219039 . � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLlRK .e ��9a�9 � , �� - ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N Llc�rrts�,oor�TT� � �` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UNCIL ESO TION—GENERAL FORM COMM SS�IONE p,+rF Jnl 9�L _ .�C--7��, RFSOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following Persons at the addr$sses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. .� I�arvi.n �. Bro�n ,. 1581 Ford Pkwy. Cas Sta. 8P App.8278Renewa7. " � " , Gen.R,e�A.Garage n n n ° . " perid.118,Ch.I+oe. n n n a , n . C.�.ga7�ette n n n N�ck Choukalas . 1587 Selby I�y.DC Pickup " 8312" � Brnce Pnblishing Co. ` 2b42 IIn.f.versity Vend.�ach.Loc. p 8323" P�rris Saunrlers � 974 Selby ?�dy.DC Plant " g544n Coca Cola Bottling Co.��St. Catherines (bllege �r 2004 Randolph Vend.Mach.Loc. " 8596" . . �Kam, Inc. " 940 R�ce Grocery " 8985" n � " Butcher " " n " Florist-N. n a n " _ " dff Sale 1Kalt " n n " '� " C.�.gax�ette n n a P�oneer Vend. Service�Allen Marg�tte 665 S. S�u�ng Vend.Maeh.Loc. " 903'7° James Zacks ; M3��esota Bldg. Lobby Barber " 9044" 1K�dway Ternt�nal lrlhse., ;Inc. 429 N. Pri.or Vend.Ma,ch.Loc. " 9088" 3�dwi.n B. Jentink . 1899 Stillwater Baker� " 9171" Leonard & Leona Hauwiller 1424 W1�.te.Bear Bakery " 9175" �rnold Tessmer �Ra,y J. ,;Hessler 80 S. `Saelling Vend.Nlach.Loc. " 9180" The John Roberts Achievement Qub 2200 IIni.versity " n 9192n P�oneer Vend. �Wm. NS�tchell College of Law 2112 Summit ° n 9�3t�." Council File No. 219039— Bq Dean COLJNCILI�N M�'e�'�- � > Adopted by the Council 19— r Resolved, That licenses applled for I by the persony named on.�the llst Yeas Nays f attached to�this,resolution be and the same aze hereby granted, and the Dal lish City Clerk is i.nstructea to �ssue such g llcenses upon the payment into the City trgasury of the required Pees. 19— Holland • Adopted,by the Council July 7, 1964. Approved July 7, 1984. • Loss (.Tu1y 1I, lss4f � �-�.-..� Meredith � Peterson � A►gSiI1St Rosen Mr. Presidenc, Vavoulis 1on� e-as � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK - ���0�^ ` ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� '`,.�' ' ' '� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO is c�rtsE aor�rr� . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED oY COMMISSIONEt pArF J111,�7� 1964 Contd. Page 2 . , Niles & Eleanor Niva ; 229 W. 7th Restaurant App.9300Renewal " ' ,. " �garette tt n n Coca Cola �3M Co. ; 102,� E. 7th Vend.Ma.ch.Loc. p 9418" Albert Phi�lip � 196-200 Concord Hardware ° 9426" Anton M. Voeller � 9�+3 E. 3rd. Barber " 9427� Davidson Cafeteria� Inc. 107 E. 6th Restaurant p 9494" " � " G`.�garette ° n " Santtary Farm �3M Co. ' 1020 York Vend.Maah.Loc. " 95�" 9uclre Luchin er '. 10?5 Hudson Rd. Y g ' Beauty Shop " 9585" Mae & S��ey P�.lot ' 654 Ha11 Grocery " 9'7'j4" " ,' " Frozen �eats " " " " - " Off Sale Malt " " " " " G`�garette " " " �K Vend. �Marvtn Schlof;f 143 E. 8th Vend.Mach.�+oc. " 9743" Arthur Brooks •� 270 E. 7th Barber " 9752" Robert Tour3.ng ; 989 �orman-�u.St. Paul Veh.Peddler " 9797" Nel7ie Barkley � 909 E. 7th Beauty Shop " 9851n Rice-Phi.11�ps La,undry Co. 1278 Grand Idy.DC Fickup " 9855" Nelson Drugs, Inc. 1984 Sti.11water Confectfonery " 9862" n • n G`�g2�'e��e n n n Vernon A. Fremstad , 642 �. S�th Confecti.onery " 9889" " � " r Frozen Meats " " " " ' " Off Sale �a1t " " n � n p - GY�garette n n n COiJNCILMEN - Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays •• Dalglish � Holland Approved 19— Loss . Tn Favor Meredith ,, Peterson ' �yOr A gainst Rosen i Mr. President, Vavoulis tons e-sa " � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLEItK � . ��y?���7 � . ° � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO � LIC�:NSE .00I�ITT.� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY COMMISSIONER p,�,rF eT111p ��9� Cont d. Page 3 Truman L. H j elle � 1665 A R�.ce Gro ce ry App.9 897Renewal ° " But che r " n " Aarold L. C�lson � 902 �rcade Gas Sta. 2P � 9898" " { " Gen.Ga.rage " " " " � " gend.Mach.Loc. " " " John E. O�Hwyer' e 1000-10 W. 7th Gas Sta. 6P n ��5n n n n n n � � n Gen.F�p.Gar. � Vend.I�ach.Loc. " " " H q ;� , �garette �� n n Kenneth A. Anderson Room �229 1821 IIniversity Beanty Shop " 9917" G�ril J. Woodward 92� W. 7th Barber ° 9918" Robert Kemp 1340 Thomas Confectionery " 9427" n � " Off Sale Malt " n n n . " 0l�.ga.rette " a n KatY�erl�.ne L. 0�Connor 509 Selb� Grocery " 9930" " ' " Frozen 1'�eats " " " � " Off Sa1e r'lalt n n n R ° Cfgarette " "_ " Sol W3.ner � �� 739 Selby Grocery n ��,n " Butcher " " ° " " Of£ Sale Malt " " " n �� n n u . _ �.garette �Eup Bottling Co. �Hf.gbland Park Golf G'lub House � , Montreal Avenue Vend.Mach.Loc. " 9935" Mr. & A�s. Carl B. Fal�an 189 Concord. Bakery " 9950" ?. R�chard Hennen 1404 Raymond Restaurant " 9953" n ._ n tt Grocery " " " , n G`�g2.2�ette n n n COLTNCILMEN � Adopted by the Council I9— Yeas Nays Dalglish � Holland " Appx'oved 19— Loss � Tn Favor Meredith � Pete rs on , MByOr A gainst Rosen , Mr. President, Vavoulis lons e-as � F ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK f'��Y [��' y , • ' ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �� " % ' � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO ��� ��1� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY Jt11yn7� 19�, COMMISSIONEQ DATE Contd. Page „ Tom Tn7. Opheim �A,�,ghland Park Swl,xaning Pool ° Moirtreal Aven�e Vend.Mach.Loc. �pp.9960Renewal (�nteen �T.C. Federal �Savings & Loan 395 N. Robert " " 9977" " �Wh�.rlpool Corp. � 850 �rcade " " 9980" Griswold Hot Coffee Co. �3M Co. 1080 Haze1 Vend.Mach.Loc. " 9998" L�,igene' Chr�stensen . Phalen Park Beach Confect�onery " 10008" Harold & A13�ce Niess 1059 •E• �+th Grocery " " 10U10� " " � Frozen Meats " " " n ' " Off Sa1e 1''lalt x a o n a " GS.�arette » n n Joseph Fren 825 E. 7th Gas Sta. 4P " 100?J�" n �� F " �rfg.Conta�ner n n N � and S, Inc. � 1546 Como Crrocery u I0034° " Butcher '! " "_ � " Off Sale Ma.lt " ° " p n ' G�.ga ret te n n a Roger A. Honerbr�.nk �� 830 S. Robert Qas Sta. 4P " 10037" " Gen.Garage " " " � " Trafler Rental " " " n n Vend.Mach.Loc. " " " � ° �garette n ii ri Orv�.11e Evenson '� 3?o Auc�tor�.um Pkg. Iot 25et " 10039n Gene Lowe . 1984 Stillwater__ Barber " 10054" L OK Vend. �$Standard Stor,age Battery Cb. 2306 Robb�ns Vend.�ch. oc. " 10058n " ��Int. Aod (�rri�ers Bldg. & Coirm�on Laborers IInion �132 " ` " 10059" (347 �F IIn�ver. COITNCILI�N Adopted by the Councit 19— Yeas Nays I Dalglish • � Holland Approved 19— Loss � Tn FSVOr Meredith Peterson MAyOr ' A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis loat e-as .r ORIGINAL TO CITY CLHRK �� W�t�� � ` ' ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ''°� LzCENSE DoI�tITT� � .: OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY COMMISSIONEQ DATE Ju�-Q � 19�4 Contd. 'Page 5 , Margaret Faber ��.meon , 1390 Prosperity Grocery App.10066Renewal " , " Off Sale Malt " " " n n ' G`�g3ri°tte ° n n Norman E. Boucher, Jr.': 1440 R3.ce Gas Sta. 6P " 1�068° n n Vend.N'1ach.Loc. " �� n n °n - C�ga�ette n n n Edward L. Withers . �4� Rondo Barber " 10069n Will�arn Oglansky _ �03-7 w. 7th C�rocery " 10073" n " Froz. Meats n n n Walter R�eland r 617 Stryker Gas Sta. 4P " 100�sn n ° " Geri.Rep.Garage " n n " " Tra�ler Rental " " n n ' " Vend.�-�1ch�LOC. n a n r n - n G`�garette �� n n n G`�g.�per. n n n Phillip J. Skarda � 1017 W. 7th Restaurant � 10082" „ n Ciga2�ette n M n Pat-N�k, Inc. ;p 7?'14 S. Oolfax Mpls. Fdstf.VM Oper. " 10091" Quick 5erv�ce Battery� Inc. 626 r1. Robert Gas Sta. 3P " 10111" n „ Vend.MRCh.LOC. n �� n Freda gunze 1106-8 W. 7th Confecttonery " 10113u p ; � �� �ga2'ett@ n n n RJran Landscape Supply, Iric. 14�6 Rice Vend.Ma,ch.Loc. " 10117" � ging �prtical Co. � 500 �I�dland Bldg. Opt�.cian " 10132° Joseph Ross� ° 8�8 Payne Restaurant " 1013.5" n " On & Off Sale Maltn n n p -- n ��garette � n n COUNCILIu�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland � Approved , 19_ Loss Tn Favor Meredith � Peterson �' MAyor - A gainst Rosen ' Mr. President, Vavoulis � ion� aas ' ORIGIHAL TO CITY CLERK ������ , .:" ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO LIC�;NSE CDMMITTEE , ' ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO,UNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM ►RESENTED CY JL1]. 29�, COMMISSIONEQ pA� 9 7� Contd. Page 6 '� , Jack C. Peterson �� 789 Rtce Gas Sta. 6P �pp.10138Renewal n " Gen.Rep.Garage " " " n " Vend.Mach.Loc. " " " a n G`�.gaTette n n a Donald A. �nderson 816 E. 7th Confectionery " 10172n n n G`1 g8i�e t'te n +� n .. Marvin Lerol ,� 1090 Ri�ce Beauty Shop " 10173" Samuel Sevak 74 E. Fairfield Junk Dealer " 10191" , F�lcon Dry Qeaners 1536 White Bear ldy.DC P�.ckup " 10197" Red �wl Stores. Inc. 1345 E. Magnolia C�rocery " 10198" " . " Butcher " " " n " Hardware ' n n n . Q � " Flol'1st n n n ° " Off Sale 1Ka,lt " " " " � " Ci.garette n �� n , Pearl �. Worre _ 976 Arcade Beauty Shop " 10205" Mrs. John M., Ebert "' 1263 St. Qair Beauty Shop " 10214" Mrs. Robert Morse ' Phalen Park P3.cnic Grds. Restaurant ° 10215n � � " G`.�gare'tte n n p Dart Transit Co. �1 780 AT. Prior Vend.Mach.I�oc. " 10216" Samnel A. Bonfe � 380 W. 7th gen.Garage " 10220" Phi.]..i.p C. D�ttes �1�88 Endicott Bldg. Photographer " 1U227" Bro�ans Ice GY�eam Co. 1855 E. Lake Mpls. 1V�1604 (Ice G�c�eam) 1021+3" M�dwest Television Systems, Inc. 1621 Hennepin Mpls. TP Master App.1021+6" n p 1 Serviceman n n a COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council IIII 7 1QRd 19— - --� Yeas Nays ' � Dalglish , ' �� �4�� ( �9�. Holland " A ro ed i q I � �""� Tn Favor Meredith � Peterson � MAyor A gainst Rosen „ Mr. President, Vavoulis :, , iont a�s 1 e i