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ORIGINAL TO CITY C4BRK� ���� ' 1 /�1���•l,J o ,
''��"�e: � �� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa
�T. Holland—Frank
r �`'�redith—Rbbert F.
C MMISSIONEQ MaYOr and all Council ;members � , - ��"p�-'�sen—George a.
, DATF _ , °#['oiit�cil of the
�.�i.�t�'�..If tlf t:�id _
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� PUBLISHED - �� r � � �
, .
RESOLVED, '�hat� the Council of the City of Sa3n� Pau1,
on behalf of aaid City and 3.ts civ�c�} leaders, hereby takes
and records official cognizance of that certain Resolution _
of the Board of Directors of Western �Air Lines, the sub�ect
of Newa Release under date July 7, � 196�+, a copy whereof is
hereto attached and made part and parcel hereof, by referenae,
and which, among other things, expressed the high app�reciation
and the sincere gratitude of said Western Air Lines for the
consistently effective cooperation and substantial support
afforded to said Western Air Lines by said City, its public
_ officials and civic leaders, necessary thereto and constituting
� a potent factor in the attainment of the present eminent position
of said Western Air Lines in the field of public aviation and air
traffic; and that hereby o�ficial cognizance is taken and recorded
- concerning the merited anel spectacular growth of the system and
traffic of said�Western Air Lines and� the great contribution of �
the same to the 'service of public convenience and necessity, the
' operation whereof have for their most easterly terminus the City
�: � of Saint Paul; and ' '�
� ��# RESOLVED �URTHER, That this Council, on behalf of said City
t ,� and its civic leaders, extends con�ratulations and commendations
� ��k to said Western Air Lines for its sign�ficant att�.inments and
- success in the aforesaid field of public aviation and service
� , of public convenience and necessity and directs the City Clerk
to cause a certified copy of th�is Resolution to be delivered to
said :Western Air Lines with all convenient speed.
, • _ •i .
- - - � � --_ -- - _ .�_ � .- . � .
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� . ,1U� 7 1964
COUN�ILiu�N . Adopted by the Council 19—
. �
Yeas Nays �
_ Dalglish �UL rl 1�ea
Holland proved 19_
Loss � Tn FavOr {
Meredith � �
_ Peterson � �ByOr
A gainst
Rosen �
Mr. President, Vavoulis
1o�t e-as
DUrLIGAT6 TO►IIINTLR . ' �� �.,,;� !� �o
' CITY OF ST. PAUL couHCa r@ `�
�L F„� NO
RESOyYED, That the Goura�il of the City of Sa.int Paul,
on behal�' of said City and its aivia leaders, hereby �akes
and records official cognizanee of that cer�ain Reaolution
of the Board of Direetora qF Western Air Lines, the eub�ectt
of News Releaee under date Ju].y 7, 196�+, a cvpy whereof is
here�o �.ttaahed and made pa�t and parael hereof, by referenae,
and whlah, a.morig other th�ngs, expregaed the high apprsaiation
and the aincere gratitude of said Western Air I,3nea for the
aoneiateMtly effective 000peration and aubetantial support
afforded to saicl We�tern Air Lines by said City, its publia
officiala and civia leaders, neee�sary thereto and eonstituting
a potent faator in the attai.nment of the preaent eminent poaition
of said Western Air L3nea in the field of publia aviation and air
traffic; and tha.t hereby offlQial Qogn3zanc�e is taken and reaord.ed
QonQerning the merited and speataaular growth of the system and
traffia of said Western Air L3ne$ and the great aontribution of
�he same to the �ervice of publia aonvenience and neceseity, �he
opera�ion whereof have for their most easterly terminua the City
of Sa.int Paua.; and
RESOLVED FURTHER, That this Council, on behalf of sa3d City
and its aivic leaders, extends congratulations and aommendations
to said Western Air L3ne$ for its significant attainments and
succesa in the aforesaid �ield of public aviation and eervice
of public conven�enee and necessity and direats the City Clerk
to cause a certified copy of thie Resolution to be delivered to
said Weatern Air Lines with all convenient speed.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council `���' 7 1� 19—
Yeas Nays
�����- 7 ��
Holland Approv� 19—
Loss Tn FBVOr
Peterson MByOr
A g81IISt
Mr. Presideat, Vavoulis
ions e-e:
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�""--�'� �'� � v�8�� �svr.��Z _M��s�S d����
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6060 Avion Drlve,Los Angeles 9,Califomfa—SPring 6-2345 or 646�321
RAY SILVIUS, D(rector of Public Relations. FORREST R. MULVANE, News Bureau Manager
For Release: Tuesday, July 7, 1964
Western ��ir Lines' board of directors, meeting in St. Paul today,
issued a resolution honoring the city for its efforts in the development of air
The airline board, headed by Terrell C. Drinkwater, Western
president, is in St. Paul in line with a corporate policy of holding quarterly
meetings in major cities on the company's system.
The resolution states:
"WHEREAS, St. Paul serves as the easternmost city on the Western
Air Lines route system and has served as a major gateway between East and
West since service was inaugurated on April 1, 1947, and
"WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul and Western Air Lines have joined
, ;r
together in promoting travel to the State of Minnesota through the airline's 'Fly
North' campaign, and
(more) � _
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Western Air Lines. . . page 2
"WHEREAS, the support given to Western Air Lines by St. Paul and
its residents has contributed significantly to the spectacular growth or air
travel as evidenced by the fact that in 1963, more than 142,000 passengers
boarded and departed Western Air Lines flights at the Minneapolis/St. Paul air
terminal, and
"WHEREAS, the officers and directors are grateful for the warm .
hospitality extended during their meetings in St. Paul by its civic leaders, and
for the friendly support received by the company from the city and its residents,
"NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this board formally
record its appreciation of the efforts of the City of St. Paul in promotion of air
travel to this great state, and thanks to the civic leaders and residents of St.
Paul for rhe hospitality and support accorded Western Air Lines. "
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RAY EILVIU�,DlneMr of rublie Rdatbns. FORREST R.MULVANE, fd�ws Euroau Manas�r
For Release:�Tuesday, July 7, 1964 .��►,�
Western Air Lines' board of directors, meeting in St. Paul today,
isaued a resolution honoring the city for its efforts in the development of air
traveL �
The airline board, headed by Terrell C. Drinkwater. Western
president, is in St. Paul in line with a corporate�polf cy of holding quarterly
� meetings in major cities on the company's system.
The resolution states: '
"WHEREAS, �St. Paul serves as the easternmost city on the Western
Air Lines route system and has served as a major gateway between East and
West since service was inaugurated on April 1, 1947, and
"WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul and Western Air Lines have joined
together in promoting travel to the State of Minnesota through the airline's 'Fly
North' campaign, and
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V�►e�rn Air Lines. . . page 2 - �� ,
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"WHEREAS, 'the aupport given to Western Air Lfnes by St. P�ul aitd
its residents hae contributed significantly to the spectacular growth or air
travel ae evidenced by the fact that in 1963, more than 142,000 passengers �
boarded and departed Western Air Lines flights at the Minneapolis/St. Paul air
terminal, and
"WHEREAS, the officers and directors are grateful for the warm
hospitality extended during their meetings in St. Paul by its civic leaders, and
i '
for the friendly support received by the company from the city and its residente,
"NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this board formally
record its appreciation of the efforts of the City of St. Paul in promotion of air
travel to this great state, and thanks to the civic leaders and residents of St. '
Paul for the hospitality and support accorded Western Air Lines. "