219088 � �� �i-6 � ��� ��;���� � ° �CITY OF ST. PAUL P�LISIIED �� ----�COUNCIL FILE N0. " ' Resolution Approving Assessment $y � `and Fixing Time of iHearing 'Thereon File No.-- 1�9 and Fixing T�ine of Hearing on the Award of Damages . � . In the matter of Openirig�,widening and extending i�.he proposed ARCH-PENNSYLVANIA ffiaSWAY at its intersect3on with Rice St. by condev�i.ng and ta1�3.ng for highway_purposes that part of Lot 2, Block l, Fletcher!s Subdivision of Brewster's Addition to the City of St. Paul in Ramsey County� and State of Minnesot�a� �ying northwesterl�r of the following described lines ' Co�encing at a point on the sou�h line of Arch-Pennsylvania Highway as opened under C:F: 212303, approved April 23, 1963 be�ng 20' easterly of the east line of Rice St.� thence in a southwesterly direction along a curve to the left hav- ing a radius of 20' to a point on the east line of Rice St. �0' so��ther.ly of the south line of. said Arch-Pennsylvania Highway as opened. _ RESOLUTION APpROVING A83ESS- . MENT AND FIICING TIME OF , - HEAIiING. THEREON AND .FIXING .. � TIMF OF,�a'�E,AF�ING ON THE g��1WARD,dF•' ?lN'��GES ` • ��r�� �'� ��ae::tit�.'-�J"t"'--:t::e. � ' ''S1,. t.�"'4• =I �� !1l'^ u:tN .%�. _.cli� 9va� � •t � .adr.� - under Preliminary Order 21'Z.��R , approved MaxcY�lfi; 1A64 , Intermediary Order � 2�R� , approved ��� ��l� � , ,�,. � _ •Final Order �� ���'� , approved a��}�.��,�� . �.. p y... ..-.. - �. __YiYi.._ oi� � _ _I ,_ - T ' - I . The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount'- _ �= _ of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- l�rovement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to l�ioperty from the making of said improvement, therefore be it _� , , F�esolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the award of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said as- ' sessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the „ fifth day of AuRUStT1,264 _ , Rt ten o'clock A.M. �nd that the Commis- sioner of Finance be and he, is directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. ' r CO�NCILMEN . � Yeas � Nays J��-� Dalglish . � Holiand , Adopted by the Co il _ . �a�- � t��'� 19�� Nleredith Appl Peterson Rosen In Favor � Vavoulis � - . Mayor '. � .�_—Abainst Form R-S °�°� , i _