06-897Council File # Q�L� � Presented Referred To RESOLUTION... Committee Date WI�REAS, a contract for services (Performance Agreement) between the City of Saint Paul and Cable Access-St. Paul, Inc., d/b/a Saint Paul Neighborhood Nerivork, hereinafter referred to as "SPNN, which outlines the duties, responsibilities and obligations of the parties with respect to the management and provision of public and educational access and community programming by the Designated Entity, and which names SPNN as the Designated Entity; and, WI�,REAS, Mayor Coleman has requested that the Office of Cable Communications work with SPNN to fully analyze both the City's and SPNN's operations to improve their efficiency and effectiveness and to look at ways to collaborate services to save money and resources; and WHEREAS, due to the $16.5 millon budget deficit the City of Saint Paul is facing for 2007, the Mayor's budget proposes to reallocate to the City a portion of PEG grant funding that Comcast provides to SPNN; and WHEREAS, there has been interest expressed by both SPNN and the City to expedite the Mayor's request to fully analyze the potential for the savings of money and resources through a collaboration beriveen SPNN and the City with those recommendations presented no later than December 15, 2006; and WHEREAS, the current annual Performance Agreement is due to expire on September 30, 2006; and WIIEREAS, it is assumed that the collaborative review and recommendations will result in a newly defined Performance Ageement; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the current Performance Agreement for the term October 1, 2005 - September 30, 2006, be amended to extend the expiration of the Performance Agreement to December 31, 2006; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized to execute the amendment to the Performance Agreement between SPNN and the CiTy of Saint Paul, a copy of which is attached and incorporated herein by reference. Yeas Nays Absent Benanav � Bostrom �/ Hams �/ Helgen i/ Lantry i/ Montgomery r/ Thune � Green Sheet # 3032714 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Adopted by Council: Date: ��0?'7 ��lo � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved /D - a -o�o Requested by: The Office of Technolgy � / Qlo / � By: orm Approved by City Attorney By: t�i{� %/ � U � Approve� b� or or Submission to CouncIl By: ✓'" — � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � �6 �9� DepattmenUoificekounc0: Date Ini6ated: �����o�����ts�, 12SEP-06 Green Sheet NO: 3032714 Contact Person & Phone: Mike Reardon 268-8875 Must Be ott Councit Pgenda by 20.SEP-06 Doc.7ype: RESOLUTION E•DowmentRequired: Y DocumentContaet MikeReaMOn Contact Phone: 26G8875 � Deparlment 5entTOPerson InitiaVDate 0 a a nt Assign 1 L a d a e e t a ent ' �� Number Z p � _t�� For Routing 3 a or' ce Ma o/ t Order 4 0 � - 5 er (.ti erk Total # of SignaW re Pages,L (C(ip M Locations for SignaWre) Approve aznendment to extend the City's Perfotmance Agreement contract with Saint Paul Neighborhood Network (SPNI� for the provision of Public and Educarional accessservices and community progrzmmiug to December 31, 2006. �daUw�s: Appro�e (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CI8 Commitfee Ci�nl Service Commission 1. Has this persoNfirtn eeer wnrked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirtn e�er been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this peisonlfimi possess a skill not normally possessed by any Current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and atfach to green sheet � � IniGafing Problem, lssues, Opportunify (Whq WhaL Whett, Where, Why): ,.,a. The Ciry's current contract with SPNN will expire September 3Q 2006. However, as the Ciry and SPNN aze cuuently analyzing tl ��: potential to save money and resources through a collaborafiott of PEG services, a¢d as this �view is expected to be compteted by ¢; .: December I5, 2006, it is logicat Co simply amend the curcent Pedormace Agreemenf until December 31, 2006 by which fime a nev defined Performance Agreement wiII be finalized. Without amending and/or extending the current contract, there would be no s:� Designated Enrity to provide PEG (Public, Edueation, and Govemment) access services to St. Paul citizens, community agencies, and schools who use these services. Ativantages IfApproVetl: � Cunent PEG contract services will not be interrupted and SPNN and the City will be able to complete the review of services. Disadvarttages If f4pproved: None '�aeJF3t?G i �Sur" �e��'��� �isadvantages If NotApprovetl: There would be no "Designated Entity" to provide Public and Educational access services and communify prograznming. . V W rransacdon: � Funding 5ource: �.Jq Financial lrtfomratlon; (Ezplain) CosNRevenue Budgeted: N Activiry Number: � ��� � y)1..: i. u G�1Q13 Sepfember 12, 20061:38 PM Page 1 � �� AMENDMENT TO PERFORMANCE AGREENiENT BETWEEN CABLE ACCESS - ST. PAUL, INC. d.b.a. SAINT PAUL NEIGHBORHOOD NETWORK AND THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL This is Amendment No. 1 to a Performance Agreement, entered into this _ day of , 2006, by and between the City of Saint Paul ("City") and Cable Access - St. Paul, Inc., a Minnesota non-profit corporarion ("SPNN"), as the first Amendment to that certain original performance agreement which was previously made by and between the Ciry and SPNN, for the time period October 1, 2005 to September 30, 2006 (the "Original AgreemenP'), incorporated herein by reference. WHEREAS, Secuon XXII of the Original Agreement provides that the Original Agreement may be amended by written agreement of the parties; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to amend the Original Agreement to extend the term of the Original Agreement in Section XXI to December 31, 2006. NOW, THEREFORE, for good and acknowledged mutual consideration, the parties mutualIy agree to amend the Original Agreement as follows: 1. Page 1, title: PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT BETWEEN CABLE ACCESS - ST. PAUL, INC. d.b.a. SAINT PAUL NEIGHBORHOOD NETWORK AND THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL October 1, 2005 °°����=-�oDecember 31, 2006 2. Section XXI, TERM OF AGREEMENT This Agreement will commence on October 1, 2005, and will remain in effect until c°--:�,t��: �v December 31, 2006. 3. All terms and conditions set forth in the Original Agreement shall continue and remain in full force and effect except as modified herein. IN WIT'NESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Amendment No. 1 to Performance Agreement on the dates indicated. Cable Access St. Paul, Inc. d/b/a City of Saint Paul Saint Paul Neighborhood Network � Presi ent • Mayor D� -g� � Executive Director Cable Communications O�cer Date Date Director, Office of Technology Date Approved as to form Assistant City Attorney Date