06-898Council File #_��� GreenSheet# 3032572 OF Presented RESOLU710N NT PAUL, MINNESOTA z Preliminary and Final Plat Approval for Eastern Heights Addition l6 � WHEREAS, Promised Land Ofi Minnesota LLC, in File No. 06-066-410, has submitted for a City Council approval the attached preliminary and fina{ piat for subdivision of property for 5 Eastern Heights Addition, area bounded by Germain, Larpenteur, Prosperity & Christie Place, to 6 create 15 residential parcefs and 1 outlot; and s WHEREAS, the appropriate City departments have reviewed the plat and found, subject 9 to the recommended conditions, that it meets the requirements of Chapter 69 of the Zoning io Code; and t� t2 WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing before the Gity Council was duly published in the i3 official newspaper of the City and notices were mailed to each owner of affected property in including all property situated within 350 feet of the subject property; and 15 is WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on the proposed plat on September 6, i� 2006, where all interested parties were given the opportunity to be heard, and the Council is considered ali the facts and recommendations concerning the plat; 14 2o NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts and approves the 2i attached preliminary and final plat for Eastern Heights Addition, area bounded by Germain, 22 Larpenteur, Prosperity & Christie Place, subject to the following conditions: 23 z4 1. The applicant shall file a copy of the Council Resolution approving the plat with the zs Ramsey County Recorder's Office. 26 Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date � o ?��//� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: iL,YSDi Approved a r D te �d — Z—OCo By: ing & Economic Developmem ' � By: Form Approv f b� � Attorney By: y" �YVya�+ � �jr O Form A�pro b Mayor for Sub ission to Council By: � � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � ��o �� PE — P1an¢ing & Economic Development ! 07SEP-06 ' ContactPerson & Phone: PatriCia James 26G6G39 r Must Be on CouncilAgem by (Date): Doc.Type: RESOLUiION ' E-DocumentRequ'ved: Y � Document Confad: Patficia James ConW ct Phone: 266�6639 /ls� Number For Routlng Order TnWI#ofSignaturePages � (ClipAlllocationsforSignaWre) Green Sheet NO: 3032572 0 'YI nn'ox & Econnmic Develoo P trici d mes ,', 1 Pl in & Eco o'c Develoo ' D'rectodC. Bedor i 2 .GYNAdnmev 1 CiNAttomev � 3 iVIavor' Office 1 Mav !A s'sfaM 4 ,Couocil Cit�Counctl ! 5 itv Qeck � CiN Clerk I 6 lann'n¢&Ec n m' De loo I P trici d mes 1 Approve resolution memorializing City Council acUOn to approve a Combined Plat for Eastern Heights Addition to create 15 residenfial parcels and 1 outlot (ZF#06-066-410). Public hearing held September 6, 2006. Planning Commission L Has this personlfirtn e�erwaked under a contract forthis departmeM? CIS Committee Yes No CiNI Ser.ice Commission 2. Has this persoNfirtn eeer been a city employee? Yes No 3. Dces this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curcent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach W green sheet Initiating Problem, lssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): - Promised Land Of Minnesota LLC has applied for approval of a Combined Plat for Eastem Heights Addition to cceate IS residential parce3s and 1 ou�lot on property ]ocated at 1591 Christie P3ace, area bounded by Germain, Laipenteur, Prosperity & Christie Place. Advantapes If Approved: Clty Council intent is finalized. Disadvantapes If Approved: None. SEP 1 � 2006 �E� 2 � Z�Q� �isadvanWges H Not Approved: Ciry Council action wi11 not be compLeted� 1'otai Amount of Transaction: Funding Source: Finan cial Information: (Explain) s�� i � 2Qas Cost/Revenue Budgeted: �ifl?4�C",� k?,vh,ts.,�..,�`��;e Ptt�<�e Activiry Number. September 7, 2006 8:4> AM Page 1 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & � ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CuiieBedor, Dirutor °"°"'"" o�'Sy� CTTY OF SAII�IT PAUL ChristopherB. Coleman, Mayor August18,2�06 Ms. Mary Erickson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Erickson: .:MOTICE OF-�OSiaC.H&ARIli(� 79ie Saint Pavl GSLy Covncil. will coa- duct a pnblie heazing on Wednesda9, �P tember 6, 2006 to considerthe aPPlication of Promised Of 1VIinnesota LLC Qtichard Leaeh> for a Combined Plat for Esstern Heights Additioa to emate 17 rna- dential parcels and one (1) outlot a£ 1591 Christie�Place. (Zoning File No. o�-oss-�io) Dated: August 18, 2006 � MARY ER[CKSON, � - nss;stanc cuy co�� se�razy [aUguac z4T — 81: PADL IE6AL LEDGER =�—' zai2usa . I wou{d like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, September 6, 2006, for the following zoning case. Zoning File Number: File Name: Applicant: Address: Purpose: �. �.. � • Kerwin's Outlots(Eastem Heights Addition Promised Land Of Minnesota LLC, Attn: Mr Richard Lesch 1591 Christie Place, Combined Plat for Eastem Heights Addition to create 17 residential parcels and 1 outlot Previous Action: City staff have reviewed the preliminary and final plats and have found that they can meet the requirements of the subdivision regulations provided some additional changes are made. The applicant has agreed to make these changes prior to the September 6, 2006, pubiic hearing. 1 have confirmed this day with Councilmember Bostram's office. My understanding is that this public hearing request wili appear on the agenda for the August 23, 2006, City Councii meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 651-266-6639 if you have any questions, Sincerely, Patricia James Ciry Planner cc: File #: 06-066-41D ApplicanUAppellant: Paul Dubruiel Wendy Lane Carol Martineau Allan Torstenson Promised Land Of Minnesota LLC, Attn: Mr Richard Lesch 25WertFourthSVeet Telephone:651-2�-6700 SaintPaul, MIT 55102 Facsnmile: 651-2283220 AA-ADA-EEO EMPLOYER DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & �`� ECONOMIC DEVEIAPMENT LJ CeciZe Bedor, Directo> °"°"°"" D� -89�_ CI�� ��' s��j� PA� 25 West Fourth S[reet Z'elephone: 651-266-6700 Chrtstopher B. Caleman, Mayor S¢iniPwl, MN55702 Facsvmle: 651-228322D r.orr August 28, 2006 Ms. Mary Erickson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hail Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: Zoning Fiie #: File Name: Applicant: Address: Purpose: • r� L Citv Council Hearinq Staff Recommendation: District Councii: Staff Assigned: Attachments: 06-066-410 Kerwin's Outlots/Eastern Heights Addition Promised Land Of Minnesota LLC, Attn: Mr Richard Lesch 1591 Christie Piace, area bounded by Germain, Larpenteur, Prosperity & Christie Place Combined Plat for Eastern Heights Addition to create 17 residential parcels and 1 outiot September 6, 20�6 5�30 p m Citv Council Chambers Approval with condition District 2 had not made a recommendation Patricia James, 651-266-6639 Staff Report packet cc: Zoning File 06-066-410 Applicant: Promised Land Of Minnesota LLC City Councif Members District Council: 2 Wendy Lane Larry Soderhofm Allan Torstenson Peter Warner AA-ADA-EEO EMPLOYER ��'�'�I� SUBD{VIS{ON STAFF REPORT • 1. FILE NAME: Eastern Heights Addition FILE # 06-068-410 2. APPLICANT: Promised Land Of Minnesota I.LC HEARING DATE: September 6, 2006 3. TYPE OF APPLICATfON: Preliminary a�d Final Plat 4. LOCATION: 1591 Chrisfie Place, area bounded by Germain, Larpenteur, Prosperity & Christie Place 5. PiN & LEGAL DESCRiPTION: See subdivision documents fior existing and proposed legal descriptions 6. PLANNING DISTRICT: 2 EXISTING ZONING: R3 7. ZONING CODE REfERENCE: §69.301; §69.406 8. STAFF REPORT DATE: August 24, 2006 BY: Patricia James 9. DATE RECENED (Finat Plat): July 26, 2006 DEADLINE FOR ACTION: November 23, 2006 A. PURPOSE: Combined Plat for Eastem Heights Addition to create 17 residential parcels and 1 outlot B. PARCEL SIZE: 110,444 sq. ft. (approximately 2.5 acres) C. EXISTING LAND USE: Singie family residentiaf D. SURROUNDiNG LAND USE: North: City of Maplewood East: Townhouses, cemetery {RT2, R3) South: Single family residentiai (R3) West: Single family residentiai (R3, RT1) E. ZONING CODE CITATION: §69.3�1 states that piatting is required when a subdivision (1) creates five or more lots or parcels each of which is 2Y= acres or less in size, or (2) requires paved streets, alieys and other pubiic improvements, or (3) is previously unplatted land. §69.304 lists conditions . for lot spiits and adjustments ofcommon boundaries. §69.406 provides criteria for review of subdivision appfications. These criteria are covered below under `Required Findings." �, HISTORY/DfSCUSSfON: The proposed development is undergoing a site plan review (Z.F. # 06- 072219). G. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: The District 2 Councii had not responded at the time this staff report was prepared. H. F{NDfNGS: 1. § 69.4D6 of the Zoning Code requires that all of the following findings shall be made prior to approval of a subdivision: 1. All the applicabie provisions of the Legislative Code are complied wrth. City staff have reviewed the proposed plat and have defermined that all applicable provisions of cify codes are met. 2. The proposed subdivision will not be detrimenta! to the present and potential surrounding land uses. The proposed pfat is consisfent with the surrounding land uses, and will not be detrimental to present and future use of surrounding land. 3. The area surrounding the subdivision can be planned and developed in coordinafion and compati6ility wifh the proposed sUbdivrsion. The area surrounding the proposed plat is already developed and compatible wifh the proposed piat. 4. The subdivision is in conforrnance wrfh fhe comprehensive pfan. The subdivision is in conformance with fhe Land Use Plan chapter of the comprehensive plan, which cails for providing a range of housing types and values in each planning district in the city (Policy 5.3.1). It is also in conformance with redevelopment plans for the area. 5. The subdivision prese�ves and incorporates the site's imporfant existing natural features . wheneverpossible. The site's topographical features have been addressed during site plan review for the project. 6. Aif fand intended forbuilding sites can be used safely without endangering residents by peri( Zoning File # 06-Q66-410 Subdivision Staff Report Page 2 of 2 irom floods, erosion, continuouslyhigh watertable, severe soil conditions orothermenace. The site plan approved for fhis plat has resoived issues regarding these matters. 7. The subdrvision can be economrca(ly served wif/� public facilities and services. The subdivision can be economically served with public facilities and services frorti surrounding streets. ST.4FF RECOMMENDATlON: Based on required fndings 9 through 7, staff recommends approval of the preliminary and finai plat for for Eastem Heights Addition to create 17 residenfiaf parcels and 1 outlot subject to the condition thaf the applicant shafl ile a copy of the Council Resolution approving the plat with tha Ramsey County Recorder's Office. Attachments: Application Preliminary Plat Final Plat (reduction) Sife Location Maps • • r� L� b(�-8�$ SUBDIVISION REVIEW APPLfCAT10N Deparhnent ofPLanning and Economic Development Znaing Section 140Q C'tty Hal1 Arcnex ZS West FouKh Stred Saint PauZ, hIN SSIO2-I634 (651) 266-6589 �D �. �- � 22 �q 2 2,l2.��7� APPLtCANT PROPERTY LOCATION � M �S`t0 L�}�+D 0� M�/N,vESeTC�1 . � LC Address I��Og ��-��1���� t {Z-AI� csty f1P�l� v�1���-y st."^r' zp .�S��y DaytimePhone �Ol� -55 �•Soab Name of Owner (if differenf) �� c�� �- 4 S� 1� Contact Person {if different) Si� �"� `c Phone Address i Location Legal 1S�! CHR�S7'�� �LR�E S £. £ f� s>, c.� �f� -3 (attacfi additional sheet if necessary) TYPE OF SUBDIVISION: ❑ Lot Split � Lot Spfit with Variance � Pre{iminary Ptat � Final Pia# � Reg. Land Survey � Combine.d Plat Date � -� O - � � City � � � . • `"�a� i $ 3 � :g,: r,o SB 9s_� i ° L �_ 6 _��° rz - c§ �°°° I�i 3 :avo � 3 _�.a I : < � �o 3 3 $ '.� j ' ^. e 3 3w e� $� eg;g =o�i °a;: u�_s fse� � z` � c � �- � c� -2 . � � ` � r � �F T E \\ � ' �� ' � 't^� \ � •=a, \ aY� O � 6 �� � . �:,- � � � e A� � \" ci �� ` `S'`acc' ' � � � � � » \ \ :: � $� �o�,• `�'ar � � � `" s, . : I = \ �.: � '�\ �' "a. � � ` `c'� I� _ � � \ �� d� � �� �.:-. \•� ea � � I . 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