06-90RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA PRESEVTED BY R�FERRED TO COrI�fITTEE: DATE 1 z WHEREAS, adverse action was initiated against the Taacicab Vehicle License held by a Mohamed Abdi Ali, d/b/a Five Star Taxi (License ID#20050000032) for the City of Saint Paul, 4 by Notice of Revocation of Taxicab Vehicle License dated December 22, 2Q05, alleging that s licensee allowed automobile liability insurance to lapse for cab #304; and s v WHEREAS, the licensee did not respond to the Notice of Revocation of Taxicab Vehicle a License to contest the allegation or submit current insurance information; and s " io WHEREAS, the Notice of Revocation of Taxicab Vehicle License stated that if the ii licensee failed to respond by January 3, 2006, that the matter would be placed on the consent iz agenda to impose the recommended penalty; now therefore, be it 13 i4 RESOLVED, that the Taacicab Vehicle License for cab #304 held by Mohamed Abdi Ali, is d/b/a Five Star Taaci is hereby revoked. is iv Requested by Department of: l gy; �o/ � Approve�d / by� M- or: Date r p(o By: r Council File # O�� q V Green Sheet # J(,� 7 � ! � �� By �� � 'I d Form Approved by City Attorne �� BY° •�L/ '✓C.O,/iLC-(�'.� � C� By: for Submission to Council Adopted by Council: Date ���o7/JOG� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary - e.0 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � �� '�� l..p — License/Inspution/F.m'von Prot Contacf Person 8 Phoee: Virginia D. Palmer 266-8710 WJusf Be on Council Anen 11JAN-06 � Assign Number For Rwrting Order Green Sheet NO: 3029373 0 'rense/Iu ecfi nvir n o 1 i s s ec6on/En " n Ihn e r6u i�ecfor 2 ; tt v 3 a or`s O ce � r/ t 4 o ncil 5 i Clerk' C rk To41 # of Signature Pages _{Clip NI Lowtions for Signafure} InitiatlDate Approval of fhe attaelied resolurion to take adverse action against the Ta�cicab Vehicle license held by Mohamed Abdi Afi, d/b/a Five Star Ta7ci {License ID#20050000032) for the City of Saint Paul. idat7ons: Approve (A) or R Planning Commission � CIB Committea Civii Service Commission (R): � Personai Service 1. Has this persoNfirtn ever worked under a wntract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this personlfirzn ever been a aYy employee? Yes No , 3. Does fhis person/firm possess a skill not nortnaliy possessetl by any cunent city employee? . Yes No Facplain all yes answers on separ'ate sheet and attach Yo green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, OppoRUnity(Who, What, When, Where, Why): � � Licensee allowed automobile liabiliry insurauce to lapse on cab #304. ARer nofification, license failed ro respond ta the Notice of Rewcation of Taacicab Velricle Libense. AdvaMages tt Approved: License revocation as recommended by the Office of LIEP, Disadvantages If Approved: None. DisadvantageslfNotApproved: ! otel.Mlo4nt of Trensaction: Funding So�rce: Financiai Information: (Explain) CosURevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: �4.°��'§ €�tvW �� ,.a ��,ntrvP JAN 17' 20D5 � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C Kelly, Mayor Decembez 22, 2005 � OFFI� F TE3E CI'Py ATTORNEY MameedJ..�rv¢ntes, CiryAtrorney Civi2Division 400CiryAa11 - IS WestKelloggSlvd, Saint P¢ul, MinnesoCa 55102 �1\� r L� Telephone: 651266-8710 Facsimile: 651298-S6I9 NOTICE OF REVOCATION OF TAXICAB VEHICLE LICENSE Five Star Taxi Attn: Ahmed Farah 6971 Washington Avenue So., #B Edina, MN 55439-1506 RE: Taxicab Vetucle License held by Mohamed Abdi Ali, d/6/a Five Star Tasi foz the City of Saint Paul (License ID #2Q050000032) Dear Mr. Farah: The Office of License, Inspections and Environmentai Protection has recommended � revocafion af the Ta�ticab Vehicle license for Cab #304 held by Mohamed Abdi Ali , d/b/a Five Star Taxi for the City of Saint. The basis far the recommendation is as foliows: Accord'vtg to the Office of Licenses, Inspection and Environmental Protection records, the Automobile Liability Insuranee has lapsed on ta�cab #304 effactive December 18, 2005. On November 1; Z005, you were sent a letter from the Office LIEP requesting a current insurance policy on cab #304. You were given until December 16, 2005 to submit that information. As of today's date it has not been received. Chapter 376.06(� of the Saint Paul Legislative Code sfates: "Any Iicensee issued under this chapter shali terminate whenever the term of said license the owner, lessee, Ifcensee or operator of said taxicab shaIl fail to keep in full force and ef£ect such insurance or bond in the full amount hereinafter required" The recommettdation of the licenszng office is revocation of your TaYicab Vehicle license for Cab #304. Five Star Taxi �"' ('-' December 22, 2005 Page 2 � t r , C� � p At tlus time yuu have three options on how to proceed: Tf you wish to fiave a public hearing befare the Saint Paul City Council, you will need to send me a Ietter with a statement adwitting the facts and requesting a public hearing. We will need ta receive your Ietter by Tuesday, January 3, 2006. The matter wiIl then be scheduled before the C`ity Council for a public heariug to deternvne whether to revoke your license. You will have an opportuuity to appear before tke Council and make a statement on your owu behalf. 2. If you dispute the above facts, you can request a hearing before an Aduiiuistratiwe Law Judge. At that hearing both you and the Ciry wili be abie to appear and present witnesses, evidence and cross-examine the other's wilnesses. The Sf. Paui City Council will ultimately decide the case. If this is your choice, please advise me by �esday, January 3, 2006, and I wili take the necessary steps to schedule the adaninistrarive hearing. 3. If you no longer wish to operate Cab #304, you may send a written statement to that effect to Reid Soley in the Office of License,.Inspections and Environmental Protection, Room 300 Iawry Professional Building, 350 Saint Peter Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota, 55102 no later than Tuesday, January 3, 2006. If I have not heard from you by that date, I will assume that you are not contesting the revocation of your license. If you have any questions, please feel &ee to contact me at (651) 266-8710. Sincerely, l �����1. Rachai Gunder n Assistanc City Attomey ca Chrisiine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Mohamed Ali, 11355 West Wind Drive, Unit D, Eden Frairie, MN 55344 Reid Soley, LTEP Ttich Jents, LIEP � �., 4b-an STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COiJNTY QF I2AMSEY ) AN�'IDAVIT OF SERVICE BY U.S. MAIL MEGFIAN McGTVERN, being first duly swom, deposes and says that on December 22, 2005, she served the attached NOTICE OF REVOCATION OF TAXICAB VEHICLE LICENSE by pIacing tnae and correct capies thereof in envelopes addressed as foilows: Five Star Tu�i Attn: Ahmed Fazah 6971 Washington Avenue So., #B Edina, NIN 55439-1506 Mohamed Ali 11355 West Wind Drive, Unit D Eden Prauie, MN 55344 (which are the last known addresses of said persons) depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mail at St. Paul, Minnesota. �_� ' s�-= � f� � � . Subscsibed and sworn to before me tlus 22nd day of December, 2005. t lY i�-- �Lr �t��-�,-�.dt1/'�-° otary Public .�ULiE �ShE �CRAUS �lOTARY PU9LIC • MINtSES07A �.RY CO{�AA91SS10N �x�tR�s 3aaa. a�, a o t o