D001543CrrY aF SaizvT PAUi. QFFICE OF THE MAYOR • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION P. � Of �I ADMINISTRk�TIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to tfie Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director ofi the Department of �blic Works to amend the 19 98 budcjet of the various Public Works fund, the Director of the Departrneni of Fnance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner. Curtent Bud9°t 1 001 - Q200Q - 0299 2 001 - 02000 - 0567 3 001 - 02020 - 0299 4 001 - 02020 - 0567 5 Q01 - 02025 - Q299 6 001 - 02025 - 0567 7 2Q5 - 12101 - 0299 8 205 - 12101 - 0567 9 205 - 12102 - 0299 10 205 - 12102 - 0567 • 11 225 - 42310 - 0299 12 225 - 42310 - 0567 OtherMisc. Services Transfer to Intema] Service Fund Other-Misc. Services Transfer to Intemal Service Fund Otheo-Misc. Services Transfer to Tnternal Sexvice Fund Totals Other-Misc. Services Tiansfer to Intemal Service Fund Other-Misc. Sernces Transfer to Intemal Service Fund Totals Other-Misa Services Transfei to Intema] Service Fund �.�� 14,501.00 0.00 2Q958.00 0.00 120,707.00 156,166.00 No.: i�C� i��i3 Date: � J � �s #: 26072 � 14,501 AO -14,501.00 20,955.00 -2Q958.00 120,707.00 -120,707.00 0.00 0.40 437,9�3.W 437,903.00 -437,903.00 0.00 220,053.00 220,053.00 -22Q053.00 657,956.Q0 0.00 6,000.00 380,714.00 380,714.00 380,714.00 Totals 386,714.00 O.W 825.00 16,548.00 16,548.00 -16,548.00 Totals 17,373.00 0.00 13 232 - i2A01 - 0299 OtherMisc. Sernces 14 232 - 32401 - 0567 Transfer ro In[emal Service Fund 15 240 - 12005 - 0299 16 2A0 - 12005 - 0567 17 240 - 12006 - 0299 18 240 - 12006 - 0567 19 240 - 12007 - 0299 20 240 - 12007 - 0567 21 240 - 12009 - 0299 22 240 - 12009 - 0567 23 245 - 12201 - 0299 24 1A5 - 12201 - OS67 25 250 - 12202 - 0299 26 250 - 12202 - 0567 . 27 255 - 12300 - 430] 28 255 - 12300 - 7299 29 255 - 123Q0 - 7303 30 255 - 12300 - 7303 31 255 - 12300 - 7305 Other-Misc. Services 'I7ansfer to Inremal Service Fund Other-Misc. Services Transfec to Internal Service Fund Other-Misa Services Transfer to Internal Service Fund O[hu-Misa Services Transfer to Intemal Service Fund Totals Other-Misa Services Transfer to Intema] Service Fund Totals Other-Misc. Services Transfer to Intemal Service Fund Totals Normal Activity Services Transfer Fr General Fund Transfer From Internal Service Fund Txansfer From Inter�al Service Fmd TransferFrom Specia7 Revenue Fund 2,OOO.DO 56,983.00 24,535.00 56,983.00 0.00 56,983.00 1,500.00 56,983.00 255,967.00 56,983.00 -56,983.00 56,983.00 -56,983.00 56,983.00 -56,983.00 56,983.00 -56,983.00 o.00 1,597.00 30,96Q00 30,960.00 30,960.06 32,857.D0 0.00 is,mo.00 ias,9oz.00 146,902.00 -146,902.00 161,972.�Q �.QO 0.00 325,887.00 14,501.00 -14,501.00 55,538.W -55,538.0� 131,072.00 -131,072.00 124,776.00 -124,776.OD � 14,SO1.OQ 0.00 20,958.00 0.00 120,707.00 0.00 156, ] 66.00 437,903.00 0.00 220,053.00 0.00 657,956.0� 386,714.00 0.00 3Sb,714.00 17,373.00 0.00 17,373.00 58,983.00 0.00 81,518.00 0.00 56,983.00 0.00 58,483.40 0.00 255,967.00 32,857.OQ 0.00 32,857.00 ]61,972.60 0.00 1b1,972.00 325,887.00 0.00 0.40 0.00 0.00 32 33 34 35 36 • 37 3S 34 40 41 42 43 44 45 4b 47 48 49 50 255 - 12304 255 - 12304 255 - 12304 255 - 12304 255 - 12320 255 - 12320 255 - 12320 255 - 12320 255 - 12320 255 - 12321 255 - 12321 255 - 12321 255 - 12321 255 - 12321 255 - 12322 255 - 12322 255 - 12322 255 - 12322 255 - 12322 - 4301 - 7303 - 7303 - 7305 - 4301 - 7299 - 7303 - 7303 - 7305 - 4301 - 7299 - 7303 - 7303 - 7305 - 4301 - 7294 - 7303 - 7303 - 7305 No�mal A�tivity Services � � � � � Transfer From Intemal Service Fund Transfer From In2emal Service Fund Transfer From Special Revenue Fund Nom�al Acuvity Services Transfer Fr General Fund Transfer From Intemal Service Fund Transfer From Intemal Service Fund Trensfer From Special Revenue Fund Normal Activity Services Transfer Fr Genera] Fund Transfer From Intemal Service Fund Transfer From Iatemal Service Fund Transfer From Special Revenue Fuod Nonnal Activity Services Traasfer Fr General Fund Transfer From Inremal Service Fund Transfer From Intemal Service Fund Trausfer From Special Revenue Fund Totals 0.00 28,732.00 28,732.00 14,366.00 0.00 20,958.00 122,953.0(1 393,833.00 159,658.00 0.00 57,000.00 148,8'77.00 213,549.00 25,742.00 0.00 63,707.00 124,482.00 337,842.00 72,720.00 2,139,038.00 'DO0 � 5 �} 3 71,830.00 71,830.00 -28,732.00 0.00 -28,732.00 0.00 -14,366.00 0.00 697,402.00 697,402.00 -20,958.00 0.00 -122,953.Q0 Q.W 393,833.00 0.00 -159,658.00 0.00 445,168.00 445,1b8.00 -57,000.00 0.00 -148,877.00 0.00 -213,549.00 0.00 -25,742.00 0.00 598,751.00 598,751.00 -63,707.0� 0.00 -124,482.00 4.00 -337,842.00 0.00 -72,720.00 0.00 0.00 2,139,038.00 51 260 - 22200 - 0299 Other-Misc. Services 0.00 52 260 - 22200 - 0567 Transfer ro Intemal Service Fund 480,580.00 Totals 48Q580.00 Grand Total 4,288,623.00 Adjust the budgets of Administration Fund 255 and other Public Works funds • 53 001 - 02150 - 0299 54 001 - 02150 - 0558 55 2A5 - 12101 - 0299 56 205 - 12101 - 0558 57 225 - 42310 - 0299 SS 225 - 42310 - 0558 59 235 - 32001 - 4301 60 235 - 32001 - 7299 61 235 - 32001 - 7302 62 235 - 32001 - 7303 63 235 - 32001 - 7305 64 240 - 65 240 - 66 240 - 67 240 - 68 240 - • 69 240 - 70 240 - 71 ?AO - 72 240 - 12005 12005 12006 12006 12007 12007 12009 12004 12013 - 0299 - 0558 - 0299 - 0558 - 0299 - 0558 - 0299 - 0558 - 0299 Other-Misc. Services Transfer to Spea Revenue Fund Other-Misa Services T�ansfer to Spec. Ravenue Fund o.00 177,723.00 Totals 177,723.00 0.00 197,804.00 Totals 19�,804.00 Other-Misc. Services Transfer to Spec. Revenue Fund Normal Activity Services Transfer Fr General Fund Transfei fr Enterprise Fund Transfer From Intemal Service Fund Transfer From Special Revenue Fund Totals Other-Misc. Services Transfer to Spec. Revenue Fund Other-Misc. Services Transfer to Spec. Revenue Fund Other-Misc. 5ervices Transfer to Spec. Revenue Fund Other-Misa Services Transferto Spec. Revenue Fund Other-Misc. Services 450,580.00 480,580.00 -480,580.00 0.00 Q.QO 48Q,580.Q0 0.00 4,288,623.00 16�,575.00 167,575.OD -167,575.00 10,148.00 0.00 177,723.�0 182, 214.00 182, 214.00 -182,214.00 15,59a.0� 0.00 197,804.00 6,000.00 184,227.00 190 195,38A.00 -184,227.00 11,157.00 0.00 804,603.00 804,603.00 175,947.00 -175,947.00 0.00 lO5,A50.00 -105,450.00 0.00 327,822.00 -327,322.00 0.00 195,384.00 -195,384.00 0.00 1,005,98?.00 0.00 1,005,987.00 2,000.00 34,304.00 36,304.00 41,A31.00 -34,304.00 7,127.90 24,535.00 34,305.00 58,840.00 41,d31.00 -34,305.00 7,126.00 0.00 34,304.00 34,304.00 41,430.00 -34,304.00 7,126.00 1,500.00 34,303.00 35,803.00 41,430.00 34,303.00 7,127.00 1 D,156.00 33,944.00 44,100.00 �. � �� y �� i5�43 73 ?AO - 12013 - 0558 . 74 260 - 22200 - 0299 75 260 - 22200 - 0558 TransfeT to Spec. Revenue Fund 36,000.00 33,944.00 2,056.00 Totais 239,913.00 0.00 239,913.00 Other-Misc. Services 0.00 99,429.00 99,429.00 Transfer to Intemal Service Fund 105,450.00 -99,429.00 6,021.00 Totals 105,450.00 0.00 105,450.00 GrandTotal 1,726,877.00 0.00 1,726,877.00 Adjust the budgets of Right Of Way Fund 235 and other Public Works funds C , J Pteparetl by ActiHty Manaqer • �- �� � Req�eslMby.D paNnen[ irecta `\� �7��� ��V `�--�oC MP eYO� � �- i�-�a bate � � Interdepartmental Memorandum cuy ofsa�e r�z TO: FROM: DATE: RE: 7oe Reid, FSO D'uector Tom Cran a�-- May 14, 1998 AO for Internal Service funds 235 and 255 � '�00�5�3 '� a� �{ The attached Administrative Order with Green Sheet 26072 conects the treatment of two new Public Works funds created for the 1998 budget. Fund 255 was created to account for the administrative costs of Public Works and contains the directors office, accounting and personel and the like. The creation of the fund as an Internal service fund changed the prior accounting from a special revenue fund and the different accounting methods were lost in the tracking for movement of functions and personel. The difference in treatment is that the costs of administration are charged not as transfers, but actual purchase of services by the other PW funds. This has the appearance of doubling the expenses, but the internal service funds are treated differently in the Annual Financial Report, and overall city spending will be conectly reported. Fund 235 is the Right of Way (ROVi� fund. This again was a change in how these issue were being accounted for in PW. This also is an Internal Service fund, although I thought more financing was to come from sources outside the City and would have been either a Special Revenue fund or an Enterprise fund. Tlus fund will be collecting more of its' financing from the PW, Water, and similar sources than I originally contemplated. It could have properly been either, and is alright to be an proprietary fund of one sort or another. It does change the method of moving money between this fund and other PW funds similar to fund 255 above. � Public Works Dick Rupert 266-6058 COUNQL AGENDA BY (DATE) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES S�Y�k7L•I3 GREEN DFPAf7�MEM DIFiECTOF ASS16P1 MIMBEFt FOq ROUTING OHDER ❑ CITV ATTORNEV ❑ FINANqALSFAVICESO1iL ❑ MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn ❑ (CLfP AlL LOCATIONS FOR 26072 cmcouNCi� ❑ GIttC � FlNANCIALSERV/ACCTG — ❑ ❑ DiGcF rt SfGNAT RE� 4 � ACTION pEQUESTED Approve the budget revision of the Administration Fund 255 and Right Of WayFund 235, `I4�affic Fund 240, Street Repair and Maintenance Fund 225, Sewer Service Fund 260, Public Works General Fund 001, Asphalt Fund 245, Municipal Equipment Fund 250, Public Works Engineering Fund 205 and Recycling Fund 232. In the Administration Fund change the financing source from Transfers In to Normal Service Revenue and revise the contributing fixnd's budgets from Transfers Out to Miscellaneous Services. RECOMMENDATIONS:Apprwe (A) or Reject (R) PLANNIN6 COMMiSSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISF 1, Has this personlfirtn ever worked under a contract Eor iNS depaRment? YES NO 2, Nas Ynis persoNfirtn ever been z ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any curten[ city employee? VES NO 4. Is this person/firm a targeted vendoR VES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATINC� PpOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHA7, WHEN, WHERE. WHI�: The Administrative fund 255 and Right Of WayFund 235 of Public Works are internal service funds. They receive revenues by providing services to the operating funds within Public Works. The budgets of the funds need to be revised to more accurately reflect the character of the revenue produced and services received. The budget will be handled appropriately in 1999. A�VANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The funds financial statements will reflect the essential nature of the transactions, revenue earned and services provided, services received and e�enses paid. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED� None MAY 151998 �IS DVANTA ES IF NOT APP OV D: C�assification o�' �inancial transactions will not be in conformance with City practices, financial accounting theory and practice and the Governmental Accounting Standards Board, GASS. Use of transfers in and transfers out is the wron� classification for an internal service fund. lOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION$ Net$(1 COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEON� YES NO � NGSOURCE Aci'IVfrvNUMBER Fund 001, 205, 225, 232, 235, 24Q 245, 25Q CIALINFORMATION(EXPIAIN) 2SS� I.6O C Y■ �� �'"