219030 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �j�y�, �J'(,�, o CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO LICF�1sE C�ITTEE . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIO —GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY ' COMMISSIONE pA� JLl�.� 7� 196l� ,� t � RE�DLVID: Tha� Application H-8310 for General �uto Repair Garage� Foodstuff Vending ' Machine F,ocation and Cigarette licenses, �plied for by Roger A. Goss at 1400 St.�lair Avenue, be and the same are hereby granted, provided� ��t however�1=t-,hat no gagage or body work wi11 be done after 9 o'clock p.m. nor on Stiindays� and that all other activities will be stopped at 9 o'clock p.m. Council F111e No. 219030—By Dean Meredith— for�General AutotRep apirllGaiage,Food� ' �stuff-Vending Machine Locatioa and Cigazette licenses, applied por by Roger A.Goss at 14Q0 St,Clair_Avenue, F be and the s�e a1�e hereby granted, �body dwork w�iile be'done afte r9 o c ock �N�� p.m.nor on Sundays, and that all other activities will be stopped at 9 o'clock p.m. - . Adopted,by ther"Council Ju�y 7, 19B4. RESTRSCTIONS Approved July 7, iss4. (Tuly'll, 1984) �,�� 7 � COLJNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays J�L 7 qA�q Dalglish ���f Holland Appro ed 19— �s- Tn Favor L Meredith Peterson �yOr , , �-a��t � Rosen � Mr. President, Vavoulis 1on� e-as