06-895Council File # _��_—_ ��
Presented By
Referred To
GreenSheet# 3032801
Committee: Date
WIIEREAS, Moss Enterprises, Inc. d/b(a R Vescovino, located at 574 Selby Avenue in Saint
Paul, has requested a waiver of the 45-day norice requirement for issuance of on-sale liquor, Sunday on-
sale liquor, and liquor outdoor service area (patio) licenses; and
WHEREAS, the Summit-University Planning Council, Steve Boland, Executive Director, has
agreed to the waiver of the norice requirements; and
4VHEREAS, the Council finds that the application is in order and there aze no grounds for denial
of the license and that the failure to grant the waiver and the consequent delay in approving the license
would cause exceptional and unusual hazdship to the license applicant; and
WHEREAS, the licensee agrees that in the event a complaint is received prior to the expiration of
the 45-day period and the complaint provides a basis for adverse acrion against the license, that the Office
of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection may direct the licensee to immediately discontinue
all operations unril a public hearing is scheduled, and that the licensee shall comply with said directive;
now, therefore, be it,
RESOLVED, that the 45 day norice requirements of § 409.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code
aze hereby waived and on-sale liquor, Sunday on-sale liquor, and liquor outdoor service area (patio)
licenses are issued to Moss Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a II Vescovino, located at 579 Selby Avenue in Saint
Paul, subject to the agreement stated above.
Requested by Department of:
e ( ',�.�� �►- ��
Form AppTOVed by City ttorney
Approved Ma or for mis 'on to Council
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
� , 74SEP-06 � Green Sheet NO: 3032801
ContactPerson 8 Phone:
qVistine A. Razek
Must Be on Council Ageni
E-0ocumeMRequired: Y
DocumentContaM: RobertHumphrey
Contact Phone: 266-9123
� DeoartrneM SentToPerson InitiaUDare
0 icensellnsoecboWEowonPro I I
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Roufing 3 's e Ma o/Assistant -
Order 4 ooncil
5 Clerk Ci etk
Topl # of SignaWre Pages _(Clip All Locations for SignaW re)
•• `�"°D•�••• K.LSOtul.arv
Approval of an ^ - a` ----- granting Moss Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a Vescovino, located at 579 Selby Ave. a waiver of the 45 day notice
requirements for issuance oF on-sate liquor, Sunday on-sale liquor, and liquor outdoors service azea (patio) licenses.
Must Mswer the Following Questions:
Planning Commission �, � this pers«Ufirtn e�er worked under a cont2ct for Ihis departmeM?
GB CommiKee Yes No
CiHI Senice Commission 2. Has this persoNflrtn e�er been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this personlfirtn possess a skill not nortnalty possessed by any
currerrt city empioyee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separste sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, Whaf, When, Where, Why):
Chapter 409.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code requires a AS day notificarion period for issuance of these licenses. Council action
necessary to waive this requirement. The Summit-Universiry Planning Council has agreed to the waiving of the notificarion
requirements (see attached).
Advantages If Approved:
� �
Disativantages IfApproved:
� ;
Disadvantages If Not Approved: �,
FundinA Soume:
Financial Information:
CosURevenue Budgeted:
Activity Number:
���s�c4t �?�se�6c�s Ce�f��
September 14, 2006129 PM Page 1
BoardofDirecmrs September8,2006
Suve�kon—Hallie Ms. Christine Rozek
Q. Brown Communiq LIEP Deputy Director
�"`�' Commerce Building
v��e cn�� 8 Fourth Street East, Suite 200
AmyMichael Saint Paui, MN 55101
Michelle Beeman
Tim Jorissen
Ramsey'Hill Assodation
Improvemenc and
Safeq, Chair
Richard "Woodj�'
Developmen; Chair
Mdy Morgan
Communiqtions and
Outreach, Chair
Dan Duddingscon
Lu�heran Chur<h ofrhe
Bonnie Hughes
Selby Area Business
Carl Nelson
Uniry Church -
Pauline Eichcen
F2nce5 Goodlow
Stan Crardner
Re: License tVumber 20060002586, IV Vescovino, Sormerly The Vintage, 579 Seiby
Ms. Rozek,
The Summit-University Planning Councif was contacYed by Jim Risimini regarding his
group's lease of the former Vintage restaurant space at 579 Selby Avenue, and his
request to transfer the Vintage's licenses for a new restaurant, II VesCOVino. At our
request, Mr. Risimini attended our Neighborhood Issues meeting to discuss his plans and
answer quesiions firom neighbors. The Council posted this information on our Web site,
and distributed fiiers by hand to the surrounding blocks to encourage neighbors to attend
this meeting.
Several neighbors did attend the meeting on August 15, and were pleased to hear of the
new owners' experience and commitment to the success of the restaurant. There were
concerns expressed that the live entertainment license not be used to an e�ent that
would produce loud music in the evenings for neigh6oring houses, and Mr. Risimini
assured us that the iniention was for moderate indoor use of entertainment and these
activities would not disturb the residents of the area. Mr. Risimini promised to investigate
wnether there was a more appropriate license category fior the type of entertainment he
intended to provide, and our otfice did later receive his response indicating the original
application was the appropriate one,.
An additional concern was raised regarding trash handling, odor and pick-up frequency
under the previous restaurant at that location. Mr. Risimini promised to address those
concerns to minimize effects of trash in the area.
Rev, Darryl Spence The Summit-University Planning Council Board of Directors reviewed this information at
Pat Lamb their August 22 meeting, and voted to recommend II Vescovino receive all licenses they
Marqurcn Ransom have requested, and that the required 45 day waiting period be waived to ailow them to
open when renovations to the space are compieted. If we can provide any further
Richard Kleinbaum information, piease do hesitate to contact me.
Harry Oda
Wendy Underwood
Mary Gardner
Crisry Kruse
Rosalie Moore
Heide Pl�aum
Charissa BrJanc
Kal el-Effendi
StBVe BOland
Executive Director
627SeIbyAvenue-SaintPaul,MN SS104:: Voice651-228-I855—Fax651-225-1108
http•l/www.Summit-U.com — infio@Summit-U.com