06-891Council File # D( –�f � / Green Sheet # ,30 3 aS5! � RESOLUTION CITY Pzesented PAUL, MINNESOTA � Resolved, that upon execution and delivery of a release of a11 claims to the City of Saint Paui, the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to pay from the Saint Paul Police Department's Tort Liability Fund, GL 001-04100-0Sll, to Walter W. Schmitt, Jr. and his attorneys Peterson & Nelson, the sum of ten thousand dollars and no cents ($10,000.00), in full and final settlement of any and all claims for damages sustained on the 26`� day of June, 2004 at or near the intersection of Farest and Conway, Saint Paul, MN, when a collision occurred between a Saint Pau1 Police squad and the vehicle driven by Mr. Schmitt. 10 11 12 13 14 : �I DATED: �i G � 17 J�&�e of District Court Adopted by Council: Date f'/ ��'/�� ���—. Adoption Certified by CouncIl Secretary Br� � dr. Approved ay � Date I d Z G� By: Form Ap ved 6y C' Attomey By: � Foan Apprgxeyi by�v_fayor for Sub "ssion to Council r// �1 By: (�L-�_ f ,� Requested by Department of Human Resowc@s: � Green Sheet Green 5heet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheef n�-�� � Departmentlofficeiwuncil: Date Initiated: N -x��„�o� 06SEP-06 Green Sheet NO: 3032547 CorMact Pereon & Phone: ���ent Sent To Person Ini ' te Sandra Botlensteiner � 0 uman Resoarces �SK MAvink� 6512668887 pujgn 1 umanResources De arime tD'rec[ r Must Be on Couneil Agenda by (Date): Number Z i a cial 'ces irecm 700 CA 20.SEP-06 For �� , � Routing 3 i Attorne CA 700CH '2w�i/�!�(� � / Y! Order A or• �ce Ma o/As is t 5 o ncil C' Couneil 6 ler i 1 r Total # of Signature Pages l (Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Approval of Resolufion settling the bodily injury claim of Walter W. Schmitt, Jr, against the Ciry of Saint Paul and the Saint Paul Police Deparhnentfor $10,000. Recommendatlons: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a wnhact for this depaAment? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persontfirtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? , Yes No Euplain alI yes answers on separefe sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): On 7une 26th, 2004, a Saint Paul Police squad driven by Brady Harrison shuck the vehicle driven by Waker Schmitt at the intersection of Forest and Conway, Saint Paul, MN. A full and final release has been received from Mr. ScLmitt and his attomey. �`'�°_ �� � .� � AdvanWqes If Approved: " An outstanding claim against the City of Saint Paul will be settled R�GE��9ED `�� � 1 � Z ��� � �� � � � � � �'�'� DisadvantaqeslfApproved: � None. i�Af�����5 19���°.�,3s�. Disadvantapes If Not Approved: An outstanding claim against the City of Saint Pau1 could go into lirigation and end up costing the City of Saint Paul more. Total Amount of Transaction: 10000 CosURevenue Budgeted: y { � �� �cit �es..aty� �����i Fundinq Source: GL 001 Activitv Number: 04100-0511 Financial information: Police DepazhnenPs Tort Liability Fund S �� ������ (Explain) nua-sl-O6 03:02pm From-Petarson and Nalson 651 77d 061d T-2d8 P 002J002 F-974 �j�O���l Retease of Ail Claims Fi1e Number C-040200 in sole consideration ofi the payment of ten thousand doltars and no cents {$10,000.00}, ta me paid in ha�d, 1 da hereby refease artd forever discharge the City of Sai�t Paut, the Saint Paut Pofice Depattment, Brady Harrison, their representavves, successors, employees, assigns and all other persons, firms and corpora�ions from any liabifity, claims, actions, causes ofi action, and demands of any kind, known or unknown, existing or to arise in the future, resulung from or reiated m any damage, loss or injury sustained by me arising fsam an incident which took pface on or about the 26'" day of June, 2004 at or near tha intersection of Forest and Conway, Saint Paul, MN. I understand that the injury may be permanent and progressive, and that recovery may be uncerrain. I refy only on my own judgment, and on the recommendations made by my legai representative, in making this release and do not rely on any other person in any way . . . " . . I understand that my signing betow, I agree to be responsible for aii medical bitls or expenses related ta this incident, including those known and unknown, billed or yet to be billed, and that by releasing the above named parties, I accept that they are not responsible for any of these charges. The payment of this money is not to be construed as an admission of liability. It represents only the Compromise of a doubtFui and disputed cfaim. 7his release contains the entire agreement between the parties hereto, and the terms of Yhis re(ease are contractual and nota mere recital. 7HE UNDERSIGNED HAS READ THE �OREGOIfVG AND FULLY UNDERSTANDS IT and signs and dates it this � day of 3 � , 2006. — ,,-.- - -�� ; �� i ,/ �% _, ,._ / '� �. 11l��'- - �f %% .� %�i S_ �.�-- n�------ witness Subscribed and sworn to before me •- • � • � • , 1.��/..�.� /�,I �%1�%� ._ .. - �� � �-�-- �-�� � Sociel Security Number tiENiSE D. ROTFF NpTHRY Rl&,tC -AMJhESOTA M1n' COMM1S310N EXPIRES JqN, 37, 2 01 O