique'nt�thirty day s :4ftf�r .Z the -d atbJ6fdbi1,1ink:- of Ccngi!'!;.ione *E4 iyi do or.AiC'#.In �h� a4oL kl of water a:� `Sea':�•4.���Thgtf`S�atiofi X24' S1lwofrthesSa '�:rit��Pau�:�Legfslative Code .be and? he' sme 'Yiereb3 is''r'epeaiecl �M por hour ur. d thi m. ogQj! j a tko ant.R ir,,oh 110 3a. Sea. 5. That Section 246.01 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and �`thaPs'ainethereby s`tMendec� Eby d;sletiiig' the same in its entiretyx� and' siibsti9 :tiitirig:�rili'euandl�i'�]:ea'e tYierea�' the following.: i'ar .?t fte r .to of twelve centq pur 100 o;ui.,� ;o'et 246. 1t; i'13etea:d''lathralkd� or water delivered for domestic purposes without being measured by a•meter, shall�Lbf, e$ follows=iI ba-seq�upon�the :size : }ofc.ther- service at a V4 aonnect:onsr�'� i`� �.•_�� �±ie�.c�.i��€�o��o pu�'�oo-. �� �t�id 3/4 inch and "smaller meter, Demand $1.50 Water charge $6.90 = qt per I quar•.ter ]}� z }� Q y�� i i4yv O Jlydr'a `'? tai ,y e inah•Ymeter Demand_$$ 4 Qo�ia= er arg i ;- 90T -.= $9.60 Y u; .. ;ah� 6. total 1 per quarter, t rate .t X5.00 for ti_� hir;,>, � n� � q._.... � at he te' o S- Md �13. 0 0+. �;a� - 4:bti.1"a a di�;ir�n'!�, floodinc. Sea. 6. That,-Section 246.02 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be-and the same hereby"is amended by deleting the same in its entirety and substituting in lieu .and in place thereof the following: 246.02 Water Bt-itIs When Due._�arges for domestic water on a flag rate basis are payable quarterly -in advance.. Sea. 7. That geetion 246.06 of .the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and_the same hereby is amended_by deleting the same in its entirety and substituting in lieu and in place thereof the following: 246.06 Cancellation of Charge. Where water has been shut off for non- payment of flat rates, the charges may be cancelled if the record shows that the building has been removed or wrecked or connected to a metered service pipe. F , -.t - - - - ' ae'r.,. :. f. ._r'ei ••.- y.l.., i::L- . 9 -s'ef '4'' r -S -9d yM -'• - �� h+ "_ .,fv . +,'- .�Evir:- =`fs e' "� rt Y_i.' s..-cr , z -•+ :{' a''�'' -�t- yf :`y, '''M: �'•; .., j 'c •.S !' .,'�`''_ it t•'_ is' ' .'." '':.► ."' .. ,` +' -app' •fir_. •t.� - -st � •.+ ,• ', ' � •: -- _ ..•, ' d; .ry . ate• . r ' •a t•: _- - .. �'r' ` • '!r. .. - .a, •tt� : - . +,. -, .w -v. #; � . 'ii.i,r- i, _ . :';. ge .} `2 $. 00 i .. _ 24i .00 ;'325.00' r ` -.- x - •f. '2rid I�.Lpe. -'�. y � ~ ��.�,t.. 0o y.. �,t wL' iri= � 1 1 O`er "a, u_ •- ,1�`!r�0, .t.,, -ti -•f ., '''; `,'_... _ .120'► 2$:04 °` 2$: 60 •' . - :mod._. t - 160 tt 3 0, 00 365 t oo .?�72 ' ' ..00- '.' •a- f = • - -- _ , =' 2 d :Pipe -`�' � $ '.OQ ; ' Id5.00'' :22 #:00'.: �, { , ' .r; }= ' `2iid' pipe _ �:' :_ ' 91,00: �' ", _11:00.•,'• `2. ,41.00 •C2 r ° J •' " -y._• ✓ti -. • „ ; it ,t s • ._ - _ , .' . 'f• of- X30, to ;� . 55.00 , .569 t o0 ?3d ��� " {�: 98 00 26Q'..00,� -;*Note t "Soro�.a.e� = �nsta3led'iz1 streets Which YhaYe _Widths other; than' Tisted = akiave cvi.11"L be -priced propt�rt3pnately,, if'. the ;street has. - tWO ;..0) ` mains' on :opposite {sides f-c)f • th:e - street, - uee schedule', for street {a', ode'- Yialf -+ i.). the 'widthi a' Seca: a 13 =: t` ;ghat Section- 248.1 : of '`the- sint'• Pau_l Legi -al be ar}d the ., same hereby'., a�ie ded by', deleting the same Yit6 entirety:,arid- 'substituting Sri 3iei� -and_ "pace thereof the fo Tin 1.7 - Chaxges; fe~r -: Tunable, Rook. Po. t�zmbie ro¢k are ,pla•de• in addition -to 'the reggiar s.ohedule.'at -the rate of `3b:'Oa .per' eonnecion:. Sec: =i2 -,.Z, hit`- �5 2b3,o�n, P-4'9.18' of _the_'.Saint;,Paul -.I�e; a3,atiue: Code' be, a d, h - ame. he eb zi �'� e�=.8 x jr -,3s .mended by deleting- '_thee same: in its ,entirety arici co bstitut ng -iii- lieU acid' ixa 1aoe there_ o_ f the 'foYlowing: 248. i8 , '-,0 ,rge's.`fo� Solid 'Roca. Charges 1f ' solid rook 'are to 'be -made,,, iri additl6ri � o ; the regular schedule.. _ le,. '$t the.'f6lIdkin' rate'bier'11nea oo x, g' f'r`= solid - exeavati,on $5 ;00.,per fi'ot�t ;° .f`or' average five' ?(5): fao -t - depth. of `rb6k- = =$4; 50'`per fo ©t; for.' the'. average-, depth' " "r o P' fee o ,� - - - ' r• _ _ •` _ ; of tw t_ f `rock °.$2.50 r�er..foot. ' ExcaaY tioh for' -rook, ati other- depths.,.'wilI bo. proportioned a_ ceordi'fig y. . 4e:d l3, That 'Sectiozi- '248:1 f--the the �:$s nt P'au1 Tie Code � bo renumboped',to "; read Sec:tion'r g e - • 't - . r e48 - \_ S d. ,! iat `Chapte'r,'' 1#8''pf' -the�`$ int, .'au],• e ieZa ive = `C6de' be acid ,the,, ear4e ° -i's hereby, amendecl.'py adding a nevi :Seat16h- " ° - r '24.8;19 CQ' t of .. Pavement ��tepar: Wkiere ; seFrvice� eonriection' ' are " instaYled .--dr- 'irepaire� ° °in'''stree. wh=idki re ui're• the-_— eniri ` Q., of pavement; ;E. the, -, f�l 1, 6w ng. , chai*ge`e_ • `will be :added '.to :the sehedule • •x or a$timatod', cost.. of''alg serviae8 arid' a2 a11, be' paid ,fox' ,at,. the j - time of agpl;ca fo ' f = t . m. • `. - _-J. .. .t - ,� .3 a.J ' s' �'_t - h 10- •q`•t _ .r• -,." t'. ;; : ?' - -.``_ : - k - p - ,^ ';: h+ wy t` -_ .r•:; h-4 ry•, i, t ,r' •� s'��`'.. 'St'• :,�4` r - - c -' +rc!'',•�,_ DUPLICATE TO PRINTER ORDINANCE 219123 COUNCIL FILE NO. / PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Page ' 6 . Concrete Base with Surfaced Top. For streets 60 feet and less in width $90.00; for streets 66 to 90 feet in width $140.00; and for streets 100 feet or more in width $190.00. Conorete,Surface. For streets 60 feet or less in width $75.00; for streets 66 to 90 feet in width $100.00; and for streets 100 feet or more in width $125.00. High T5Te Asphalt Surface. For streets 60 feet or less in width ;45,00j for streeta 66 to 90 feet in Width $75.00; and for streets 100 feet or more in width $105.00. Oil or Tarvia Surface. For streets 60 feet or less in width $15.00; for streets 66 to 90 feet in width $25.00; and for streets 100 feet or more in width $35.00. Notes Whae two (2) mains are in the street, the charges shall be one -half Q) the cost, but in no case less than the charge fora 0 -foot street. Sec. 15. That Chapter 248 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and the same is hereby amended by adding the following new Section 248.20: 248.20 Frost Charges. Where it is necessary to out frost in excavating a trench, the charge will be $35.00 for streets 60 feet or less in width; 45.00 for streets 66 to 90 feet in width; and $55.00 for streets 100 feet or more in width. Sec. 16. That Section 257.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and the same hereby is amended by deleting therefrom the first paragraph thereof and substituting in lieu and in place thereof the following: The demand charge shall be in addition to the current charges for water used and shall be billed annually on or about May 1 of each year and shall be due and payable on the due date as indicated on the bill, and shall be subject to all of the rules and regulations of the Department in regard to the collection of Water Bills. Sec. 17. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Sec. 18. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson �*�li?Pc ° V Attest: ou1i s "r f7ars Vice President (Rosen) City Clerk IM "2 Form approved Corporation Counsel By AUG 4194 Passed by the �onneil l/� Tn Favor A gainst AUG Approved: Mayor Ist Laid over to 3rd nd p �_ A d o F . 2nd b Yeas ,t :, Nays - Yeas Nays Dalgl SH Dom' Dal glish;- Holland Holland Loss Loss eredith J Meredith Peterson Peterson a' 465en -- Rosen N:..ies....e.myi h Mr. President Vavoulis ... Mr. Vice President (Rosen)